use crate::sshd::session; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use assert_fs::TempDir; use predicates::prelude::*; use rstest::*; use std::convert::TryInto; use wezterm_ssh::{FileType, Session, SftpChannelError, SftpError, Utf8PathBuf}; // Sftp file tests mod file; #[inline] fn file_type_to_str(file_type: FileType) -> &'static str { if file_type.is_dir() { "dir" } else if file_type.is_file() { "file" } else { "symlink" } } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn read_dir_should_return_list_of_directories_files_and_symlinks(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; // $TEMP/dir1/ // $TEMP/dir2/ // $TEMP/file1 // $TEMP/file2 // $TEMP/dir-link -> $TEMP/dir1/ // $TEMP/file-link -> $TEMP/file1 let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir1 = temp.child("dir1"); dir1.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let dir2 = temp.child("dir2"); dir2.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let file1 = temp.child("file1"); file1.touch().unwrap(); let file2 = temp.child("file2"); file2.touch().unwrap(); let link_dir = temp.child("link-dir"); link_dir.symlink_to_dir(dir1.path()).unwrap(); let link_file = temp.child("link-file"); link_file.symlink_to_file(file1.path()).unwrap(); let mut contents = session .sftp() .read_dir(temp.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to read directory") .into_iter() .map(|(p, s)| (p, file_type_to_str(s.ty))) .collect::>(); contents.sort_unstable_by_key(|(p, _)| p.to_path_buf()); assert_eq!( contents, vec![ (dir1.path().to_path_buf().try_into().unwrap(), "dir"), (dir2.path().to_path_buf().try_into().unwrap(), "dir"), (file1.path().to_path_buf().try_into().unwrap(), "file"), (file2.path().to_path_buf().try_into().unwrap(), "file"), (link_dir.path().to_path_buf().try_into().unwrap(), "symlink"), ( link_file.path().to_path_buf().try_into().unwrap(), "symlink" ), ] ); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn create_dir_should_create_a_directory_on_the_remote_filesystem(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); session .sftp() .create_dir(temp.child("dir").path().to_path_buf(), 0o644) .await .expect("Failed to create directory"); // Verify the path exists and is to a directory temp.child("dir").assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn create_dir_should_return_error_if_unable_to_create_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); // Attempt to create a nested directory structure, which is not supported let result = session .sftp() .create_dir(temp.child("dir").child("dir").path().to_path_buf(), 0o644) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly succeeded in creating directory: {:?}", result ); // Verify the path is not a directory temp.child("dir") .child("dir") .assert(predicate::path::is_dir().not()); temp.child("dir").assert(predicate::path::is_dir().not()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_dir_should_remove_a_remote_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); // Removing an empty directory should succeed let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); session .sftp() .remove_dir(dir.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to remove directory"); // Verify the directory no longer exists dir.assert(predicate::path::is_dir().not()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_dir_should_return_an_error_if_failed_to_remove_directory( #[future] session: Session, ) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); // Attempt to remove a missing path let result = session .sftp() .remove_dir(temp.child("missing-dir").path().to_path_buf()) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly succeeded in removing missing directory: {:?}", result ); // Attempt to remove a non-empty directory let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); dir.child("file").touch().unwrap(); let result = session.sftp().remove_dir(dir.path().to_path_buf()).await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly succeeded in removing non-empty directory: {:?}", result ); // Verify the non-empty directory still exists dir.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); // Attempt to remove a file (not a directory) let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let result = session.sftp().remove_dir(file.path().to_path_buf()).await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly succeeded in removing file: {:?}", result ); // Verify the file still exists file.assert(predicate::path::is_file()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn metadata_should_return_metadata_about_a_file(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let metadata = session .sftp() .metadata(file.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for file"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(metadata.is_file(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn metadata_should_return_metadata_about_a_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let metadata = session .sftp() .metadata(dir.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for dir"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(metadata.is_dir(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn metadata_should_return_metadata_about_the_file_pointed_to_by_a_symlink( #[future] session: Session, ) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = session .sftp() .metadata(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for symlink"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(metadata.is_file(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(metadata.ty.is_file(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(!metadata.ty.is_symlink(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn metadata_should_return_metadata_about_the_dir_pointed_to_by_a_symlink( #[future] session: Session, ) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_dir(dir.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = session .sftp() .metadata(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for symlink"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(metadata.is_dir(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(metadata.ty.is_dir(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(!metadata.ty.is_symlink(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn metadata_should_fail_if_path_missing(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let result = session .sftp() .metadata(temp.child("missing").path().to_path_buf()) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Metadata unexpectedly succeeded: {:?}", result ); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_metadata_should_return_metadata_about_a_file(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let symlink_metadata = session .sftp() .symlink_metadata(file.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for file"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(symlink_metadata.is_file(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_metadata_should_return_metadata_about_a_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let symlink_metadata = session .sftp() .symlink_metadata(dir.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to metadata for dir"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(symlink_metadata.is_dir(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_metadata_should_return_metadata_about_symlink_pointing_to_a_file( #[future] session: Session, ) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = session .sftp() .symlink_metadata(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for symlink"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(!metadata.is_file(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(!metadata.ty.is_file(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(metadata.ty.is_symlink(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_metadata_should_return_metadata_about_symlink_pointing_to_a_directory( #[future] session: Session, ) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_dir(dir.path()).unwrap(); let metadata = session .sftp() .symlink_metadata(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to get metadata for symlink"); // Verify that file metadata makes sense assert!(!metadata.is_dir(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(!metadata.ty.is_dir(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); assert!(metadata.ty.is_symlink(), "Invalid file metadata returned"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_metadata_should_fail_if_path_missing(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let result = session .sftp() .symlink_metadata(temp.child("missing").path().to_path_buf()) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "symlink_metadata unexpectedly succeeded: {:?}", result ); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_should_create_symlink_pointing_to_file(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); session .sftp() .symlink(file.path().to_path_buf(), link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to create symlink"); assert!( std::fs::symlink_metadata(link.path()) .unwrap() .file_type() .is_symlink(), "Symlink is not a symlink!" ); // TODO: This fails even though the type is a symlink: // // link.assert(predicate::path::is_symlink()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_should_create_symlink_pointing_to_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); session .sftp() .symlink(dir.path().to_path_buf(), link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to create symlink"); link.assert(predicate::path::is_symlink()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn symlink_should_succeed_even_if_path_missing(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); let link = temp.child("link"); session .sftp() .symlink(file.path().to_path_buf(), link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to create symlink"); link.assert(predicate::path::is_symlink()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn read_link_should_return_the_target_of_the_symlink(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); // Test a symlink to a directory let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_dir(dir.path()).unwrap(); let path = session .sftp() .read_link(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to read symlink"); assert_eq!(path, dir.path()); // Test a symlink to a file let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link2"); link.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); let path = session .sftp() .read_link(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to read symlink"); assert_eq!(path, file.path()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn read_link_should_fail_if_path_is_not_a_symlink(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); // Test missing path let result = session .sftp() .read_link(temp.child("missing").path().to_path_buf()) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly read link for missing path: {:?}", result ); // Test a directory let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let result = session.sftp().read_link(dir.path().to_path_buf()).await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly read link for directory: {:?}", result ); // Test a file let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let result = session.sftp().read_link(file.path().to_path_buf()).await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly read link for file: {:?}", result ); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn canonicalize_should_resolve_absolute_path_for_relative_path(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; // For resolving parts of a path, all components must exist let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); temp.child("hello").create_dir_all().unwrap(); temp.child("world").touch().unwrap(); let rel = temp.child(".").child("hello").child("..").child("world"); // NOTE: Because sftp realpath can still resolve symlinks within a missing path, there // is no guarantee that the resulting path matches the missing path. In fact, // on mac the /tmp dir is a symlink to /private/tmp; so, we cannot successfully // check the accuracy of the path itself, meaning that we can only validate // that the operation was okay. let result = session.sftp().canonicalize(rel.path().to_path_buf()).await; assert!( result.is_ok(), "Canonicalize unexpectedly failed: {:?}", result ); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn canonicalize_should_either_return_resolved_path_or_error_if_missing( #[future] session: Session, ) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let missing = temp.child("missing"); // NOTE: Because sftp realpath can still resolve symlinks within a missing path, there // is no guarantee that the resulting path matches the missing path. In fact, // on mac the /tmp dir is a symlink to /private/tmp; so, we cannot successfully // check the accuracy of the path itself, meaning that we can only validate // that the operation was okay. // // Additionally, this has divergent behavior. On some platforms, this returns // the path as is whereas on others this returns a missing path error. We // have to support both checks. let result = session .sftp() .canonicalize(missing.path().to_path_buf()) .await; match result { Ok(_) => {} Err(SftpChannelError::Sftp(SftpError::NoSuchFile)) => {} #[cfg(feature = "libssh-rs")] Err(SftpChannelError::LibSsh(libssh_rs::Error::Sftp(_))) => {} x => panic!( "Unexpected result from canonicalize({}: {:?}", missing.path().display(), x ), } } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn canonicalize_should_fail_if_resolving_missing_path_with_dots(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let missing = temp.child(".").child("hello").child("..").child("world"); let result = session .sftp() .canonicalize(missing.path().to_path_buf()) .await; assert!(result.is_err(), "Canonicalize unexpectedly succeeded"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn rename_should_support_singular_file(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); session .sftp() .rename( file.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf(), Default::default(), ) .await .expect("Failed to rename file"); // Verify that file was moved to destination file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dst.assert("some text"); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn rename_should_support_dirtectory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let dir_file = dir.child("file"); dir_file.write_str("some text").unwrap(); let dir_dir = dir.child("dir"); dir_dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let dst = temp.child("dst"); session .sftp() .rename( dir.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf(), Default::default(), ) .await .expect("Failed to rename directory"); // Verify that directory was moved to destination dir.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dir_file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dir_dir.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dst.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); dst.child("file").assert("some text"); dst.child("dir").assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn rename_should_fail_if_source_path_missing(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let missing = temp.child("missing"); let dst = temp.child("dst"); let result = session .sftp() .rename( missing.path().to_path_buf(), dst.path().to_path_buf(), Default::default(), ) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Rename unexpectedly succeeded with missing path: {:?}", result ); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_file_should_remove_file(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); session .sftp() .remove_file(file.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to remove file"); file.assert(predicate::path::missing()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_file_should_remove_symlink_to_file(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let file = temp.child("file"); file.touch().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_file(file.path()).unwrap(); session .sftp() .remove_file(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to remove symlink"); // Verify link removed but file still exists link.assert(predicate::path::missing()); file.assert(predicate::path::is_file()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_file_should_remove_symlink_to_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let link = temp.child("link"); link.symlink_to_dir(dir.path()).unwrap(); session .sftp() .remove_file(link.path().to_path_buf()) .await .expect("Failed to remove symlink"); // Verify link removed but directory still exists link.assert(predicate::path::missing()); dir.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_file_should_fail_if_path_to_directory(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let dir = temp.child("dir"); dir.create_dir_all().unwrap(); let result = session.sftp().remove_file(dir.path().to_path_buf()).await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly removed directory: {:?}", result ); // Verify directory still here dir.assert(predicate::path::is_dir()); } #[rstest] #[smol_potat::test] #[cfg_attr(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux")), ignore)] async fn remove_file_should_fail_if_path_missing(#[future] session: Session) { let session: Session = session.await; let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap(); let result = session .sftp() .remove_file(temp.child("missing").path().to_path_buf()) .await; assert!( result.is_err(), "Unexpectedly removed missing path: {:?}", result ); }