const pi = 3.14159265359; // Quad describes 2D rectangle on a plane struct Quad { // The surface plane plane : vec4f, // A plane with a normal in the 'u' direction, intersecting the origin, at // right-angles to the surface plane. // The dot product of 'right' with a 'vec4(pos, 1)' will range between [-1..1] // if the projected point is within the quad. right : vec4f, // A plane with a normal in the 'v' direction, intersecting the origin, at // right-angles to the surface plane. // The dot product of 'up' with a 'vec4(pos, 1)' will range between [-1..1] // if the projected point is within the quad. up : vec4f, // The diffuse color of the quad color : vec3f, // Emissive value. 0=no emissive, 1=full emissive. emissive : f32, }; // Ray is a start point and direction. struct Ray { start : vec3f, dir : vec3f, } // Value for HitInfo.quad if no intersection occured. const kNoHit = 0xffffffff; // HitInfo describes the hit location of a ray-quad intersection struct HitInfo { // Distance along the ray to the intersection dist : f32, // The quad index that was hit quad : u32, // The position of the intersection pos : vec3f, // The UVs of the quad at the point of intersection uv : vec2f, } // CommonUniforms uniform buffer data struct CommonUniforms { // Model View Projection matrix mvp : mat4x4f, // Inverse of mvp inv_mvp : mat4x4f, // Random seed for the workgroup seed : vec3u, } // The common uniform buffer binding. @group(0) @binding(0) var common_uniforms : CommonUniforms; // The quad buffer binding. @group(0) @binding(1) var quads : array; // intersect_ray_quad will check to see if the ray 'r' intersects the quad 'q'. // If an intersection occurs, and the intersection is closer than 'closest' then // the intersection information is returned, otherwise 'closest' is returned. fn intersect_ray_quad(r : Ray, quad : u32, closest : HitInfo) -> HitInfo { let q = quads[quad]; let plane_dist = dot(q.plane, vec4(r.start, 1)); let ray_dist = plane_dist / -dot(, r.dir); let pos = r.start + r.dir * ray_dist; let uv = vec2(dot(vec4f(pos, 1), q.right), dot(vec4f(pos, 1), q.up)) * 0.5 + 0.5; let hit = plane_dist > 0 && ray_dist > 0 && ray_dist < closest.dist && all((uv > vec2f()) & (uv < vec2f(1))); return HitInfo( select(closest.dist, ray_dist, hit), select(closest.quad, quad, hit), select(closest.pos, pos, hit), select(closest.uv, uv, hit), ); } // raytrace finds the closest intersecting quad for the given ray fn raytrace(ray : Ray) -> HitInfo { var hit = HitInfo(); hit.dist = 1e20; hit.quad = kNoHit; for (var quad = 0u; quad < arrayLength(&quads); quad++) { hit = intersect_ray_quad(ray, quad, hit); } return hit; } // A psuedo random number. Initialized with init_rand(), updated with rand(). var rnd : vec3u; // Initializes the random number generator. fn init_rand(invocation_id : vec3u) { const A = vec3(1741651 * 1009, 140893 * 1609 * 13, 6521 * 983 * 7 * 2); rnd = (invocation_id * A) ^ common_uniforms.seed; } // Returns a random number between 0 and 1. fn rand() -> f32 { const C = vec3(60493 * 9377, 11279 * 2539 * 23, 7919 * 631 * 5 * 3); rnd = (rnd * C) ^ (rnd.yzx >> vec3(4u)); return f32(rnd.x ^ rnd.y) / f32(0xffffffff); } // Returns a random point within a unit sphere centered at (0,0,0). fn rand_unit_sphere() -> vec3f { var u = rand(); var v = rand(); var theta = u * 2.0 * pi; var phi = acos(2.0 * v - 1.0); var r = pow(rand(), 1.0/3.0); var sin_theta = sin(theta); var cos_theta = cos(theta); var sin_phi = sin(phi); var cos_phi = cos(phi); var x = r * sin_phi * sin_theta; var y = r * sin_phi * cos_theta; var z = r * cos_phi; return vec3f(x, y, z); } fn rand_concentric_disk() -> vec2f { let u = vec2f(rand(), rand()); let uOffset = 2.f * u - vec2f(1, 1); if (uOffset.x == 0 && uOffset.y == 0){ return vec2f(0, 0); } var theta = 0.0; var r = 0.0; if (abs(uOffset.x) > abs(uOffset.y)) { r = uOffset.x; theta = (pi / 4) * (uOffset.y / uOffset.x); } else { r = uOffset.y; theta = (pi / 2) - (pi / 4) * (uOffset.x / uOffset.y); } return r * vec2f(cos(theta), sin(theta)); } fn rand_cosine_weighted_hemisphere() -> vec3f { let d = rand_concentric_disk(); let z = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y)); return vec3f(d.x, d.y, z); }