# Whassup - Ask what's up, get a status back A placeholder crate for the `whassup` library - a complementary library to [`error-stack`] designed to provide a more ergonomic interface for status information. [`error-stack`]: https://crates.io/crates/error-stack ## Contributors `whassup` was created by [Tim Diekmann](https://github.com/TimDiekmann) and [Bilal Mahmoud](https://github.com/indietyp) to be used to improve DX around creating status information to be used in inter-service communications. It is being developed in conjunction with [HASH](https://hash.dev/) as an open-source project. We gratefully accept external contributions and have published a [contributing guide](https://github.com/hashintel/hash/blob/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) that outlines the process. If you have questions, please reach out to us on our [Discord server](https://hash.ai/discord?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=github_readme_hash-repo_wassap). You can also report bugs [directly on the GitHub repo](https://github.com/hashintel/hash/issues/new?assignees=TimDiekmann%2Cindietyp). ## License `whassup` is available under a number of different open-source licenses. Please see the [LICENSE] file to review your options.