{% set whatbpm_title = "WhatBPM: Today's Trending Values for EDM Production" -%} {% set whatbpm_description = "Get the best relevant BPM, key, root note, track length values for your EDM production. Start making your music more in-demand by labels and DJs today. 🎉" -%} {% set whatbpm_url = "https://sergree.github.io/whatbpm/" -%} {% set whatbpm_repo_url = "https://github.com/sergree/whatbpm" -%} {% set sergree_url = "https://github.com/sergree" -%} {% set matchering_url = "https://sergree.github.io/matchering/" -%} {% set bmc_url = "https://boosty.to/sergree" -%} {% set bmc_image_url = "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/orange_img.png" -%} {% set css_version = 1 -%} {% set cloudflare_token = "40aee160c31f4ae18e61f1103ef5b861" -%} {% include "head_meta.html" %} {% include "head_favicon.html" %} {% include "head_meta_og.html" %} {% include "head_meta_tc.html" %} {% include "head_links.html" %} {% include "body_header.html" %} {% include "body_nav.html" %} {% include "body_main.html" %} {% include "body_footer.html" %} {% include "body_scripts.html" %}