import { Logger } from '@whi/weblogger'; const log = new Logger("test-model-dna", process.env.LOG_LEVEL ); import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'path'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker'; import msgpack from '@msgpack/msgpack'; import json from '@whi/json'; import { AgentPubKey, HoloHash, ActionHash, EntryHash } from '@spartan-hc/holo-hash'; import { Holochain } from '@spartan-hc/holochain-backdrop'; import { AppInterfaceClient, } from '@spartan-hc/app-interface-client'; import { intoStruct, OptionType, VecType, MapType, } from '@whi/into-struct'; // const why = require('why-is-node-running'); import { expect_reject, linearSuite, createPostInput, } from '../utils.js'; import { PostStruct, } from './types.js'; const delay = (n) => new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, n)); const __filename = new URL(import.meta.url).pathname; const __dirname = path.dirname( __filename ); const TEST_DNA_PATH = path.join( __dirname, "../model_dna.dna" ); const clients = {}; const DNA_NAME = "test_dna"; const MAIN_ZOME = "basic_usage_csr"; let client; let alice_app; let p1, p1_addr; function basic_tests () { it("should create group via alice (A1)", async function () { let input = createPostInput( alice_app.agent_id ); p1_addr = new ActionHash( await DNA_NAME, MAIN_ZOME, "create_post", input ) ); log.debug("Post ID: %s", p1_addr ); expect( p1_addr )"ActionHash"); expect( p1_addr ).to.have.length( 39 ); p1 = intoStruct( await DNA_NAME, MAIN_ZOME, "get_post", { "id": p1_addr, }), PostStruct ); log.debug("Post: %s", json.debug( p1 ) ); }); } function error_tests () { } describe("HDK Extensions", function () { const holochain = new Holochain({ "timeout": 60_000, "default_stdout_loggers": log.level_rank > 3, }); before(async function () { this.timeout( 300_000 ); const installations = await holochain.install([ "alice", ], { "app_name": "test", "bundle": { [DNA_NAME]: TEST_DNA_PATH, }, }); const app_port = await holochain.ensureAppPort(); client = new AppInterfaceClient( app_port, { "logging": process.env.LOG_LEVEL || "fatal", }); const alice_auth = installations.alice.test.auth.token; alice_app = await alice_auth ); // Must call whoami on each cell to ensure that init has finished. { let whoami = await DNA_NAME, MAIN_ZOME, "whoami", null, 300_000 ); log.normal("Alice whoami: %s", String(new HoloHash( whoami.agent_initial_pubkey )) ); } }); linearSuite("Basic", basic_tests ); describe("Errors", error_tests ); after(async () => { await holochain.destroy(); }); });