use egui::Ui; use whiskers::prelude::*; /// Very custom data structure that is not supported by default #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)] struct GrayRed { gray: f64, red: f64, } impl From for vsvg::Color { fn from(value: GrayRed) -> Self { let red = (( * 255.0) as u8; let gray = (value.gray * 255.0) as u8; vsvg::Color::new(red, gray, gray, 255) } } /// Custom UI widget for [`GreyRed`]. It must implement the [`whiskers::widgets::Widget`] /// trait. #[derive(Default)] struct GrayRedWidget { label_color: egui::Color32, underline: bool, } /// We want the ability to customise the look of our widget! impl GrayRedWidget { pub fn label_color(mut self, color: egui::Color32) -> Self { self.label_color = color; self } pub fn underline(mut self, underline: bool) -> Self { self.underline = underline; self } } /// This is where the custom UI code happens. impl whiskers_widgets::Widget for GrayRedWidget { fn ui(&self, ui: &mut Ui, label: &str, value: &mut GrayRed) -> bool { let mut label = egui::RichText::new(label).color(self.label_color); if self.underline { label = label.underline(); } ui.add(egui::Label::new(label)); // The UI from this function is integrated in a two column layout, for a nice alignment of // the labels. It is thus important that we render only *two* top-level `ui` calls. Here, we // have the label and the `ui.vertical()` call, so we're good. // Note: for more complex UI, it's possible to override `use_grid()` and return `false`. // In this case, the two-column grid will not be used for this widget. ui.vertical(|ui| { let mut changed = false; changed = ui .horizontal(|ui| { ui.label("gr:"); ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut value.gray, 0.0..=1.0)) }) .inner .changed() || changed; changed = ui .horizontal(|ui| { ui.label("rd:"); ui.add(egui::Slider::new(&mut, 0.0..=1.0)) }) .inner .changed() || changed; changed }) .inner } } // Let the [`Sketch`] derive macro know that [`GrayRedWidget`] is the UI widget for [`GrayRed`]. whiskers_widgets::register_widget_ui!(GrayRed, GrayRedWidget); // ================================================================================= // from here on, we're back to super standard sketch code... #[sketch_app] struct CustomUISketch { // these param key/value will call into the [`GrayRedWidget`]'s builder methods. #[param(underline, label_color = egui::Color32::BLUE)] color: GrayRed, } impl Default for CustomUISketch { fn default() -> Self { CustomUISketch { color: GrayRed { red: 0.5, gray: 0.5, }, } } } impl App for CustomUISketch { fn update(&mut self, sketch: &mut Sketch, _ctx: &mut Context) -> anyhow::Result<()> { sketch.color(self.color); for i in 0..5 {, 100.0, 30.0 + 40.0 + i as f64 * 3.0); } Ok(()) } } fn main() -> Result { CustomUISketch::runner() .with_page_size_options(PageSize::new(200.0, 200.0)) .run() }