use in_str::in_str; use whitehole::{ combinator::{eat, next}, parse::Parse, parser::{Builder, Parser}, }; pub fn build_lexer(s: &str) -> Parser> { Builder::new() .entry(|b| { // Use `` instead of `next` at the beginning for better type inference. This is optional. // Use `* (1..)` to repeat for one or more times. let whitespaces =!(" \t\r\n")) * (1..); let number = { let digit_1_to_9 = next(|c| matches!(c, '1'..='9')); // To re-use a combinator for multiple times, instead of wrapping the combinator in an Rc, // use a closure to generate the combinator for better runtime performance (via inlining). let digits = || next(|c| c.is_ascii_digit()) * (1..); let integer = eat('0') | (digit_1_to_9 + digits().optional()); let fraction = eat('.') + digits(); let exponent = (eat('e') | 'E') + (eat('-') | '+').optional() + digits(); eat('-').optional() + integer + fraction.optional() + exponent.optional() }; let string = { let escape = eat('\\') + (next(in_str!("\"\\/bfnrt")) | (eat('u') + next(|c| c.is_ascii_hexdigit()) * 4)); let non_escape = next(|c| c != '"' && c != '\\' && matches!(c, '\u{0020}'..='\u{10ffff}')) * (1..); // Use `* (..)` to repeat for zero or more times. let body_optional = (escape | non_escape) * ..; eat('"') + body_optional + '"' }; let boundary = next(in_str!("[]{}:,")); whitespaces | boundary | number | string | "true" | "false" | "null" }) .build(s) } fn main() {} #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_json_lexer() { let s = r#" { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "is_student": false, "scores": [100, 90, 80], "address": { "city": "New York", "zip": "10001" } } "#; let mut lexer = build_lexer(s); loop { let output = lexer.parse(); if let Some(node) = output { println!( "{}..{}: {:?}", node.range.start, node.range.end, &s[node.range.clone()] ); } else { break; } } let rest = lexer.instant().rest(); if !rest.is_empty() { panic!( "lexer failed to consume the whole input, remaining: {:?}", &rest[..100.min(rest.len())] ); } } }