Source Scripts -------------- This folder contains the original Matlab scripts that were included in the supporting information of Paul H. C. Eilers' paper: [A Perfect Smoother]( A Perfect Smoother Paul H. C. Eilers Analytical Chemistry 2003 75 (14), 3631-3636 DOI: 10.1021/ac034173t I've modified some of the scripts which begin with "demo", to output a csv which can be used to test and validate the rust version of the Whittaker smoother. I was able to recreate most things from the paper and supporting materials about from the cross validation error graph in Figure 10. I've included the original README below. --- Whittaker Smoother Toolbox -------------------------- This archive contains a small toolbox of Matlab functions and scripts to show the versatility of the Whittaker Smoother (WS). Theory and implementation are described in my paper in Analytical Chemistry, 2003 (Vol 75, pp 3631–3636). The functions are: - whitsm: for smoothing of a complete data series, sampled at equal intervals; - whitsmw: for smoothing of a data series, sampled at equal intervals; some data may be missing, as indicated by a vector of 0/1 weights; - whitsmdd: for smoothing of a complete data series, sampled at unequal intervals; the sampling positions are given by a (monotone) series x; - whitsmddw: for smoothing of an incomplete data series, sampled at unequal intervals; the sampling positions are given by a (monotone) series x; - whitscat: for smoothing of a scatterplot with arbitrary x and y data. All functions return fitted values and, optionally, the RMS (leave-one-out) cross-validation error. All functions contain documentation headers to describe input and output. There are demonstration scripts to illustrate the use of the functions. You are free to use and modify these functions in any way you like, as long as you give proper reference to the original source and cite the paper. Paul Eilers Department of Medical Statistics Leiden University Medical Centre P.O. Box 9604 2300 RC Leiden The Netherlands e-mail: