# Contributing to WICRS Server Thank you for your interest in contributing to WICRS Server! All contributors are expected to abide by the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/wicrs/server/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License WICRS Server is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](https://github.com/wicrs/server/blob/master/LICENSE). ## Pull Requests To make changes to WICRS, please send in pull requests on GitHub to the `master` branch. We'll review them and either merge or request changes. GitHub Actions tests everything and verifies styling, GitHub Actions must be passing for a pull request to be merged, you can run `cargo fmt`, `cargo test` and `cargo clippy` locally to check if a pull request will pass the GitHub Actions tests. If you make additions or other changes to a pull request, feel free to either amend previous commits or only add new ones, however you prefer. We may squash your commits before merging, depending what we think is best. ## Issue Tracker You can find the issue tracker [on GitHub](https://github.com/wicrs/server/issues). If you've found a problem with WICRS Server, please open an issue there. We use the following labels: * `enhancement`: This is for any request for new features or functionality. * `bug`: This is for anything that's in WICRS Server, but incorrect or not working. * `discussion`: A discussion about improving something in WICRS Server; this may lead to new enhancement or bug issues. ## Development workflow To build WICRS Server, [install Rust](http://rust-lang.org/install.html), and then: ```bash git clone https://github.com/wicrs/server wicrs_server cd wicrs_server cargo build ``` To run the tests: ```bash cargo test ``` To format code: ```bash cargo fmt ``` To check code: ```bash cargo clippy ```