use super::*; use assert_fs::prelude::*; use the_module:: { action, collection::HashMap, }; // use std:: { fs::File, io::Read, }; use std::fs::create_dir_all; use serde::Deserialize; fn arrange( sample_dir : &str ) -> assert_fs::TempDir { let root_path = std::path::Path::new( env!( "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR" ) ); let assets_relative_path = std::path::Path::new( ASSET_PATH ); let assets_path = root_path.join( assets_relative_path ); let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); temp.copy_from( assets_path.join( sample_dir ), &[ "**" ] ).unwrap(); create_dir_all( temp.path().join( ".github" ).join( "workflows") ).unwrap(); temp } #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize ) ] struct Workflow { name : String, on : HashMap>>, env : HashMap< String, String >, jobs : HashMap< String, Job >, } #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize ) ] struct Job { uses : String, with : With, } #[ derive( Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize ) ] struct With { manifest_path : String, module_name : String, commit_message : String, } #[ test ] fn default_case() { // Arrange let temp = arrange( "single_module" ); let base_path = temp.path().join( ".github" ).join( "workflows" ); let file_path = base_path.join( "module_test_module_push.yml" ); let with = With { manifest_path : "test_module/Cargo.toml".into(), module_name : "test_module".into(), commit_message : "${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}".into() }; let job = Job { uses : "Username/test/.github/workflows/standard_rust_push.yml@alpha".into(), with }; let exp = Workflow { name : "test_module".into(), on : { let mut map = HashMap::new(); let mut push_map = HashMap::new(); push_map.insert ( "branches".to_string(), vec![ "alpha".to_string(), "beta".to_string(), "master".to_string() ], ); map.insert( "push".to_string(), push_map ); map }, env : HashMap::from_iter( [ ( "CARGO_TERM_COLOR".to_string(), "always".to_string() ) ] ), jobs : HashMap::from_iter( [ ( "test".to_string(), job ) ] ), }; // Act _ = action::cicd_renew( &temp ).unwrap(); dbg!( &file_path ); // Assert let mut file = File::open( file_path ).unwrap(); let mut content = String::new(); _ = file.read_to_string( &mut content ).unwrap(); let got : Workflow = serde_yaml::from_str( &content ).unwrap(); assert_eq!( got, exp ); assert!( base_path.join( "appropriate_branch.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "appropriate_branch_beta.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "appropriate_branch_master.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "auto_merge_to_beta.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "auto_pr.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "auto_pr_to_alpha.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "auto_pr_to_beta.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "auto_pr_to_master.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "runs_clean.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "standard_rust_pull_request.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "standard_rust_push.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "for_pr_rust_push.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "standard_rust_scheduled.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "standard_rust_status.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "status_checks_rules_update.yml" ).exists() ); assert!( base_path.join( "" ).exists() ); } // aaa : for Petro : fix styles // aaa : ✅