/// Internal namespace. pub( crate ) mod private { use crate::prelude::*; // use crate::canonical::*; use crate::canonical; use wtools::prelude::*; use indexmap::IndexMap; use core::fmt; include!( "./factory_impl.rs" ); impls! { /// /// Iterate output nodes of the node. /// fn node_add_out_nodes< IntoId1, IntoId2, Iter > ( &mut self, in_node_id : IntoId1, out_nodes_iter : Iter, ) where IntoId1 : Into< NODE_ID!() >, IntoId2 : Into< NODE_ID!() >, Iter : IntoIterator< Item = IntoId2 >, Iter::IntoIter : Clone, { let in_node_id = in_node_id.into(); let iter = out_nodes_iter.into_iter(); let out_ids : Vec< _ > = iter .map( | out_node_id | { let out_node_id = out_node_id.into(); #[ cfg( debug_assertions ) ] let node = self.node( out_node_id ); let out_edge_id = self._edge_make_for_nodes( in_node_id, out_node_id ); ( out_edge_id, out_node_id ) }) .collect() ; let mut in_node = self.node( in_node_id ).borrow_mut();; for out_id in out_ids { in_node.out_edges.insert( out_id.0 ); in_node.out_nodes.insert( out_id.1 ); } } // fn out_nodes_ids< 'a, 'b, IntoId >( &'a self, node_id : IntoId ) -> Box< dyn Iterator< Item = NODE_ID!() > + 'b > where IntoId : Into< NODE_ID!() >, 'a : 'b, { let node = self.node( node_id ).borrow(); let collected : Vec< NODE_ID!() > = node.out_nodes.iter().cloned().collect(); let iterator : Box< dyn Iterator< Item = NODE_ID!() > > = Box::new( collected.into_iter() ); iterator } // fn out_edges_ids< 'a, 'b, IntoId >( &'a self, node_id : IntoId ) -> Box< dyn Iterator< Item = EDGE_ID!() > + 'b > where IntoId : Into< NODE_ID!() >, 'a : 'b, { let node = self.node( node_id ).borrow(); let collected : Vec< EDGE_ID!() > = node.out_edges.iter().cloned().collect(); let iterator : Box< dyn Iterator< Item = EDGE_ID!() > > = Box::new( collected.into_iter() ); iterator } // } /// /// Node factory. /// pub struct CellNodeFactory< NodeId = crate::IdentityWithInt, EdgeId = crate::IdentityWithInt, Kind = crate::NodeKindless > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > : crate::NodeFactoryInterface, { /// Map id to node. pub id_to_node_map : IndexMap< NodeId, crate::NodeCell< canonical::Node< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > > >, /// Map id to edge. pub id_to_edge_map : IndexMap< EdgeId, canonical::Edge< EdgeId, NodeId, Kind > >, /// Generator of edge ids. pub _current_edge_id : EdgeId, } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > GraphNodesNominalInterface for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { type NodeHandle = crate::NodeCell< crate::canonical::Node< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > >; index! { node, out_nodes_ids, } } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > GraphEdgesNominalInterface for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { type EdgeHandle = crate::canonical::Edge< EdgeId, NodeId, Kind >; index! { edge, out_edges_ids, } } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > GraphNodesEnumerableInterface // impl< 'it, NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > // GraphNodesEnumerableInterface< 'it, core::slice::Iter< 'it, ( NODE_ID!(), &'it < Self as GraphNodesNominalInterface >::NodeHandle ) > > for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { index! { nodes, nnodes, } } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > GraphEdgesEnumerableInterface for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { index! { edges, nedges, } } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > GraphNodesExtendableInterface for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { index! { node_mut, node_add_out_nodes, node_making, } } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > GraphEdgesExtendableInterface for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { index! { _edge_id_generate, _edge_add, } } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > NodeFactoryInterface for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > fmt::Debug for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { index!( fmt ); } // impl< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > Make0 for CellNodeFactory< NodeId, EdgeId, Kind > where NodeId : IdentityInterface, EdgeId : IdentityInterface + IdentityGenerableInterface, Kind : NodeKindInterface, { index! { make_0, } } } /// Protected namespace of the module. pub mod protected { pub use super::orphan::*; } pub use protected::*; /// Parented namespace of the module. pub mod orphan { pub use super::exposed::*; pub use super::private::CellNodeFactory; } /// Exposed namespace of the module. pub mod exposed { pub use super::prelude::*; } /// Prelude to use essentials: `use my_module::prelude::*`. pub mod prelude { }