macro_rules! NODE_ID { () => { < < Self as GraphNodesNominalInterface >::NodeHandle as HasId >::Id }; } macro_rules! EDGE_ID { () => { < < Self as GraphEdgesNominalInterface >::EdgeHandle as HasId >::Id }; } impls! { // fn node< IntoId >( &self, id : IntoId ) -> &Self::NodeHandle where IntoId : Into< NODE_ID!() >, { let id = id.into(); let got = self.id_to_node_map.get( &id ); if got.is_some() { let result : &Self::NodeHandle = got.unwrap(); return result; } unreachable!( "No node with id {:?} found", id ); } // fn nodes< 'a, 'b >( &'a self ) -> // impl Iterator< Item = ( NODE_ID!(), &'b < Self as GraphNodesNominalInterface >::NodeHandle ) > Box< dyn Iterator< Item = ( NODE_ID!(), &< Self as GraphNodesNominalInterface >::NodeHandle ) > + 'b > // It // core::slice::Iter< 'a, ( NODE_ID!(), &'b < Self as GraphNodesNominalInterface >::NodeHandle ) > where 'a : 'b, // It : Iterator< Item = ( NODE_ID!(), &'b < Self as GraphNodesNominalInterface >::NodeHandle ) >, { Box::new( self.id_to_node_map.iter().map( | el | ( *el.0, el.1 ) ) ) } // fn nnodes( &self ) -> usize { self.id_to_node_map.len() } // fn edge< IntoId >( &self, id : IntoId ) -> &Self::EdgeHandle where IntoId : Into< EDGE_ID!() >, { let id = id.into(); let got = self.id_to_edge_map.get( &id ); if got.is_some() { let result : &Self::EdgeHandle = got.unwrap(); return result; } unreachable!( "No edge with id {:?} found", id ); } // fn edges< 'a, 'b >( &'a self ) -> Box< dyn Iterator< Item = ( EDGE_ID!(), &Self::EdgeHandle ) > + 'b > where 'a : 'b, { Box::new( self.id_to_edge_map.iter().map( | el | ( *el.0, el.1 ) ) ) } // fn nedges( &self ) -> usize { self.id_to_edge_map.len() } // fn node_mut< IntoId >( &mut self, id : IntoId ) -> &mut Self::NodeHandle where IntoId : Into< NODE_ID!() > { let id = id.into(); let got = self.id_to_node_map.get_mut( &id ); if got.is_some() { let result : &mut Self::NodeHandle = got.unwrap(); return result; } unreachable!( "No node with id {:?} found", id ); } // fn node_making< IntoId >( &mut self, id : IntoId ) -> NODE_ID!() where IntoId : Into< NODE_ID!() >, { let id = id.into(); let result = self.id_to_node_map .entry( id ) .or_insert_with( || canonical::Node::make_with_id( id ).into() ) ; } // fn _edge_id_generate( &mut self, _in_node : NODE_ID!(), _out_node : NODE_ID!() ) -> EDGE_ID!() { while self.id_to_edge_map.contains_key( &self._current_edge_id ) { self._current_edge_id =; assert!( self._current_edge_id.is_valid(), "Not more space for ids" ); } self._current_edge_id } // fn _edge_add( &mut self, edge_id : EDGE_ID!(), in_node : NODE_ID!(), out_node : NODE_ID!() ) { self.id_to_edge_map .entry( edge_id ) .and_modify( | _ | { panic!( "Edge {:?} already exists", edge_id ) } ) .or_insert_with( || { canonical::Edge { id : edge_id, in_node, out_node, kind : Default::default(), } }); } // fn make_0() -> Self { let id_to_node_map = IndexMap::new(); let id_to_edge_map = IndexMap::new(); let _current_edge_id = EdgeId::first(); Self { id_to_node_map, id_to_edge_map, _current_edge_id, } } // fn fmt( &self, f : &mut fmt::Formatter<'_> ) -> fmt::Result { f.write_fmt( format_args!( "NodeFactory\n" ) )?; let mut first = true; for ( _id, node ) in self.nodes() { if !first { f.write_str( "\n" )?; } first = false; f.write_str( &wtools::string::indentation( " ", format!( "{:?}", node ), "" ) )?; } f.write_str( "" ) } }