import logging import os from functools import cache from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Union import yaml from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PROJECT_ROOT = (Path(__file__).parent / ".." / "..").resolve() DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION = PROJECT_ROOT / "es_config.yml" @cache def es_init(config: Path = DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION, timeout: int = 30) -> Elasticsearch: """ :param config: Path to the config yaml file, containing `cloud_id` and `api_key` fields. :return: Authenticated ElasticSearch client. """ with open(config) as file_ref: config = yaml.safe_load(file_ref) cloud_id = config["cloud_id"] api_key = config.get("api_key", os.getenv("ES_API_KEY", None)) if not api_key: raise RuntimeError( f"Please specify ES_API_KEY environment variable or add api_key to {DEFAULT_CONFIG_LOCATION}." ) es = Elasticsearch( cloud_id=cloud_id, api_key=api_key, retry_on_timeout=True, http_compress=True, request_timeout=timeout, ) return es def get_indices( return_mapping: bool = False, es: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None ) -> Dict: """ :param return_mapping: Whether to return mapping along with index information. :return: Dictionary of existing indices. Note that this function won't work in case you were given an API key from AI2 since these are restrictive. Please refer to the README for the indices mapping. """ es = es or es_init() indices ="json") exclude = [ "search-test", "test-index-2", "metrics-endpoint.metadata_current_default", ] indices = { index["index"]: {key: index[key] for key in ["docs.count"]} for index in indices if not index["index"].startswith(".") and not index["index"] in exclude } if return_mapping: mappings = es.indices.get_mapping(index=list(indices.keys())) for key in mappings: indices[key]["properties"] = list( mappings[key]["mappings"]["properties"].keys() ) return indices def _query_documents_contain_phrases( phrases: Union[str, List[str]], all_phrases: bool = False, do_score: bool = False, is_regexp: bool = False, ) -> Dict: if isinstance(phrases, str): phrases = [phrases] if all_phrases: which_bool = "must" if do_score else "filter" minimum_should_match = None else: which_bool = "should" minimum_should_match = 1 if is_regexp: match_query = [] for phrase in phrases: match_query.append( { "regexp": { "text": { "value": phrase, "case_insensitive": True, "flags": "ALL", } } } ) # minimum_should_match = None else: match_query = [] for phrase in phrases: match_query.append({"match_phrase": {"text": phrase}}) query = { "bool": {which_bool: match_query, "minimum_should_match": minimum_should_match} } return query def count_documents_containing_phrases( index: str, phrases: Union[str, List[str]], all_phrases: bool = False, is_regexp: bool = False, subset_filter: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, es: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None, ) -> int: """ :param index: Name of the index :param phrases: A single string or a list of strings to be matched in the `text` field of the index. :param all_phrases: Whether the document should contain all phrases (AND clause) or any of the phrases (OR clause). :param is_regexp: Whether the phrases are regular expressions. Note that spaces in regular expressions are not supported by ElasticSearch, so if you want to do an exact match for spans longer than a single term, set this to False. In most cases, using exp1|exp2 is better than specifying [exp1, exp2] as two different `phrases`. :return: The number of documents matching the conditions. Examples: count_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", "legal") # single term count_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", ["legal", "license"]) # list of terms count_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", ["terms of use", "legally binding"]) # list of word sequences # The documents should contain both `winter` and `spring` in the text. count_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", ["winter", "spring"], all_phrases=True) """ es = es or es_init() query = _query_documents_contain_phrases(phrases, all_phrases, is_regexp=is_regexp) if index == "c4": if not subset_filter: subset_filter = [{"subset": "en"}] else: subset_filter.append({"subset": "en"}) if subset_filter: if "filter" not in query["bool"]: query["bool"]["filter"] = [] for filter_ in subset_filter: query["bool"]["filter"].append({"term": filter_}) result = es.count(index=index, query=query) return result["count"] def get_documents_containing_phrases( index: str, phrases: Union[str, List[str]], all_phrases: bool = False, num_documents: int = 10, is_regexp: bool = False, return_all_hits: bool = False, sort_field: str = "date", subset_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, es: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None, ) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: """ :param index: Name of the index :param phrases: A single string or a list of strings to be matched in the `text` field of the index. :param all_phrases: Whether the document should contain all phrases (AND clause) or any of the phrases (OR clause). :param num_documents: The number of document hits to return. :param is_regexp: Whether the phrases are regular expressions. Note that spaces in regular expressions are not supported by ElasticSearch, so if you want to do an exact match for spans longer than a single term, set this to False. In most cases, using exp1|exp2 is better than specifying [exp1, exp2] as two different `phrases`. :param return_all_hits: Whether to return all hits beyond maximum 10k results. This will return an iterator. :return: An iterable (of length `num_documents` if `return_all_hits` is False), containing the relevant hits. Examples: get_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", "legal", num_documents=50) # single term, get 50 documents get_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", ["legal", "license"]) # list of terms get_document_containing_phrases("test-index", ["terms of use", "legally binding"]) # list of word sequences # The documents should contain both `winter` and `spring` in the text. get_documents_containing_phrases("test-index", ["winter", "spring"], all_phrases=True) """ es = es or es_init() query = _query_documents_contain_phrases(phrases, all_phrases, is_regexp=is_regexp) if index == "c4": if not subset_filter: subset_filter = [{"subset": "en"}] else: subset_filter.append({"subset": "en"}) if subset_filter: if "filter" not in query["bool"]: query["bool"]["filter"] = [] for filter_ in subset_filter: query["bool"]["filter"].append({"term": filter_}) if return_all_hits: sort = [{sort_field: "asc"}] pit = es.open_point_in_time(index=index, keep_alive="1m") # pit_search = {"id": pit["id"], "keep_alive": "1m"} # all_results = [] results =, query=query, size=num_documents, sort=sort)[ "hits" ]["hits"] yield from results while len(results) > 0: # todo: perhaps we need to refresh pit? results = index=index, query=query, size=num_documents, sort=sort, search_after=results[-1]["sort"], )["hits"]["hits"] yield from results try: es.close_point_in_time(id=pit["id"]) except NotFoundError: # Already closed. pass else: yield from, query=query, size=num_documents)["hits"][ "hits" ] def count_documents_for_each_phrase( index: str, phrases: Union[str, Iterable[str], Iterable[List[str]]], batch_size: int = 500, timeout: str = "60s", all_phrases: bool = False, subset_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, es: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None, ): if isinstance(phrases, str): phrases = [phrases] if all_phrases: try: assert isinstance(phrases, Iterable) assert isinstance(phrases[0], List) assert isinstance(phrases[0][0], str) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError( "`all_phrases` is set to True, please provide lists of lists." ) else: try: assert isinstance(phrases, Iterable) assert isinstance(phrases[0], str) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError( "`all_phrases` is set to False, please provide a list of strings." ) es = es or es_init() # num_shards = len(, format="json")) final_counts = [] if index == "c4": if not subset_filter: subset_filter = [{"subset": "en"}] else: subset_filter.append({"subset": "en"}) done = False generator = iter(phrases) while not done: queries = [] for i, phrase in enumerate(generator): if not isinstance(phrase, List): phrase = [phrase] match_query = [] for phr in phrase: match_query.append({"match_phrase": {"text": phr}}) if subset_filter: for filter_ in subset_filter: match_query.append({"term": filter_}) queries.append({"index": index, "search_type": "query_then_fetch"}) queries.append( { "stored_fields": [], "timeout": timeout, "track_scores": False, "track_total_hits": True, "query": {"bool": {"filter": match_query}}, } ) if i == batch_size: break if len(queries) == 0: done = True break results = es.msearch( index=index, searches=queries, search_type="query_then_fetch", rest_total_hits_as_int=True, ) final_counts += [r["hits"]["total"] for r in results["responses"]] return final_counts def count_total_occurrences_of_unigrams( index: str, unigrams: Union[str, List[str]], subset_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, es: Optional[Elasticsearch] = None, ) -> Dict[str, int]: """ :param index: Name of the index :param terms: A single unigram or a list of unigrams to be matched in the `text` field of the index. :return: The total number of occurrences of each unigram in `terms` across all documents. Examples: count_total_occurrences_of_unigrams("test-index", "legal") # single term count_total_occurrences_of_unigrams("test-index", ["legal", "license"]) # list of terms """ if isinstance(unigrams, str): unigrams = [unigrams] es = es or es_init() # We use individual shards for counting total occurrences, because elasticsearch's default behavior # is to return term statistics for a randomly selected shard. For more information on term vector behaviour, please # see the following: # num_shards = len(, format="json")) logger.debug(f"Total number of shards in '{index}': {num_shards}") if index == "c4": if not subset_filter: subset_filter = [{"subset": "en"}] else: subset_filter.append({"subset": "en"}) term_freq_dict = {} for term in unigrams: query = {"bool": {"filter": {"match": {"text": term}}}} if subset_filter: query = {"bool": {"filter": [{"match": {"text": term}}]}} for filter_ in subset_filter: query["bool"]["filter"].append(filter_) else: query = {"bool": {"filter": {"match": {"text": term}}}} total_freq = 0 for i in range(num_shards): documents = index=index, query=query, preference=f"_shards:{i}", stored_fields=[], track_total_hits=False, ) if len(documents["hits"]["hits"]) > 0: doc_id = documents["hits"]["hits"][0]["_id"] term_vector = es.termvectors( index=index, id=doc_id, fields=["text"], positions=False, term_statistics=True, preference=f"_shards:{i}", ) ttf = term_vector["term_vectors"]["text"]["terms"][term]["ttf"] logger.debug(f"Total term frequency for shard {i}: {ttf}") total_freq += ttf f"The term: '{term}' occurs {total_freq} times across all documents in '{index}'." ) term_freq_dict[term] = total_freq return term_freq_dict