import argparse # from profanity_check import predict as predict_profanity import pandas as pd from wimbd.utils.utils import read_json_gz_file import re from collections import defaultdict from tqdm import tqdm from spacy.lang.en import English profanity_dicts = { 1: 'profane', 0: 'not profane' } # pattern = None harmless_re, offensive_min_re, offensive_not_min_re = None, None, None nlp = English() nlp.add_pipe('sentencizer') nlp.max_length = 100000 def split_in_sentences(text): doc = nlp(text) return [str(sent).strip() for sent in doc.sents] def model_classification(batched_inputs: list[str], taxonomy_dic: dict, per_sentence: bool = False): if per_sentence: predictions = [] for text_input in batched_inputs: sentences = split_in_sentences(text_input) doc_preds = predict_profanity(sentences) predictions.append(int(any(doc_preds))) else: predictions = predict_profanity(batched_inputs) labeled_predictions = [taxonomy_dic[p] for p in predictions] return labeled_predictions def taxonomy_classification(batched_inputs: list[str], taxonomy_dic: dict, per_sentence: bool = False): preds = [] for text_input in batched_inputs: # search for the pattern in the string hamless_matches = harmless_re.findall(text_input) offensive_min_matches = offensive_min_re.findall(text_input) offensive_not_min_matches = offensive_not_min_re.findall(text_input) # loop through the matches and print corresponding values from the dictionary # if len(matches) == 0: # print('not profane') # else: # for match in matches: if len(offensive_min_matches) == 0 and len(offensive_not_min_matches) == 0: preds.append('not profane') else: preds.append('profane') for _ in offensive_min_matches: preds.append('offensive-minority-reference') for _ in offensive_not_min_matches: preds.append('offensive-not-minority') for _ in hamless_matches: preds.append('harmless-minority') return preds def load_taxonomy(): # df = pd.read_csv('resources/toxicity.csv').fillna(0) df = pd.read_csv('resources/word_based_bias_list.csv').fillna(0) # df['body'] = df['body'].astype(int) # df['minorityWord'] = df['minorityWord'].astype(int) harmless_min = df[df['categorization'] == 'harmless-minority'].word.tolist() offensive_min = df[df['categorization'] == 'offensive-minority-reference'].word.tolist() offensive_not_min = df[df['categorization'] == 'offensive-not-minority'].word.tolist() global harmless_re, offensive_min_re, offensive_not_min_re harmless_re = re.compile(r"\b"+r"\b|\b".join(harmless_min)+"\b",re.IGNORECASE) offensive_min_re = re.compile(r"\b"+r"\b|\b".join(offensive_min)+"\b",re.IGNORECASE) offensive_not_min_re = re.compile(r"\b"+r"\b|\b".join(offensive_not_min)+"\b",re.IGNORECASE) # df = df.replace({'body': {0: 'not-body', 1: 'body'}, # 'minorityWord': {0: 'not-minority-word', 1: 'minority-word'}, # 'badWord': {0: 'not-bad-word', 1: 'bad-word'}}) # dic = df.set_index('word').T.to_dict('list') # dic = {k: '_'.join([str(x) for x in v]) for k, v in dic.items()} # return dic def main(): parse = argparse.ArgumentParser("") parse.add_argument("--in_file", type=str) parse.add_argument("--bs", type=int, default=1000) parse.add_argument("--model", type=str, choices=['model', 'taxonomy'], default='model') parse.add_argument('--per_sentence', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, default=False) args = parse.parse_args() data = read_json_gz_file(args.in_file) bs = inputs = [] if args.model == 'model': predict = model_classification taxonomy_dic = profanity_dicts else: predict = taxonomy_classification taxonomy_dic = {} # taxonomy_dic = load_taxonomy() load_taxonomy() # global pattern # pattern = re.compile(r"\b(" + "|".join(taxonomy_dic.keys()) + r")\b") val_dic = defaultdict(int) for ind, row in enumerate(data): if len(inputs) == bs: preds = predict(inputs, taxonomy_dic, args.per_sentence) for p in preds: val_dic[p] += 1 inputs = [] if not row['text'] or row['text'].strip() == '': continue # filtering out really long documents if len(row['text']) > 99999: val_dic['long'] += 1 continue inputs.append(row['text']) if ind % 50000 == 0: global nlp nlp = English() nlp.add_pipe('sentencizer') nlp.max_length = 100000 if len(inputs) > 0: preds = predict(inputs, taxonomy_dic, args.per_sentence) for p in preds: val_dic[p] += 1 for k, v in val_dic.items(): print(k, v) if __name__ == "__main__": main()