set -Eeuo pipefail datasets_json=$1 intermediate_dir=$2 mode=$3 # enforce that mode is either "url" or "text" if [ "$mode" != "url" ] && [ "$mode" != "text" ]; then echo "mode must be either 'url' or 'text'" exit 1 fi # if mode is "url", then set the appropriate variables if [ "$mode" == "url" ]; then mode_dir="url_overlaps" mode_script="" mode_examples="--count_url_file" fi # if mode is "text", then set the appropriate variables if [ "$mode" == "text" ]; then mode_dir="text_overlaps" mode_script="" mode_examples="--count_hash_file" fi ## comments below refer to hashes, but only text uses hashes, urls use urls # check that $TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS is set if [ -z "$TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS" ]; then echo "TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS must be set to the path of the text_and_url_overlaps directory" exit 1 fi # report datasets to be processed echo "Datasets to be processed:" names_and_shard_paths=$(cat $datasets_json | jq -r 'keys[] as $k | "\($k) \(.[$k])" ') echo "$names_and_shard_paths" # mkdir -p $intermediate_dir/tmp/ # export TMPDIR=$intermediate_dir/tmp/ # make dir sorted_uniq_counts in intermediate_dir if not there already mkdir -p $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq_counts # 1) Get the hashes and remove duplicates via sort uniq. # First get sorted unique counts of hashes in each of your datasets in one directory as follow # use first arg to get data and second to set output echo "Getting sorted unique counts" time parallel --colsep ' ' "bash $TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS/helper_scripts/$mode_script {2} > $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq_counts/{1}.txt" ::: "${names_and_shard_paths[@]}" # 2) Build lists of overlapping hashes from single datasets up to all datasets combined # First we remove the counts to get the hash lists for each dataset by itself mkdir -p $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq for f in `ls $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq_counts` do $TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS/helper_scripts/ $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq_counts/$f > $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq/$f done # Then we can merge those sorted hash lists to get overlaps as follows: echo "Getting overlaps" time python $TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS/helper_scripts/ --sorted_uniq_dir $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq/ --datasets `cat $datasets_json | jq -r keys[]` # 3) count the duplicates # First get the size of the overlaps: for f in `ls $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq/` do wc -l $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq//$f >> $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/overlap_numbers.txt done # count the duplicates echo "Counting duplicates" time python $TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS/helper_scripts/ --sorted_uniq_count_dir $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq_counts/ --datasets `cat $datasets_json | jq -r keys[]` --out_file $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/duplicate_counts.json # 4) get top duplicate examples # get top occurring duplicates echo "Getting top duplicate examples" mkdir -p $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_sorted_uniq_counts time parallel --eta --bar "sort -r {} > $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_sorted_uniq_counts/{/}" ::: $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_uniq_counts/* # get top duplicate examples mkdir -p $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/top_examples time parallel --eta --bar --colsep ' ' "bash $TEXT_AND_URL_OVERLAPS/helper_scripts/ {2} $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/top_examples/{1}.jsonl $mode_examples $intermediate_dir/$mode_dir/sorted_sorted_uniq_counts/{1}.txt 30" ::: "${names_and_shard_paths[@]}"