extern crate win32_error; extern crate kernel32; use std::error::Error; use win32_error::*; use self::kernel32::{ OpenProcess }; const UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT: &'static str = "Unknown error"; // Cause real error, and test whether there is concrete description // #[test] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn win32error_new_test_real_error_description() { let terminate = 0x0001; let h = unsafe { OpenProcess(terminate, 0, 4) }; let err = Win32Error::new(); assert!(err.description() != UNKNOWN_ERROR_TEXT); } // Cause real error, and test whether there is right error code // #[test] #[allow(unused_variables)] fn win32error_new_test_real_error_code() { let terminate = 0x0001; let h = unsafe { OpenProcess(terminate, 0, 4) }; let err = Win32Error::new(); assert_eq!(5, err.get_error_code()); }