# Rust support for Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) Provides the `#[trace_logging_provider]` macro, which allows you to define a [Trace Logging Provider](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/about-event-tracing#providers) for use with the [Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/event-tracing-portal) framework. This macro is intended for use only when targeting Windows. When targeting other platforms, this macro will still work, but will generate code that does nothing. This framework allows applications to log schematized events, rather than textual strings. ETW analysis tools can reliably identify fields within your events, and treat them as strongly-typed data, rather than text strings. To use [tracing](https://tracing.rs) with ETW, see [tracing-etw](./win_etw_tracing/). ## How to create and use an event provider In ETW, an _event provider_ is a software object that generates events. _Event controllers_ set up event logging sessions, and _event consumers_ read and interpret event data. This crate focuses on enabling applications to create _event providers_. ### Add crate dependencies Add these dependencies to your `Cargo.toml` file: ```text [dependencies] win_etw_macros = "0.1.*" win_etw_provider = "0.1.*" ``` `win_etw_macros` contains the procedural macro that generates eventing code. `win_etw_provider` contains library code that is called by the code that is generated by `win_etw_macros`. ### Define the event provider and its events Add a trait definition to your source code and annotate it with the `#[trace_logging_provider]` macro. The `#[trace_logging_provider]` macro consumes the trait definition and produces a `struct` definition with the same name and the same method signatures. (The trait is _not_ available for use as an ordinary trait.): ```rust #[trace_logging_provider] pub trait MyAppEvents {} ``` [Each event provider _must_ have a unique name _and_ GUID.](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/traceloggingprovider/nf-traceloggingprovider-tracelogging_define_provider#provider-name-and-id) ETW uses this GUID to identify events that are generated by your provider. Windows contains many event providers, so it is important to be able to select only the events generated by your application. This GUID is also used internally by ETW to identify event metadata (field types), so it is important that your GUID be unique. Otherwise, events from conflicting sources that use the same GUID may be incorrectly interpreted. #### Specify your provider name Unless overridden, `#[trace_logging_provider]` uses the name of your trait definition as the name of ETW provider ("MyAppEvents" in the example aboved). To specify a different name, specify the name with `#[trace_logging_provider(name = "MyCompany.MyComponent")]`. #### Generate a GUID for your event provider The `#[trace_logging_provider]` macro will generate a .NET `EventSource`-compatible name-based GUID if you do not specify a `guid` parameter. The generated GUID is identical to the one generated by the following PowerShell code: `[System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource]::new("MyCompany.MyComponent").Guid`. The GUID is accessible from your Rust code via the associated constant named `PROVIDER_GUID` (e.g., `MyAppEvents::PROVIDER_GUID`). If you are not interested in using a name-based GUID, you can generate a GUID using a tool like `uuidgen` (available from Visual Studio command line, or an Ubuntu shell) and specify it with `#[trace_logging_provider(guid = "... your guid here ...")]`. #### Add events to your provider In the trait definition, add method signatures. Each method signature defines an _event type_. The parameters of each method define the fields of the event type. Only a limited set of field types are supported (enumerated below). ```rust use win_etw_macros::trace_logging_provider; #[trace_logging_provider(name = "MyCompany.MyComponent")] pub trait MyAppEvents { fn http_request(client_address: &SockAddr, is_https: bool, status_code: u32, status: &str); fn database_connection_created(connection_id: u64, server: &str); fn database_connection_closed(connection_id: u64); // ... } ``` ### Create an instance of the event provider At initialization time (in your `fn main()`, etc.), create an instance of the event provider: ```rust let my_app_events = MyAppEvents::new(); ``` Your application should only create a single instance of each event provider, per process. That is, you should create a single instance of your event provider and share it across your process. Typically, an instance is stored in static variable, using a lazy / atomic assignment. There are many crates and types which can support this usage pattern. ### Call event methods to report events To report an event, call one of the methods defined on the event provider. The method will call into ETW to report the event, but there is no guarantee that the event is stored or forwarded; events can be dropped if event buffer resources are scarce. ```rust my_app_events.client_connected(None, &"".parse(), false, 100, "OK"); ``` Note that all generated event methods have an added first parameters, `options: Option<&EventOptions>`. This parameter allows you to override per-event parameters, such as the event level and event correlation IDs. In most cases, you should pass `None`. ## Supported field types Only a limited set of field types are supported. * Integer primitives up to 64 bits: `i8`, `i16`, `i32`, `i64`, `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64` * Floating point primitives: `f32`, `f64` * Architecture-dependent sizes: `usize`, `isize`. * Boolean: `bool` * Slices of all of the supported primitives: `&[u8]`, `&[u16]`, etc. * Windows [`FILETIME`](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/minwinbase/ns-minwinbase-filetime). The type must be declared _exactly_ as `FILETIME`; type aliases or fully-qualified paths (such as `winapi::shared::minwindef::FILETIME`) _will not work_. The parameter type in the generated code will be `win_etw_provider::FILETIME`, which is a newtype over `u64`. * `std::time::SystemTime` is supported, but it must be declared _exactly_ as `SystemTime`; type aliases or fully-qualified paths (such as `std::time::SystemTime`) _will not work_. * `SockAddr`, `SockAddrV4`, and `SockAddrV6` are supported. They must be declared exactly as shown, not using fully-qualified names or type aliases. ## How to capture and view events There are a variety of tools which can be used to capture and view ETW events. The simplest tool is the `TraceView` tool from the Windows SDK. Typically it is installed at this path: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0..0\x64\traceview.exe`, where `` is the release number of the Windows SDK. Run `TraceView`, then select "File", then "Create New Log Session". Select "Manually Entered GUID or Hashed Name" and enter the GUID that you have assigned to your event provider. Click OK. The next dialog will prompt you to choose a source of WPP format information; select Auto and click OK. At this point, `TraceView` should be capturing events (for your assigned GUID) and displaying them in real time, regardless of which process reported the events. These tools can also be used to capture ETW events: * [Windows Performance Recorder](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/windows-performance-recorder) This tool is intended for capturing system-wide event streams. It is not useful for capturing events for a specific event provider. * [logman](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/logman) is a command-line tool for managing events. * [Tracelog](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/tracelog) There are other tools, such as the Windows Performance Recorder, which can capture ETW events. ## Ideas for improvement * Better handling of per-event overrides, rather than using `Option<&EventOptions>`. ## References * [Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) Simplified](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2593157/event-tracing-for-windows-etw-simplified) * [TraceLogging for Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/tracelogging/trace-logging-portal) * [Record and View TraceLogging Events](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/tracelogging/tracelogging-record-and-display-tracelogging-events) * [TraceLoggingOptionGroup](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/traceloggingprovider/nf-traceloggingprovider-traceloggingoptiongroup) * [Provider Traits](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/etw/provider-traits) * [TRACELOGGING_DEFINE_PROVIDER macro](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/traceloggingprovider/nf-traceloggingprovider-tracelogging_define_provider) ## Contributing This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. 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