# winctx
A minimal window context for Rust on Windows.
*I read msdn so you don't have to*.
![The showcase popup menu](https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/blob/main/graphics/showcase.png?raw=true)
This crate provides a minimalistic method for setting up and running a
[*window*][window]. A window on windows is more like a generic application
framework and doesn't actually need to have any visible elements, but is
necessary to do many of the productive things you might want to do on
Some example of this are:
* [Register and use a tray icon with a popup menu][showcase], or the
"clickable icons" you see in the bottom right for running applications.
* [Send desktop notifcations][showcase], or "balloons" as they are sometimes
* Interact with the clipboard and [monitor it for changes][clipboard].
* [Copy data to a remote process][copy-data], allowing for very simple
unidirection IPC.
There are a few additional APIs provided by this crate because they are also
* [Basic safe registry access][registry] allowing for example of the
registration of an application that should be [started automatically] when
the user logs in.
This crate is an amalgamation and cleanup of code I've copied back and forth
between my projects, so it is fairly opinionated to things I personally find
useful. Not everything will be possible, but if there is something you're
missing and ~~hate being happy~~ enjoy Windows programming feel free to open
an issue or a pull request.
## Example
The primary purpose of this crate is to:
* Define a window and its capabilities. I.e. if it should have a context
menu or receive clipboard events.
* Handle incoming [Events][Event] from the window.
The basic loop looks like this:
use std::pin::pin;
use tokio::signal::ctrl_c;
use winctx::{Event, CreateWindow};
const ICON: &[u8] = include_bytes!("tokio.ico");
let mut window = CreateWindow::new("se.tedro.Example")
.window_name("Example Application");
let icon = window.icons().insert_buffer(ICON, 22, 22);
let area = window.new_area().icon(icon);
let menu = area.popup_menu();
let first = menu.push_entry("Example Application").id();
let quit = menu.push_entry("Quit").id();
let (sender, mut event_loop) = window
let mut ctrl_c = pin!(ctrl_c());
let mut shutdown = false;
loop {
let event = tokio::select! {
_ = ctrl_c.as_mut(), if !shutdown => {
shutdown = true;
event = event_loop.tick() => {
match event {
Event::MenuItemClicked { item_id, .. } => {
println!("Menu entry clicked: {item_id:?}");
if item_id == quit {
Event::Shutdown { .. } => {
println!("Window shut down");
_ => {}
[window]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/learnwin32/creating-a-window
[Event]: https://docs.rs/winctx/latest/winctx/enum.Event.html
[clipboard]: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/blob/main/examples/clipboard.rs
[copy-data]: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/blob/main/examples/copy_data.rs
[registry]: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/blob/main/examples/registry.rs
[showcase]: https://github.com/udoprog/winctx/blob/main/examples/showcase.rs
[started automatically]: https://docs.rs/winctx/latest/winctx/struct.AutoStart.html