
Windows Artifacts Generator

Generate malware artifacts for detection tests
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Github badge GPL 3.0 or later badge Windows badge Rust badge Reuse badge

## :clipboard: Table of content - [:clipboard: Table of content](#clipboard-table-of-content) - [:eyes: About the project](#eyes-about-the-project) - [:question: Why](#question-why) - [:rocket: Getting started](#rocket-getting-started) - [:gear: Prerequisites](#gear-prerequisites) - [:package: Installation](#package-installation) - [:hammer_and_wrench: Build](#hammer_and_wrench-build) - [:ninja: Quick examples](#ninja-quick-examples) - [:construction_worker: Contributing](#construction_worker-contributing) - [:raised_hands: Acknowledgments](#raised_hands-acknowledgments) - [:books: Licenses](#books-licenses) ## :eyes: About the project [Windows Artifacts Generator][WAG] is a tool for creating malware artifacts for detection tests. ### :question: Why It's useful for testing configurations, rules, or your Endpoint Detection and Response. \ It's not intended to fully simulate the behavior of malware but to reproduce the steps that led to artifact creation. \ By avoiding full and complex simulations, [Windows Artifacts Generator][WAG] seeks to be simple but nonetheless powerful. ## :rocket: Getting started This is an example of how you can install or build the project yourself. ### :gear: Prerequisites Depending on what you want to achieve, you might need different tools. \ For now, you only need [Cargo][Cargo] to build or install the project. ### :package: Installation Currently, this project is only available on [crates.io][crates.io]. \ In order to install it, just enter this command in your favorite terminal: ```sh cargo install windows-artifacts-generator ``` ### :hammer_and_wrench: Build 1. Clone the repository ```sh git clone https://github.com/frack113/WAG/ ``` 2. Build and run the project! ```sh cargo run --release ``` After these steps, the application will be in the target directory. ### :ninja: Quick examples Now that [WAG][WAG] is installed, you can start generating some artifacts! \ For example, you can create a file like this: ```sh wag actions files create --name "example.txt" ``` Or you can generate artifacts from a configuration file: ```sh wag generate --file "$YOUR_CONFIGURATIONS_FILE_PATH" ``` To see more information about what you can do, see the [documentation][Documentation]. ## :construction_worker: Contributing Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. \ Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. If you want, you can help me with any kind of work, for example: - Correct my English errors - Develop features - Code refactoring - Licensing stuff ## :raised_hands: Acknowledgments Thanks to all the people who made the logo possible: - "bug-ant" icon from [Heroicons][Heroicons] [MIT][MIT] - "finger-print" icon from [Heroicons][Heroicons] [MIT][MIT] - "Beep Sans" font by [Agbama Ulimhuka][Agbama Ulimhuka] [SIL OFL][SIL OFL] ## :books: Licenses Distributed under the [GPL 3.0 or later][GPL 3.0 or later] license. [WAG]: https://github.com/frack113/WAG/ [Cargo]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/cargo/ [crates.io]: https://crates.io/ [Documentation]: https://frack113.github.io/WAG/ [Heroicons]: https://heroicons.com/ [MIT]: ./LICENSES/MIT.txt [Agbama Ulimhuka]: https://github.com/ulims/ [SIL OFL]: ./LICENSES/OFL-1.1.txt [GPL 3.0 or later]: ./LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt