use crate::win32; use derive_try_from_primitive::TryFromPrimitive; use std::{ cmp::min, convert::TryFrom, io::{self, Cursor, Read, Seek, SeekFrom}, mem::size_of, ptr::null_mut, }; use winapi::{ ctypes::c_void, shared::ntdef::LARGE_INTEGER, um::{ fileapi::{self as fs, OPEN_EXISTING}, handleapi::{CloseHandle, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE}, ioapiset::DeviceIoControl, winbase::{FILE_BEGIN, FILE_CURRENT, FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING}, winioctl::{ DISK_GEOMETRY, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX, PARTITION_STYLE_GPT, PARTITION_STYLE_MBR, PARTITION_STYLE_RAW, }, winnt::{FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, HANDLE}, }, }; /// Gives direct access to a physical drive. /// /// NOTE: because of Win32 restrictions, you must `read()` whole sectors and must only `seek()` to sector /// boundaries. If you need random access, use [`BufferedPhysicalDrive`]. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PhysicalDrive { handle: HANDLE, /// The [`DiskGeometry`] of the drive. pub geometry: DiskGeometry, } /// Gives buffered direct access to a physical drive to enable random access. /// /// Also see [`PhysicalDrive`]. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BufferedPhysicalDrive { drive: PhysicalDrive, current_sector: Cursor>, current_sector_num: u64, /// The [`DiskGeometry`] of the drive. pub geometry: DiskGeometry, } /// Gives direct access to a harddisk volume. /// /// NOTE: because of Win32 restrictions, you must `read()` whole sectors and must only `seek()` to sector /// boundaries. If you need random access, use [`BufferedHarddiskVolume`]. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct HarddiskVolume { handle: HANDLE, /// The [`DiskGeometry`] of the drive this volume is located on. pub geometry: DiskGeometry, /// The [`PartitionInfo`] of the volume. pub partition_info: PartitionInfo, } /// Gives buffered direct access to a harddisk volume to enable random access. /// /// Also see [`HarddiskVolume`]. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct BufferedHarddiskVolume { volume: HarddiskVolume, current_sector: Cursor>, current_sector_num: u64, /// The [`DiskGeometry`] of the drive this volume is located on. pub geometry: DiskGeometry, /// The [`PartitionInfo`] of the volume. pub partition_info: PartitionInfo, } /// Represents the geometry of a disk or physical drive. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct DiskGeometry { pub cylinders: i64, pub media_type: u32, pub tracks_per_cylinder: u32, pub sectors_per_track: u32, pub bytes_per_sector: u32, } /// The style of a partition. #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, TryFromPrimitive)] pub enum PartitionStyle { Gpt = PARTITION_STYLE_GPT, Mbr = PARTITION_STYLE_MBR, Raw = PARTITION_STYLE_RAW, } /// Information about a partition. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct PartitionInfo { pub partition_style: PartitionStyle, pub starting_offset: u64, pub partition_length: u64, pub partition_number: u32, } impl PhysicalDrive { /// Opens the physical drive with the given number. /// /// NOTE: this requires administrator privileges. Drive numbers start at 0. /// /// Fails if an invalid drive number is given, the user has insufficient privileges /// or an error occures while opening the drive. /// If an error occurs, an error message containing the error number is returned, see /// [here]( for a list. pub fn open(drive_num: u8) -> Result { let path = format!("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive{}", drive_num); let handle = open_handle(&path)?; Ok(PhysicalDrive { handle, geometry: geometry(&handle)?, }) } /// The size of the drive in bytes. pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { self.geometry.size() } } impl HarddiskVolume { /// Opens the harddisk volume with the given number. /// /// NOTE: this requires administrator privileges. Volume numbers start at 1. /// /// Fails if an invalid harddisk volume number is given, the user has insufficient privileges /// or an error occures while opening the volume. /// If an error occurs, an error message containing the error number is returned, see /// [here]( for a list. pub fn open(volume_num: u8) -> Result { let path = format!("\\\\?\\HarddiskVolume{}", volume_num); let handle = open_handle(&path)?; Ok(HarddiskVolume { handle, geometry: geometry(&handle)?, partition_info: partition_info(&handle)?, }) } /// The size of the volume in bytes. pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { self.partition_info.partition_length } } impl_physical!(PhysicalDrive, HarddiskVolume); impl BufferedPhysicalDrive { /// Opens the physical drive with the given number. /// /// NOTE: this requires administrator privileges. Drive numbers start at 0. /// /// Fails if an invalid drive number is given, the user has insufficient privileges /// or an error occures while opening the drive. /// If an error occurs, an error message containing the error number is returned, see /// [here]( for a list. pub fn open(drive_num: u8) -> Result { let mut drive = PhysicalDrive::open(drive_num)?; let mut sector = vec![0; drive.geometry.bytes_per_sector as usize]; match sector) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => return Err(format!("{}", e)), } let geo = drive.geometry; Ok(BufferedPhysicalDrive { drive, current_sector: Cursor::new(sector), current_sector_num: 0, geometry: geo, }) } /// The size of the drive in bytes. pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { self.geometry.size() } } impl BufferedHarddiskVolume { /// Opens the harddisk volume with the given number. /// /// NOTE: this requires administrator privileges. Volume numbers start at 1. /// /// Fails if an invalid harddisk volume number is given, the user has insufficient privileges /// or an error occures while opening the colume. /// If an error occurs, an error message containing the error number is returned, see /// [here]( for a list. pub fn open(volume_num: u8) -> Result { let mut volume = HarddiskVolume::open(volume_num)?; let mut sector = vec![0; volume.geometry.bytes_per_sector as usize]; match sector) { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => return Err(format!("{}", e)), } let geo = volume.geometry; let info = volume.partition_info; Ok(BufferedHarddiskVolume { volume, current_sector: Cursor::new(sector), current_sector_num: 0, geometry: geo, partition_info: info, }) } /// The size of the volume in bytes. pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { self.partition_info.partition_length } } impl_buffered!( (BufferedPhysicalDrive, drive), (BufferedHarddiskVolume, volume) ); impl DiskGeometry { /// Returns the size of the disk in bytes. pub fn size(&self) -> u64 { self.sectors() * self.bytes_per_sector as u64 } /// Returns the number of sectors of the disk. pub fn sectors(&self) -> u64 { self.cylinders as u64 * self.tracks_per_cylinder as u64 * self.sectors_per_track as u64 } } impl From for DiskGeometry { fn from(geo: DISK_GEOMETRY) -> Self { DiskGeometry { cylinders: unsafe { *geo.Cylinders.QuadPart() }, media_type: geo.MediaType, tracks_per_cylinder: geo.TracksPerCylinder, sectors_per_track: geo.SectorsPerTrack, bytes_per_sector: geo.BytesPerSector, } } } impl From for PartitionInfo { fn from(info: PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX) -> Self { PartitionInfo { partition_style: PartitionStyle::try_from(info.PartitionStyle).unwrap(), starting_offset: unsafe { *info.StartingOffset.QuadPart() } as _, partition_length: unsafe { *info.PartitionLength.QuadPart() } as _, partition_number: info.PartitionNumber, } } } fn open_handle(path: &str) -> Result { let path = win32::win32_string(&path); let handle = unsafe { fs::CreateFileW( path.as_ptr(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, null_mut(), OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, null_mut(), ) }; if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE { let err = win32::last_error(); Err(match err { 2 => "could not open handle because the device was not found".to_string(), 5 => "could not open handle because access was denied - do you have administrator privileges?".to_string(), _ => format!("got invalid handle: error code {:#08x}", err) }) } else { Ok(handle) } } // Gets the disk geometry via the Win32 API. // If an error occurs, an error message containing the error number is returned. fn geometry(drive: &HANDLE) -> Result { let mut geo = Default::default(); let mut bytes_returned = 0u32; let geo_ptr: *mut DISK_GEOMETRY = &mut geo; let r = unsafe { DeviceIoControl( *drive, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, null_mut(), 0, geo_ptr as *mut c_void, size_of::() as u32, &mut bytes_returned, null_mut(), ) }; if r == 0 { Err(format!( "could not get geometry: error code {:#08x}", win32::last_error() )) } else { Ok(DiskGeometry::from(geo)) } } // Gets the disk geometry via the Win32 API. // If an error occurs, an error message containing the error number is returned. fn partition_info(partition: &HANDLE) -> Result { let mut info = Default::default(); let mut bytes_returned = 0u32; let info_ptr: *mut PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX = &mut info; let r = unsafe { DeviceIoControl( *partition, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, null_mut(), 0, info_ptr as *mut c_void, size_of::() as u32, &mut bytes_returned, null_mut(), ) }; if r == 0 { Err(format!( "could not get partition info: error code {:#08x}", win32::last_error() )) } else { Ok(PartitionInfo::from(info)) } }