# Windows permissions Safe Rust bindings to Windows permissions APIs. [![Crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] [![Docs.rs][docs-badge]][docs-url] [crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/windows-permissions [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/windows-permissions [docs-badge]: https://docs.rs/windows-permissions/badge.svg [docs-url]: https://docs.rs/windows-permissions ## Overview This crate provides safe Rust wrappers over several Windows permissions concepts, including: - SID (Security Identifier) - ACL (Access Control List) - ACE (Access Control Entry) - SD (Security Descriptor) There are two kinds of abstractions: - The primary Windows data structures are available and can be used directly. - In the `wrappers` crate, there are safe versions of the Windows API functions. Any Windows API function not implemented should be reported as an issue. ## Contributing PRs are happily accepted! In general, `unsafe` code should be confined to the `wrappers` module -- the rest of this crate should be implemented safely based on that code. Help wanted: - Make `wrappers` more complete with additional Windows API functions - Add new data structures that cover more of the permissions APIs