# windows exe info A [`Cargo` build script](http://doc.crates.io/build-script.html) library to handle inclusion of Windows icons, version information and application manifests without the use of external `.rc` files. Inspired by and using [embed_resource](https://docs.rs/embed-resource). Use embed_resource when the `windres` command is not on PATH. Generic image format conversion requires [imagemagick](https://imagemagick.org). Imagemagick needs to be in PATH for the conversion functions to work. If imagemagick is not found, the build script will fail. The only icon format available without imagemagick is `.ico`. This crate only works on windows as resource scripts are a windows thing. By default it will check whether it is compiling for windows and will ignore linking calls otherwise. Build_cfg is required for cross architecture compilation. ## Features - build_cfg: use [build_cfg](https://docs.rs/build_cfg) to target the correct architecture - embed_resource: use [embed_resource](https://docs.rs/embed-resource) crate for selecting `.rc` compiler - icon_ico: basic icon linking - icon_placeholder: add a placeholder todo icon - icon_png: png format support using imagemagick - icon_magick: generic format support using imagemagick - icon_autodetect: autodetect icon format by file extension and use specific conversion function (ico, png or magick) - manifest: allow embedding [Windows application manifest xml files](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sbscs/manifest-files-reference) in the executable \ the manifest feature is **not** required to embed version information or an icon - versioninfo: allow adding windows version information to the executable - windows_only: check if the compilation target is windows and do not link if otherwise The default features are `embed_resource`, `icon_ico`, `icon_placeholder`, `versioninfo` and `windows_only` ## breaking changes ### 0.4.2 - none ### 0.4.1 - add `windows_only` feature by default to prevent linking against non windows operating systems ### 0.4.0 - `icon_xxx`, `icon_svg` and `icon_xcf` all have been replaced by `icon_magick` - the `manifest` feature is now optional ## examples add [this crate](https://crates.io/crates/windows_exe_info) to your build-dependencies In `Cargo.toml` ```toml # the rest of the [package] section build = "build.rs" [build-dependencies] windows_exe_info = "0.4" ``` - adding an icon (`.ico`) In `build.rs` ```rust extern crate windows_exe_info; fn main(){ windows_exe_info::icon::icon_ico(std::path::Path::new("PATH/TO/ICON.ico")); } ``` - adding version information based on cargo's environment variables In `build.rs` choose one of these options ```rust extern crate windows_exe_info; fn main(){ // simple option 1 windows_exe_info::versioninfo::link_cargo_env(); // simple option 2 windows_exe_info::versioninfo::VersionInfo::from_cargo_env().link().unwrap(); // advanced option windows_exe_info::versioninfo::VersionInfo::from_cargo_env_ex( Some("comment"), Some("company name"), Some("copyright"), Some("trademarks") ).link().unwrap(); // these three function calls do effectively the same but are required only once } ``` - adding version information manually In `build.rs` ```rust extern crate windows_exe_info; fn main(){ use windows_exe_info::versioninfo::*; // Change these attributes as you need VersionInfo { file_version: Version(0, 1, 0, 0), product_version: Version(0, 1, 0, 0), file_flag_mask: FileFlagMask::Win16, file_flags: FileFlags { debug: false, patched: false, prerelease: false, privatebuild: false, infoinferred: false, specialbuild: false, }, file_os: FileOS::Windows32, file_type: FileType::App, file_info: vec![FileInfo { lang: Language::USEnglish, charset: CharacterSet::Multilingual, comment: None, company_name: "".into(), file_description: "An example build script".into(), file_version: "".into(), internal_name: "example".into(), legal_copyright: None, legal_trademarks: None, original_filename: "example.exe".into(), product_name: "Example".into(), product_version: "".into(), private_build: None, special_build: None, }], } .link().unwrap(); } ``` - embedding a [manifest](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/sbscs/manifest-files-reference) add the manifest feature in `Cargo.toml` ```toml windows_exe_info = {version = "0.4", features = ["manifest"]} ``` In `build.rs` ```rust extern crate windows_exe_info; fn main(){ windows_exe_info::manifest::manifest(std::path::Path::new("PATH/TO/MANIFEST.XML")); } ```