extern crate regex; extern crate sha2; use regex::Regex; use sha2::{Sha256, Digest}; use std::{ borrow::Cow, env, fs::File, io::{prelude::*, copy, BufRead, BufReader, LineWriter}, process::Command, str, }; // This regex grabs all MC-generated #define statements and for each it // captures 3 groups: name, cast, value. The "cast" group is optional. // i.e. "#define SOMETHING ((DWORD)0x1200L)" -> ("SOMETHING", "DWORD", 0x1200) const REGEX: &str = r"^#define (\S+)\s+\(?(\([[:alpha:]]+\))?\s*(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)"; const INPUT_FILE: &str = "res/eventmsgs.mc"; const GENERATED_FILE: &str = "res/eventmsgs.rs"; const MC_ARGS: &[&str] = &["-U", "-h", "res", "-r", "res", INPUT_FILE]; #[cfg(not(windows))] const MC_BIN: &str = "windmc"; #[cfg(not(windows))] const RC_BIN: &str = "windres"; #[cfg(not(windows))] const RC_ARGS: &[&str] = &["-v", "-i", "res/eventmsgs.rc", "-o", "res/eventmsgs.lib"]; #[cfg(not(windows))] fn prefix_command(cmd: &str) -> Cow { let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); let arch: &str = target.split("-").collect::>()[0]; format!("{}-w64-mingw32-{}", arch, cmd).into() } #[cfg(windows)] const MC_BIN: &str = "mc.exe"; #[cfg(windows)] const RC_BIN: &str = "rc.exe"; #[cfg(windows)] const RC_ARGS: &[&str] = &["/v", "/fo", "res/eventmsgs.lib", "res/eventmsgs.rc"]; #[cfg(windows)] fn prefix_command(cmd: &str) -> Cow { cmd.into() } fn run_tool(cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> () { let program = prefix_command(cmd); let mut command = Command::new(program.as_ref()); match command.args(args).output() { Ok(out) => { println!("{:?}", str::from_utf8(&out.stderr).unwrap()); println!("{:?}", str::from_utf8(&out.stdout).unwrap()); }, Err(err) => { println!("ERROR: Failed to run command: {}, error: {}", program, err); }, } } fn gen_rust(origin_hash: &str) -> () { let re = Regex::new(REGEX).unwrap(); let file_out = File::create(GENERATED_FILE).unwrap(); let mut writer = LineWriter::new(file_out); writer.write_all(format!("// Auto-generated from origin with SHA256 {}.\n", origin_hash).as_bytes()).unwrap(); let file_in = File::open("res/eventmsgs.h").unwrap(); for line_res in BufReader::new(file_in).lines() { let line = line_res.unwrap(); if let Some(x) = re.captures(&line) { writer .write_all(format!("pub const {}: u32 = {};\n", &x[1], &x[3]).as_bytes()) .unwrap(); } } } fn file_hash(f: &str) -> String { let mut file = File::open(f).unwrap(); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); let _count = copy(&mut file, &mut hasher).unwrap(); let formatted = format!("{:x}", hasher.result()); println!("file={}, hash={}", f, formatted); formatted } fn file_contains(f: &str, needle: &str) -> bool { match File::open(f) { Err(_) => false, Ok(file) => { for line in BufReader::new(file).lines() { if line.unwrap().contains(needle) { println!("file={} contains {}", f, needle); return true; } } println!("file={} does not contain {}", f, needle); false } } } fn main() { for (key, value) in env::vars() { println!("Env[{}]={}", key, value); } let origin_hash = file_hash(INPUT_FILE); if cfg!(not(windows)) || !file_contains(GENERATED_FILE, &origin_hash) { println!("Generating {} from {} with hash {}", GENERATED_FILE, INPUT_FILE, origin_hash); run_tool(MC_BIN, MC_ARGS); run_tool(RC_BIN, RC_ARGS); gen_rust(&origin_hash); } let dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}/res", dir); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib=eventmsgs"); }