use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use libloading::Library; use windows::Win32::{ Foundation::{HWND, RECT}, Graphics::Gdi::{ BeginPaint, Ellipse, EndPaint, FillRect, GetStockObject, InvalidateRect, SelectObject, BLACK_PEN, HBRUSH, PAINTSTRUCT, WHITE_BRUSH, }, }; use winit::{ event::{Event, WindowEvent}, event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop}, keyboard::KeyCode, raw_window_handle::{HasWindowHandle, RawWindowHandle, Win32WindowHandle}, window::{Window, WindowBuilder}, }; use wintab_lite::{ cast_void, Packet, WTClose, WTDataGet, WTInfo, WTOpen, WTQueuePacketsEx, AXIS, CXO, DVC, LOGCONTEXT, WTI, WTPKT, XYZ, }; fn extract_window_handel(window_holder: &Window) -> Result { let handel = window_holder.window_handle()?; match handel.as_raw() { RawWindowHandle::Win32(Win32WindowHandle { hinstance: Some(_), hwnd, .. }) => Ok(HWND(hwnd.into())), _ => Err(anyhow!("Not windows, or invalid instance.")), } } fn main() -> Result<()> { // ================== // winit setup hijinks let event_loop = EventLoop::new()?; let window = WindowBuilder::new() .with_title("wintab_lite example: winit_libloading") .build(&event_loop)?; event_loop.set_control_flow(ControlFlow::Poll); let window_holder = Arc::new(window); // ====================================================== // wintab can only be dynamically linked as far as I know let lib = unsafe { Library::new("Wintab32.dll")? }; let wintab_open: WTOpen = unsafe { lib.get(c"WTOpenA".to_bytes())? }; let wintab_info: WTInfo = unsafe { lib.get(c"WTInfoA".to_bytes())? }; let wintab_close: WTClose = unsafe { lib.get(c"WTClose".to_bytes())? }; let wintab_queue: WTQueuePacketsEx = unsafe { lib.get(c"WTQueuePacketsEx".to_bytes())? }; let wintab_data_get: WTDataGet = unsafe { lib.get(c"WTDataGet".to_bytes())? }; // ========================================== // mutable variables that wintab can write to let mut log_context = LOGCONTEXT::default(); let mut tablet_x = AXIS::default(); let mut tablet_y = AXIS::default(); // ============================================= // persuade winit to disclose the window handel let hwnd = extract_window_handel(&window_holder)?; // ====================================== // Query wintab for its default 'context' let return_value = unsafe { wintab_info(WTI::DEFSYSCTX, 0, cast_void!(log_context)) }; assert_ne!(return_value, 0); println!("Default Wintab system context"); println!("{:#?}", log_context); // ====================================== // Give the context a custom name. Why? Dunno. The example code does this. log_context .lcName .write_str(format!("Custom Ctx Name {hwnd:?}").as_str()); // ====================================== // Make it so that the tablet moves the system mouse cursor // Although the docs say otherwise, the default context // appears to always have this set anyway log_context.lcOptions |= CXO::SYSTEM; // ====================================== // Configure the fields of the Packet Struct that will be returned // This flexibility is unnecessary if we statically define the struct // and just grab all fields log_context.lcPktData = WTPKT::all(); log_context.lcPktMode = WTPKT::empty(); //log_context.lcPktMode = WTPKT::BUTTONS; // does not work when this is set on my system log_context.lcMoveMask = WTPKT::X | WTPKT::Y | WTPKT::NORMAL_PRESSURE; // This is pointless as far as I can tell: log_context.lcBtnUpMask = log_context.lcBtnDnMask; // ====================================== // Request Device Name. this is done in 2 steps since there is no documented maximum // buffer length 👍 let result = unsafe { wintab_info(WTI::DEVICES, DVC::NAME as u32, std::ptr::null_mut()) }; println!("Byte syze of DVC::NAME {result:?}"); let mut device_name = vec![0u8; result as usize]; let _result = unsafe { wintab_info( WTI::DEVICES, DVC::NAME as u32, device_name.as_mut_ptr() as *mut std::ffi::c_void, ) }; unsafe { println!( "Result of DVC::NAME {:?}", String::from_utf8_unchecked(device_name) ) }; // ====================================== // Request device axes let result = unsafe { wintab_info(WTI::DEVICES, DVC::X as u32, cast_void!(tablet_x)) }; assert_eq!(result as usize, std::mem::size_of::()); let result = unsafe { wintab_info(WTI::DEVICES, DVC::Y as u32, cast_void!(tablet_y)) }; assert_eq!(result as usize, std::mem::size_of::()); println!("Tablet x,y axes"); println!("{:#?}", tablet_x); println!("{:#?}", tablet_y); // ====================================== // configure the context. // I found this was a redundant assignment when testing: log_context.lcInOrgXYZ = XYZ::default(); // found this is a redundant assignment when testing: log_context.lcInExtXYZ = XYZ { x: tablet_x.axMax, y: tablet_y.axMax, z: 0, }; // ======================================================= // Tablet output coordinates are upside down by default 🙃 let default_y_extent = log_context.lcOutExtXYZ.y; log_context.lcOutExtXYZ.y = -default_y_extent; //log_context.lcOutOrgXYZ.y = default_y_extent; // ====================================== // Open the context // use the laboriously configured LOGCONTEXT struct to finally open a connection with our window // The example says we are supposed to open it in the disabled state... but why. I just open it // in enabled state. let wintab_context_handel = unsafe { wintab_open(hwnd, &mut log_context, 1) }; println!("Wintab context handel {:?}", wintab_context_handel); println!("Log Context after open {log_context:#?}"); let mut x = 0; let mut y = 0; let mut p = 0; let mut redraw = false; let _ = |event, elwt| { match event { Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested, .. } => { println!("The close button was pressed; stopping"); match unsafe { wintab_close(wintab_context_handel) } { 0 => {} _ => { println!("WARNING: WTClose Failed"); } }; elwt.exit(); } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { device_id, event, is_synthetic, }, .. } => { println!( "Keyboard input: device_id={:?}, event={:?}, is_synthetic={}", device_id, event, is_synthetic ); if event.physical_key == KeyCode::Space { redraw = true; } } Event::AboutToWait => { // Application update code. let mut from = 0; let mut to = 0; match unsafe { wintab_queue(wintab_context_handel, &mut from, &mut to) } { 0 => {} _ => { let mut count_packets_removed_from_queue = 0; const MAX_PACKETS_TO_GET: i32 = 100; let mut packets: [Packet; MAX_PACKETS_TO_GET as usize] = core::array::from_fn(|_| Packet::default()); let _total_actually_found = unsafe { wintab_data_get( wintab_context_handel, from, to, MAX_PACKETS_TO_GET, cast_void!(packets), &mut count_packets_removed_from_queue, ) }; let packets = &packets[0..count_packets_removed_from_queue as usize]; // println!("Available: {from}-{to} Found {total_actually_found} Removed {count_packets_removed_from_queue}"); if count_packets_removed_from_queue > 0 { // println!("============ {count_packets_removed_from_queue}"); // packets.iter().for_each(|packet|println!("{packet:#?}")); packets.last().map(|packet| { x = packet.pkXYZ.x; y = packet.pkXYZ.y; p = packet.pkNormalPressure; }); } } } window_holder.request_redraw(); } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::Resized(_), .. } => { window_holder.request_redraw(); } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::RedrawRequested, .. } => { // Redraw the application (allows OS to request redraw) let inner_position = match window_holder.inner_position() { Ok(inner_position) => inner_position, Err(_) => panic!("Could not obtain inner position"), }; let inner_size = window_holder.inner_size(); let tx = x - inner_position.x; let ty = y - inner_position.y; //println!("Redraw requested, inner position {inner_position:?}, raw({x} {y}) tx({tx} {ty}) "); let mut paint_struct: PAINTSTRUCT = PAINTSTRUCT::default(); let rc: RECT = RECT { left: 0, top: 0, right: inner_size.width as i32, bottom: inner_size.height as i32, }; unsafe { assert!(InvalidateRect(hwnd, Some(&rc), true).as_bool()); let hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &mut paint_struct); if redraw { redraw = false; let brush = HBRUSH(GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH).0); FillRect(hdc, &rc, brush); } //assert!(PatBlt(hdc, tx, ty-15,1 ,30, BLACKNESS).as_bool()); //assert!(PatBlt(hdc, tx-15,ty ,30, 1, BLACKNESS).as_bool()); let size: i32 = p as i32 / 150; SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); assert!(Ellipse(hdc, tx - size, ty - size, tx + size, ty + size).as_bool()); assert!(EndPaint(hwnd, &mut paint_struct).as_bool()); } } Event::WindowEvent { event: WindowEvent::TouchpadPressure { device_id, pressure, stage, }, .. } => { println!( "Touchpad pressure: device_id={:?}, pressure={:?}, stage={:?}", device_id, pressure, stage ); } _ => (), } })?; Ok(()) }