= WINTS :crate-version: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/wints.svg :crate-downloads: https://img.shields.io/crates/d/wints.svg :crate: https://crates.io/crates/wints :ci-badge: https://github.com/rlespinasse/wints/workflows/Continuous%20integration/badge.svg :security-badge: https://github.com/rlespinasse/wints/workflows/Security%20audit/badge.svg :actions: https://github.com/rlespinasse/wints/actions :license-badge: https://img.shields.io/github/license/rlespinasse/wints :license: https://github.com/rlespinasse/wints/blob/v0.x/LICENSE :cargo-installation: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html image:{crate-version}[Crate,link={crate}] image:{crate-downloads}[Crate,link={crate}] image:{ci-badge}[CI Status,link={actions}] image:{security-badge}[Security Audit Status,link={actions}] image:{license-badge}[License,link={license}] You may have a lot of URLs for a lot of context. If the question is **What I Need To See in this context?**, then the answer is `wints`. == Installation * Via {cargo-installation}[Cargo] + [source,shell] ---- cargo install wints ---- * Build Manually + [source,shell] ---- git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:rlespinasse/wints.git ~/.wints cd ~/.wints cargo install --path . cargo build --release # put the resulting `target/release/wints` executable on your PATH. ---- == Usage You can test it with - `wints crate` to open the url to `wints` as a Rust crate - `wints issues` to open the issues of the `wints` **repository** Fuzzy-matching is also possible, - `wints repo` will only open all URLs related to `wints` **repository** To known more, you can run `wints usage` to go to the link:USAGE.adoc[Usage guide].