//! Creates a wintun adapter, setups routes so that the adapter gets packets from the system, and //! writes all routed packets to a pcap file for analysis in Wireshark //! Must be run as Administrator use packet::Builder; use std::{ fs::File, net::IpAddr, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }, time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}, }; use subprocess::{Popen, PopenConfig, Redirection}; use windows_sys::Win32::{ Foundation::NO_ERROR, NetworkManagement::IpHelper::{GetBestRoute, MIB_IPFORWARDROW}, Networking::WinSock::{AF_INET, AF_INET6, SOCKADDR_INET}, }; use wintun::{format_message, Error}; mod misc; static RUNNING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true); /// Converts a rust ip addr to a SOCKADDR_INET fn _ip_addr_to_win_addr(addr: IpAddr) -> SOCKADDR_INET { let mut result: SOCKADDR_INET = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() }; match addr { IpAddr::V4(v4) => { result.si_family = AF_INET; result.Ipv4.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = u32::from_ne_bytes(v4.octets()); } IpAddr::V6(v6) => { result.si_family = AF_INET6; result.Ipv6.sin6_addr.u.Byte = v6.octets(); } } result } pub enum RouteCmdKind { Add, Set, } pub struct RouteCmd { pub kind: RouteCmdKind, pub cmd: String, } impl RouteCmd { pub fn add(cmd: String) -> Self { Self { kind: RouteCmdKind::Add, cmd, } } pub fn set(cmd: String) -> Self { Self { kind: RouteCmdKind::Set, cmd, } } } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { dotenvy::dotenv().ok(); env_logger::init(); let dll_path = misc::get_wintun_bin_relative_path()?; let wintun = unsafe { wintun::load_from_path(dll_path)? }; let adapter = match wintun::Adapter::open(&wintun, "Demo") { Ok(a) => a, Err(_) => wintun::Adapter::create(&wintun, "Demo", "Example", None)?, }; let version = wintun::get_running_driver_version(&wintun)?; log::info!("Using wintun version: {:?}", version); //Give wintun interface ip and gateway let interface_address: IpAddr = "".parse()?; let interface_gateway: IpAddr = "".parse()?; let interface_prefix_length = 24; let dns_server = ""; //Get the ip address of the default gateway so we can re-route all traffic to us, then the //gateway let gateway = unsafe { let mut row: MIB_IPFORWARDROW = std::mem::zeroed(); let result = GetBestRoute(u32::from_be_bytes([1, 1, 1, 1]), 0, &mut row as *mut MIB_IPFORWARDROW); if result != NO_ERROR { log::error!("Failed to get best route: {}", format_message(result)?); return Err("Failed to get best route".into()); } log::trace!("Route: {:?}", row.dwForwardDest.to_ne_bytes()); log::trace!("Mask: {:?}", row.dwForwardMask.to_ne_bytes()); log::trace!("Policy: {:?}", row.dwForwardPolicy); log::trace!("NextHop: {:?}", row.dwForwardNextHop.to_ne_bytes()); let gateway_bytes = row.dwForwardNextHop.to_ne_bytes(); if gateway_bytes == [0, 0, 0, 0] { log::warn!("Gateway is This may cause problems."); log::warn!("Usually it is something like"); log::warn!("Is another VPN connection active?"); } IpAddr::V4(gateway_bytes.into()) }; log::info!("Gateway is: {}", gateway); let wintun_adapter_index = adapter.get_adapter_index()?; log::info!("Index is {}", wintun_adapter_index); let mut routes: Vec = Vec::new(); routes.push(RouteCmd::set(format!("interface {} metric=1", wintun_adapter_index))); routes.push(RouteCmd::set(format!( "address {} static {}/{} gateway={} store=active", wintun_adapter_index, interface_address, interface_prefix_length, interface_gateway ))); routes.push(RouteCmd::add(format!( "route {} {} store=active", wintun_adapter_index, interface_gateway ))); routes.push(RouteCmd::add(format!( "route {} {} store=active", wintun_adapter_index, interface_gateway ))); routes.push(RouteCmd::set(format!( "dnsservers {} static {} register=primary validate=no", wintun_adapter_index, dns_server ))); //Execute route commands so that the system routes packets to us for route in &routes { let mut args: Vec = vec![ "netsh".to_owned(), "interface".to_owned(), "ip".to_owned(), match route.kind { RouteCmdKind::Add => "add", RouteCmdKind::Set => "set", } .to_owned(), ]; args.extend(route.cmd.split(' ').map(|arg| arg.to_owned())); log::info!("Running {:?}", &args); let mut result = Popen::create( args.as_slice(), PopenConfig { stdout: Redirection::Pipe, stderr: Redirection::Merge, ..Default::default() }, )?; let raw_output = result.communicate(None)?.0.ok_or("communicate")?; let output = raw_output.trim(); let status = result.wait()?; if !status.success() || (!output.is_empty() && output != "Ok.") { log::error!("Running process: {:?} failed! Output: {}", args, output); return Err("Running process".into()); } } let file = File::create("out.pcap")?; let header = pcap_file::pcap::PcapHeader { version_major: 2, version_minor: 4, ts_correction: 0, ts_accuracy: 0, snaplen: 65535, datalink: pcap_file::DataLink::RAW, ts_resolution: pcap_file::TsResolution::NanoSecond, endianness: pcap_file::Endianness::Little, }; let mut writer = pcap_file::pcap::PcapWriter::with_header(file, header)?; let main_session = Arc::new(adapter.start_session(wintun::MAX_RING_CAPACITY)?); let reader_session = main_session.clone(); let writer_session = main_session.clone(); let reader = std::thread::spawn(move || { let mut packet_count = 0; log::info!("Starting reader"); while RUNNING.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { let packet = reader_session.receive_blocking(); if let Err(err) = packet { log::info!("Got error while reading: {}", err); break; } let mut packet = packet?; packet_count += 1; let bytes = packet.bytes_mut(); let now = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)?; let packet = pcap_file::pcap::PcapPacket::new(now, bytes.len() as u32, bytes); writer .write_packet(&packet) .map_err(|err| Error::from(format!("Failed to write packet to pcap: {}", err)))?; } Ok::(packet_count) }); let writer = std::thread::spawn(move || { log::info!("Starting writer"); let v4_dest = match interface_address { IpAddr::V4(v4) => v4, _ => panic!("Address must be ipv4"), }; while RUNNING.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { let mut packet = writer_session.allocate_send_packet(28).unwrap(); let buf = packet::buffer::Slice::new(packet.bytes_mut()); //Send random ICMP request let _ = packet::ip::v4::Builder::with(buf)? .id(0x2d87)? .ttl(64)? .source("".parse().unwrap())? .destination(v4_dest)? .icmp()? .echo()? .request()? .identifier(42)? .sequence(2)? .build()?; writer_session.send_packet(packet); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } Ok::<(), packet::Error>(()) }); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); println!("Press enter to stop example"); let mut string = String::new(); let _ = std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut string); RUNNING.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed); log::info!("Stopping session"); main_session.shutdown()?; let packets_captured = reader.join().map_err(|err| Error::from(format!("{:?}", err)))??; writer.join().map_err(|err| Error::from(format!("{:?}", err)))??; log::info!("Finished session successfully!"); for route in &routes { match route.kind { RouteCmdKind::Add => { let mut args: Vec = vec![ "netsh".to_owned(), "interface".to_owned(), "ip".to_owned(), "delete".to_owned(), ]; args.extend(route.cmd.split(' ').map(|arg| arg.to_owned())); log::info!("Running {:?}", &args); let mut result = Popen::create( args.as_slice(), PopenConfig { stdout: Redirection::Pipe, stderr: Redirection::Merge, ..Default::default() }, )?; let raw_output = result.communicate(None)?.0.ok_or("communicate")?; let output = raw_output.trim(); let status = result.wait()?; if !status.success() || (!output.is_empty() && output != "Ok.") { log::warn!("Running process: {:?} failed! Output: {}", args, output); } } RouteCmdKind::Set => {} } } log::info!("Saved {} captured packets to out.pcap", packets_captured); //`main_session` and `adapter` are both dropped Ok(()) }