# winutils-rs Rust abstractions of random Windows API and definitions ## Overview This project is a collection of Rust abstractions of random Windows API and definitions. This crate will slowly grow as time goes by. The main reason this crate exists is to have a common crate that [virtdisk-rs](https://github.com/rafawo/virtdisk-rs) and [hcs-rs](https://github.com/rafawo/hcs-rs) crates can use to share windows utilities and definitions. ## Crates.io version notes This section briefly describes all published crates.io [versions](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/versions) of this project, ordered from latest to oldest. - [**0.2.2 Apr 18, 2020**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.2.2) - Added `LocalMemory` - Added `hresult_message`, `lasterror_if` and `lasterror_if_win32_bool_false` - Added `LocalDAcl` - Added `LocalSecurityDescriptor` - Added `TokenInformation` - Added `ComLibraryRuntime` - [**0.2.1 Dec 10, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.2.1) - Fixed CotaskMemWString and LocalWString to actually use a pointer - [**0.2.0 Mar 15, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.2.0) - Cleaned up and fixed documentation - Renamed error codes enumeration from `ResultCode` to `WinResultCode` - Fixes [issue 1](https://github.com/rafawo/winutils-rs/issues/1) by preferring a raw pointer cast instead of using a transmute with unnecessary bit copies - [**0.1.6 Mar 15, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.6) - Contains the oldest stable set of windows utilities - Error code definitions added from winerror.h in the Windows 10 SDK, ***no HRESULT definitions*** - [**0.1.5 Jan 8, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.5) - **YANKED, DO NOT USE** - [**0.1.4 Jan 8, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.4) - **YANKED, DO NOT USE** - [**0.1.3 Jan 8, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.3) - **YANKED, DO NOT USE** - [**0.1.2 Jan 4, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.2) - **YANKED, DO NOT USE** - [**0.1.1 Jan 3, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.1) - **YANKED, DO NOT USE** - [**0.1.0 Jan 3, 2019**](https://crates.io/crates/winutils-rs/0.1.0) - **YANKED, DO NOT USE**