/*- * Public Domain 2014-present MongoDB, Inc. * Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. * * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "wtperf.h" /* * Return total insert operations for the populate phase. */ uint64_t sum_pop_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { CONFIG_OPTS *opts; WTPERF_THREAD *thread; uint64_t total; u_int i; opts = wtperf->opts; total = 0; for (i = 0, thread = wtperf->popthreads; thread != NULL && i < opts->populate_threads; ++i, ++thread) total += thread->insert.ops; return (total); } /* * Return total checkpoint operations. */ uint64_t sum_ckpt_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { CONFIG_OPTS *opts; WTPERF_THREAD *thread; uint64_t total; u_int i; opts = wtperf->opts; total = 0; for (i = 0, thread = wtperf->ckptthreads; thread != NULL && i < opts->checkpoint_threads; ++i, ++thread) total += thread->ckpt.ops; return (total); } /* * Return total scan operations. */ uint64_t sum_scan_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { CONFIG_OPTS *opts; uint64_t total; opts = wtperf->opts; if (opts->scan_interval > 0) total = wtperf->scanthreads->scan.ops; else total = 0; return (total); } /* * Return total operations count for the worker threads. */ static uint64_t sum_ops(WTPERF *wtperf, size_t field_offset) { CONFIG_OPTS *opts; WTPERF_THREAD *thread; uint64_t total; int64_t i, th_cnt; opts = wtperf->opts; total = 0; if (wtperf->popthreads == NULL) { thread = wtperf->workers; th_cnt = wtperf->workers_cnt; } else { thread = wtperf->popthreads; th_cnt = opts->populate_threads; } for (i = 0; thread != NULL && i < th_cnt; ++i, ++thread) total += ((TRACK *)((uint8_t *)thread + field_offset))->ops; return (total); } uint64_t sum_insert_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { return (sum_ops(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, insert))); } uint64_t sum_modify_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { return (sum_ops(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, modify))); } uint64_t sum_read_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { return (sum_ops(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, read))); } uint64_t sum_truncate_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { return (sum_ops(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, truncate))); } uint64_t sum_update_ops(WTPERF *wtperf) { return (sum_ops(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, update))); } /* * latency_op -- * Get average, minimum and maximum latency for this period for a particular operation. */ static void latency_op(WTPERF *wtperf, size_t field_offset, uint32_t *avgp, uint32_t *minp, uint32_t *maxp) { CONFIG_OPTS *opts; TRACK *track; WTPERF_THREAD *thread; uint64_t ops, latency, tmp; int64_t i, th_cnt; uint32_t max, min; opts = wtperf->opts; ops = latency = 0; max = 0; min = UINT32_MAX; if (wtperf->popthreads == NULL) { thread = wtperf->workers; th_cnt = wtperf->workers_cnt; } else { thread = wtperf->popthreads; th_cnt = opts->populate_threads; } for (i = 0; thread != NULL && i < th_cnt; ++i, ++thread) { track = (TRACK *)((uint8_t *)thread + field_offset); tmp = track->latency_ops; ops += tmp - track->last_latency_ops; track->last_latency_ops = tmp; tmp = track->latency; latency += tmp - track->last_latency; track->last_latency = tmp; if (min > track->min_latency) min = track->min_latency; track->min_latency = UINT32_MAX; if (max < track->max_latency) max = track->max_latency; track->max_latency = 0; } if (ops == 0) *avgp = *minp = *maxp = 0; else { *minp = min; *maxp = max; *avgp = (uint32_t)(latency / ops); } } void latency_insert(WTPERF *wtperf, uint32_t *avgp, uint32_t *minp, uint32_t *maxp) { static uint32_t last_avg = 0, last_max = 0, last_min = 0; latency_op(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, insert), avgp, minp, maxp); /* * If nothing happened, graph the average, minimum and maximum as they were the last time, it * keeps the graphs from having discontinuities. */ if (*minp == 0) { *avgp = last_avg; *minp = last_min; *maxp = last_max; } else { last_avg = *avgp; last_min = *minp; last_max = *maxp; } } void latency_modify(WTPERF *wtperf, uint32_t *avgp, uint32_t *minp, uint32_t *maxp) { static uint32_t last_avg = 0, last_max = 0, last_min = 0; latency_op(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, modify), avgp, minp, maxp); /* * If nothing happened, graph the average, minimum and maximum as they were the last time, it * keeps the graphs from having discontinuities. */ if (*minp == 0) { *avgp = last_avg; *minp = last_min; *maxp = last_max; } else { last_avg = *avgp; last_min = *minp; last_max = *maxp; } } void latency_read(WTPERF *wtperf, uint32_t *avgp, uint32_t *minp, uint32_t *maxp) { static uint32_t last_avg = 0, last_max = 0, last_min = 0; latency_op(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, read), avgp, minp, maxp); /* * If nothing happened, graph the average, minimum and maximum as they were the last time, it * keeps the graphs from having discontinuities. */ if (*minp == 0) { *avgp = last_avg; *minp = last_min; *maxp = last_max; } else { last_avg = *avgp; last_min = *minp; last_max = *maxp; } } void latency_update(WTPERF *wtperf, uint32_t *avgp, uint32_t *minp, uint32_t *maxp) { static uint32_t last_avg = 0, last_max = 0, last_min = 0; latency_op(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, update), avgp, minp, maxp); /* * If nothing happened, graph the average, minimum and maximum as they were the last time, it * keeps the graphs from having discontinuities. */ if (*minp == 0) { *avgp = last_avg; *minp = last_min; *maxp = last_max; } else { last_avg = *avgp; last_min = *minp; last_max = *maxp; } } /* * sum_latency -- * Sum latency for a set of threads. */ static void sum_latency(WTPERF *wtperf, size_t field_offset, TRACK *total) { WTPERF_THREAD *thread; TRACK *trk; int64_t i; u_int j; memset(total, 0, sizeof(*total)); for (i = 0, thread = wtperf->workers; thread != NULL && i < wtperf->workers_cnt; ++i, ++thread) { trk = (TRACK *)((uint8_t *)thread + field_offset); for (j = 0; j < ELEMENTS(trk->us); ++j) { total->ops += trk->us[j]; total->us[j] += trk->us[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ELEMENTS(trk->ms); ++j) { total->ops += trk->ms[j]; total->ms[j] += trk->ms[j]; } for (j = 0; j < ELEMENTS(trk->sec); ++j) { total->ops += trk->sec[j]; total->sec[j] += trk->sec[j]; } } } static void sum_insert_latency(WTPERF *wtperf, TRACK *total) { sum_latency(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, insert), total); } static void sum_modify_latency(WTPERF *wtperf, TRACK *total) { sum_latency(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, modify), total); } static void sum_read_latency(WTPERF *wtperf, TRACK *total) { sum_latency(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, read), total); } static void sum_update_latency(WTPERF *wtperf, TRACK *total) { sum_latency(wtperf, offsetof(WTPERF_THREAD, update), total); } static void latency_print_single(WTPERF *wtperf, TRACK *total, const char *name) { FILE *fp; u_int i; uint64_t cumops; char path[1024]; testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/latency.%s", wtperf->monitor_dir, name)); if ((fp = fopen(path, "w")) == NULL) { lprintf(wtperf, errno, 0, "%s", path); return; } fprintf(fp, "#usecs,operations,cumulative-operations,total-operations\n"); cumops = 0; for (i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(total->us); ++i) { if (total->us[i] == 0) continue; cumops += total->us[i]; fprintf(fp, "%u,%" PRIu32 ",%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "\n", (i + 1), total->us[i], cumops, total->ops); } for (i = 1; i < ELEMENTS(total->ms); ++i) { if (total->ms[i] == 0) continue; cumops += total->ms[i]; fprintf(fp, "%llu,%" PRIu32 ",%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "\n", ms_to_us(i + 1), total->ms[i], cumops, total->ops); } for (i = 1; i < ELEMENTS(total->sec); ++i) { if (total->sec[i] == 0) continue; cumops += total->sec[i]; fprintf(fp, "%llu,%" PRIu32 ",%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "\n", sec_to_us(i + 1), total->sec[i], cumops, total->ops); } (void)fclose(fp); } void latency_print(WTPERF *wtperf) { TRACK total; sum_insert_latency(wtperf, &total); latency_print_single(wtperf, &total, "insert"); sum_modify_latency(wtperf, &total); latency_print_single(wtperf, &total, "modify"); sum_read_latency(wtperf, &total); latency_print_single(wtperf, &total, "read"); sum_update_latency(wtperf, &total); latency_print_single(wtperf, &total, "update"); }