import os import sys ##### LOCAL VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS ##### component = "" testing_area = "" test_type = "" is_end = False is_file_ignored = False is_file_tagged = False is_start = False show_info = False show_missing_files = False nb_ignored_files = 0 nb_missing_files = 0 nb_valid_files = 0 sorted_tags = [] test_files = [] tagged_files = {} valid_tags = {} END_TAG = "[END_TAGS]" IGNORE_FILE = "ignored_file" NB_TAG_ARGS = 3 START_TAG = "[TEST_TAGS]" ##### ##### PROCESS ARGS ##### for arg in sys.argv: if arg == "-h": print("Usage: python [options]") print("Options:") print("\t-i\tShow info") print("\t-p\tShow files with no test tags") exit() elif arg == "-i": show_info = True elif arg == "-p": show_missing_files = True ##### ##### GET ALL TEST FILES ##### for root, dirs, files in os.walk("../test/"): path = root.split(os.sep) for file in files: filename = os.path.join('/'.join(path), file) if filename.endswith("main.c") or filename.endswith(".py"): test_files.append(filename) ##### ##### RETRIEVE VALID TAGS ##### validation_file = open("test_tags.ok", "r") # The file has the following pattern # ::: # A tag is made of the three first values: COMPONENT, TEST_TYPE and TESTING_AREA tags = validation_file.readlines() tags = [tag.replace('\n', '') for tag in tags] for tag in tags: current_line = tag.split(':') # Createa key value pair : valid_tags[':'.join(current_line[:NB_TAG_ARGS])] = ':'.join(current_line[NB_TAG_ARGS:]) validation_file.close() ##### ##### PARSE TEST FILES ##### for filename in test_files: input_file = open(filename, "r") lines = input_file.readlines() is_start = False is_end = False is_file_ignored = False is_file_tagged = False # Read line by line for line in lines: # Format line line = line.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') \ .replace(' ', '').replace('#', '') \ .replace('*', '') # Check if line is valid if not line: # Check if invalid line after START_TAG if is_start == True: print("Error syntax in file " + filename) exit() else: continue # Check if end of test tag if END_TAG in line: # END_TAG should not be before START_TAG if is_start == False: print("Error syntax in file " + filename + ". Unexpected tag: " + END_TAG) exit() # END_TAG should not be met before a test tag if is_file_ignored == False and is_file_tagged == False: print("Error syntax in file " + filename + ". Missing test tag.") exit() is_end = True nb_valid_files = nb_valid_files + 1 # Go to next file break # Check if start of test tag if START_TAG in line: # Only one START_TAG is allowed if is_start == True: print("Error syntax in file " + filename + ". Unexpected tag: " + START_TAG) exit() is_start = True continue if is_start == True: # Check if file is ignored if is_file_ignored == True: print("Unexpected value in ignored file: " + filename) exit() if line == IGNORE_FILE: nb_ignored_files = nb_ignored_files + 1 is_file_ignored = True continue # Check if current tag is valid if not line in valid_tags: print("Tag is not valid ! Add the new tag to test_tags.ok:\n" + line) exit() else: is_file_tagged = True # Check if current tag has already matched test files if line in tagged_files: tagged_files[line].append(filename) else: tagged_files[line] = [filename] if is_file_ignored == False and is_file_tagged == False: nb_missing_files = nb_missing_files + 1 if show_missing_files == True: print("Missing test tag in file: " + filename) input_file.close() ##### ##### GENERATE OUTPUT ##### output_file = open("../test/", "w") # Table headers output_file.write("|Component|Test Type|Testing Area|Description|Existing tests|" + '\n') output_file.write("|---|---|---|---|---|" + '\n') # Sort tags sorted_tags = list(tagged_files.keys()) sorted_tags.sort() for tag in sorted_tags: # Split line current_line = tag.split(":") # Parse tag component = current_line[0] test_type = current_line[1] testing_area = current_line[2] # Format output component = component.replace("_", " ").title() test_type = test_type.replace("_", " ").title() testing_area = testing_area.replace("_", " ").title() # Relative path to test files link = "" # Sort the filenames associated to the current tag tagged_files[tag].sort() for name in tagged_files[tag]: link += "[" + name + "](" + name + "), " # Remove the extra ", " at the end link = link[:-2] # Write to output output_file.write('|' + component + '|' + test_type + '|' + \ testing_area + '|' + valid_tags[tag] + '|' \ + link + '\n') output_file.close() ##### ##### STATS ##### if show_info == True: print("Tagged files:\t" + str(nb_valid_files - nb_ignored_files)) print("Missing files:\t" + str(nb_missing_files)) print("Ignored files:\t" + str(nb_ignored_files)) print("Total files:\t" + str(nb_valid_files + nb_missing_files)) ##### # Enforce tagging #if nb_missing_files > 0: # print("Files missing a tag: " + str(nb_missing_files)) # if show_missing_files == False: # print("Call \'python -p\' to list all files with no tags")