/*- * Public Domain 2014-present MongoDB, Inc. * Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. * * This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. * * Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or * distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled * binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any * means. * * In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors * of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the * software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit * of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and * successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of * relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this * software under copyright law. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "format.h" /* * Issue a warning when there enough consecutive unsuccessful checks for rollback to stable. */ #define WARN_RTS_NO_CHECK 5 /* * snap_init -- * Initialize the repeatable operation tracking. */ void snap_init(TINFO *tinfo) { /* * We maintain two snap lists. The current one is indicated by tinfo->s, and keeps the most * recent operations. The other one is used when we are running with rollback_to_stable. When * each thread notices that the stable timestamp has changed, it stashes the current snap list * and starts fresh with the other snap list. After we've completed a rollback_to_stable, we can * the secondary snap list to see the state of keys/values seen and updated at the time of the * rollback. */ if (g.c_txn_rollback_to_stable) { tinfo->s = &tinfo->snap_states[1]; tinfo->snap_list = dcalloc(SNAP_LIST_SIZE, sizeof(SNAP_OPS)); tinfo->snap_end = &tinfo->snap_list[SNAP_LIST_SIZE]; } tinfo->s = &tinfo->snap_states[0]; tinfo->snap_list = dcalloc(SNAP_LIST_SIZE, sizeof(SNAP_OPS)); tinfo->snap_end = &tinfo->snap_list[SNAP_LIST_SIZE]; tinfo->snap_current = tinfo->snap_list; } /* * snap_teardown -- * Tear down the repeatable operation tracking structures. */ void snap_teardown(TINFO *tinfo) { SNAP_OPS *snaplist; u_int i, snap_index; for (snap_index = 0; snap_index < WT_ELEMENTS(tinfo->snap_states); snap_index++) if ((snaplist = tinfo->snap_states[snap_index].snap_state_list) != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < SNAP_LIST_SIZE; ++i) { free(snaplist[i].kdata); free(snaplist[i].vdata); } free(snaplist); } } /* * snap_clear -- * Clear a single snap entry. */ static void snap_clear_one(SNAP_OPS *snap) { snap->repeatable = false; } /* * snap_clear -- * Clear the snap list. */ static void snap_clear(TINFO *tinfo) { SNAP_OPS *snap; for (snap = tinfo->snap_list; snap < tinfo->snap_end; ++snap) snap_clear_one(snap); } /* * snap_op_init -- * Initialize the repeatable operation tracking for each new operation. */ void snap_op_init(TINFO *tinfo, uint64_t read_ts, bool repeatable_reads) { uint64_t stable_ts; ++tinfo->opid; if (g.c_txn_rollback_to_stable) { /* * If the stable timestamp has changed and we've advanced beyond it, preserve the current * snapshot history up to this point, we'll use it verify rollback_to_stable. Switch our * tracking to the other snap list. */ stable_ts = __wt_atomic_addv64(&g.stable_timestamp, 0); if (stable_ts != tinfo->stable_ts && read_ts > stable_ts) { tinfo->stable_ts = stable_ts; if (tinfo->s == &tinfo->snap_states[0]) tinfo->s = &tinfo->snap_states[1]; else tinfo->s = &tinfo->snap_states[0]; tinfo->snap_current = tinfo->snap_list; /* Clear out older info from the snap list. */ snap_clear(tinfo); } } tinfo->snap_first = tinfo->snap_current; tinfo->read_ts = read_ts; tinfo->repeatable_reads = repeatable_reads; tinfo->repeatable_wrap = false; } /* * snap_track -- * Add a single snapshot isolation returned value to the list. */ void snap_track(TINFO *tinfo, thread_op op) { WT_ITEM *ip; SNAP_OPS *snap; snap = tinfo->snap_current; snap->op = op; snap->opid = tinfo->opid; snap->keyno = tinfo->keyno; snap->ts = WT_TS_NONE; snap->repeatable = false; snap->last = op == TRUNCATE ? tinfo->last : 0; snap->ksize = snap->vsize = 0; if (op == INSERT && g.type == ROW) { ip = tinfo->key; if (snap->kmemsize < ip->size) { snap->kdata = drealloc(snap->kdata, ip->size); snap->kmemsize = ip->size; } memcpy(snap->kdata, ip->data, snap->ksize = ip->size); } if (op != REMOVE && op != TRUNCATE) { ip = tinfo->value; if (snap->vmemsize < ip->size) { snap->vdata = drealloc(snap->vdata, ip->size); snap->vmemsize = ip->size; } memcpy(snap->vdata, ip->data, snap->vsize = ip->size); } /* Move to the next slot, wrap at the end of the circular buffer. */ if (++tinfo->snap_current >= tinfo->snap_end) tinfo->snap_current = tinfo->snap_list; /* * It's possible to pass this transaction's buffer starting point and start replacing our own * entries. If that happens, we can't repeat operations because we don't know which ones were * previously modified. */ if (tinfo->snap_current->opid == tinfo->opid) tinfo->repeatable_wrap = true; } /* * print_item_data -- * Display a single data/size pair, with a tag. */ static void print_item_data(const char *tag, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { WT_ITEM tmp; if (g.type == FIX) { fprintf(stderr, "%s {0x%02x}\n", tag, data[0]); return; } memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); testutil_check(__wt_raw_to_esc_hex(NULL, data, size, &tmp)); fprintf(stderr, "%s {%s}\n", tag, (char *)tmp.mem); __wt_buf_free(NULL, &tmp); } /* * snap_verify -- * Repeat a read and verify the contents. */ static int snap_verify(WT_CURSOR *cursor, TINFO *tinfo, SNAP_OPS *snap) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_ITEM *key, *value; uint64_t keyno; uint8_t bitfield; testutil_assert(snap->op != TRUNCATE); key = tinfo->key; value = tinfo->value; keyno = snap->keyno; /* * Retrieve the key/value pair by key. Row-store inserts have a unique generated key we saved, * else generate the key from the key number. */ if (snap->op == INSERT && g.type == ROW) { key->data = snap->kdata; key->size = snap->ksize; cursor->set_key(cursor, key); } else { switch (g.type) { case FIX: case VAR: cursor->set_key(cursor, keyno); break; case ROW: key_gen(key, keyno); cursor->set_key(cursor, key); break; } } switch (ret = read_op(cursor, SEARCH, NULL)) { case 0: if (g.type == FIX) { testutil_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, &bitfield)); *(uint8_t *)(value->data) = bitfield; value->size = 1; } else testutil_check(cursor->get_value(cursor, value)); break; case WT_NOTFOUND: break; default: return (ret); } /* Check for simple matches. */ if (ret == 0 && snap->op != REMOVE && value->size == snap->vsize && memcmp(value->data, snap->vdata, value->size) == 0) return (0); if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND && snap->op == REMOVE) return (0); /* * In fixed length stores, zero values at the end of the key space are returned as not-found, * and not-found row reads are saved as zero values. Map back-and-forth for simplicity. */ if (g.type == FIX) { if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND && snap->vsize == 1 && *(uint8_t *)snap->vdata == 0) return (0); if (snap->op == REMOVE && value->size == 1 && *(uint8_t *)value->data == 0) return (0); } /* Things went pear-shaped. */ switch (g.type) { case FIX: fprintf(stderr, "snapshot-isolation: %" PRIu64 " search: expected {0x%02x}, found {0x%02x}\n", keyno, snap->op == REMOVE ? 0U : *(uint8_t *)snap->vdata, ret == WT_NOTFOUND ? 0U : *(uint8_t *)value->data); break; case ROW: fprintf( stderr, "snapshot-isolation %.*s search mismatch\n", (int)key->size, (char *)key->data); if (snap->op == REMOVE) fprintf(stderr, "expected {deleted}\n"); else print_item_data("expected", snap->vdata, snap->vsize); if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND) fprintf(stderr, " found {deleted}\n"); else print_item_data(" found", value->data, value->size); break; case VAR: fprintf(stderr, "snapshot-isolation %" PRIu64 " search mismatch\n", keyno); if (snap->op == REMOVE) fprintf(stderr, "expected {deleted}\n"); else print_item_data("expected", snap->vdata, snap->vsize); if (ret == WT_NOTFOUND) fprintf(stderr, " found {deleted}\n"); else print_item_data(" found", value->data, value->size); break; } g.page_dump_cursor = cursor; testutil_assert(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (1); } /* * snap_ts_clear -- * Clear snapshots at or before a specified timestamp. */ static void snap_ts_clear(TINFO *tinfo, uint64_t ts) { SNAP_OPS *snap; /* Check from the first slot to the last. */ for (snap = tinfo->snap_list; snap < tinfo->snap_end; ++snap) if (snap->repeatable && snap->ts <= ts) snap->repeatable = false; } /* * snap_repeat_ok_match -- * Compare two operations and see if they modified the same record. */ static bool snap_repeat_ok_match(SNAP_OPS *current, SNAP_OPS *a) { /* Reads are never a problem, there's no modification. */ if (a->op == READ) return (true); /* Check for a matching single record modification. */ if (a->keyno == current->keyno) return (false); /* Truncates are slightly harder, make sure the ranges don't overlap. */ if (a->op == TRUNCATE) { if (g.c_reverse && (a->keyno == 0 || a->keyno >= current->keyno) && (a->last == 0 || a->last <= current->keyno)) return (false); if (!g.c_reverse && (a->keyno == 0 || a->keyno <= current->keyno) && (a->last == 0 || a->last >= current->keyno)) return (false); } return (true); } /* * snap_repeat_ok_commit -- * Return if an operation in the transaction can be repeated, where the transaction isn't yet * committed (so all locks are in place), or has already committed successfully. */ static bool snap_repeat_ok_commit(TINFO *tinfo, SNAP_OPS *current) { SNAP_OPS *p; /* * Truncates can't be repeated, we don't know the exact range of records that were removed (if * any). */ if (current->op == TRUNCATE) return (false); /* * For updates, check for subsequent changes to the record and don't repeat the read. For reads, * check for either subsequent or previous changes to the record and don't repeat the read. (The * reads are repeatable, but only at the commit timestamp, and the update will do the repeatable * read in that case.) */ for (p = current;;) { /* Wrap at the end of the circular buffer. */ if (++p >= tinfo->snap_end) p = tinfo->snap_list; if (p->opid != tinfo->opid) break; if (!snap_repeat_ok_match(current, p)) return (false); } if (current->op != READ) return (true); for (p = current;;) { /* Wrap at the beginning of the circular buffer. */ if (--p < tinfo->snap_list) p = &tinfo->snap_list[SNAP_LIST_SIZE - 1]; if (p->opid != tinfo->opid) break; if (!snap_repeat_ok_match(current, p)) return (false); } return (true); } /* * snap_repeat_ok_rollback -- * Return if an operation in the transaction can be repeated, after a transaction has rolled * back. */ static bool snap_repeat_ok_rollback(TINFO *tinfo, SNAP_OPS *current) { SNAP_OPS *p; /* Ignore update operations, they can't be repeated after rollback. */ if (current->op != READ) return (false); /* * Check for previous changes to the record and don't attempt to repeat the read in that case. */ for (p = current;;) { /* Wrap at the beginning of the circular buffer. */ if (--p < tinfo->snap_list) p = &tinfo->snap_list[SNAP_LIST_SIZE - 1]; if (p->opid != tinfo->opid) break; if (!snap_repeat_ok_match(current, p)) return (false); } return (true); } /* * snap_repeat_txn -- * Repeat each operation done within a snapshot isolation transaction. */ int snap_repeat_txn(WT_CURSOR *cursor, TINFO *tinfo) { SNAP_OPS *current; /* If we wrapped the buffer, we can't repeat operations. */ if (tinfo->repeatable_wrap) return (0); /* Check from the first operation we saved to the last. */ for (current = tinfo->snap_first;; ++current) { /* Wrap at the end of the circular buffer. */ if (current >= tinfo->snap_end) current = tinfo->snap_list; if (current->opid != tinfo->opid) break; /* * The transaction is not yet resolved, so the rules are as if the transaction has * committed. Note we are NOT checking if reads are repeatable based on the chosen * timestamp. This is because we expect snapshot isolation to work even in the presence of * other threads of control committing in our past, until the transaction resolves. */ if (snap_repeat_ok_commit(tinfo, current)) WT_RET(snap_verify(cursor, tinfo, current)); } return (0); } /* * snap_repeat_update -- * Update the list of snapshot operations based on final transaction resolution. */ void snap_repeat_update(TINFO *tinfo, bool committed) { SNAP_OPS *current; /* If we wrapped the buffer, we can't repeat operations. */ if (tinfo->repeatable_wrap) return; /* Check from the first operation we saved to the last. */ for (current = tinfo->snap_first;; ++current) { /* Wrap at the end of the circular buffer. */ if (current >= tinfo->snap_end) current = tinfo->snap_list; if (current->opid != tinfo->opid) break; /* * First, reads may simply not be repeatable because the read timestamp chosen wasn't older * than all concurrently running uncommitted updates. */ if (!tinfo->repeatable_reads && current->op == READ) continue; /* * Second, check based on the transaction resolution (the rules are different if the * transaction committed or rolled back). */ current->repeatable = committed ? snap_repeat_ok_commit(tinfo, current) : snap_repeat_ok_rollback(tinfo, current); /* * Repeat reads at the transaction's read timestamp and updates at the commit timestamp. */ if (current->repeatable) current->ts = current->op == READ ? tinfo->read_ts : tinfo->commit_ts; } } /* * snap_repeat -- * Repeat one operation. */ static void snap_repeat(WT_CURSOR *cursor, TINFO *tinfo, SNAP_OPS *snap, bool rollback_allowed) { WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION *session; char buf[64]; session = cursor->session; /* * Start a new transaction. Set the read timestamp. Verify the record. Discard the transaction. */ wiredtiger_begin_transaction(session, "isolation=snapshot"); /* * If the timestamp has aged out of the system, we'll get EINVAL when we try and set it. */ testutil_check(__wt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "read_timestamp=%" PRIx64, snap->ts)); ret = session->timestamp_transaction(session, buf); if (ret == 0) { trace_op(tinfo, "repeat %" PRIu64 " ts=%" PRIu64 " {%s}", snap->keyno, snap->ts, trace_bytes(tinfo, snap->vdata, snap->vsize)); /* The only expected error is rollback. */ ret = snap_verify(cursor, tinfo, snap); if (ret != 0 && (!rollback_allowed || (ret != WT_ROLLBACK && ret != WT_CACHE_FULL))) testutil_check(ret); } else if (ret == EINVAL) snap_ts_clear(tinfo, snap->ts); else testutil_check(ret); /* Discard the transaction. */ testutil_check(session->rollback_transaction(session, NULL)); } /* * snap_repeat_single -- * Repeat an historic operation. */ void snap_repeat_single(WT_CURSOR *cursor, TINFO *tinfo) { SNAP_OPS *snap; u_int v; int count; /* * Start at a random spot in the list of operations and look for a read to retry. Stop when * we've walked the entire list or found one. */ v = mmrand(&tinfo->rnd, 1, SNAP_LIST_SIZE) - 1; for (snap = &tinfo->snap_list[v], count = SNAP_LIST_SIZE; count > 0; --count, ++snap) { /* Wrap at the end of the circular buffer. */ if (snap >= tinfo->snap_end) snap = tinfo->snap_list; if (snap->repeatable) break; } if (count == 0) return; snap_repeat(cursor, tinfo, snap, true); } /* * snap_repeat_rollback -- * Repeat all known operations after a rollback. */ void snap_repeat_rollback(WT_CURSOR *cursor, TINFO **tinfo_array, size_t tinfo_count) { SNAP_OPS *snap; SNAP_STATE *state; TINFO *tinfo, **tinfop; uint32_t count; size_t i, statenum; char buf[100]; count = 0; track("rollback_to_stable: checking", 0ULL, NULL); for (i = 0, tinfop = tinfo_array; i < tinfo_count; ++i, ++tinfop) { tinfo = *tinfop; /* * For this thread, walk through both sets of snaps ("states"), looking for entries that are * repeatable and have relevant timestamps. One set will have the most current operations, * meaning they will likely be newer than the stable timestamp, and thus cannot be checked. * The other set typically has operations that are just before the stable timestamp, so are * candidates for checking. */ for (statenum = 0; statenum < WT_ELEMENTS(tinfo->snap_states); statenum++) { state = &tinfo->snap_states[statenum]; for (snap = state->snap_state_list; snap < state->snap_state_end; ++snap) { if (snap->repeatable && snap->ts <= g.stable_timestamp && snap->ts >= g.oldest_timestamp) { snap_repeat(cursor, tinfo, snap, false); ++count; if (count % 100 == 0) { testutil_check(__wt_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "rollback_to_stable: %" PRIu32 " ops repeated", count)); track(buf, 0ULL, NULL); } } snap_clear_one(snap); } } } /* Show the final result and check that we're accomplishing some checking. */ testutil_check( __wt_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "rollback_to_stable: %" PRIu32 " ops repeated", count)); track(buf, 0ULL, NULL); if (count == 0) { if (++g.rts_no_check >= WARN_RTS_NO_CHECK) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %" PRIu32 " consecutive runs with no rollback_to_stable checking\n", count); } else g.rts_no_check = 0; }