#!/usr/bin/env python # # Public Domain 2014-present MongoDB, Inc. # Public Domain 2008-2014 WiredTiger, Inc. # # This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. # # Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or # distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled # binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any # means. # # In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors # of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the # software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit # of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and # successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of # relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this # software under copyright law. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR # OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. import wiredtiger, wttest, suite_random from wtscenario import make_scenarios # test_join02.py # Join operations # Join several indices together, trying all comparison combinations class test_join02(wttest.WiredTigerTestCase): table_name1 = 'test_join02' nentries = 1000 keyscen = [ ('key-r', dict(keyformat='r')), ('key-S', dict(keyformat='S')), ('key-i', dict(keyformat='i')), ('key-iS', dict(keyformat='iS')) ] bloomscen = [ ('bloom', dict(usebloom=True)), ('nobloom', dict(usebloom=False)) ] scenarios = make_scenarios(keyscen, bloomscen) # Start our range from 1, since WT record numbers start at 1, # it makes things work out nicer. def range(self): return range(1, self.nentries + 1) def gen_key(self, i): if self.keyformat == 'S': return [ 'key%06d' % i ] # zero pad so it sorts expectedly elif self.keyformat == 'iS': return [ i, 'key%06d' % i ] else: return [ i ] def gen_values(self, i): s = str(i) x = b'x' * i rs = s[::-1] f = int(s[0:1]) return [i, s, x, rs, f] def reinit_joinconfig(self): self.rand = suite_random.suite_random(self.seed) self.seed += 1 def get_joinconfig(self): # When we're running the bloom scenario, make it so the # bloom filters are often shared. Make the number of # hashes and number of bits per item so they don't always # match up; WT should allow it. if self.usebloom: c = 10000 if (self.rand.rand32() % 3) != 0 else 100000 k = 8 if (self.rand.rand32() % 10) != 0 else 10 b = 16 if (self.rand.rand32() % 11) != 0 else 12 return \ ',strategy=bloom,count=' + str(c) + \ ',bloom_bit_count=' + str(b) + \ ',bloom_hash_count=' + str(k) else: return '' def do_join(self, jc, curleft, curright, choice, mbr): c0 = choice[0] if c0 == None: return mbr # The first join cannot use a bloom filter if jc.first_join: joinconfig = '' jc.first_join = False else: joinconfig = self.get_joinconfig() if c0 != None: #self.tty('join(jc, ' + curleft.name + ' ' + c0 + # ' ' + str(curleft.low) + ')') curleft.reset() curleft.set_key(*curleft.low) self.assertEquals(0, curleft.search()) self.session.join(jc, curleft, 'compare=' + c0 + joinconfig) if c0 == 'eq': mbr = mbr.intersection(curleft.eqmembers) elif c0 == 'ge': mbr = mbr.intersection( set(curleft.eqmembers.union(curleft.gtmembers))) elif c0 == 'gt': mbr = mbr.intersection(curleft.gtmembers) c1 = choice[1] if len(choice) > 1 else None if c1 != None: #self.tty('join(jc, ' + curright.name + ' ' + c1 + # ' ' + str(curright.high) + ')') curright.reset() curright.set_key(*curright.high) self.assertEquals(0, curright.search()) self.session.join(jc, curright, 'compare=' + c1 + joinconfig) if c1 == 'le': mbr = mbr.intersection( set(curright.eqmembers.union(curright.ltmembers))) elif c1 == 'lt': mbr = mbr.intersection(curright.ltmembers) return mbr def iterate(self, jc, mbr): #self.tty('iteration expects ' + str(len(mbr)) + # ' entries: ' + str(mbr)) while jc.next() == 0: keys = jc.get_keys() [v0,v1,v2,v3,v4] = jc.get_values() k0 = keys[0] k1 = keys[1] if len(keys) > 1 else None if self.keyformat == 'S': i = int(str(k0[3:])) elif self.keyformat == 'iS': i = k0 self.assertEquals(i, int(str(k1[3:]))) else: i = k0 #self.tty(' iteration got key: ' + str(k0) + ',' + str(k1)) #self.tty(' iteration got values: ' + str([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4])) #self.tty(' iteration expects values: ' + str(self.gen_values(i))) self.assertEquals(self.gen_values(i), [v0,v1,v2,v3,v4]) if not i in mbr: self.tty(' result ' + str(i) + ' is not in: ' + str(mbr)) self.assertTrue(i in mbr) mbr.remove(i) self.assertEquals(0, len(mbr)) def mkmbr(self, expr): return frozenset([x for x in self.range() if expr(x)]) def test_basic_join(self): self.seed = 1 if self.keyformat == 'iS': keycols = 'k0,k1' else: keycols = 'k' self.session.create('table:join02', 'key_format=' + self.keyformat + ',value_format=iSuSi,columns=(' + keycols + ',v0,v1,v2,v3,v4)') self.session.create('index:join02:index0','columns=(v0)') self.session.create('index:join02:index1','columns=(v1)') self.session.create('index:join02:index2','columns=(v2)') self.session.create('index:join02:index3','columns=(v3)') self.session.create('index:join02:index4','columns=(v4)') c = self.session.open_cursor('table:join02', None, None) for i in self.range(): c.set_key(*self.gen_key(i)) c.set_value(*self.gen_values(i)) c.insert() c.close() # Use the primary table in one of the joins. # Use various projections, which should not matter for ref cursors c0a = self.session.open_cursor('table:join02', None, None) c0b = self.session.open_cursor('table:join02(v4)', None, None) c1a = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index1(v0)', None, None) c1b = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index1', None, None) c2a = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index2', None, None) c2b = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index2', None, None) c3a = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index3(v4)', None, None) c3b = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index3(v0)', None, None) c4a = self.session.open_cursor('index:join02:index4(v1)', None, None) # Attach extra properties to each cursor. For cursors that # may appear on the 'left' side of a range CA < x < CB, # we give a low value of the range, and calculate the members # of the set we expect to see for a 'gt' comparison, as well # as the 'eq' comparison. For cursors that appear on the # 'right side of the range, we give a high value of the range, # and calculate membership sets for 'lt' and 'eq'. # # We've defined the low/high values so that there's a lot of # overlap between the values when we're doing ranges. c0a.name = 'c0a' c0b.name = 'c0b' if self.keyformat == 'i' or self.keyformat == 'r': c0a.low = [ 205 ] c0b.high = [ 990 ] elif self.keyformat == 'S': c0a.low = [ 'key000205' ] c0b.high = [ 'key000990' ] elif self.keyformat == 'iS': c0a.low = [ 205, 'key000205' ] c0b.high = [ 990, 'key000990' ] c0a.gtmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x > 205) c0a.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x == 205) c0b.ltmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x < 990) c0b.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x == 990) c1a.low = [ '150' ] c1a.gtmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x) > '150') c1a.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x) == '150') c1a.name = 'c1a' c1b.high = [ '733' ] c1b.ltmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x) < '733') c1b.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x) == '733') c1b.name = 'c1b' c2a.low = [ b'x' * 321 ] c2a.gtmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x > 321) c2a.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x == 321) c2a.name = 'c2a' c2b.high = [ b'x' * 765 ] c2b.ltmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x < 765) c2b.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: x == 765) c2b.name = 'c2b' c3a.low = [ '432' ] c3a.gtmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x)[::-1] > '432') c3a.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x)[::-1] == '432') c3a.name = 'c3a' c3b.high = [ '876' ] c3b.ltmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x)[::-1] < '876') c3b.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x)[::-1] == '876') c3b.name = 'c3b' c4a.low = [ 4 ] c4a.gtmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x)[0:1] > '4') c4a.eqmembers = self.mkmbr(lambda x: str(x)[0:1] == '4') c4a.name = 'c4a' choices = [[None], ['eq'], ['ge'], ['gt'], [None, 'le'], [None, 'lt'], ['ge', 'le' ], ['ge', 'lt' ], ['gt', 'le' ], ['gt', 'lt' ]] smallchoices = [[None], ['eq'], ['ge'], ['gt', 'le' ]] for i0 in smallchoices: for i1 in choices: for i2 in smallchoices: for i3 in smallchoices: for i4 in [[None], ['eq'], ['ge'], ['gt']]: if i0[0] == None and i1[0] == None and \ i2[0] == None and i3[0] == None and \ i4[0] == None: continue self.reinit_joinconfig() #self.tty('Begin test: ' + # ','.join([str(i0),str(i1),str(i2), # str(i3),str(i4)])) jc = self.session.open_cursor('join:table:join02', None, None) jc.first_join = True mbr = set(self.range()) # It shouldn't matter the order of the joins mbr = self.do_join(jc, c3a, c3b, i3, mbr) mbr = self.do_join(jc, c2a, c2b, i2, mbr) mbr = self.do_join(jc, c4a, None, i4, mbr) mbr = self.do_join(jc, c1a, c1b, i1, mbr) mbr = self.do_join(jc, c0a, c0b, i0, mbr) self.iterate(jc, mbr) jc.close() c0a.close() c0b.close() c1a.close() c1b.close() c2a.close() c2b.close() c3a.close() c3b.close() c4a.close() if __name__ == '__main__': wttest.run()