.. |yes| image:: ../../images/yes.png .. |no| image:: ../../images/no.png .. role:: underline :class: underline Hummingboard Base / Pro ======================= +----------------+-----------------+ | System on Chip | NXP IMX6SDLRM | +----------------+-----------------+ | Number GPIO | 17 | +----------------+-----------------+ | Status | Fully supported | +----------------+-----------------+ Supported Features ------------------ +----------------+-----------------+ | Read / Write | |yes| | +----------------+-----------------+ | Interrupt | |yes| | +----------------+-----------------+ Platform Selection ------------------ Due to the SolidRun *System On Module (SOM)* feature, a right combination of platform and SOM needs to be configured to get proper wiringX support for your platform. +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | **Platform** | **SOM** | **wiringX** | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Base | i1 i.MX6 Solo | hummingboard_base_sdl | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Pro | i1 i.MX6 Solo | hummingboard_pro_sdl | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Base | i2 i.MX6 Dual Lite | hummingboard_base_sdl | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Pro | i2 i.MX6 Dual Lite | hummingboard_pro_sdl | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Base | i2eX i.MX6 Dual | hummingboard_base_dq | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Pro | i2eX i.MX6 Dual | hummingboard_pro_dq | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Base | i4Pro i.MX6 Quad | hummingboard_base_dq | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ | Hummingboard Pro | i4Pro i.MX6 Quad | hummingboard_pro_dq | +-------------------+--------------------+-----------------------+ GPIO Mapping ------------ .. image:: hummingboardbasepro.jpg +----+----+----+----+----+---+----+---+----+----+----+----+----+ | 5v | 5v | 0v | 15 | 16 | 1 | 0v | 4 | 5 | 0v | 6 | 10 | 11 | +----+----+----+----+----+---+----+---+----+----+----+----+----+ |3.3v| 8 | 9 | 7 | 0v | 0 | 2 | 3 |3.3v| 12 | 13 | 14 | 0v | +----+----+----+----+----+---+----+---+----+----+----+----+----+