#![allow(dead_code)] use std::{ env, ffi::OsStr, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, rc::Rc, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use assert_cmd::prelude::OutputAssertExt; use cargo_component_core::command::{CACHE_DIR_ENV_VAR, CONFIG_FILE_ENV_VAR}; use indexmap::IndexSet; use tempfile::TempDir; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken; use toml_edit::DocumentMut; use warg_crypto::signing::PrivateKey; use warg_protocol::operator::NamespaceState; use warg_server::{policy::content::WasmContentPolicy, Config, Server}; use wasm_pkg_client::Registry; use wasmparser::{Chunk, Encoding, Parser, Payload, Validator}; const WARG_CONFIG_NAME: &str = "warg-config.json"; const WASM_PKG_CONFIG_NAME: &str = "wasm-pkg-config.json"; pub fn test_operator_key() -> &'static str { "ecdsa-p256:I+UlDo0HxyBBFeelhPPWmD+LnklOpqZDkrFP5VduASk=" } pub fn test_signing_key() -> &'static str { "ecdsa-p256:2CV1EpLaSYEn4In4OAEDAj5O4Hzu8AFAxgHXuG310Ew=" } // This works around an apparent bug in cargo where // a directory is explicitly excluded from a workspace, // but `cargo new` still detects `workspace.package` settings // and sets them to be inherited in the new project. fn exclude_test_directories() -> Result<()> { let mut path = env::current_exe()?; path.pop(); // remove test exe name path.pop(); // remove `deps` path.pop(); // remove `debug` or `release` path.push("tests"); path.push("Cargo.toml"); if !path.exists() { fs::write( &path, r#" [workspace] exclude = ["cargo-component", "wit"] "#, ) .with_context(|| format!("failed to write `{path}`", path = path.display()))?; } Ok(()) } pub fn wit(args: I) -> Command where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let mut exe = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); exe.pop(); // remove test exe name exe.pop(); // remove `deps` exe.push("wit"); exe.set_extension(std::env::consts::EXE_EXTENSION); let mut cmd = Command::new(&exe); cmd.args(args); cmd } // NOTE(thomastaylor312): This is basically a copy/paste of the same helper in the top level // integration tests. Honestly we should just put this in the crates dir for everything to use in // this repo, but this is how it was initially, so I am not going to change it for now. pub struct ServerInstance { task: Option>, shutdown: CancellationToken, root: Rc, } impl ServerInstance { /// Returns a `Project` that is configured to use the server instance with the correct config. pub fn project(&self, name: &str, additional_args: I) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, S: Into, { let proj = Project { dir: self.root.clone(), root: self.root.path().join(name), config_file: Some(self.root.path().join(WASM_PKG_CONFIG_NAME)), }; proj.new_inner(name, additional_args)?; Ok(proj) } } impl Drop for ServerInstance { fn drop(&mut self) { futures::executor::block_on(async move { self.shutdown.cancel(); self.task.take().unwrap().await.ok(); }); } } /// Spawns a server as a background task. This will start a pub async fn spawn_server( additional_namespaces: I, ) -> Result<(ServerInstance, wasm_pkg_client::Config, Registry)> where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let root = Rc::new(TempDir::new().context("failed to create temp dir")?); let shutdown = CancellationToken::new(); let config = Config::new( PrivateKey::decode(test_operator_key().to_string())?, Some(vec![("test".to_string(), NamespaceState::Defined)]), root.path().join("server"), ) .with_addr(([127, 0, 0, 1], 0)) .with_shutdown(shutdown.clone().cancelled_owned()) .with_checkpoint_interval(Duration::from_millis(100)) .with_content_policy(WasmContentPolicy::default()); let server = Server::new(config).initialize().await?; let addr = server.local_addr()?; let task = tokio::spawn(async move { server.serve().await.unwrap(); }); let instance = ServerInstance { task: Some(task), shutdown, root: root.to_owned(), }; let warg_config = warg_client::Config { home_url: Some(format!("http://{addr}")), registries_dir: Some(root.path().join("registries")), content_dir: Some(root.path().join("content")), namespace_map_path: Some(root.path().join("namespaces")), keys: IndexSet::new(), keyring_auth: false, keyring_backend: None, ignore_federation_hints: false, disable_auto_accept_federation_hints: false, disable_auto_package_init: false, disable_interactive: true, }; let config_file = root.path().join(WARG_CONFIG_NAME); warg_config.write_to_file(&config_file)?; let mut config = wasm_pkg_client::Config::default(); // We should probably update wasm-pkg-tools to use http for "localhost" or "" let registry: Registry = format!("localhost:{}", addr.port()).parse().unwrap(); config.set_namespace_registry("test".parse().unwrap(), registry.clone()); for ns in additional_namespaces { config.set_namespace_registry(ns.as_ref().parse().unwrap(), registry.clone()); } let reg_conf = config.get_or_insert_registry_config_mut(®istry); reg_conf.set_default_backend(Some("warg".to_string())); reg_conf .set_backend_config( "warg", wasm_pkg_client::warg::WargRegistryConfig { client_config: warg_config, auth_token: None, signing_key: Some(Arc::new(test_signing_key().to_string().try_into()?)), config_file: Some(config_file), }, ) .expect("Should be able to set backend config"); config.to_file(root.path().join(WASM_PKG_CONFIG_NAME))?; Ok((instance, config, registry)) } pub struct Project { dir: Rc, root: PathBuf, config_file: Option, } impl Project { /// Creates a new project with the given name and whether or not to create a library instead of /// a binary. This should only be used if you want an "empty" project that doesn't have things /// like warg config or wasm pkg tools config configured. If you want a project with a warg /// config and wasm pkg tools config, use the `project` method of `ServerInstance`. pub fn new(name: &str) -> Result { let dir = TempDir::new()?; let root = dir.path().join(name); let proj = Self { dir: Rc::new(dir), root, config_file: None, }; proj.new_inner(name, Vec::::new())?; Ok(proj) } /// Same as `new` but allows you to specify additional arguments to pass to `cargo component /// new` pub fn new_with_args(name: &str, additional_args: I) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, S: Into, { let dir = TempDir::new()?; let root = dir.path().join(name); let proj = Self { dir: Rc::new(dir), root, config_file: None, }; proj.new_inner(name, additional_args)?; Ok(proj) } /// Same as `new` but uses the given temp directory instead of creating a new one. pub fn with_dir(dir: Rc, name: &str, args: I) -> Result where I: IntoIterator, S: Into, { let root = dir.path().join(name); let proj = Self { dir, root, config_file: None, }; proj.new_inner(name, args)?; Ok(proj) } fn new_inner(&self, name: &str, additional_args: I) -> Result<()> where I: IntoIterator, S: Into, { let mut args = vec!["init".to_string(), name.to_string()]; args.extend(additional_args.into_iter().map(|arg| arg.into())); self.wit(args) .current_dir(self.dir.path()) .assert() .try_success()?; Ok(()) } pub fn file>(&self, path: B, body: &str) -> Result<&Self> { let path = self.root().join(path); fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap())?; fs::write(self.root().join(path), body)?; Ok(self) } pub fn root(&self) -> &Path { &self.root } pub fn dir(&self) -> &Rc { &self.dir } pub fn cache_dir(&self) -> PathBuf { self.dir.path().join("cache") } pub fn config_file(&self) -> Option<&Path> { self.config_file.as_deref() } pub fn wit(&self, args: I) -> Command where I: IntoIterator, S: AsRef, { let mut cmd = wit(args); // Set the cache dir and the config file env var for every command if let Some(config_file) = self.config_file() { cmd.env(CONFIG_FILE_ENV_VAR, config_file); } cmd.env(CACHE_DIR_ENV_VAR, self.cache_dir()); cmd.current_dir(&self.root); cmd } pub fn update_manifest( &self, f: impl FnOnce(DocumentMut) -> Result, ) -> Result<()> { let manifest_path = self.root.join("wit.toml"); let manifest = fs::read_to_string(&manifest_path)?; fs::write(manifest_path, f(manifest.parse()?)?.to_string())?; Ok(()) } } pub fn validate_component(path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let bytes = fs::read(path) .with_context(|| format!("failed to read `{path}`", path = path.display()))?; // Validate the bytes as either a component or a module Validator::new_with_features(Default::default()).validate_all(&bytes)?; // Check that the bytes are for a component and not a module let mut parser = Parser::new(0); match parser.parse(&bytes, true)? { Chunk::Parsed { payload: Payload::Version { encoding: Encoding::Component, .. }, .. } => Ok(()), Chunk::Parsed { payload, .. } => { bail!("expected component version payload, got {:?}", payload) } Chunk::NeedMoreData(_) => unreachable!(), } }