use core::time::Duration; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Context}; use tokio::process::Command; use tokio::{fs, time::sleep}; mod common; use common::{init, with_nats}; use tracing::{info, instrument}; #[instrument(ret)] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn go_bindgen() -> anyhow::Result<()> { init().await; if let Err(err) = fs::remove_dir_all("tests/go/bindings").await { match err.kind() { std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {} _ => bail!(anyhow!(err).context("failed to remove `test/go/bindings`")), } } let status = Command::new("go") .current_dir("tests/go") .args(["generate", "./..."]) .env("WIT_BINDGEN_WRPC", env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wit-bindgen-wrpc")) .kill_on_drop(true) .status() .await .context("failed to call `go generate`")?; ensure!(status.success(), "`go generate` failed"); let status = Command::new("go") .current_dir("tests/go") .args(["test", "-v"]) .kill_on_drop(true) .status() .await .context("failed to call `go test`")?; ensure!(status.success(), "`go test` failed"); with_nats(|port, nats_client| async move { wit_bindgen_wrpc::generate!({ world: "sync-client", path: "tests/wit", additional_derives: [PartialEq], }); use wrpc_test::integration::sync; use wrpc_test::integration::sync::{Abc, Foobar, Rec, RecNested, Var}; info!("starting `sync-server-nats`"); let mut server = Command::new("go") .current_dir("tests/go") .args([ "run", "./cmd/sync-server-nats", &format!("nats://localhost:{port}"), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .spawn() .context("failed to run `sync-server-nats`")?; let client = wrpc_transport_nats::Client::new(nats_client, "go".to_string()); // TODO: Remove the need for this sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/`"); let v = foo::f(&client, "f") .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/`")?; ensure!(v == 42); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/`"); foo::foo(&client, "foo") .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/`")?; info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.fallible`"); let res = sync::fallible(&client, true) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.fallible`")?; ensure!(res == Ok(true)); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.fallible`"); let res = sync::fallible(&client, false) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.fallible`")?; ensure!(res == Err("test".to_string())); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.numbers`"); let (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) = sync::numbers(&client) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.numbers`")?; ensure!(a == 1); ensure!(b == 2); ensure!(c == 3); ensure!(d == 4); ensure!(e == 5); ensure!(f == 6); ensure!(g == 7); ensure!(h == 8); ensure!(i == 9.); ensure!(j == 10.); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-flags`"); let v = sync::with_flags(&client, true, false, true) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-flags`")?; ensure!(v == Abc::A | Abc::C, "{v:?}"); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-variant-option`"); let v = sync::with_variant_option(&client, false) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-variant-option`")?; ensure!(v.is_none(), "{v:?}"); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-variant-option`"); let v = sync::with_variant_option(&client, true) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-variant-option`")?; ensure!( v == Some(Var::Var(Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "bar".to_string() } })), "{v:?}" ); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record`"); let v = sync::with_record(&client) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record`")?; ensure!( v == Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "foo".to_string() } }, "{v:?}" ); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record-list`"); let v = sync::with_record_list(&client, 0) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record-list`")?; ensure!(v.is_empty(), "{v:?}"); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record-list`"); let v = sync::with_record_list(&client, 3) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record-list`")?; ensure!( v == [ Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "0".to_string() } }, Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "1".to_string() } }, Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "2".to_string() } }, ], "{v:?}", ); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record-tuple`"); let v = sync::with_record_tuple(&client) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-record-tuple`")?; ensure!( v == ( Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "0".to_string() } }, Rec { nested: RecNested { foo: "1".to_string() } }, ), "{v:?}", ); info!("calling `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-enum`"); let v = sync::with_enum(&client) .await .context("failed to call `wrpc-test:integration/sync.with-enum-tuple`")?; ensure!(v == Foobar::Bar, "{v:?}",); server .start_kill() .context("failed to kill `sync-server-nats`")?; server .wait_with_output() .await .context("failed to wait for `sync-server-nats` to exit")?; Ok(()) }) .await }