use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use std::{fs, path::Path}; use wit_component::WitPrinter; use wit_parser::Resolve; /// This is a test which iterates over the `tests/merge` directory and treats /// each subdirectory as its own test. Each subdirectory has an `into` and a /// `from` folder which represent two different `Resolve` sets, each with their /// own set of dependencies as well. /// /// Each test will merge the `from` into the `into` and assert that everything /// is valid along the way. On successful merge the resulting documents /// are printed and asserted against expectations. Failures assert the /// correct error message. #[test] fn merging() -> Result<()> { drop(env_logger::try_init()); for entry in fs::read_dir("tests/merge")? { let path = entry?.path(); if !path.is_dir() { continue; } let test_case = path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); println!("testing {test_case}"); let mut from = Resolve::default(); from.push_dir(&path.join("from"))?; let mut into = Resolve::default(); into.push_dir(&path.join("into"))?; from.assert_valid(); into.assert_valid(); match into.merge(from) { Ok(_) => { assert!( !test_case.starts_with("bad-"), "should have failed to merge" ); into.assert_valid(); for (id, pkg) in into.packages.iter() { let expected = path .join("merge") .join(& .with_extension("wit"); let output = WitPrinter::default().print(&into, id, &[])?; assert_output(&expected, &output)?; } } Err(e) => { assert!(test_case.starts_with("bad-"), "failed to merge with {e:?}"); assert_output(&path.join("error.txt"), &format!("{e:#}"))?; } } } Ok(()) } fn assert_output(expected: &Path, actual: &str) -> Result<()> { if std::env::var_os("BLESS").is_some() { fs::create_dir_all(expected.parent().unwrap())?; fs::write(expected, actual).with_context(|| format!("failed to write {expected:?}"))?; } else { assert_eq!( fs::read_to_string(expected) .with_context(|| format!("failed to read {expected:?}"))? .replace("\r\n", "\n"), actual, "expectation `{}` did not match actual", expected.display(), ); } Ok(()) }