# Rust WKD server ## What is WKD? https://wiki.gnupg.org/WKD ## Running this project Put your **public** keys into `./openpgp/keys`. Files should be named after the email address that the key is registered for. See some examples below: - Valid names: - `user@example.com` - `user@example.com.asc` (optional `.asc` file ending will be ignored) - Invalid names: - `ktujkt7nrz91b17es7prizffedzxrsna` (wkd hash -- this tool will hash the username) - `my-public-key.asc` Optionally, put your policy into a text file in `./openpgp`. ```shell cargo build --release ./target/release/wkd-server ./openpgp/keys ``` ### Usage ``` Usage: wkd-server [OPTIONS] Arguments: The path where the GPG keys are stored Options: --address
[env: ADDRESS=] [default:] --port [env: PORT=] [default: 8080] -p, --policy The path to the policy file. If not set, an empty policy is served [env: POLICY=] -h, --help Print help ``` ### Security This server will refuse to serve private or invalid keys. If a file contains a private and a public key, only the public key will be served. Nonetheless, make sure to only include your public key. ### Deployment You can use this `docker-compose.yaml` example file as a starting off point for your deployment. Make sure to add your public keys as a volume. ```yaml services: wkd-server: image: ghcr.io/martin-fink/rust-wkd-server:latest volumes: - ./keys:/openpgp-keys:ro ports: - environment: - RUST_LOG=error,wkd_server=info # change this to trace for debugging labels: - "traefik.enable=true" - "traefik.http.routers.rust-wkd-server.rule=(Host(``) && PathPrefix(`/.well-known/openpgpkey`))" - "traefik.http.routers.rust-wkd-server.entrypoints=" - "traefik.http.routers.rust-wkd-server.tls=true" - "traefik.http.routers.rust-wkd-server.tls.certResolver=" - "traefik.services.rust-wkd-server.loadbalancer.passHostHeader=true" ``` #### Reverse proxy setup You probably want to move this behind a reverse proxy such as nginx in order for it to handle https. You can use the following snippet for nginx. The important bit is to set the `X-Forwarded-Host` header, as that header is used to differentiate domains. ```nginx location ^~ /.well-known/openpgpkey { resolver valid=5s; set $upstream_endpoint http://address:port; proxy_pass $upstream_endpoint; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; } ```