--- block/WM8960: description: WM8960 Registers address_size: 7 items: - name: LIN_VOL description: Left Input Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x00 reset: 0b010010111 fieldset: IN_VOL - name: RIN_VOL description: Right Input Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x01 reset: 0b010010111 fieldset: IN_VOL - name: LOUT1_VOL description: Left Output Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x02 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: OUT_VOL - name: ROUT1_VOL description: Right Output Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x03 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: OUT_VOL - name: CLOCKING1 description: Clocking bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x04 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: CLOCKING1 - name: ADAC_CTL1 description: ADC & DAC Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x05 reset: 0b000001000 fieldset: ADAC_CTL1 - name: ADAC_CTL2 description: ADC & DAC Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x06 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: ADAC_CTL2 - name: AUD_INTF1 description: Audio Interface bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x07 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: AUD_INTF1 - name: CLOCKING2 description: Clocking bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x08 reset: 0b111000000 fieldset: CLOCKING2 - name: AUD_INTF2 description: Audio Interface bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x09 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: AUD_INTF2 - name: LDAC_VOL description: Left DAC Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x0a reset: 0b011111111 fieldset: ADAC_VOL - name: RDAC_VOL description: Right DAC Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x0b reset: 0b011111111 fieldset: ADAC_VOL - name: RESET description: Reset bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x0f - name: 3D_CTL description: 3D Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x10 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: X3D_CTL - name: ALC1 description: Automatic Level Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x11 reset: 0b001111011 fieldset: ALC1 - name: ALC2 description: Automatic Level Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x12 reset: 0b100000000 fieldset: ALC2 - name: ALC3 description: Automatic Level Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x13 reset: 0b000110010 fieldset: ALC3 - name: NOISE_GATE description: Noise Gate byte_offset: 0x14 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: NOISE_GATE - name: LADC_VOL description: Left ADC Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x15 reset: 0b011000011 fieldset: ADAC_VOL - name: RADC_VOL description: Right ADC Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x16 reset: 0b011000011 fieldset: ADAC_VOL - name: ADDTL_CTL1 description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x17 reset: 0b111000000 fieldset: ADDTL_CTL1 - name: ADDTL_CTL2 description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x18 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: ADDTL_CTL2 - name: PWR_MGMT1 description: Power Management bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x19 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: PWR_MGMT1 - name: PWR_MGMT2 description: Power Management bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x1a reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: PWR_MGMT2 - name: ADDTL_CTL3 description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x1b reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: ADDTL_CTL3 - name: ANTI_POP1 description: Anti-pop bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x1c reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: ANTI_POP1 - name: ANTI_POP2 description: Anti-pop bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x1d reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: ANTI_POP2 - name: ADCL_SIGPATH description: ADCL Signal Path bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x20 reset: 0b100000000 fieldset: ADC_SIGPATH - name: ADCR_SIGPATH description: ADCR Signal Path bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x21 reset: 0b100000000 fieldset: ADC_SIGPATH - name: LOUT_MIX description: Left Out Mix bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x22 reset: 0b001010000 fieldset: LROUT_MIX - name: ROUT_MIX description: Right Out Mix bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x25 reset: 0b001010000 fieldset: LROUT_MIX - name: MOUT_MIX1 description: Mono Out Mix bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x26 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: MOUT_MIX1 - name: MOUT_MIX2 description: Mono Out Mix bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x27 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: MOUT_MIX2 - name: LSPKR_VOL description: Left Speaker Out Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x28 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: OUT_VOL - name: RSPKR_VOL description: Right Speaker Out Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x29 reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: OUT_VOL - name: MOUT_VOL description: Mono Out Volume bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x2a reset: 0b001000000 fieldset: MOUT_VOL - name: LIN_BOOST_MIX description: Left Input Boost Mixer bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x2b reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: IN_BOOST_MIX - name: RIN_BOOST_MIX description: Right Input Boost Mixer bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x2c reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: IN_BOOST_MIX - name: LBYPASS description: Left Bypass bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x2d reset: 0b001010000 fieldset: IN_BYPASS - name: RBYPASS description: Right Bypass bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x2e reset: 0b001010000 fieldset: IN_BYPASS - name: PWR_MGMT3 description: Power Management bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x2f reset: 0b000000000 fieldset: PWR_MGMT3 - name: ADDTL_CTL4 description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x30 reset: 0b000000010 - name: CLASSD_CTL1 description: Class D Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x31 reset: 0b000110111 - name: CLASSD_CTL3 description: Class D Control bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x33 reset: 0b010000000 - name: PLL_N description: PLL N bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x34 reset: 0b000001000 - name: PLL_K1 description: PLL K bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x35 reset: 0b000110001 - name: PLL_K2 description: PLL K bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x36 reset: 0b000100110 - name: PLL_K3 description: PLL K bit_size: 9 byte_offset: 0x37 reset: 0b011101001 fieldset/IN_VOL: description: Input Volume Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: VU description: Input Volume Update, 0b1 to update left/right channels simultaneously bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: MUTE description: Input Analogue Mute bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: ZC description: Input Zero Cross Detector, 0b1 change gain on zero cross, 0b0 change immediately bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: VOL description: Input Volume Control, 0b111111 = +30dB, 0b000000 = -17.25 dB, 0.75dB per step bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 6 fieldset/OUT_VOL: description: Output Volume Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: VU description: Output Volume Update, 0b1 to update left/right channels simultaneously bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: ZC description: Output Zero Cross Detector, 0b1 change gain on zero cross, 0b0 change immediately bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: VOL description: Output Volume Control, 0b1111111 = +6dB, 0b110000 = -73dB, 0b101111 to 0b0000000 = mute, 1dB per step bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 7 fieldset/CLOCKING1: description: Clocking Control 1 bit_size: 9 fields: - name: ADCDIV description: ADC Sample rate divider, 0b000 = 1, 0b111 = 6, 0.5 per step bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 3 - name: DACDIV description: DAC Sample rate divider, 0b000 = 1, 0b111 = 6, 0.5 per step bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 3 - name: SYSCLKDIV description: SYSCLK pre-divider, 0b00 = 1, 0b10 = 2 bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 2 - name: CLKSEL description: SYSCLK Selection 0b0 = MCLK, 0b1 = PLL bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ADAC_CTL1: description: ADC & DAC Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: DACDIV2 description: DAC 6dB attenuate enable, 0b0 = 0dB, 0b1 = -6dB bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: ADCPOL description: ADC Polarity Control bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 2 - name: DACMU description: DAC Soft Mute bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: DEEMPH description: De-emphasis Control bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 2 - name: ADCHPD description: ADC High Pass Filter Disable bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ADAC_CTL2: description: ADC & DAC Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: DACPOL description: DAC Polarity Control bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 2 - name: DACSMM description: DAC Soft Mute Mode bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: DACMR description: DAC Soft Mute Ramp Rate bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 1 - name: DACSLOPE description: DAC Filter Characteristics bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 1 fieldset/AUD_INTF1: description: Audio Interface bit_size: 9 fields: - name: ALRSWAP description: Left/Right ADC Channel Swap bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: BCLKINV description: BCLK Invert Bit bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: MS description: Master/Slave Mode bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: DLRSWAP description: Left/Right DAC Channel Swap bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: LRP description: LR Polarity bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: WL description: Audio Word Length bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 2 - name: FORMAT description: Audio Format bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 2 fieldset/CLOCKING2: description: Clocking bit_size: 9 fields: - name: DCLKDIV description: Class D Switching Clock Divider bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 3 - name: BCLKDIV description: BCLK Divider bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 3 fieldset/AUD_INTF2: description: Audio Interface bit_size: 9 fields: - name: ALRCGPIO bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: WL8 bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: DACCOMP bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 2 - name: ADCCOMP bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 2 - name: LOOPBACK bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ADAC_VOL: description: ADC/DAC Volume bit_size: 9 fields: - name: VU description: ADC/DAC Volume Update, 0b1 = Left and Right updated bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: VOL description: ADC/DAC Volume Control bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 8 fieldset/X3D_CTL: description: 3D Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: X3DUC description: Upper Cut-Off Frequency bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: X3DLC description: Lower Cut-Off Frequency bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: X3DDEPTH description: 3D Stereo Depth bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 4 - name: X3DEN description: 3D Stereo Enhancement Enable bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ALC1: description: Automatic Level Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: ALCSEL bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 2 - name: MAXGAIN bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 3 - name: ALCL bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 4 fieldset/ALC2: description: Automatic Level Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: MINGAIN bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 3 - name: HLD bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 4 fieldset/ALC3: description: Automatic Level Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: ALCMODE bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: DCY bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 4 - name: ATK bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 4 fieldset/NOISE_GATE: description: Noise Gate bit_size: 9 fields: - name: NGTH bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 5 - name: NGAT bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ADDTL_CTL1: description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: TSDEN bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: VSEL bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 2 - name: DMONOMIX bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: DATSEL bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 2 - name: TOCLKSEL bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 1 - name: TOEN bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ADDTL_CTL2: description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: HPSWEN bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: HPSWPOL bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: TRIS bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: LRCM bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 1 fieldset/PWR_MGMT1: description: Power Management bit_size: 9 fields: - name: VMIDSEL bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 2 - name: VREF bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: AINL bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: AINR bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: ADCL bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: ADCR bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 1 - name: MICB bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 1 - name: DIGENB bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/PWR_MGMT2: description: Power Management bit_size: 9 fields: - name: DACL bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: DACR bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: LOUT1 bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: ROUT1 bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: SPKL bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: SPKR bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: OUT3 bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 1 - name: PLL_EN bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ADDTL_CTL3: description: Additional Control bit_size: 9 fields: - name: VROI bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: OUT3CAP bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: ADC_ALC_SR bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 3 fieldset/ANTI_POP1: description: Anti-Pop bit_size: 9 fields: - name: POBCTRL bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: BUFDCOPEN bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: BUFIOEN bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: SOFT_ST bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 1 - name: HPSTBY bit_offset: 0 bit_size: 1 fieldset/ANTI_POP2: description: Anti-Pop bit_size: 9 fields: - name: DISOP bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: DRES bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 2 fieldset/ADC_SIGPATH: description: ADC Signal Path bit_size: 9 fields: - name: MN1 bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: MP3 bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: MP2 bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 - name: MICBOOST bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 2 - name: MIC2B bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 fieldset/LROUT_MIX: description: Left/Right Output Mix bit_size: 9 fields: - name: D2O description: DAC to Output bit_offset: 8 bit_size: 1 - name: I2O description: Input 3 to Output bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: I2OVOL description: Input 3 Output Mixer Volume bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 3 fieldset/MOUT_MIX1: description: Mono Output Mix bit_size: 9 fields: - name: L2MO description: Left Output to Mono Output bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 fieldset/MOUT_MIX2: description: Mono Output Mix bit_size: 9 fields: - name: R2MO description: Right Output to Mono Output bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 fieldset/MOUT_VOL: description: Mono Output Volume bit_size: 9 fields: - name: MOUTVOL description: -6dB Mono Output Mixer Volume Control bit_offset: 6 bit_size: 1 fieldset/IN_BOOST_MIX: description: Input Boost Mixer bit_size: 9 fields: - name: IN3BOOST description: L/R Input 3 Boost Mixer Gain bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 3 - name: IN2BOOST description: L/R Input 2 Boost Mixer Gain bit_offset: 1 bit_size: 3 fieldset/IN_BYPASS: description: L/R Input Boost Bypass bit_size: 9 fields: - name: B2O description: Boost to Output Bypass bit_offset: 7 bit_size: 1 - name: B2OVOL description: Boost to Output Volume bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 3 fieldset/PWR_MGMT3: description: Power Management bit_size: 9 fields: - name: LMIC description: Left Mic Input Enable bit_offset: 5 bit_size: 1 - name: RMIC description: Right Mic Input Enable bit_offset: 4 bit_size: 1 - name: LOMIX description: Left Output Mixer Enable bit_offset: 3 bit_size: 1 - name: ROMIX description: Right Output Mixer Enable bit_offset: 2 bit_size: 1