use std::{fs, path::Path}; use chrono::prelude::*; fn main() { // APP_BUILD_DATE let local: DateTime = Local::now(); println!("cargo:rustc-env=APP_BUILD_DATE={}.{:0>2}.{:0>2}", local.year(), local.month(),; // APP_GIT_COMMIT // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extract the last git commit SHA if in a git repo. // Target SHA is the second value in the last line of the HEAD logs file let mut git_hash = "NOT-FOUND".to_string(); let head = Path::new(".git/logs/HEAD"); if head.exists() { if let Ok(data) = fs::read_to_string(head) { if let Some(lastline) = data.lines().rev().next() { if let Some(hash) = lastline.split_ascii_whitespace().skip(1).next() { git_hash = hash.to_string(); } } } } println!("cargo:rustc-env=APP_GIT_COMMIT={}", git_hash); }