MySymbol::msg = "This is a message generated from ``"; (* FIXME: For some reason, the test below fails with the following message unless we _save the result_ of calling Links[]: LinkObject::linkd: Unable to communicate with closed link LinkObject[...] Note that this only happens when running the tests using `wolfram-cli paclet test`, so it's likely this is some unknown conflict. *) before = Links[]; VerificationTest[ generateMessage = LibraryFunctionLoad[ "libwll_docs", "generate_message", LinkObject, LinkObject ]; (* Note: Set $Context and $ContextPath to force symbols sent via WSTP to include their context. *) Block[{$Context = "Empty`", $ContextPath = {}}, generateMessage[] ] , Null , {HoldForm[Message[MySymbol::msg, "a Rust LibraryLink function"]]} ]