alias Scalar = {{ scalar_type }}; alias GemmVec = vec{{ kernel_size }}<{{ scalar_type }}>; alias GemmMat = mat{{ kernel_size }}x{{ kernel_size }}<{{ scalar_type }}>; struct GemmArrayVector { data: array }; @group(0) @binding(0) var input_left: GemmArrayVector; @group(0) @binding(1) var input_right: GemmArrayVector; {% if i_lens | length == 3 %} // Bias @group(0) @binding(2) var input_bias: GemmArrayVector; @group(0) @binding(3) var output_0: GemmArrayVector; {% else %} @group(0) @binding(2) var output_0: GemmArrayVector; {% endif %} @compute @workgroup_size({{ workgroup_size_x }}, {{ workgroup_size_y }}) fn main(@builtin(global_invocation_id) global_id: vec3) { let y = global_id.x % {{ n_chunks }}u; let x = global_id.x / {{ n_chunks }}u; {# Calculate stacking offsets #} let stack_index = global_id.y; let left_offset = stack_index * {{ stack_left_stride / kernel_size | int }}u; let right_offset = stack_index * {{ stack_right_stride / kernel_size | int }}u; let output_offset = stack_index * {{ stack_output_stride / kernel_size | int }}u; let index = output_offset + (x * {{ right_shape[1] }}u) + y; {# Create zero vector and matrix of the correct size for later use #} let zero_vec = GemmVec( {% for i in range(end = kernel_size) %} Scalar() {%-if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ); let zero_matrix = GemmMat( {% for i in range(end = kernel_size) %} zero_vec {%-if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ); var tmpsum = zero_matrix; var product = zero_matrix; for(var k: u32 = 0u; k < {{ k_chunks }}u; k = k + 1u) { let index_left = left_offset + (x * {{ left_shape[1] }}u) + k; let index_right = right_offset + (k * {{ right_shape[1] }}u) + y; let mat_left = GemmMat( {% for i in range(end = kernel_size) %}[index_left + {{ i * k_chunks }}u] {%-if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ); let mat_right = GemmMat( {% for i in range(end = kernel_size) %}[index_right + ({{ i * n_chunks }}u)] {%-if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ); product = mat_right * mat_left; tmpsum = tmpsum + product; } {% if i_lens | length == 3 %} let bias_index = {% if not bias_broadcast_rows %} (x * {{ bias_shape[1] }}u) + {% endif %} {% if not bias_broadcast_columns %} y {% else %} 0u {% endif %}; for(var index_mat: u32 = 0u; index_mat < {{ kernel_size }}u; index_mat = index_mat + 1u) { {% if bias_broadcast_columns and bias_broadcast_rows %} {# Bias is just a single number, broadcast over both dimensions #} let bias_number =[bias_index][0]; let bias = GemmVec( {% for k in range(end = kernel_size) %} bias_number {%-if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ); {% elif bias_broadcast_columns %} let bias_number =[bias_index][index_mat]; let bias = GemmVec( {% for k in range(end = kernel_size) %} bias_number {%-if not loop.last -%},{%- endif -%} {% endfor %} ); {% else %} {# Bias is a matrix, no broadcasting, one bias scalar for each output element #} let bias =[bias_index {% if not bias_broadcast_rows %} + (index_mat * {{ n_chunks }}u) {% endif %}]; {% endif %}[index + (index_mat * {{ n_chunks }}u)] = {%- if alpha != 1 -%} {{ alpha | float }} * {%- endif -%} tmpsum[index_mat] + {%- if beta != 1 -%} {{ beta | float }} * {%- endif -%} bias; } {% else %} for(var index_mat: u32 = 0u; index_mat < {{ kernel_size }}u; index_mat = index_mat + 1u) {[index + (index_mat * {{ n_chunks }}u)] = {% if alpha != 1 -%} {{ alpha | float }} * {%- endif -%} tmpsum[index_mat]; } {% endif %} }