Implementation Notes -------------------- NetBSD maps every `uhidev` device to one or more `uhid` devices. Each `uhid` device only supports one report ID. The parent device `uhidev` creates one `uhid` device per report ID found in the hardware's report descriptor. In the event there are no report ID(s) found within the report descriptor, only one `uhid` device with a report ID of `0` is created. In order to remain compatible with existing `hidapi` APIs, all the `uhid` devices created by the parent `uhidev` device must be opened under the same `hid_device` instance to ensure that we can route reports to their appropriate `uhid` device. Internally the `uhid` driver will insert the report ID as needed so we must also omit the report ID in any situation where the `hidapi` API expects it to be included in the report data stream. Given the design of `uhid`, it must be augmented with extra platform specific APIs to ensure that the exact relationship between `uhidev` devices and `uhid` devices can be determined. The NetBSD implementation does this via the `drvctl` kernel driver. At present there is no known way to do this on OpenBSD for a `uhid` implementation to be at the same level as the NetBSD one.