#![ doc( html_logo_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wandalen/wTools/master/asset/img/logo_v3_trans_square.png" ) ]
#![ warn( rust_2018_idioms ) ]
#![ warn( missing_debug_implementations ) ]
#![ warn( missing_docs ) ]
//! Mechanism to define map of options for a fuction and its defaults laconically.
#![ doc = include_str!( concat!( env!( "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR" ), "/Readme.md" ) ) ]
// extern crate proc_macro_tools;
// mod former;
mod options;
// ///
// /// Attribute macro to generate options adapter and its implementation for structure option.
// ///
// #[ allow( non_snake_case ) ]
// #[ proc_macro_attribute ]
// pub fn Options( attr : proc_macro::TokenStream, item : proc_macro::TokenStream ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream
// {
// let result = options::options( attr, item );
// match result
// {
// Ok( stream ) => stream.into(),
// Err( err ) => err.to_compile_error().into(),
// }
// }
/// Function-like macro to generate options adapter and its implementation for structure option.
#[ allow( non_snake_case ) ]
#[ proc_macro ]
pub fn Options( item : proc_macro::TokenStream ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream
let attr = proc_macro::TokenStream::new();
let result = options::options( attr, item );
match result
Ok( stream ) => stream.into(),
Err( err ) => err.to_compile_error().into(),