# Word Star Puzzle Solver 🧩 A CLI tool for solving VGs word star puzzle. ## Install ⬇️ ### Option 1: With Cargo Make sure you have rust installed on your pc. Check how to install rust [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). When you have successfuly installed rust you can install the tool by running this: ```sh cargo install word-star-puzzle-solver ``` ### Option 2: From Release Install the binary file from releases. Open a terminal where the binary file is installed and run it. On windows: ```shell .\word-star-puzzle-solver.exe --version ``` On unix: ```sh ./word-star-solver --version ``` ## How-to-use 🔮 Use `--help` for instructions on how to use the tool: ```sh word-star-puzzle-solver --help ``` ### Example ![Example word star puzzle from VG](docs/images/puzzle.png) ```sh word-star-puzzle-solver -r P -a B L Å Æ O E P ``` **Note that P is present in both the required character argument and the allowed characters argument.** Result: ```text {"LOPP", "POOP", "PELE", "POLE", "OPEL", "PELLE", "POOL", "LOOP", "LOPPE", "LEPE", "POPP", "OPPE", "LEPPE", "PEPP", "PLOPP", "BOPEL", "POPE", "POLO", "POLL", "BEBOP", "EPLE", "LOOPE", "POPPEL", "PELL", "POPPE"} ```