## `workflow-log`
Part of the [`workflow-rs`](https://github.com/workflow-rs) application framework.
Application logging functionality
## Features
* Log output functions that functions uniformly on supported platforms.
* **Native** uses `stdout`
* **WASM** (browser) uses `console.log()` and similar functions.
* **Solana OS (BPF)** uses `solana_program::log::sol_log()` (`same as msg!() macro`)
* Attach to the standard [log](https://crates.io/crates/log) crate.
* Register a custom log sink to consume all application output externally.
* Re-export and a custom bypass for [console](https://crates.io/crates/console) crate, allowing to use ANSI terminal features while discarding them when running under BPF.
This crate offers the following macros:
* `log_trace!()`
* `log_debug!()`
* `log_info!()`
* `log_warn!()`
* `log_error!()`