# This file defines all the requirements a player has to fulfill in order to reach a given pickup on the map. # The pickup names and locations are defined in loc_data.csv. # All pickups are tied to an anchor, a point on the map. The requirements listed under a pickup are what you need to get from that anchor to that pickup. For more details on this visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XAiL4GbyYGr2_PobxWajrOPO9kQ5UOSf4KrbI1rsOBM/view?usp=sharing # Special Syntax: # Moki and above: # BreakWall=x: A wall or corruption with x Health is broken # BreakCrystal: An energy crystal is broken (In moki this will allow using Sword, Hammer or Bow, in gorlek additionally Shuriken or Grenade, in unsafe additionally Spear) # Combat=x: An enemy has to be defeated. For a list of enemies visit https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AE_ctym6WAwltGK-r6w58ARq0ym2MU4MzFiwg328kjM/view?usp=sharing # Gorlek and above: # ShurikenBreak=x: A wall with x Health is broken from behind using Shuriken # SentryJump=x: Extends to Sentry=1, Sword OR Hammer # SwordSJump=x: Extends to Sentry=1, Sword # HammerSJump=x: Extends to Sentry=1, Hammer # SentryBurn=x: Use x Sentries to melt ice or light lanterns # RemoveKillPlane: Remove the kill plane at feeding grounds # Unsafe: # SentryBreak=x: A wall with x Health is broken from behind using Sentry # HammerBreak: A wall with is broken from behind using Hammer # SpearBreak: A wall with is broken from behind using one Spear # LaunchSwap: Extends to Launch # FlashSwap: Extends to Flash and having energy to use it # SentrySwap=x: Extends to Sentry=x # BlazeSwap=x: Extends to Blaze=x # WaveDash: Extends to Dash, Regenerate and having energy to use it # GrenadeJump: Extends to Grenade and having energy to use it # GrenadeCancel: Extends to Grenade and having energy to use it # BowCancel: Extends to Bow and having energy to use it # HammerJump: Extends to Hammer, DoubleJump # SwordJump: Extends to Sword, DoubleJump # GrenadeRedirect=x: Extends to Grenade=x # SentryRedirect=x: Extends to Sentry=x # PauseHover: Use the pause menu to cancel falling speed # GlideJump: Extends to Glide # GlideHammerJump: Extends to Glide, Hammer # SpearJump=x: Extends to Spear=x # requirement macros. must go at the top of the file! requirement DepthsLight: moki: UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash=1 gorlek: Bow=3 # should be good, right? kii: BowCancel # is this reasonable? # unsafe: Grenade=3 # probably enough anchor HeaderStates: # States you need to resolve by using the !!set command in headers and that you can't resolve through playing state SkipKwolok: # Used to logically support skipping Kwolok's fight moki: Impossible state SkipMora1: # Used to logically support skipping Mora's first combat phase moki: Impossible state SkipMora2: # Used to logically support skipping Mora's second combat phase moki: Impossible anchor Teleporters: # teleporter access conn MidnightBurrows.Teleporter: moki: BurrowsTP, Bash, Keystone=2 # okay, soooo: this TP frequently unlocks exactly 4 pickups (the vanilla keystones in that area) # It also makes a 4 keystone door available! Without the Keystone=2 line here, the seed generator # picks this path, unlocking 4 pickups, then immediately fills those with keystones and gets stuck conn MarshSpawn.Main: moki: MarshTP conn HowlsDen.Teleporter: moki: DenTP conn EastHollow.Teleporter: moki: HollowTP conn GladesTown.Teleporter: moki: GladesTP conn InnerWellspring.Teleporter: moki: WellspringTP conn WoodsEntry.Teleporter: moki: WestWoodsTP conn WoodsMain.Teleporter: moki: EastWoodsTP conn LowerReach.Teleporter: moki: ReachTP, Flap conn UpperDepths.Teleporter: moki: DepthsTP, Glide conn EastPools.Teleporter: moki: EastPoolsTP, Water conn WestPools.Teleporter: moki: WestPoolsTP, Water conn LowerWastes.WestTP: moki: WestWastesTP conn LowerWastes.EastTP: moki: EastWastesTP, Burrow conn UpperWastes.NorthTP: moki: OuterRuinsTP, Burrow conn WindtornRuins.RuinsTP: moki: InnerRuinsTP, Burrow, EastHollow.ForestsVoice, LowerReach.ForestsMemory, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes, WestPools.ForestsStrength conn WillowsEnd.InnerTP: moki: WillowTP, Burrow conn WillowsEnd.Upper: moki: ShriekTP, Burrow anchor MarshSpawn.Main at -799, -4310: # spawn location / inkwater well refill Full state MarshSpawn.LogBroken: free state MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: moki: BreakWall=16 kii: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash, Damage=10 # lure the mantis state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup MarshSpawn.RockHC: free pickup MarshSpawn.FirstPickupEX: free pickup MarshSpawn.GrappleHC: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # An air combo is enough to get you from the ceiling plant into range of the lower hanging plant SentryJump=1, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash # just using the swordfloats was a bit precise MarshSpawn.RainLifted: # using the mantis Grapple, Bash Bash, Launch, Damage=10 Bash, Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Launch, Dash kii: Launch, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash # Jump off the wall next to the ceiling plant (possible w/o dmg by refreshing abilities on the left wall from the spikes) Launch, DoubleJump, Dash # Jump off the wall next to the ceiling plant and refresh abilities on the left wall from the spikes Grapple, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Launch, Sword # pogo the mantis between launches unsafe: Launch # Launching along the ceiling, starting above the LongSwimEX Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 Grapple, Spear=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Bash the slime from across the broken log to the mantis underneath the pickup and juggle him high, bash off both # Glitched: SwordSJump=2 # 1 grounded near full height, 1 aerial mid height, jump off left wall, swordfloat to pickup HammerSJump=2, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Damage=10 OR PauseHover # 1 grounded near full height, 1 forward attack, 1 aerial mid height, jump off left wall, use hammer floats and extra to pickup Grapple, PauseHover OR GrenadeJump OR BlazeSwap=1 HammerJump, TripleJump, Dash OR PauseHover # Jumping along the ceiling, starting above the LongSwimEX FlashSwap # hehe pickup MarshSpawn.BridgeEX: # not a free pickup because you could break the log and softlock yourself moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 # Grenade bash straight up from below gorlek: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash # jump the jumper Sword OR Hammer # Long jump, upslash and neutral slashes are enough with both weapons kii: Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Blaze=1 OR Shuriken=1 # Using drop-down unsafe: Spear=1 # Using drop-down # Glitched: PauseHover OR FlashSwap pickup MarshSpawn.LongSwimEX: moki: Water unsafe: Damage=90 # dropping down the right drop-down and holding directions for x dboosts: down-right=2, right=3, down-right=1, right=1, up-right=2 and u can see ori again Damage=40, WaterDash # dropping down the right drop-down and waterdashing in direction x times: down-right=1, right=2, down-right=1, right=1, up-right=2 and u can see ori again pickup MarshSpawn.BurrowOre: # @validator make sure its not redundant with -> MarshSpawn.BurrowFightArena -> MarshSpawn.BurrowOre moki: Water, Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Glide # Bash for the exploding enemy Water, Burrow, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash gorlek: Water, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: Damage=20, Burrow, Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Shuriken=1 WaterDash, Damage=10, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer WaterDash, Damage=10, Burrow, Sentry=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Shuriken=1 Damage=30, Burrow WaterDash, Damage=20, Burrow unsafe, Burrow: Bash: # Bash the slug 2 times up and quickly burrow down and up to catch it really high and bashglide to get the pickup Water OR Damage=20 Damage=10, WaterDash # Glitched: PauseHover OR FlashSwap OR SentrySwap=1 OR BlazeSwap=2: Water OR Damage=20 Damage=10, WaterDash conn Teleporters: free conn MarshSpawn.BrokenBridge: # although it is free, it doesn't make much sense to not use this state moki: MarshSpawn.LogBroken conn MarshSpawn.BurrowFightArena: moki: Water, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Launch Water, Burrow, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Water, Burrow, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: Damage=20, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer Damage=20, Burrow, Sentry=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 WaterDash, Damage=10, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer WaterDash, Damage=10, Burrow, Sentry=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Water, Burrow, Sentry=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Damage=30, Burrow WaterDash, Damage=20, Burrow unsafe: # Bash the slug 2 times up and quickly burrow down and up to catch it really high and bashglide to get the pickup # cancel the vertical momentum out of the burrow with bow (or Grenade) [syntax needed] Burrow, Water, Bash OR Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 OR PauseHover OR FlashSwap Burrow, Damage=20, Bash OR Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 OR PauseHover OR FlashSwap Burrow, Damage=10, WaterDash, Bash OR Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 OR PauseHover OR FlashSwap conn MarshPastOpher.MillView: moki: MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier conn MarshSpawn.PoolsPath: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Glide Bash, Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 Bash, Glide, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer # While waiting for 3rd shot do two neutral slashes to stay in the air longer Launch, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii: Launch, DoubleJump OR Damage=10 OR Sword # Land on the first turret Bash, Damage=20 unsafe: Bash, Dash, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer # While waiting for 3rd shot do two neutral slashes to stay in the air longer / Sometimes the cycle are off making it too hard for gorlek Launch, Deflector, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Deflector, Sword OR Hammer # Land on first turret DoubleJump, TripleJump, Deflector, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer # Able to dmg boost on spikes DoubleJump, TripleJump, Deflector, Damage=10, Glide, Sword OR Hammer # Glitched LaunchSwap # refresh launch on ceiling and then LaunchSwap through all of the spiked area or land on the turret and get a second LaunchSwap FlashSwap, PauseHover # land on the first turret to get some pause and make it easier to make the correct cycle # PauseHover for "easier" execution # checkpoint at -1021, -4305 # checkpoint at -1068, -4274 anchor MarshSpawn.BrokenBridge at -643, -4351: # after dropping down the breaking bridge refill Checkpoint pickup MarshSpawn.ResilienceShard: moki: BreakWall=16 kii: MarshSpawn.RainLifted # Lure mantis pickup MarshSpawn.ResilienceOre: moki: BreakWall=16, Water kii: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Water # Lure mantis unsafe: Damage=50, MarshSpawn.RainLifted OR BreakWall=16 Damage=20, WaterDash, MarshSpawn.RainLifted OR BreakWall=16 pickup MarshSpawn.BashEC: moki: Bash OR Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 unsafe: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, DoubleJump, Sword # Use pogo of the slime to jump to the ledge GrenadeJump # precise grenade wall jump off of a microwall on the left pickup MarshSpawn.PreLupoEX: free pickup MarshSpawn.LupoMap: moki: SpiritLight=200 conn MarshSpawn.CaveEntrance: free conn MarshPastOpher.MillView: moki, MarshSpawn.LogBroken, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: Combat=Mantis, DoubleJump OR Bash OR Dash OR Launch gorlek, MarshSpawn.LogBroken, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: SentryJump=1 Hammer, Glide kii, MarshSpawn.LogBroken, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Sword # pogo MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash Sword, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Sentry=2 Hammer, Sword Grenade=1, Bash unsafe: MarshSpawn.LogBroken, Grenade # GrenadeJump=1 conn MarshSpawn.Main: moki, MarshSpawn.LogBroken: Combat=Mantis, DoubleJump OR Bash OR Dash OR Launch gorlek, MarshSpawn.LogBroken: SentryJump=1 Hammer, Glide kii, MarshSpawn.LogBroken: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Sword # pogo MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash Sword, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Sentry=3 Hammer, Sword Grenade=2, Bash unsafe: MarshSpawn.LogBroken, Grenade # GrenadeJump=1 anchor MarshSpawn.CaveEntrance at -588, -4393: # before the door blocking regen tree refill Checkpoint state MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 state MarshSpawn.TokkBarrier: moki: BreakWall=16 unsafe: MarshSpawn.RainLifted # check this again. Lure the mantis pickup MarshSpawn.LeverEC: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Bash Launch, Bash Grapple, Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump gorlek: Grapple, Bash, Dash OR Glide # both weapon float variants are rather awkward SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1, Bash Launch # different ways to solve kii: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash # Lure the Jumper, then bash off him Grapple, Bash, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Hammer, Sentry=2 # Jump from the door frame Bash, Grenade=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, DoubleJump, Sword # Jump from the door frame and pogo on Jumper unsafe: SentryJump=1 # max height DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Dash # Swing the plant with Grapple DoubleJump, TripleJump # Jump from the door frame DoubleJump, Sword # Jump from the door frame and pogo on Jumper conn MarshSpawn.DenApproach: moki: MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor conn MarshSpawn.BrokenBridge: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Dash OR SentryJump=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash # enemy that only spawns at daytime kii: Sword OR Hammer Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Bash # at night there's a slime that works too conn MarshSpawn.Cave: moki: MarshSpawn.TokkBarrier anchor MarshSpawn.Cave at -707, -4419: # At Tokk in the Cave refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 state MarshSpawn.TokkBarrier: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=16 unsafe: HammerBreak OR SpearBreak state MarshSpawn.CaveFight: Combat=3xLizard # at day there's two extra lizards quest MarshSpawn.CaveKS: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Grapple Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple # day and night both have a slime here Launch MarshSpawn.CaveFight gorlek: DoubleJump OR Bash OR Grapple # basically the moki paths without assisting abilities kii: Sword # Pogo on the slime and slash to the left Hammer # upswing into leftswing quest MarshSpawn.TokkKeystoneQuest: moki: MarshSpawn.CaveKS pickup MarshSpawn.LeftTokkEX: moki: BreakWall=10 pickup MarshSpawn.FightRoomEX: moki: BreakWall=10 conn Tokk: free # this one is tokk anywhere'd conn MarshSpawn.CaveEntrance: moki: MarshSpawn.TokkBarrier conn MarshSpawn.PoolsBurrowsSignpost: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Grapple Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Grapple Launch MarshSpawn.CaveFight, DoubleJump OR Dash MarshSpawn.CaveFight, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 MarshSpawn.CaveFight, SentryJump=1 # makes other sentryjump paths unnecessary # weapon floats maybe too precise for gorlek kii: Sword # Pogo on the slime and slash to the left, Upslash to reach the branch Hammer # weapon floats Bash # use slimes MarshSpawn.CaveFight, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # checkpoint at -845, -4438 anchor MarshSpawn.BurrowFightArena at -959, -4406: # at the right side of the BurrowFightArena refill Health=1 state MarshSpawn.BurrowArena: # opening the door to MarshSpawn.LifepactShard by fighting the bad guys moki: Regenerate, Damage=40, Combat=Hornbug+Bat+2xSandworm+2xLizard+3xSkeeto+SneezeSlug kii: Combat=Hornbug+Bat+2xSandworm+2xLizard+3xSkeeto+SneezeSlug pickup MarshSpawn.BurrowOre: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Grenade=1 Burrow, Bash, Launch gorlek: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch # could do a sentryjump into bashgrenade, but I heard that kind of thing is unwelcome ;P kii: Burrow, Bash, Glide # Use slime and bashgliding Burrow, Sword Burrow, Hammer, Damage=10 conn MarshSpawn.LifepactLedge: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Bash OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 unsafe: Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR PauseHover OR FlashSwap OR GrenadeJump # Bow and Grenade for cancelling vertical momentum conn MarshSpawn.PoolsBurrowsSignpost: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Glide gorlek: Bash OR Launch Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: free conn MarshSpawn.Main: moki: Water, Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Water, Burrow, Bash, Launch gorlek: Water, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch kii: Burrow, Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Burrow, WaterDash, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Burrow, Water, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Burrow, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 # kii path but with 10 less damage Burrow, SwordSJump=1, Damage=20, Blaze anchor MarshSpawn.LifepactLedge at -931, -4399: # At the ledge in front of the door blocking Life Pact pickup MarshSpawn.LifepactShard: moki: MarshSpawn.BurrowArena conn MarshSpawn.BurrowFightArena: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=10 SentryJump=1 kii: Glide OR Sword OR Hammer conn MarshSpawn.PoolsBurrowsSignpost: # check for redundancies with BurrowFightArena moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Bash Damage=10, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: free anchor MarshSpawn.PoolsBurrowsSignpost at -898, -4436: # the waypoint between pools, burrows and marsh refill Checkpoint refill Energy=1: unsafe: BreakCrystal # slightly out of sight quest MarshSpawn.CaveKS: free pickup MarshSpawn.CaveOre: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Dash OR Glide # GlideJump pickup MarshSpawn.BurrowsApproachLedgeEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Dash OR Glide # weapon floats with bash moved out of gorlek Launch, Glide Launch, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Launch, Dash # bonking your head on the cealing to reset launch and dash Launch, Damage=10 Bash, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Damage=10, Sentry=3 OR Shuriken=3 Bash, Damage=30 unsafe: Bash, Sentry=3 # Use Sentry instead of DoubleJump Bash, Sword Bash, Hammer, Damage=10 # dboost under the first lantern, too precise for gorlek Launch # Enough ledges to regain launch DoubleJump, TripleJump # more hardcore parkour conn MarshSpawn.BeforeBurrows: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Glide Launch, Glide Launch, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Dash, Sword kii: Launch, Dash Launch, Damage=10 Bash, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Damage=10, Sentry=3 OR Shuriken=3 Bash, Damage=30 unsafe: GrenadeJump, DoubleJump, Bash OR Glide OR Damage=10 OR PauseHover # Triple Grenade Jump is possible but redundant GrenadeJump, Damage=30 # damage under the first lantern, damage on the spikes at the top, damage after the second lantern SwordSJump=1, Damage=20 # air sjump from below the first lantern, weapon stall to minimize damage Bash, Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 OR PauseHover # use a projectile to reach the first lantern HammerJump, Damage=10 # Use both of the microwalls near the first lantern, dboost in the spikes under the second lantern. Use a regular double jump + hammer at the end, because a hammer jump goes too high. DoubleJump, TripleJump # hardcore parkour Launch conn MarshSpawn.Cave: free conn MarshSpawn.LifepactLedge: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Damage=10, Glide OR Sword Launch, Damage=10 kii: Bash, Glide Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash Sword OR Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch conn MarshSpawn.BurrowFightArena: # check for redundancies with LifepactLedge gorlek: Bash, SentryJump=1 # checkpoint at -954, -4355 # checkpoint at -1004, -4497 anchor MarshSpawn.BeforeBurrows at -1006, -4497: # On the island before the Burrows entry refill Checkpoint pickup MarshSpawn.CrusherSwimEX: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=20 pickup MarshSpawn.BurrowsApproachLedgeEX: moki: Launch # Bash paths redundant with PoolsBurrowsSignpost gorlek: SentryJump=1, Damage=10, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Land in the spikes under the pickup and triple jump to the left platform kii: Bash, Sword OR DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Dash OR Glide # tentacle needs to shoot up along the left wall unsafe: SentryJump=1, Damage=10, DoubleJump # Land in the spikes under the pickup and doublejump + upslash to reach the right platform. Hammer upslash is enough to reach the platform, sword upslash the ennemy to refresh your double jump GrenadeJump, DoubleJump conn MarshSpawn.BurrowsEntry: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Water, WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=1 Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump Bash, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR SentryJump=1 # With sjump, weapon hover as well SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide kii: Bash, Dash OR Glide Bash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer WaterDash, Damage=20, Dash OR DoubleJump WaterDash, Damage=30, Sentry=2 OR Hammer OR Sword unsafe: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=10 # Weapon hover and damage boost in the first spikes Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Hammer OR Sword # Use the projectile from the ennemy at the left then bash the the tentacle and land directly on the last platform conn MarshSpawn.PoolsBurrowsSignpost: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash Launch, Bash gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Bash, DoubleJump Bash, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # put this one here from gorlek because it waaaay to precise Launch, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # this one too unsafe: Launch, Dash Launch, Glide # Reset your launch by touching the wallunder the spikes Launch, PauseHover # use pause floats for horizontal movement and Launch for vertical movement GrenadeJump, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Bash anchor MarshSpawn.BurrowsEntry at -937, -4494: # At the bells puzzle refill Checkpoint state MarshSpawn.BurrowsOpen: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Glide Bash, Launch gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, SwordSJump=1 kii: Bash, DoubleJump # bashgliding unsafe: Bash # fun state MarshSpawn.DamageTreeOpen: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Bash quest MarshSpawn.TokkTabletQuest: moki: MidnightBurrows.TabletQI pickup MarshSpawn.DamageTree: moki: MarshSpawn.DamageTreeOpen conn Tokk: free conn MidnightBurrows.Teleporter: moki: MarshSpawn.BurrowsOpen conn MarshSpawn.BeforeBurrows: moki: Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash Water, DoubleJump OR Dash Water, WaterDash gorlek: Sword Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer # splash the water if needed Water, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Damage=10 # checkpoint at -1067, -4274 anchor MarshSpawn.PoolsPath at -1070, -4275: # Above the turrets at the left of spawn refill Checkpoint state PoolsApproach.WheelFreed: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel first moki: Water, WaterBreath, Bash gorlek: Water, Bash # something something waterdash? pickup MarshSpawn.PoolsPathEX: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Glide Bash, Launch gorlek: Launch Glide, Sword OR Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: Bash, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Damage=10 unsafe: Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1 OR Sentry=2 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR FlashSwap OR Damage=10 OR PauseHover # Sneaky micro ledges. Shuriken path requires you to angle the shuriken forwards for quicker catching. conn PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel: moki, Water, WaterBreath OR WaterDash: # since WheelFreed solves this on its own, the other paths don't have to work with a spinning wheel PoolsApproach.WheelFreed OR DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, Water: PoolsApproach.WheelFreed OR DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 Hammer OR SwordSJump=1 unsafe: Water # Precise wall jump where the tentacle is grabbing the wheel conn MarshSpawn.Main: moki: Water, WaterDash OR Launch Glide, Bash OR Launch gorlek: Launch Water, DoubleJump OR Bash Glide, Dash OR DoubleJump DoubleJump, Sword OR Dash kii: DoubleJump, Bash OR TripleJump unsafe: DoubleJump, Hammer Dash # Reset your dash on the ceiling anchor MarshSpawn.DenApproach at -540, -4406: # at regen tree state MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor: moki, Keystone=2: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Glide # not sorry Bash, Grenade=1 Launch MarshSpawn.RainLifted, DoubleJump # the platform only spawns once you lift the rain gorlek, Keystone=2: DoubleJump, TripleJump # wrap around SentryJump=1 # weapon float after the sjump kii, Keystone=2: Hammer # upslash to slash left to walljump up DoubleJump WaterDash, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # Use the platform appearing at day unsafe, Keystone=2: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Dash # Stand on the left of the platform to tilt it slightly, Dashcancel to the right with jump and Dash back left WaterDash, DoubleJump DoubleJump state MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1 WaterDash # water always clean gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 pickup MarshSpawn.RegenTree: free pickup MarshSpawn.RecklessShard: moki, BreakWall=10: DoubleJump OR Launch Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1 WaterDash # water always clean gorlek: BreakWall=10, SentryJump=1 kii: BreakWall=10, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash, Damage=10, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # Luring the Mantis without Bash is really hard (maybe impossible) | Damage because hitboxes conn HowlsDen.Entrance: moki, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: DoubleJump OR Launch Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1 WaterDash # water always clean gorlek: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, SentryJump=1 kii: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 conn MarshSpawn.CaveEntrance: moki, MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Glide # not sorry Bash, Grenade=1 Launch MarshSpawn.RainLifted, DoubleJump # the platform only spawns once you lift the rain gorlek, MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor: DoubleJump, TripleJump # wrap around SentryJump=1 # can do one of a good sjump, a good positioning, pressing left quickly after the sentryjump or spending an extra energy kii, MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor: Hammer # upslash to slash left to walljump up DoubleJump WaterDash, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # Use the platform appearing at day unsafe, MarshSpawn.KeystoneDoor: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Dash # Stand on the left of the platform to tilt it slightly, Dashcancel to the right with jump and Dash back left # checkpoint at -500, -4395 anchor HowlsDen.Entrance at -376, -4413: # Next to Mokk the Brave, but outside the bridge if Howl is still lurking # Lifting the Rain is free from here in all scenarios, eliminating the need to note it as a requirement for the enemy or vine to the right state MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: free quest MarshSpawn.FangQI: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Dash # Bash off the enemy to get to the vine, then jump&dash right gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 OR Damage=10 # Bash off the enemy to get to the vine, then jump right. Dboost the last gap SentryJump=1 # SentryJump to get over the initial jump, then jump right, use sword or hammer to get over last gap kii: Bash, Glide OR Grenade=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 Shuriken=1, Sword OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # use the abillity to get on the wall to the right and use shuriken to get onto the vine Sword, Sentry=1 OR Hammer OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # pogo off the enemy unsafe: GrenadeJump OR GlideJump Sword # With upslash on the right wall, jump off it close to the ceiling and slash sword Dash # Dashramp quest MarshSpawn.MokkFangQuest: moki: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, MarshSpawn.FangQI pickup MarshSpawn.FangEC: moki: DoubleJump, Dash # Stick to the ceiling Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=10 # Bash up off the enemy and take a dboost on the last gap Bash, Grenade=2 # As above, but use bash grenade on the last gap SentryJump=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=10 # SentryJump to get over the initial jump, then jump right, use sword/hammer to get over last gap, SentryJump to EC SentryJump=3 # SentryJump to get over the initial jump, then jump right, use sword/hammer to get over last gap, SentryJump to EC DoubleJump, TripleJump # Stick to the ceiling unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Bash up off the enemy and Dash/Djump/Glide to the fang. Grenade+bash up from the fang Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer # As above, but sword/hammer upslash to cross the last gap WaveDash, Sword # wavedash with regen Dash, BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1 DoubleJump, BlazeSwap=2 OR SentrySwap=2 BlazeSwap=3 OR SentrySwap=3 OR FlashSwap Bash, Glide, Dash # use the enemy for everything HammerJump OR GlideHammerJump GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 SwordJump Dash, PauseHover pickup MarshSpawn.RecklessShard: moki, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, BreakWall=10: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, BreakWall=10: SentryJump=1 Dash kii, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, BreakWall=10: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 unsafe, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: Bash, BreakWall=10 # long distance lure Bash, MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Damage=20 # + using mantis as wall breakage BreakWall=10, GrenadeJump # Grenade jump to get over initial gap pickup HowlsDen.UpperEX: moki: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt conn HowlsDen.AboveBoneBridge: moki: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt conn MarshSpawn.DenApproach: moki, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: SentryJump=2 Dash, Bash # Dash for first jump, bash off fronkey for second kii: Hammer # upslash -> upslash Sword # upslash for the first gap, then pogo off the mantis for the second gap Spear=1, Dash # use spear to get close to the ledge and use little hop to dash on the platform Bash, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 # hop to the first ledge and then bash the mantis unsafe, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: Sword, Shuriken=1 # downslash on a shuriken Bash # Long distance lure for the first jump, simple lure for second Dash, Sentry=1 # As above but uses sentry GrenadeJump # checkpoint at -298, -4388 anchor HowlsDen.AboveBoneBridge at -446, -4436: # After the climb up through the keydoor refill Checkpoint pickup HowlsDen.UpperEX: moki: Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Bash unsafe: SentryJump=1 conn HowlsDen.UpperLoopEntrance: free conn HowlsDen.Entrance: moki: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, Launch gorlek, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: Bash, Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Glide OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe, MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # use the slime Bash # use the slime, tight coyote jump SentryJump=1 conn HowlsDen.OutsideSecretRoom: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=16 unsafe: HammerBreak OR SpearBreak OR SentryBreak=16 anchor HowlsDen.UpperLoopEntrance at -407, -4451: # In front of the bone door blocking the loop with the right hc refill Checkpoint: moki: BreakWall=16 pickup HowlsDen.RightHC: moki: BreakWall=16, BreakWall=20, Combat=Slug OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: BreakWall=16, BreakWall=20 conn HowlsDen.BoneBridge: free conn HowlsDen.AboveBoneBridge: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: DoubleJump # wall jump on the small wall between the breakable wall and the spikes # If you can sentry jump, you can take the normal path conn HowlsDen.UpperLoopExit: moki: BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, Combat=Slug, DoubleJump OR Dash BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, DoubleJump OR Dash BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, Glide, Combat=Slug OR Bash BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, Sword OR HammerSJump=1 BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, WaterDash, Water # @Validator added water kii: BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, Hammer OR Glide OR Bash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16, WaterDash, Damage=10 anchor HowlsDen.UpperLoopExit at -407, -4434: # Checkpoint inside the bone door where you exit the loop with right hc (you can walk out) refill Checkpoint pickup HowlsDen.UpperEX: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Glide OR Sword kii: Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: free conn HowlsDen.Entrance: moki: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, Glide OR Sword kii: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 OR Hammer unsafe: MarshSpawn.HowlBurnt # tight jumps conn HowlsDen.AboveBoneBridge: free anchor HowlsDen.BoneBridge at -371, -4468: # After the long drop into Howl's Den refill Checkpoint state HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 state MarshSpawn.RainLifted: free # the sword tree state HowlsDen.BoneBarrier: # the barrier blocking the lowest part of Howl's Den moki: BreakWall=16 quest HowlsDen.SwordTree: free pickup HowlsDen.BoneOre: moki: Hammer Combat=Mantis+Slug, Spear=1 # spear likes to target the enemies around pickup HowlsDen.AboveDoorKS: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Dash Bash, Damage=10 # Bash off the fronkey or slime to get to the unstable platform wall jump for the other two jumps SentryJump=1 # SentryJump onto the unstable platform, hammer/sword stall to left wall, wall jump to pickup kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Bash OR Sentry=3 OR Shuriken=3 unsafe: GrenadeJump # Grenade jump onto the unstable platform then grenade jump to the pickup (requires some horizontal drifting) pickup HowlsDen.MagnetShard: moki: BreakWall=10, BreakWall=16 OR Launch kii: BreakWall=10, DoubleJump, TripleJump pickup HowlsDen.AboveTPEX: moki: HowlsDen.BoneBarrier, BreakWall=10 conn HowlsDen.UpperLoopEntrance: gorlek: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword # Door skip DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple # Zoomie off the mantis GrenadeJump, DoubleJump conn HowlsDen.OutsideSecretRoom: moki, HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek, HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii, HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn HowlsDen.AboveBoneBridge: unsafe: Bash, Glide OR DoubleJump # Climbing with mantis (bashing enemy up and jump/glide directly afterwards) (glide can be buffered) SwordSJump=2 conn HowlsDen.AboveTeleporter: moki: HowlsDen.BoneBarrier anchor HowlsDen.OutsideSecretRoom at -495, -4481: # in front of the breakable wall behind the keystone door refill Checkpoint: # You need to return the anchor coordinates after getting the checkpoint moki: Water OR Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Sword OR Hammer state HowlsDen.SecretRoomWall: moki: BreakWall=20 conn HowlsDen.SecretRoom: moki: HowlsDen.SecretRoomWall conn HowlsDen.BoneBridge: moki, HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: Water OR Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1 kii, HowlsDen.KeystoneDoor: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn HowlsDen.AboveBoneBridge: moki: BreakWall=16, DoubleJump, Combat=2xSlug OR Bash BreakWall=16, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 BreakWall=16, Glide, Bash, Grenade=2 BreakWall=16, Launch gorlek: BreakWall=16, Dash, Combat=2xSlug OR Bash BreakWall=16, Glide, Bash, Grenade=1 BreakWall=16, Water, Bash, Grenade=3, Damage=10 Hammer, Bash, Grenade=3, Damage=10 # hammer breaks the wall BreakWall=16, Water, WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=10 Sword, Bash, Grenade=1 # sword breaks the wall SwordSJump=1 # weapon breaks the wall HammerSJump=1, Glide # weapon breaks the wall SentryJump=3, Hammer, Damage=10 # hammer breaks the wall Water, WaterDash, HammerSJump=2, Damage=10 # hammer breaks the wall kii: Sword OR Hammer BreakWall=16, Damage=10, Shuriken=4 OR Sentry=4 OR Flash=4 # one jump is kinda hard BreakWall=16, Sentry=5 # two sentries in the air to avoid the spikes anchor HowlsDen.SecretRoom at -515, -4479: # The hidden room holding left hc refill Checkpoint state HowlsDen.SecretRoomWall: # No paths outside of unsafe because of how weird breaking that wall is unsafe: BreakWall=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Bow OR Spear OR Shuriken OR Sentry # also works with fractured grenade, but not regular grenade pickup HowlsDen.LeftHC: moki: Combat=SneezeSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash Glide, Combat=SneezeSlug OR Bash # hold glide before jumping from the moss Sword, Damage=10 # just safety damage kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=4 OR Flash=4 OR Shuriken=4 Spear=4, Damage=10 unsafe: GrenadeJump, Damage=50 # 30dmg get to slime, 10dmg set-up grenade jump, 10mg close gap to HC conn HowlsDen.OutsideSecretRoom: moki: HowlsDen.SecretRoomWall # checkpoint at -511, -4479 # checkpoint at -476, -4441 anchor HowlsDen.AboveTeleporter at -348, -4497: # After dropping down from the Sword Tree area and destroying the bone barrier state HowlsDen.BoneBarrier: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=16 unsafe: SentryBreak=16 OR HammerBreak OR SpearBreak pickup HowlsDen.AboveTPEX: moki: BreakWall=10 unsafe: HowlsDen.SwordTree # Seems to be the trigger for spawning the Lizard? Not entirely sure conn HowlsDen.Teleporter: free conn HowlsDen.BoneBridge: moki: HowlsDen.BoneBarrier, Combat=Slug OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: HowlsDen.BoneBarrier anchor HowlsDen.Teleporter at -328, -4536: # At the teleporter # if someone manages to lower the elevator platform, they'll manage to get over the gap as well. That's how it works in the base game, that's how it'll work here refill Full state HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeCombat: # the game puts this before regen. It's why all the enemies drop tons of health moki: Combat=Mantis+2xLizard+SmallSkeeto # The SmallSkeeto spawns in this arena if the player has Bash. state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup HowlsDen.LaserKS: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Bash OR Shuriken=1 Glide, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: GrenadeJump pickup HowlsDen.DoubleJumpEX: # paths going through the fight arena; other paths go through DoubleJumpTreeLedge moki: HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeCombat kii: Combat=Mantis+2xLizard # The arena state requires fighting an additional skeeto in case the player has Bash. In kii Bash solves by going around though, so kii can omit the added enemy for this pickup conn Teleporters: free conn DenShrine: moki: Hammer OR Spear=1 conn HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeLedge: moki: HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeCombat OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 Bash, Grenade=1 conn HowlsDen.AboveTeleporter: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Bash OR SentryJump=1 kii: Sword OR Dash OR Hammer # pogo on the slime for sword, upslash for hammer Spear=1, Glide unsafe: GrenadeJump anchor DenShrine at -328, -4569: nospawn refill Full state HowlsDen.CombatShrineCompleted: moki, Regenerate, Combat=Mantis+2xLizard+4xEnergyRefill+2xSneezeSlug+Mantis+Skeeto+4xEnergyRefill+7xSmallSkeeto+2xSkeeto+4xEnergyRefill+2xLizard+2xMantis: Damage=60 Damage=40, Dash OR Bash OR Launch # much better if you have good evasion unsafe: Combat=Mantis+2xLizard+4xEnergyRefill+2xSneezeSlug+Mantis+Skeeto+4xEnergyRefill+7xSmallSkeeto+2xSkeeto+4xEnergyRefill+2xLizard+2xMantis pickup HowlsDen.CombatShrine: moki: HowlsDen.CombatShrineCompleted anchor HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeLedge at -514, -4549: # To the right of the Double Jump Tree refill Checkpoint pickup HowlsDen.DoubleJumpEX: moki: Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: Bash Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # hugging the ceiling from the sticky shard platform unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump # Triple jump from the right wall DoubleJump, Sword # Jump/Sword combo or pogo on the enemy GrenadeJump conn HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeArea: free conn HowlsDen.Teleporter: moki: DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 # Also use weapon stalls kii: Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 unsafe: free anchor HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeArea at -555, -4552: # At the Double Jump Tree state HowlsDen.BoneBarrier: unsafe: free # good game yes state MidnightBurrows.HowlsDenShortcut: unsafe: ShurikenBreak=10 pickup HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTree: free pickup HowlsDen.StickyShard: free # origlow conn HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeLedge: moki: DoubleJump OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Sword OR HammerSJump=1 kii: Dash OR Sentry=2 Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 unsafe: Hammer conn MidnightBurrows.DenConnection: moki: MidnightBurrows.HowlsDenShortcut # checkpoint at -682, -4309 anchor MarshPastOpher.MillView at -596, -4293: # Standing next to Opher, looking at the Millstone refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal # to the left state MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=16 unsafe: HammerBreak OR SpearBreak state MarshSpawn.LogBroken: moki: MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier pickup MarshPastOpher.TrialLeftEX: moki: BreakWall=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer # Horizontal slash combo BreakWall=20, Damage=10 kii, BreakWall=20: Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Shuriken=1 # Use Sentry instead of DoubleJump pickup MarshPastOpher.SpiritTrial: moki: MarshPastOpher.TrialActivation, DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple gorlek: MarshPastOpher.TrialActivation, Dash, Grapple unsafe: MarshPastOpher.TrialActivation, Grapple # https://youtu.be/sFNJzOvtOwM pickup MarshSpawn.BridgeEX: # paths that can't get to Main moki: MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier, Dash OR Glide gorlek, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: MarshSpawn.RainLifted, Bash # jump the jumper Sword OR Hammer # Long jump, upslash and neutral slashes are enough with both weapons kii, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 conn OpherShop: free conn MarshPastOpher.TrialArea: moki: BreakWall=20 unsafe: free # let the mantis jump on the left edge of the log multiple times conn MarshPastOpher.BowPath: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: free conn MarshSpawn.Main: moki, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier, SentryJump=1 kii, MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier: Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Sword OR Hammer conn MarshSpawn.BrokenBridge: moki: MarshSpawn.ToOpherBarrier conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEast: gorlek: Water, Bash, Launch # the enemies appear once you have water kii: Launch, DoubleJump unsafe: Launch SentryJump=2 # first one maxheight # checkpoint at -603, -4316 # checkpoint at -573, -4339 anchor MarshPastOpher.TrialArea at -427, -4343: # Next to the combat shrine refill Checkpoint refill Health=1: # right below moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: free state MarshPastOpher.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: Combat=SneezeSlug+Mantis, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grapple, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=10 unsafe: Grapple pickup MarshPastOpher.TrialLeftEX: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide Grapple OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump Damage=10, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Damage=10, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 Glide, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # upslash to avoid the spikes Dash # doubledash from the pole Sword # may be a little bit too precise unsafe: Grenade=1, Bash # standing on a piece of wood on the edge of the spikes Sentry=1, Damage=10 Damage=20 pickup MarshPastOpher.TrialOre: free pickup MarshPastOpher.TrialEC: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword # Horizontal slashes Hammer, Damage=10 kii: Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Damage=10, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Damage=20 #lenient option unsafe: Grenade=1, Bash # Throw Grenade up at the lower jumppad (right side and aim up ori facing right), use it and then bash Damage=10 pickup MarshPastOpher.TrialHC: moki: Hammer OR Spear=1 kii: free # mantis lure pickup MarshPastOpher.TrialRightEX: moki: DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch # bash uses the enemy gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: Dash #normal coyote (may be too precise) Sword #pogo on the enemy unsafe: Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 # Sword: pogo on enemy, Hammer: upswing to reach ledge conn MarshShrine: free conn MarshPastOpher.BowPath: moki, BreakWall=20: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch Combat=Mantis+SneezeSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek, BreakWall=20: Bash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1 Combat=Mantis+SneezeSlug, Sword OR Hammer Launch kii, BreakWall=20: Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=4 OR Blaze=6 #OMEGALUL anchor MarshShrine at -382, -4341: nospawn refill Full state MarshPastOpher.CombatShrineCompleted: moki: Regenerate, Damage=20, Combat=2xSkeeto+2xEnergyRefill+Mantis+4xSmallSkeeto+2xEnergyRefill+Mantis+Skeeto unsafe: Combat=2xSkeeto+2xEnergyRefill+Mantis+4xSmallSkeeto+2xEnergyRefill+Mantis+Skeeto pickup MarshPastOpher.CombatShrine: moki: MarshPastOpher.CombatShrineCompleted anchor MarshPastOpher.BowPath at -494, -4294: # checkpoint climbing up to Bow tree refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 refill Energy=1: moki: BreakCrystal pickup MarshPastOpher.SwingPoleEX: moki: Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Damage=10, Bash, Grenade=2 gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Launch # it's notably harder to get without taking a hit. Up and/or Side combos with sword or hammer can make it to the horizontal branch from the launch pad. Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Sentry=2 OR Blaze=3 unsafe: Bash # the mantis disappears if you die Damage=10, Grenade=1 # GrenadeJump onto the pole; may be possible without taking damage conn MarshPastOpher.BowApproach: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Dash Bash, Grenade=2 kii: Sword OR Hammer Sentry=3 Sentry=2, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Blaze=3, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 Grenade=2, Damage=10 conn MarshPastOpher.MillView: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=2 gorlek: Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Spear=1 Bash #you can kite a mantis but it disappears when you die or just bash a slime unsafe: Grenade=1 # Running GrenadeJump conn MarshPastOpher.TrialArea: moki: BreakWall=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch BreakWall=20, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: BreakWall=20 # the one-way has 20 health as well, so there are no relevant shurikenbreak paths here anchor MarshPastOpher.BowApproach at -490, -4245: # On the right ledge above the scenic mill view refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 pickup MarshPastOpher.SwingPoleEX: moki: Damage=10 gorlek: free conn MarshPastOpher.BowPath: free conn MarshPastOpher.BowArea: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 conn MarshPastOpher.MillView: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 # this is the only non-redundant connection that will ever exist. conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEast: moki: Bow=4, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Glide # autoaim doesn't catch the second target, 2 is needed minimum Bow=4, Bash, Launch # autoaim doesn't catch the second target, 2 is needed minimum gorlek: Bow=2, Bash, Launch # the moki path, but without safety energy Bow=2, DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # For the last part reset your Launch on the wall above the lantern kii: Spear=3, Bash, Launch # the gorlek path, but with a spear (3rd spear because the slime in the middle of the ceiling can steal the spear) Spear=3, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bow=2, Bash, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sword #its easier with hammer than with a sword but it can be a little bit too precise (moved from unsafe) Spear=3, Bash, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sword Launch, Sword OR Hammer Launch, Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 OR Shuriken=2 # you can do it with one sentry but the second one is for leniency with the last jump from the platform to the anchor Glide, DoubleJump, Bash, BreakWall=12 unsafe: Launch, Bash # You can bash the lanterns without freeing them from the blob Dash, Regenerate, DoubleJump, TripleJump, SentryJump=1 OR Damage=20 # wavedash off health plant Dash, Regenerate, DoubleJump, Glide, SentryJump=1 OR Damage=40 # wavedash off health plant anchor MarshPastOpher.BowArea at -443, -4236: # Ledge to the left of the pit with bow tree. refill Energy=1: moki: BreakCrystal state MarshPastOpher.EyestoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 # crosses where the water would usually be pickup MarshPastOpher.BowEC: free # crosses where the water would usually be pickup MarshPastOpher.BowTree: free # crosses where the water would usually be conn MarshPastOpher.UpperBowArea: moki: Combat=Skeeto, Bow=2, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: SentryJump=2 OR DoubleJump # can kill the skeeto with your weapon if desired on the sentryjump path Combat=Skeeto, Bow=2, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Bow=2, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=2 kii: Bow=2, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Dash OR Glide unsafe: Bash # Repositioning the Skeeto Bow=2, Sticky # maybe possible without Sticky conn WestHollow.Entrance: moki: MarshPastOpher.EyestoneDoor # crosses where the water would usually be conn MarshPastOpher.BowApproach: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch Combat=Skeeto, Bow=1 gorlek: Bash OR Sword OR Damage=10 kii: Glide OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=1 anchor MarshPastOpher.UpperBowArea at -437, -4211: # Between the eyestones refill Checkpoint refill Energy=1: moki: BreakCrystal pickup MarshPastOpher.LeftEyestone: moki: Combat=Skeeto, Bow=1 gorlek: Bow=1 pickup MarshPastOpher.RightEyestone: moki: Combat=Skeeto, Bow=1 gorlek: Bow=1 conn MarshPastOpher.BowArea: free conn MarshPastOpher.BowApproach: free # checkpoint at -383, -4230 anchor MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEast at -662, -4241: # On the wood sticking out of the ledge at the top left of the large room with Opher refill Checkpoint refill Health=1: moki: Combat=Mantis+Bat gorlek: free refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal, Combat=Mantis+Bat gorlek: BreakCrystal pickup MarshPastOpher.CeilingEX: # the squonkey doesn't reappear if you respawn on this checkpoint moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash Launch gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 Bash, Dash #coyote, may be too precise unsafe: Bash # Repositioning the squonkey: squonkey respawns when u jump off to the east and back on the ledge conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathMiddle: # the squonkey doesn't reappear if you respawn on this checkpoint moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Dash # the bat is weird Combat=Bat, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Sword OR Hammer # the bat is very weird Bash, Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=2 #very weird unsafe: Bash Combat=Bat, Launch # About a 45° angle from under the second bat to avoid a damage boost DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Use Sword on bats to regain TripleJump. Jump at the tiny ledges of the branches. Pogo on Crab conn MarshPastOpher.MillView: free anchor MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathMiddle at -709, -4181: # Next to the breakable floor refill Checkpoint pickup MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEC: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash Combat=SpinCrab, SentryJump=1 kii: Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=3 OR DoubleJump conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathWest: # the squonkey doesn't reappear if you respawn on this checkpoint moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Dash OR Glide Bash, Sword, Damage=10 ShurikenBreak=20, Bash, Sword ShurikenBreak=20, Bash, Damage=10, Hammer ShurikenBreak=20, DoubleJump, Damage=10, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer ShurikenBreak=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword # enough tools to allow multiple approaches ShurikenBreak=20, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: Bash, Sword #jump from the right wall and stall with full combo + upslash to avoid the dmg Bash, Water, WaterDash, Damage=30 #wdash over the spikes, bash to get up and then dmg boost to the anchor Water, WaterDash, Hammer, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 #dmg boosing through the last spikes Bash, Sentry=5 # 2 sentries to jump over the spikes falling from the left door and then 3 sentries to get over the last spikes Bash, Shuriken=2, Damage=20 #can be weird to get over the spikes unsafe: ShurikenBreak=20, Launch Hammer, Bash # Fairly precise air combos needed Hammer, Sword, Bash # Fairly precise air combos needed Hammer, Launch # Launch at ceiling above water Hammer, Damage=70 # It's possible with 60dmg, but really precise conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEast: moki: Bash gorlek: Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch Damage=10 # more other paths would exist, but seem difficult to do damageless themselves kii: Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch # checkpoint at -740, -4168 anchor MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathWest at -803, -4187: # Right on top of MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEX refill Checkpoint pickup MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathEX: free conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathMiddle: moki, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump, Bash, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek: BreakWall=20: # go above and open the shortcut DoubleJump, Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR TripleJump OR Damage=10 Dash, Bash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 Sword, Bash, Damage=10 SentryJump=1, Bash, Damage=10 # land in the spikes, bash the lantern then air combo with sword or hammer to reach the patform DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Damage=10 DoubleJump, TripleJump, SentryJump=1 # triple jump from the left wall + air combo with sword or hammer. sjump to reach the platform DoubleJump, Damage=10, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer SwordSJump=1, Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=10 Launch # Reset Launch by hitting the ceiling Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 # go below and break the floor Glide, Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 # go below and break the floor kii: BreakWall=20, Damage=20, Sentry=3 BreakWall=20, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1, Damage=10 BreakWall=20, Bash, Damage=20 BreakWall=20, Bash, Damage=10, Glide BreakWall=20, Damage=10, Dash OR Sword Dash, Damage=10, Hammer OR Spear=1 #from the below DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10, Hammer OR Spear=1 #from the below Glide, Damage=10, Hammer OR Spear=1 #from the below, hammer upslash to avoid the damage Water, WaterDash, Damage=40, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: BreakWall=20, Damage=10, DoubleJump BreakWall=20, Damage=10, Glide, Hammer BreakWall=20, Damage=10, Bash BreakWall=20, Bash, Grenade=1 # bash grenade near the spikes, bash glide of the lantern SentryJump=1, Bash # Hug the wall and the SentryJump, then horizontal slashes to the lantern; weapon breaks the wall HammerSJump=1, Damage=10 OR Water # hammer breaks the wall, can avoid the damage boost but will land in water conn PoolsApproach.MarshBreakableWall: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20 region MidnightBurrows: moki: Danger=25 gorlek: free kii: free unsafe: free anchor MidnightBurrows.Teleporter at -945, -4582: # At the teleporter refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free conn Teleporters: free conn MidnightBurrows.BelowLupo: moki: Combat=SneezeSlug+Bat OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=16 kii: free conn MarshSpawn.BurrowsEntry: moki, MarshSpawn.BurrowsOpen: Launch Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek, MarshSpawn.BurrowsOpen: Bash, DoubleJump SentryJump=3, DoubleJump, Damage=15 kii, MarshSpawn.BurrowsOpen: Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=4 # Bait shots from the spider Bash, Grenade=1, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # bait shots from the spider, land where the mortar is, bait it, grenade, bash the mortar to reach your grenade unsafe, MarshSpawn.BurrowsOpen: # Bash, Grenade=1 Bash # using the projectiles efficiently anchor MidnightBurrows.BelowLupo at -850, -4579: # Past the enemies near the teleporter pickup MidnightBurrows.LeftKS: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 kii: free # teleport # lupo paths would be redundant with Center conn MidnightBurrows.Teleporter: moki: Combat=SneezeSlug+Bat OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: free conn MidnightBurrows.Central: # The slug can be really annoying if it's on the left of the platform moki: DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump # if the slug is on the left, jump above it Bash, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Damage=15 kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Bash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Damage=15 # walljump on the wall left to the slug's platform and jump back in the portal to go near Lupo. From there you have enough momentum to avoid the slug if it's on the left of the platform unsafe: free # jump into the portal and wait until you get enough height. That's it. # Blaze=1 # Grenade=1 # Grenade while in right Teleporter to get to the left ceiling anchor MidnightBurrows.Central at -781, -4564: # The ledge left of the big portal room refill Checkpoint state MidnightBurrows.Lever: # paths that can't use the anchor because they only work without the lever already pulled kii: Damage=15, Blaze=1 unsafe: Damage=15 # may need <60 fps? Shuriken=1, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 # extend corner boost with shuriken pickup MidnightBurrows.LupoMap: moki: SpiritLight=50, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: SpiritLight=50 pickup MidnightBurrows.DeflectorShard: # check for redundancies with activating the lever moki: Launch MidnightBurrows.Lever, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek, MidnightBurrows.Lever: # The slug isn't here if you respawn from the checkpoint DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash OR Glide kii, MidnightBurrows.Lever: DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 Damage=15, Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 unsafe: # DoubleJump, Sentry=1, Damage=15 # DoubleJump, Sentry=2 DoubleJump Dash, Bash MidnightBurrows.Lever, Damage=15 conn MidnightBurrows.BelowLupo: free conn MidnightBurrows.TabletRoom: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Bash OR SentryJump=2 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 OR Sword # with sword, pogo the mortar unsafe: DoubleJump, Damage=15, TripleJump OR Sword Grenade=1 conn MidnightBurrows.PortalRoom: # keep in mind that these paths have to work after the lever has been pulled moki: Launch OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 kii: free anchor MidnightBurrows.TabletRoom at -824, -4531: # Before the four keystone door refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 state MidnightBurrows.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 quest MidnightBurrows.TabletQI: moki: MidnightBurrows.KeystoneDoor conn MidnightBurrows.Central: free # checkpoint at -698, -4566 anchor MidnightBurrows.PortalRoom at -706, -4588: # Bottom right of the big room full of portals refill Checkpoint conn MidnightBurrows.LeverRoom: moki: Glide DoubleJump, Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Sword OR Hammer Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Sword OR Hammer Launch kii: Dash OR Sword OR Sentry=3 OR Damage=30 # Reset dash with ceiling DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 Bash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Damage=15, Bash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 unsafe: Bash # Bash the lantern once to the right then bash it again conn MidnightBurrows.BelowUpperKS: # so far all paths not using MidnightBurrows.Lever would be redundant moki: MidnightBurrows.Lever, Launch gorlek: MidnightBurrows.Lever, SentryJump=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii, MidnightBurrows.Lever: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 DoubleJump, Bash # use the slime then bait the spider unsafe, MidnightBurrows.Lever: SentryJump=2 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=15 DoubleJump, Sword OR Damage=15 Bash conn MidnightBurrows.East: # check for redundancies with activating the lever moki: Launch MidnightBurrows.Lever, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, MidnightBurrows.Lever: Sword Bash, Grenade=1 # bash the lantern to reach the lever, grenade bash from there HammerSJump=1 kii, MidnightBurrows.Lever: # you can jump out of the portal above the lever, but it's a bit uncooperative, so it's not considered in kii Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 Bash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: MidnightBurrows.Lever, Bash OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 conn MidnightBurrows.Central: moki: MidnightBurrows.Lever gorlek: Damage=15 kii: free anchor MidnightBurrows.LeverRoom at -685, -4616: # At the lever lifting the portals refill Checkpoint state MidnightBurrows.Lever: free pickup MidnightBurrows.LowerKS: moki: Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # boost on the brambles below the keystone SentryJump=1 # use the weapon for movement as well kii: Dash OR Sentry=3 Damage=15 # boost on the brambles below the keystone DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Sword conn MidnightBurrows.PortalRoom: moki: Bash, Launch Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Dash, Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Dash, Glide OR Sword kii: Launch Bash, Damage=15 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Damage=60 # dboost then wall jump on wall above the bashable plant DoubleJump, Damage=45, Dash OR Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 # avoid the dboost on the right of the bashable plant DoubleJump, Damage=30, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer # less damage because you can jump on the wall above the bashable plant from lower Damage=105 # dboost while going to the left portal Damage=75, Dash OR Sword Damage=90, Hammer unsafe: Bash, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Dash OR Grenade=1 Bash, Sword, Shuriken=1 # pogo the shuriken DoubleJump, TripleJump # https://youtu.be/OMjOhM767ac DoubleJump, Damage=30 Hammer, Damage=60 Damage=75 anchor MidnightBurrows.East at -687, -4553: # Behind the timed-puzzle door refill Checkpoint conn MidnightBurrows.DenConnection: moki: Combat=SneezeSlug+Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Dash OR Damage=10 kii: free anchor MidnightBurrows.DenConnection at -597, -4549: # At the wall connecting to Den refill Checkpoint state MidnightBurrows.HowlsDenShortcut: moki: BreakWall=10 pickup MidnightBurrows.RightKS: free conn MidnightBurrows.PortalCorridor: moki: Combat=WeakSlug OR Bash OR Launch kii: DoubleJump conn HowlsDen.DoubleJumpTreeArea: moki: MidnightBurrows.HowlsDenShortcut anchor MidnightBurrows.PortalCorridor at -632, -4525: # To the right of where floor and ceiling are all portals refill Checkpoint conn MidnightBurrows.DenConnection: free conn MidnightBurrows.BelowUpperKS: moki: DoubleJump, Glide DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=15 Launch, Glide, Damage=15 # Since patch 3, Launching through a portal gives you a major boost, which in this case quickly ends in spikes gorlek: Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Launch, Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=15 Dash, Shuriken=4 OR Sentry=4 OR Damage=15 # use your weapon to slow you down to make it easier to avoid the dboost Damage=15, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=5 Damage=30, Sentry=3 OR Blaze=4 Damage=45, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Spear=2 Damage=60 unsafe: free # :eyes: # Dash # Blaze=5, Damage=15 # Spear=1, Damage=45 # Bash, Damage=45 # Bash the slime anchor MidnightBurrows.BelowUpperKS at -724, -4524: # Just below the upper keystone pickup MidnightBurrows.UpperKS: moki: Combat=Bat OR Bash gorlek: Dash OR Launch kii: free conn MidnightBurrows.PortalRoom: moki: free conn MidnightBurrows.PortalCorridor: # check for redundancies with PortalRoom -> Lever kii: Damage=15, Blaze=6 Damage=45, Spear=4 Damage=60, Flash=2 OR Blaze=4 Damage=90, Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Damage=150 region WestHollow: moki: Danger=20 gorlek: free kii: free unsafe: free anchor WestHollow.Entrance at -303, -4238: # At Twillen refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state WestHollow.PurpleDoorOpen: # Path who drop from the frog statue originate from InFrontPurpleDoor moki, Bow=1, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, Dash Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, Bow=1, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump DoubleJump, TripleJump Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash # Glide from the slime's position kii, Bow=1, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Dash, Hammer Glide, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Glide from the slime's position Bash # Bash the slime unsafe, Bow=1, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Glide, Blaze=1 GrenadeJump # Grenade Wall Jump pickup WestHollow.CrusherHC: free conn TwillenShop: free conn MarshPastOpher.BowArea: moki, MarshPastOpher.EyestoneDoor: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, MarshPastOpher.EyestoneDoor: Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 # Go through the lower part kii, MarshPastOpher.EyestoneDoor: Bash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: MarshPastOpher.EyestoneDoor # (free with tight platforming) conn WestHollow.MokiByTwillen: moki: Launch OR Bash # the slug gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 conn WestHollow.InFrontPurpleDoor: # check for redundancies with MokiByTwillen # using the dirty water may be softlockable if you drain the water. Currently draining the water provides no advantage for this connection, so no paths using the water can exist moki: Combat=2xSlug, Bow=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # the camera only reliably moves to the tongue if you can kill the slug DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bow=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 # deal with the camera DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer kii: Bow=1, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash Glide, Sword OR Hammer # with sword, pogo the slime unsafe: DoubleJump OR GlideJump conn WestHollow.HollowDrainMiddle: moki: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained unsafe: #Dash swim Damage=60 WaterDash, Damage=20 anchor WestHollow.MokiByTwillen at -230, -4229: # The moki to the upper left of Twillen, standing on a bridge # this anchor was newly added while validating the moki and gorlek paths for this area # As such, connections to and from this anchor may be lacking kii paths, I leave it to the kii validator to look at those refill Health=1 state WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: moki: Combat=BombSlug, Bow=1 Combat=BombSlug, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Bow=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # bait the bombslug kii: Hammer OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Shuriken=2 conn WestHollow.Entrance: free conn WestHollow.InFrontPurpleDoor: moki: Combat=BombSlug OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: free # bait the bombslug anchor WestHollow.InFrontPurpleDoor at -181, -4240: # In front of the purple door, before the TP # Add the below state when kii gets glitches, not sure if there are any non-redundant paths without glitches # state WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: # check for redundancies with MokiByTwillen # since the only non-redundant paths here have to go up directly, which is offscreen, paths start at kii # kii: SentryJump=1 state WestHollow.PurpleDoorOpen: # Be carefull it's not redundant with paths from Entrance kii, Bow=1, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Dash, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bow=1 # Drop shot # Bow=1, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 # Bow=1, Sword, Hammer conn WestHollow.MokiByTwillen: moki: Bow=1, Combat=Slug OR Bash Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Bow=1 DoubleJump, Dash # TripleJump would be redundant with Entrance SentryJump=1 kii: Bow=1 # below are paths that lead directly to the lever before I added this anchor, but I didn't want to look at the kii+ paths since the area isn't validated yet anyway. Feel free to take the paths below as inspiration, but keep in mind they were not intended to lead to this anchor # Dash, Sword OR Hammer # DoubleJump, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 # DoubleJump, Glide, Sword OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # djump->upslash->energy weapon # DoubleJump, Damage=10, Sword OR Glide OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Damage is easy to avoid (beside with blaze) but you'll land in friendly spikes # Bash, Grenade=1 # Bash the slime to the platform, throw Grenade, bash from slime then Grenade # unsafe: # SentryJump=1 # DoubleJump, Sword OR Glide OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Could be kii but you will touch friendly spikes # DoubleJump, Damage=10 conn WestHollow.Entrance: # check for redundancies with MokiByTwillen moki: Combat=2xSlug, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=20 # since UpperDrainLeverPulled solves this path on its own, using the dirty water is sound here kii: Bash OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Shuriken=1 conn WestHollow.HollowDrainMiddle: moki: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained unsafe: #Dash swim Damage=60 WaterDash, Damage=20 conn EastHollow.Teleporter: moki: WestHollow.PurpleDoorOpen anchor WestHollow.HollowDrainMiddle at -197, -4275: # At the crystal below the purple eye # this anchor doesn't assume drained water because that should make it usable for weird dirty water swim paths tprestriction: moki: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained state WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended: # this tongue stays extended permanently, so it can be a state. If you're able to retract it, you are also able to extend it again moki: Bow=1, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained pickup WestHollow.HiddenEC: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained, BreakWall=10 # the unsafe path bellow is softlockable because you can't use waterdash to break that wall once you fully drained the water #unsafe: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, WaterDash, Damage=80 # Break the wall with waterdash. Can't have a path without pulling the 1st lever because it would be a softlockable path as soon as you pull that lever. conn WestHollow.RockPuzzle: # having the tongue extended can be a negative, so strictly speaking these paths would have to work with the tongue extended since a header could set the tongue. We choose to assume a header will never do this instead. moki, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, Bow=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # Retract the tongue with bow DoubleJump, Dash Glide OR Launch gorlek, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, Bow=1, Sword OR Hammer # Retract the tongue with bow DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Damage=20 # dboost on the water if it's there and on the spikes if not kii, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Dash OR Sword OR Blaze=5 OR Sentry=3 WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, Bow=1, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Retrat the tongue with bow Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 # friendly spike on the very edge WestHollow.FullyDrained, DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 # friendly spike on the very edge # Dirty water swim are irrelevant. You could solve the rock puzzle which let you get WestHollow.FarLeftEX but it have to be solvable without the water as well if you don't want the path to be softlockable. # You can't cross the bridge above WestHollow.RockPuzzleEX, making the pickup non-accesible without WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled # You can't pull the WestHollow.FullyDrained lever when its underwater. # Damage=80 # WaterDash, Damage=20 conn WestHollow.SubmergedPlatform: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained conn WestHollow.HollowDrainLower: unsafe: Damage=60 # Would be only 40 if you didn't pull the lever but it have to work in either state of the water WaterDash, Damage=20 # Can do it damageless if you didn't pull the lever conn WestHollow.Entrance: moki, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Sword OR Hammer # Hammer is a bit particular; you can use upslash and horizontal slashes instead kii, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, BlazeSwap=1 OR GrenadeJump OR PauseHover WestHollow.FullyDrained, BlazeSwap=1 OR GrenadeJump OR PauseHover Damage=60 Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword WaterDash anchor WestHollow.RockPuzzle at -249, -4275: # At the right ledge of the rock puzzle room tprestriction: moki: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: BreakCrystal refill Energy=1: # This crystal belongs to SubmergedPlatform, but you can grab it with Magnet in cases where you can't reach that anchor. unsafe, Magnet, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 OR Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 # Using Spear results in a net loss of energy. Whatever. Sword, Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Damage=20 OR PauseHover state WestHollow.RockPuzzleSolved: # You can get the puzzle into some weird constellations, but teleporting out works in the worst cases moki, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=Skeeto, Bow=4, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bow=4, Bash OR Launch gorlek, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1, SentryJump=1 OR Launch # Get up to the rock and push it to use only one Bow shot Bow=1, Bash, Grenade=1 # Get up to the rock and push it to use only one Bow shot Combat=Skeeto, Bow=6 # Stand to the left of energy crystal, look up and aim for the target, minimum 4 shots needed kii, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=4 # use the pole on the left in order to reach the floating platform Bow=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 # climb the right wall unsafe, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1, DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the skeeto. It's hard to bait it at the right position. Bow=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump state WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended: unsafe: Bow=1 # TP to avoid touching the water pickup WestHollow.RockPuzzleEX: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained unsafe: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, Damage=80 # should probably be 40 damage considering the checkpoint? WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, WaterDash, Damage=40 pickup WestHollow.HiddenEC: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained, BreakWall=10 unsafe: WestHollow.FullyDrained, WaterDash, Damage=120 conn WestHollow.FarLeftRoom: moki, WestHollow.RockPuzzleSolved, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=Skeeto+Slug, Bow=1, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash OR Launch # bashing off the skeeto gorlek, WestHollow.RockPuzzleSolved, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=Skeeto+Slug, Bow=1, Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Combat=Slug OR Damage=10 # Jump to the left wall and wrap around to the top kii, WestHollow.RockPuzzleSolved, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump Sword # Pogo the skeeto unsafe, WestHollow.RockPuzzleSolved, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained: Hammer # Upslash and swing left conn WestHollow.HollowDrainMiddle: # If FullyDrained, this connection originates from SubmergedPlatform instead # WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended is a HUGE negative for this connection and you can't retract it unless you have access to SubmergedPlatform gorlek, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: Damage=20, Launch # dboost in dirty water to pass under the upper tongue. If fully drained, solve by going to SubmergedPlatform Damage=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump # if tongue is extended, dboost in dirty water. Else, wjump on the frog statue kii, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: Damage=20, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 # wjump on the frog statue if the tongue is retracted, dboost in the water otherwise Damage=20, DoubleJump, Spear=1, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 # More energy efficient than 2 spears unsafe: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, Damage=20, DoubleJump, Spear=1 # precise djump from the ledge above the frog statue to avoid the dboost WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # https://youtu.be/-Ww33y641DY WestHollow.FullyDrained, Bash # Assuming this is bashing enemies from the rock puzzle room so it indeed need to originate from here despite using the fully drained state? conn WestHollow.SubmergedPlatform: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained conn WestHollow.HollowDrainLower: unsafe: Damage=80 WaterDash, Damage=40 # Possible with only 30 damage without draining the water at all but that would softlock if you drain the upper part conn WestHollow.Entrance: unsafe: WestHollow.FullyDrained, Bash # Place an enemy on HollowDrainMiddle and Bash off of it. There are multiple ways to do this, and none of them are fun. The Skeeto on the left is probably the most cooperative. This kinda looks possible from HollowDrainLower as well, but the Skeetos don't seem to have enough of an attention span to make it work. anchor WestHollow.FarLeftRoom at -357, -4284: # ledge below and to the right of second drain lever tprestriction: moki: WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled OR WestHollow.FullyDrained refill Energy=3: # fast respawning crystal moki: BreakCrystal # energy crystal below not considered because it doesn't seem relevant for anything state WestHollow.FullyDrained: moki, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: Bow=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: Bow=1, SentryJump=1 Bow=1, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer # DoubleJump and upslash to get on the wall to the right Bow=1, Bash, Grenade=1 Bow=2, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump # Jump off the eye to the left DoubleJump, Damage=10, Dash Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # these paths aren't meaningful anymore if the water is gone, so this does not softlock kii: Bow=2, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bow=1, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Dash, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Damage=20, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, WestHollow.UpperDrainLeverPulled: DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # precise bash grenade to wall jump on the right wall. Other option to jump to the lever Dash, Damage=10, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # DoubleJump, Dash, SentryJump=1 # SentryJump on the eye pickup WestHollow.FarLeftEX: moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bash OR Launch Bow=1, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 Bow=1, Dash OR DoubleJump # there are more options, this was the most lenient SentryJump=1 kii, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bow=1, Glide OR Hammer Bow=1, Sentry=2, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Sword # Pogo the slug. Baiting it under the pickup is pretty awful unsafe: WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1, Shuriken=3 Sword # Pogo the shot of the slug # backwards connection blocked by the door # checkpoint at -356, -4306 anchor WestHollow.SubmergedPlatform at -215, -4288: # the platform below HollowDrainMiddle, submerged until WestHollow.FullyDrained tprestriction: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained refill Energy=1: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained, BreakCrystal state WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended: moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=BombSlug, Bow=1 # camera won't show the frog statue unless you kill the slug unsafe: Bow=1 #Snipe state WestHollow.UpperTongueRetracted: # This tongue can be a negative for the HollowDrainMiddle connection so we need a state for retracting it to prevent softlocks. Unlike when coming from above, you can screw yourself here without any stupid headers by extending the tongue and blocking your line of sight to retract it again, so we choose to write paths for this scenario moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Combat=BombSlug, Bow=1 gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Bow=1 state WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended: moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=BombSlug, Bow=1 # need to kill the slug in order to aim the frog statue unsafe, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1 # waiting long enough on the left of the energy crystal will zoom out the camera and allow to autoaim the statue conn WestHollow.HollowDrainMiddle: moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Launch # Works regardless of the tongue states WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, DoubleJump, Dash WestHollow.UpperTongueRetracted, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, TripleJump # if the the tongue is retracted, wjump on the frog statue. else, jump on the tongue directly WestHollow.UpperTongueRetracted, Bash, Grenade=1 WestHollow.UpperTongueRetracted, SentryJump=1 WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, DoubleJump kii, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended # Grab the pole and jump on the frog statue or extend the tongue and jump on it DoubleJump, Spear=1, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 # More energy efficient than 2 spears WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Dash OR Hammer WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Glide, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Glide, Damage=10, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, Spear=1 HammerJump OR FlashSwap OR BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1 # land on the narrow ledge next to the spikes GlideJump, DoubleJump # the platform is a bit higher near the crystal 'even if it's broken) Bash, Grenade=1 # the placement of the grenade is different depending on how the tongues are oriented, but it's always doable. WestHollow.UpperTongueExtended, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Sentry=1 OR GlideJump Bow=1, Shuriken=1, Blaze=1 OR Glide # Not sure which tongue this path is using? conn WestHollow.RockPuzzle: moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump OR Dash # Launch redundant with going to HollowDrainMiddle first gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: SwordSJump=1 # sword sjump works fine with the upper tongue extended WestHollow.UpperTongueRetracted, HammerSJump=1 Damage=10 kii, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Hammer OR Shuriken=1 Glide, Sword OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Sword OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR FlashSwap OR BlazeSwap=1 OR GlideJump OR GrenadeJump OR PauseHover conn WestHollow.AboveJumppad: moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended OR Launch OR Glide OR DoubleJump gorlek: WestHollow.FullyDrained anchor WestHollow.AboveJumppad at -207, -4304: # At the ledge above the jumppad at the bottom of the drain sequence tprestriction: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained # It's possible to tp from there before pulling the first lever, but that would make that spawn softlockable state WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained, Bow=1 state WestHollow.LowerTongueRetracted: # fairly easy when doing a walljump from the right wall but it's pretty precise if aiming from the left platform hence why the state isn't in moki gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1, Combat=Slug OR Bash OR Damage=10 pickup WestHollow.HiddenEC: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained, BreakWall=10 # probably fine conn WestHollow.HollowDrainLower: moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained conn WestHollow.SubmergedPlatform: # Underwater in both water states. Opting to not use it for dirty swims, since it doesn't have a checkpoint. moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Launch WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, DoubleJump kii, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bash, Grenade=1, WestHollow.LowerTongueRetracted # Precise grenade angle Bash, WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 # Bash the slime to reach the tongue WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Dash OR Hammer WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Sword, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, WestHollow.FullyDrained: DoubleJump, TripleJump # https://youtu.be/6BwlBv2Y4yM WestHollow.LowerTongueExtended, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Dash OR Bash OR GlideJump OR Damage=10 OR PauseHover # this is extremely difficult and not fun if you can't fight the enemies. There's a small safe spot on the left of the spikes under the tongue that is useful for a lot of these paths. If you've already destroyed the rock wall, you'll have to jump on the tongue as it's extending, or do an extremely precise wall jump from below it. The tongue saves its state, so you can shoot it once to close it and then leave to refill energy. The Bash path requires you to get a slime onto the tongue and then lure a Skeeto up to follow. GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Dash OR PauseHover # Grenade Jump from next to the spikes SentryJump=1 OR HammerJump DoubleJump, Damage=10, Hammer OR GlideJump # climb onto the frog anchor WestHollow.HollowDrainLower at -216, -4329: # Next to the jumppad left of Lupo refill Checkpoint pickup WestHollow.QuickshotShard: # middle water state can softlock this, so you have to be able to fully lower the water. moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: # DoubleJump is for lenience on the bowshot DoubleJump, Bow=1, Dash, Combat=2xSkeeto OR Bash DoubleJump, Bow=1, Launch gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1, Dash OR Launch kii, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Bow=1 # bait the first crusher, us it as an elevator to the eye then bait it again and jump from it to the left pickup WestHollow.SwimEC: moki: Water unsafe: Damage=215 # 200 from water, 5 from fish, 10 from spikes Bash, Damage=160 WaterDash, Damage=100 pickup WestHollow.LupoMap: moki, SpiritLight=150: # All the path options here include a way to get past the enemy DoubleJump, Dash Bash # bash off the slug Launch gorlek, SpiritLight=150: # All the path options here include a way to get past the enemy DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer # all have alternate paths from the right or from below SentryJump=1 kii, SpiritLight=150: Sword # Pogo the slug DoubleJump, Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 unsafe, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 pickup WestHollow.BelowLupoEX: moki: # All the path options here include a way to get past the enemies DoubleJump, Dash Launch gorlek: # All the path options here include a way to get past the enemies DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: DoubleJump, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump Damage=10, SwordSJump=1 Hammer # upswing to get onto the right side of the spikes (you can touch them) Dash # max jump without hitting the spike hitbox, dash to the small ledge conn WestHollow.TrialApproach: # middle water state can softlock this, so you have to be able to fully lower the water. moki, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=Slug+2xSkeeto, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Combat=Slug+2xSkeeto+Hornbug, Dash, Glide Bash, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # bash off the skeetos Water, WaterDash, Combat=Slug, Combat=Hornbug OR DoubleJump Water, WaterDash, Bash Launch gorlek, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Combat=Slug+2xSkeeto, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash # bash off the skeetos SentryJump=1 kii, WestHollow.FullyDrained: Hammer Combat=Slug+2xSkeeto, Sentry=2 unsafe: WestHollow.FullyDrained, Combat=Slug+2xSkeeto, Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 conn WestHollow.DashApproach: moki: Combat=SneezeSlug OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Dash kii: free conn WestHollow.AboveJumppad: moki: Combat=Slug OR Bash kii: Damage=10 conn WestHollow.HollowDrainMiddle: # paths which go directly because they need the checkpoint at HollowDrainMiddle for dirty swimming purposes unsafe: # Dirty Swims. All of the following contain duplicates of other paths for the purposes of softlock prevention. Middle state swim deals the most damage, so calculate damage according to that. Damage=90, HammerJump OR SwordSJump=1 OR HammerSJump=1 OR Launch # Use the spikes to gain IFrames. Damage=90, Bow=1, Bash, Grenade=1 # The tongue saves its state incorrectly if you die while it is extending, so shoot it, die, swim back up, and then climb on it. Damage=90, Bow=1, Dash OR GrenadeJump OR PauseHover Damage=90, Bow=1, Shuriken=1, Blaze OR Spear=1 OR Glide Damage=90, BlazeSwap=4 OR FlashSwap Damage=90, DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Glide Damage=40, WaterDash, HammerJump OR SwordSJump=1 OR HammerSJump=1 OR Launch # This is doable with just Water Dash, but that could cause softlocks. Damage=40, WaterDash, Bow=1, Bash, Grenade=1 Damage=40, WaterDash, Bow=1, Dash OR GrenadeJump OR PauseHover Damage=40, WaterDash, Bow=1, Shuriken=1, Blaze OR Spear=1 OR Glide Damage=40, WaterDash, BlazeSwap=4 OR FlashSwap Damage=40, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Glide conn WestHollow.RockPuzzle: # Dirty Swim paths, since they can't use AboveJumppad or SubmergedPlatform. All of these paths assume that both tongues are out, just in case; there may be room for improvement. # for future pathfinders, I'm not sure the extended tongues have to be considered here? You cannot extend the tongues while they are inside water, if you manage to lower the water into extended tongues it seems you're past this point already and headers setting the tongues has not been considered in other places. Would need to think about what warps do to this though unsafe: Damage=90, Launch # Use the spikes to gain IFrames. Damage=90, Dash, HammerJump OR SwordSJump=1 OR HammerSJump=1 # the sentry jump paths actually just use the sentries for movement, but sentry jumps are needed to prevent softlocks. In the initial water state, dash onto SubmergedPlatform before swimming. Damage=40, WaterDash, HammerJump OR SwordSJump=1 OR HammerSJump=1 OR Launch # the sentry jump paths don't actually use the sentries, but sentry jumps are needed to prevent softlocks. Damage=60, Bow=1, WaterDash anchor WestHollow.TrialApproach at -155, -4298: # after getting past the beetle, at the bottom of the shaft next to trial start refill Checkpoint conn WestHollow.TrialStart: moki: Combat=Slug, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Bash # bash off the slug Launch gorlek: Combat=Slug, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer # Sword or hammer solve combat requirements and easier movement Damage=10, Glide, Combat=Slug OR Bash kii: Sword Hammer, Bash OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # kill the slime with your hammer, fall to the ground again then use your energy weapons to preserrve your upslash for the third jump Glide, Bash Glide, Combat=Slug, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=10, Combat=Slug, Spear=4 OR Shuriken=4 OR Blaze=4 OR Flash=4 OR Sentry=4 Damage=10, Damage=10, Combat=Slug, Spear=3 OR Shuriken=3 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=3 OR Sentry=3 unsafe: Hammer OR Bash # Sword or hammer movement to avoid damage; Bash using the slug Damage=10, Combat=Slug conn WestHollow.HollowDrainLower: # middle water state can softlock this, so you have to be able to fully lower the water. moki: WestHollow.FullyDrained anchor WestHollow.TrialStart at -120, -4260: # At the Spirit Trial start refill Checkpoint pickup WestHollow.TrialHC: free pickup WestHollow.SpiritTrial: # middle water state can softlock this, so you have to be able to fully lower the water. moki: WestHollow.TrialActivation, WestHollow.FullyDrained, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: WestHollow.TrialActivation, WestHollow.FullyDrained, Dash unsafe: WestHollow.TrialActivation, WestHollow.FullyDrained # Need a good corner boost in order to avoid the last pound https://youtu.be/oNV8tD0h_LQ conn WestHollow.TrialApproach: free # checkpoint at -124, -4377 anchor WestHollow.DashApproach at -111, -4429: # To the left of the lever door refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state WestHollow.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Glide state WestHollow.DoorLever: # The door blocking Dash area moki: Combat=Skeeto+Mantis+2xLizard+Hornbug, DoubleJump OR Dash Combat=Skeeto+Mantis+2xLizard+Hornbug, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash Combat=Skeeto+2xLizard+Hornbug, Glide OR Sword OR HammerSJump=1 kii: Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Hammer conn WestHollow.HollowDrainLower: moki: Combat=Slug, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: SentryJump=3 # Possible with 2 SentryJumps Combat=Slug, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # Take the vanilla path up, but use Sword or Hammer slashes as a substitute to Dash/DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=10, Glide OR Sword kii: Combat=Slug, DoubleJump, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=3 # either bash the mantis or bait the skeeto Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=10, Glide OR Flash=3 OR Sentry=3 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Bash # Take your skeeto friend for a trip Dash # avoiding slugs is hard and might take patience Sword DoubleJump, Damage=10 OR Glide # Jump into the first spike wall or glide over it and then avoid the slugs conn WestHollow.DashArea: moki: WestHollow.DoorLever anchor WestHollow.DashArea at -88, -4423: # To the right of the lever door refill Checkpoint pickup WestHollow.DashTree: free conn WestHollow.DashApproach: moki: WestHollow.DoorLever conn WestHollow.DashCrushers: moki: Dash OR Launch kii: Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: free conn WestHollow.AboveDashSemisolid: # Paths going above the tree. Path passing through the crushers originate from DashCrushers. Make sure they aren't redundant. gorlek: SentryJump=1 # Launch would be redundant with going the long way around kii: Bash # Bash the slug twice DoubleJump, TripleJump # Jump from where the door was. Can wall jump from it if it's still closed WestHollow.DoorLever, DoubleJump, Sword # Lure and pogo the mantis anchor WestHollow.DashCrushers at -23, -4443: # To the right of the crushers at dash tree refill Checkpoint pickup WestHollow.CrusherEX: # No moki path because the need for dash/burrow/waterdash in order to drop through the log is too obscure gorlek: Dash unsafe: Burrow OR WaterDash # hmmmmm pickup WestHollow.DashTree: moki: Dash OR Launch unsafe: free conn WestHollow.DashArea: # Make sure it's not redundant with AboveDashTree->DashArea moki: Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Dash, SentryJump=1 unsafe: SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1 conn WestHollow.DashRoomTopRight: moki: DoubleJump, Dash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # around the right Bash: # to reach the right ledge SentryJump=1, Dash SwordSJump=1, Damage=10 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump Combat=Mantis+Lizard, SentryJump=1: # to reach the right ledge SentryJump=1, Dash SwordSJump=1, Damage=10 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=2 # Bash the mantis in order to reach your grenade from higher. Bash grenade from the hanging log. Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Damage=10 DoubleJump, Glide OR Hammer DoubleJump, Damage=10, Bash OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Sword Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1 # using the enemies to bash onto the hanging log anchor WestHollow.DashRoomTopRight at -21, -4411: # Top right of dash tree room refill Checkpoint pickup WestHollow.DashRightEX: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Combat=WeakSlug OR Bash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Sword DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Glide DoubleJump, Combat=WeakSlug, TripleJump OR Glide kii: Bash DoubleJump, Hammer DoubleJump, Combat=WeakSlug, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Combat=WeakSlug, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, Combat=WeakSlug Glide, Combat=WeakSlug, Sentry=2 conn WestHollow.DashCrushers: moki: Bash OR Glide OR Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 unsafe: free conn WestHollow.AboveDashSemisolid: moki: Glide, Combat=Hornbug+Skeeto OR Bash DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Sword OR Damage=10 Combat=Hornbug, Glide OR Sword OR Damage=10 kii: Sword OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=10 unsafe: Bash OR Shuriken=2 anchor WestHollow.AboveDashSemisolid at -81, -4411: # the semisolid near WestHollow.AboveDashEX pickup WestHollow.AboveDashEX: free conn WestHollow.DashArea: free conn WestHollow.DashRoomTopRight: # check for redundancies with DashArea kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # start jumping from the ledge right next to the spikes unsafe: WestHollow.DoorLever, Bash # Bash the slime on the log above, use the mantis to go there too. Precise bash angle to send the slime in the spikes and bash it again after it dies. Also, the skeeto can come in the spikes area, making that path waaaaay easier region EastHollow: moki: Danger=20 gorlek: free kii: free unsafe: free anchor EastHollow.Teleporter at -150, -4238: # the teleporter # before writing any paths that use the (left) mantis or the skeeto, please remember they only spawn when the player has bash refill Full state EastHollow.VoiceDoorOpen: moki: EastHollow.ForestsVoice state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup EastHollow.HornBeetleFightEX: # for future pathfinders: these paths should probably lead through VoiceDoorPlatform? kii: Bash # baiting the skeeto can be annoying unsafe: HammerJump DoubleJump, Sentry=3 # Use Sentry hops to boost the height GrenadeJump EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=2 # extend your jump momentum with spear EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, Sentry=4 # Djump+3 sentries from the vine, ceiling jump + sentry to access to the pickup conn Teleporters: free conn BeetleFight: moki: Combat=Skeeto+Mantis gorlek: free # the enemies only spawn if you have Bash, which allows to handle them conn EastHollow.AfterBeetleFight: # check for redundancies with VoiceDoorPlatform when not using the BeetleDefeated state # the enemies in the arena only spawn if you have Bash, which allows you to avoid them moki: EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: EastHollow.BeetleDefeated OR Launch SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Go down to the pit, do SentryJump and the use Sword or Hammer to get to the rope unsafe: WaveDash, DoubleJump # wavedash off the teleporter conn EastHollow.VoiceDoorPlatform: # for paths where the beetle is still alive, going from here is more advantageous than going from the right side # so paths not using EastHollow.BeetleDefeated originate primarily from here, other paths preferrably use the connection to EastHollow.AfterBeetleFight gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash unsafe: SwordJump, TripleJump HammerJump EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=2 # extend your jump momentum with spear EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, Sentry=3 # Djump+3 sentries from the vine conn WestHollow.InFrontPurpleDoor: moki: WestHollow.PurpleDoorOpen anchor BeetleFight at -81, -4243: nospawn refill Full state EastHollow.BeetleDefeated: # Mantis and skeeto don't respawn when dying in the fight moki: Boss=250, Regenerate, Damage=45, Dash # It isn't too difficult to avoid the beetle's attacks without Dash, but this is what the base game taught. gorlek: Boss=250, Regenerate, Damage=35, DoubleJump OR Launch unsafe: Boss=250 # please split the VoiceDoorPlatform and MapMoki paths like this: everything to the right of the VoiceDoor is for VoiceDoorPlatform. everything to the left of it belongs to MapMoki anchor EastHollow.VoiceDoorPlatform at -96, -4222: # right to the voice door state EastHollow.VoiceDoorOpen: moki: EastHollow.ForestsVoice # paths need to be completable with both door states if the state is not a requirement pickup EastHollow.HornBeetleFightEX: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: DoubleJump, Hammer # not too precise unsafe: SwordJump OR GrenadeJump DoubleJump, Sentry=2 # Use Sentry hops to boost the height EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, Spear=1 EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 # ceiling jump + sentry to access to the pickup conn EastHollow.MapMoki: moki: EastHollow.VoiceDoorOpen conn EastHollow.Teleporter: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: free conn EastHollow.AfterBeetleFight: # make sure it's not redundant with ->teleporter->afterbeetlefight moki, EastHollow.BeetleDefeated: Glide gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Bash # need to bait the skeeto all the way on the right which can be annoying Dash, DoubleJump unsafe: HammerJump anchor EastHollow.MapMoki at -106, -4221: # after crossing the voicelocked door above beetle fight refill Checkpoint # the VoiceDoorOpen state cannot be gained from this side, the cutscene that opens the door if you have the Voice doesn't trigger here quest EastHollow.HandToHandMap: free pickup EastHollow.GladesApproachOre: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Bash kii: Deflector, Sword, Launch Deflector, Sword, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Damage=10 # from the right wall or take a dboost in the left spikes unsafe: Deflector, Hammer, Launch OR DoubleJump conn EastHollow.VoiceDoorPlatform: moki: EastHollow.VoiceDoorOpen conn EastHollow.OutsideGlades: moki: DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash Bash, SentryJump=1, Dash Bash, Damage=10 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Spear=2 OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Damage=10, Hammer OR Spear=1 # either take a dboost to reach the first pole or climb from the right wall and take a dboost to refresh hammer's up slash Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # land near the second pole, throw a grenade, jump on the pole and immediatly jump to the grenade. Avoiding spikes damage is a bit hard. GrenadeJump # gjump to grab the pole then extend pole momentum to reach the ledge above the mortar and do the same from the second pole DoubleJump, Hammer, Deflector # break the wall to GladesApproachOre so you can refresh your upslash without taking a dboost DoubleJump, Damage=10, Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword, Damage=10 # climb the left wall, pogo the mortar Damage=20, Hammer # reset hammer upswings in the spikes DoubleJump, Dash # right wall and some clean movement Hammer, Dash, Damage=10 # the 2 above together anchor EastHollow.OutsideGlades at -152, -4164: # Outside Grom's Wall state GladesTown.GromsWall: moki: Bash unsafe: Deflector, Sword OR Hammer # too precise for kii GrenadeRedirect=1 OR SentryRedirect=1 conn GladesTown.Teleporter: moki: GladesTown.GromsWall conn EastHollow.MapMoki: free anchor EastHollow.AfterBeetleFight at -41, -4231: # At the breakable floor to Bash tree # before writing any paths that use the (right) mantis, please remember it only spawns when the player has grapple # before writing any paths that use the (left) mantis or the skeeto, please remember they only spawn when the player has bash refill Checkpoint state EastHollow.VoiceDoorOpen: moki: EastHollow.ForestsVoice pickup EastHollow.SpikeLanternEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch # there's a couple small awkward things adding up if you do this without Double Jump gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 OR SentryJump=1 EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=10, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=10 kii: Launch # not in gorlek due to visibility problems of the walls you need to launch to DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash Grapple, DoubleJump, Sword, Dash # pogo the mantis Grapple, Bash # Go to the right to make the mantis spawn if it's not here Bash, Dash # use the mortar projectile unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the mantis; too precise for kii without Dash DoubleJump, SentryJump=1 OR Dash Bash # use the mortar projectile SentryJump=2 # dodge the spikes with the weapon you use to sjump pickup EastHollow.SecretRoofEX: moki: Bash OR Launch Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Dash Grapple, SentryJump=1 # use the weapon to scare the mortar away SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=2 kii: Grapple, DoubleJump Grapple, Hammer, Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash unsafe: Grapple, Shuriken=2 HammerJump DoubleJump, SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump pickup EastHollow.MortarEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Bash kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Damage=10 # refresh dash on ceiling. Pogo the mortar or dboost on the left wall to get to the pickup Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Grapple, tjump, upslash, one horizontal attack, energy weapon unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # using the walls and ceilings DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # friendly spikes after the grappl section. Tjump+hammer upslash from there SwordJump, TripleJump # same as above # DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Go just under the pickup, tjump from here+sentry/flash to reach the wall above the spikes SentryJump=2, Grapple SentryJump=3 # pogo on the last mortar SentryJump=4 # SentryJump=3, DoubleJump # Grapple, Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn BeetleFight: free conn EastHollow.AboveBash: free conn EastHollow.Teleporter: # check for redundancies with VoiceDoorPlatform when using the BeetleDefeated state moki, EastHollow.BeetleDefeated: DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=1 Glide gorlek: Bash, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Bash OR Sword SentryJump=1, Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch EastHollow.BeetleDefeated: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Bash OR SentryJump=1 kii: Grapple, Bash # grapple not for use, but to spawn enemy DoubleJump, Bash # Bashglide Grapple, DoubleJump, Sword, Glide DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 # djump+spear to reach the tp from the beetle arena DoubleJump, Hammer, Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump SwordJump # DoubleJump, Sword, Shuriken=1 conn EastHollow.VoiceDoorPlatform: # for paths where the beetle has to be defeated, going from here is more advantageous than going from the teleporter # so paths using EastHollow.BeetleDefeated originate primarily from here, other paths preferrably use the connection to EastHollow.Teleporter moki, EastHollow.BeetleDefeated: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii: Grapple, DoubleJump, Sword, Dash # Pogo the mantis EastHollow.BeetleDefeated, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn EastHollow.Kwolok: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch, Dash, Glide gorlek: Bash OR Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10, Grapple OR SentryJump=1 # use the weapon to hover kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash DoubleJump, Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 DoubleJump, Grapple, Sentry=2, Damage=10 Grapple, Glide, Dash Grapple, Glide, Sentry=3, Damage=10 unsafe: Grapple, Dash, Damage=10 DoubleJump, Grapple, Shuriken=3 DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=10, SentryJump=1 SentryJump=3, Glide # checkpoint at 21, -4220 anchor EastHollow.AboveBash at -10, -4244: # Under the breakable floor after the beetle arena state EastHollow.DepthsLever: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # just Bash is treacherous gorlek: Bash kii: Deflector, Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Combat=SneezeSlug, SentryRedirect=1 OR GrenadeRedirect=1 Launch # launch at touch the breakable ceiling when the slug shoots so it shoots its pojectile at the ceiling Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash # Hammer onto the jumppad when the slug is shooting. DJ or Dash to stay at the ceiling longer pickup EastHollow.BashEC: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash kii: Bash, Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: HammerSJump=1 DoubleJump, Dash Bash Sword, Shuriken=1, Dash OR Shuriken=1 # shuriken pogo. Probably a lot more possibilities for the condition, such as double jump # Bash, Glide conn EastHollow.BashTreeCheckpoint: moki: Combat=2xSneezeSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash # just Bash is treacherous Glide OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Damage=10 kii: free conn EastHollow.AboveDepths: moki, EastHollow.DepthsLever: Combat=2xSneezeSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash # just Bash is treacherous Glide OR Launch gorlek: EastHollow.DepthsLever, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 kii: EastHollow.DepthsLever conn EastHollow.AfterBeetleFight: # Mortar break the ceiling for you # If you don't collect bash's tree, the camera is stuck. These paths ignore this issue. moki: Launch OR Bash gorlek: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: DoubleJump unsafe: Sword, Shuriken=1 # shuriken pogo from the right wall (that you reach with sword upslash) anchor EastHollow.BashTreeCheckpoint at -7, -4325: # Checkpoint at Bash tree refill Checkpoint pickup EastHollow.BashTree: free pickup EastHollow.BashEX: moki: DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Dash OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # you can bash to the wall without any extra abilities DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Spear=2 unsafe: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Dash OR Hammer conn EastHollow.AboveBash: moki: Launch, Bash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 Bash, Dash OR DoubleJump OR Glide gorlek: Launch # The mortar will break the ceiling for you Bash, Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=10 # Bash the slug to reach the first lantern, dboost in the spikes, grenade bash from the ledge kii: Bash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1 # Make the slug near the door shoot at you. Bash the projectile to reach your grenade unsafe: Bash # Bash the lantern next to the door and bait the slug to shoot at you so you can bash its projectile DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword, Deflector # sick moves DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Sword, Spear=1 # even sicker moves anchor EastHollow.Kwolok at 177, -4215: # Between Ku and Kwolok refill Checkpoint quest EastHollow.ForestsVoice: free quest EastHollow.KwolokAmuletQuest: moki: EastPools.KwolokAmuletQI, WestPools.ForestsStrength state GladesTown.TuleySpawned: moki: InnerWellspring.WaterEscape pickup EastHollow.RightKwolokEX: moki: Bash OR Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Sword, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # pogo the mortar Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # Coyote Dash from high point left; Dash, Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, HammerUpswing, Sentry/Flash (you end up on the left wall) unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the mortar DoubleJump, Sword, Shuriken=1 # too precise for kii pickup EastHollow.SilentSwimEC: moki: Combat=Balloon, Water, WaterDash OR Launch gorlek: Water, WaterDash OR Launch Combat=Balloon, Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10 Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 kii: # Balloon will go for a swim on its own as long as you aggro it Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10 Water, DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=20 unsafe: Water, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 Water, DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=10 # one extra dboost for kii Water, Bash, Damage=20 # Theorically possible with less damage but I don't want to check https://youtu.be/DsYMP004WTs pickup EastHollow.KwolokSwimOre: moki: Water, Bash OR Damage=10 # enemy in the way gorlek: Water pickup EastHollow.KwolokSwimLeftEX: moki: Water, WaterDash OR Launch gorlek: Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Do a wrap around from the right wall kii: Water, Bash # Bash the fish Water, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 # Djump from the right wall, upswing for extra height. Use left ledge to regain upswing unsafe: Water, DoubleJump # At left wall, with quick jumps sliding up the wall you can keepp the dj Water, DoubleJump, Sword # bait the fish and pogo it # Water, DoubleJump, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Ability to gain a bit more height. Standig on the left ledge to regain upswing after fail. pickup EastHollow.KwolokSwimRightEX: moki: Water pickup EastHollow.SecretRoofEX: # this path can't get over the big spike wall from the left anchor gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash kii: DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Dash conn EastHollow.AfterBeetleFight: moki: # since the ability bottleneck is right at the start, most paths to the pickups on the way are covered in this connection Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide, Damage=10 Launch gorlek: Bash, Damage=10 OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Hammer, Damage=10 kii: Hammer OR Sentry=3 OR Damage=20 Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=10, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Sentry=2, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Bash OR Shuriken=2 OR Damage=10 # friendly spikes conn WoodsEntry.ShriekMeet: moki, Combat=Balloon: Water, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Water, Grapple, Dash, Glide Water, Launch gorlek, Combat=Balloon: Water, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Water, Grapple, Dash # Eiher jump from the Grapple point and the Dash or use double Dash Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=10 # Take boost on the left side # @validator The path above could be using Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer instead of just Dash kii: # Repeat each moki/gorlek path without Combat=Balloon since you can just bait it into taking a swim Water, Launch Water, Grapple, Dash Water, Grapple, DoubleJump, Glide OR TripleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Damage=10, Dash OR Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Completely new paths Water, Grapple, Sword Water, Grapple, Hammer, Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, Grapple, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, WaterDash, Bash Water, WaterDash, Sword, Damage=10 Water, WaterDash, Dash, Damage=10, Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, WaterDash, Hammer, Damage=10, Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, WaterDash, Glide, Damage=10, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Water, Grapple, Sentry=3 Water, Grapple, Shuriken=2, Combat=Balloon OR Damage=20 Water, Grapple, DoubleJump # Cancel grapple with djump Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump Water, WaterDash, Dash, Damage=10 # coyote jump from the ledge under the grappable plant Water, WaterDash, Sword # Pogo the projectile Water, SwordSJump=1 # probably doable with hammer as well, but it's much harder # Dirty Swims, probably incomplete. Stand in shallow water on the side of the first air pocket to regen. Teleport out after breaking the wall. WaterDash, Damage=60, Damage=110, Launch WaterDash, Damage=60, Damage=110, Grapple, Sentry=3 OR DoubleJump OR Dash WaterDash, Damage=60, Damage=110, DoubleJump, TripleJump WaterDash, Damage=60, Damage=110, SwordSJump=1 WaterDash, Damage=60, Damage=110, Damage=20, Grapple, Sword # extra damage from the balloon, regen spot below the grapple plant # Water, Grapple, SwordSJump=1 # standing on the ledge below grapple plant. Holding right during SJump. Swordcombo to go right. Lure balloon into water first # Water, Grapple, SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Glide # standing on the ledge below grapple plant. Holding right during SJump # checkpoint at -8, -4327 anchor EastHollow.AboveDepths at 47, -4302: # To the right of the lever door blocking Depths access refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state EastHollow.DepthsOpen: moki: Glide pickup EastHollow.BashHC: moki: Bash OR Launch gorlek: SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=3 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # Hammer upswing to gain mor hight pickup EastHollow.SplinterShard: free pickup EastHollow.DepthsExteriorEX: moki: Glide, Launch # ...what even is intended here? gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Launch SentryJump=1, Launch Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash # Jump to the left wall and then go to right or you can go from the ledge next to the entry if you have DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump # Bait the mantis unsafe: Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1 # Bait the mantis conn UpperDepths.Entry: moki: EastHollow.DepthsOpen conn EastHollow.BashTreeCheckpoint: moki, EastHollow.DepthsLever: Combat=SneezeSlug OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek, EastHollow.DepthsLever: Damage=5 kii: EastHollow.DepthsLever conn EastHollow.AboveBash: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths from EastHollow.BashTreeCheckpoint gorlek, EastHollow.DepthsLever: SwordSJump=5, Dash OR Glide # The mortar will break the ceiling for you SwordSJump=4, DoubleJump # The mortar will break the ceiling for you anchor GladesTown.Teleporter at -307, -4153: # The glades teleporter refill Full state GladesTown.BuildHuts: moki: Ore=15 state GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads: moki: GladesTown.BuildHuts, Ore=21 state GladesTown.OnwardsAndUpwards: moki: GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads, Ore=29 state GladesTown.ClearThorns: moki: Ore=23 state GladesTown.CaveEntrance: moki: GladesTown.ClearThorns, Ore=29 # decoration not accounted for quest GladesTown.RebuildTheGlades: moki: Ore=40 # Eiko told me not to modify this so orishrug ~Cosmic pickup GladesTown.ArcingShard: moki, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, GladesTown.ClearThorns: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash kii, GladesTown.ClearThorns: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, GladesTown.ClearThorns: GrenadeJump DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash pickup GladesTown.LupoSwimMiddleEX: moki: Water, WaterDash OR Launch gorlek: Water, DoubleJump unsafe: Water OR Damage=60 # just wall jump between both walls WaterDash, Damage=40 pickup GladesTown.LupoSwimLeftEX: moki, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Water, WaterDash OR Launch gorlek, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Water, Bash, Grenade=1 Water, DoubleJump, Hammer # wjump+djump+hammer. Possible from both walls unsafe, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Bash, Grenade=1, Water OR Damage=100 GrenadeJump, Water OR Damage=100 DoubleJump, Water OR Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 pickup GladesTown.CaveBurrowEX: unsafe: NonGladesTeleporter # From anywhere else, TP to Glades. Then when your screen is fully white TP somewhere else. conn Teleporters: free conn GladesTown.TwillenHome: free conn GladesTown.UpperWest: moki: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple: SentryJump=1 TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash unsafe: SentryJump=2 # from directly below the bridge TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple # grenadebash DoubleJump, TripleJump # hardcore parkour GladesTown.ClearThorns, DoubleJump, Dash # hardcore parkour 2 conn GladesTown.BelowBountyShard: # paths using the right platforms may want to go through AboveOpher first moki: Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Bash, Grapple gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, SentryJump=1 kii: TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # get on the platform above the tp then djump+other option to rech the wall above Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # same as above but with bashnade Bash, Grenade=2, Dash # throw your grenade at like 45° and dash to catch it TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword # equip sword on slot 3 so you can upslash Bash, Grenade=2 #Bash, Grenade=2, Glide OR Sword OR DoubleJump GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer SwordSJump=1 # high sjump to reach the wall on the lef t of the bridge then wall jump and upslash+downslash TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, DoubleJump # ceiling jump conn GladesTown.AboveOpher: # paths using the platform left above the coals may want to go to GladesTown.LeftAboveCoals first moki: Launch OR TuleyShop.SpringPlants Flap, Glide Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump # still works with the second huts there kii: DoubleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 # from where Tuley is. Building the second house makes it harder but still possible unsafe: Grenade=1, Sword # Grenade Pogos. I'm pretty sure this is impossible once you build the second house but I won't remove the path because I wasn't the one writting it and it's unsafe GrenadeJump WaveDash # wavedash from where Tuley is. If the second house is built, you have to jump out of your wavedash. Dash, GlideJump OR Hammer # coyote dash form where Tuley. Could be kii but building the second house makes it way harder Dash, Burrow # I'm pretty sure this is impossible once you build the second house but I won't remove the path because I wasn't the one writting it and it's unsafe conn GladesTown.LeftAboveCoals: # check for redundancies with AboveOpher moki: TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, DoubleJump TuleyShop.BlueMoon, TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Grapple, Bash gorlek: TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple conn GladesTown.LupoHouse: moki: Burrow OR Water unsafe: Damage=160 WaterDash, Damage=80 conn OpherShop: free conn Tokk: free conn TuleyShop: moki, GladesTown.TuleySpawned: DoubleJump OR Launch OR TuleyShop.SpringPlants Flap, Glide Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, GladesTown.TuleySpawned: SentryJump=1 OR Burrow OR Dash kii, GladesTown.TuleySpawned: Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, GladesTown.TuleySpawned: GrenadeJump OR GlideJump conn EastHollow.OutsideGlades: moki: GladesTown.GromsWall # checkpoint at -297, -4139 anchor GladesTown.TwillenHome at -414, -4160: # At Twillen in Glades refill Checkpoint quest GladesTown.HandToHandLantern: moki: LowerReach.HandToHandHat quest GladesTown.FamilyReunionKey: moki: GladesTown.BuildHuts pickup GladesTown.LowerOre: moki, Hammer OR Spear=1: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Hammer # hammer float Spear=1, Sword OR Damage=10 # sword float kii: Spear=1, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Spear=1 # tricky jump over the coals damageless pickup GladesTown.AboveCaveEX: moki: GladesTown.ClearThorns pickup GladesTown.KeyMokiHutEX: moki: GladesTown.BuildHuts, WoodsEntry.DollQI pickup GladesTown.DamageTree: moki: TuleyShop.LastTree conn TwillenShop: free conn GladesTown.AcornMoki: moki: GladesTown.ClearThorns conn GladesTown.West: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple gorlek: SentryJump=1 TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Sword OR Hammer # upslash or uphammer TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free conn GladesTown.Teleporter: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 GladesTown.ClearThorns OR DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: Sword OR Dash OR Damage=10 OR GlideJump OR GrenadeJump anchor GladesTown.West at -430, -4135: # Path exiting the village, above Twillen refill Checkpoint quest GladesTown.HandToHandCanteen: moki: EastPools.HandToHandSpyglass pickup GladesTown.UpperOre: moki: Bash, Grenade=1, Launch Launch, DoubleJump # different ways to solve this, should be fine... TuleyShop.StickyGrass: Grapple OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Glide GladesTown.BuildHuts: # paths using the right hut's platform may prefer to go to MotayHut DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=2 TuleyShop.StickyGrass: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump TuleyShop.StickyGrass: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Glide # glide somehow still a bit precise even though you just hold right SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Glide # glide somehow still a bit precise even though you just hold right SentryJump=1, Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # upswing to the moss TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Grenade=1 OR SentryJump=1 # can still do this with the huts up TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump # wrap around GladesTown.BuildHuts: # paths using the right hut's platform may prefer to go to MotayHut Bash, Grenade=2 SentryJump=2, DoubleJump TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, SentryJump=1 TuleyShop.StickyGrass: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword # hammer mildly inconsistent SwordSJump=1 # hammer mildly inconsistent TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash kii: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 TuleyShop.StickyGrass: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Sword TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Hammer, Flash # Possible with other energy weapons but you need to be careful about not damaging the plant unsafe: SentryJump=2 # Midairs GladesTown.BuildHuts: # paths using the right hut's platform may prefer to go to MotayHut Bash # use both slimes DoubleJump, TripleJump, GlideJump TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide # using the ceiling from the left TuleyShop.StickyGrass, TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Hammer conn GladesTown.MotayHut: moki, GladesTown.BuildHuts: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch Grapple, TuleyShop.StickyGrass OR TuleyShop.BlueMoon TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash gorlek, GladesTown.BuildHuts: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii, GladesTown.BuildHuts: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Sword, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Hammer, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, GladesTown.BuildHuts: GrenadeJump Bash # slime lure TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Hammer, Dash # uphammer bounce Dash # late coyote Sword # high jump, full combo, upslash and then downslash (all while holding right) # Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer conn WestGlades.PastTown: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: Bash, Glide Bash, Damage=10, Sword Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide # the spikes here are awkward to escape from Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Sword, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Damage=10, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Sword, DoubleJump, Damage=10 Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Blaze=1 OR Damage=10 Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, Damage=10, Damage=10, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, Damage=10, Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, Glide, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Combat=2xWeakSlug, DoubleJump, Damage=20 SwordSJump=1, Damage=10 HammerSJump=1, Damage=20 Dash, Hammer #Dash, Sword, Damage=30 # damage depending on how often you fail the last jump (10 is minimum) Damage=10, Bash OR Sword DoubleJump, Damage=10, TripleJump OR Dash # damage for avoiding slimes conn GladesTown.TwillenHome: free conn GladesTown.Teleporter: moki: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Glide TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Glide gorlek: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Dash, Sword OR Hammer kii: GladesTown.BuildHuts, Dash, Sword GladesTown.BuildHuts, Dash, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 GladesTown.BuildHuts, Sword, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn GladesTown.UpperWest: # paths that use the huts may want to go to MotayHut first; check for redundancies with Teleporter moki: TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, DoubleJump TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # extra abilities because it's harder if the huts are there gorlek: # Launch already connects over the teleporter TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Dash TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer TuleyShop.StickyGrass: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Dash OR Glide # upswing to the moss Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide kii: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash: Glide Flash=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # Would be possible with other weapons but the second plant can be destroyed TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple TuleyShop.StickyGrass: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # condition for reaching the bridge Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Sword # Midair Grenade Pogo TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash # Use the slimes to reach the plant above Motay then bash glide to the bridge TuleyShop.StickyGrass: DoubleJump, TripleJump Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword anchor GladesTown.MotayHut at -182, -4589: # Inside the house hovering above Motay # IMPORTANT this anchor is INSIDE the hut. It may only be accessed if the player has the BuildHuts state # however we still allow the player to spawn inside the unbuilt hut because that's fun # if you want to use the platform outside, use the BuildHuts state. Paths without it have to assume there is no platform refill Checkpoint: unsafe: GladesTown.BuildHuts # Exit the house for a checkpoint pickup GladesTown.MotayHutEX: free pickup GladesTown.UpperOre: moki, GladesTown.BuildHuts: Bash, Grenade=2 Launch gorlek, GladesTown.BuildHuts: TuleyShop.StickyGrass, TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Glide # holding right works SentryJump=2 TuleyShop.StickyGrass, SentryJump=1 kii, GladesTown.BuildHuts, TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1: # grapple the right plant to reach the house above DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: TuleyShop.StickyGrass, GrenadeJump # you can Grenadejump as you exit the unbuilt house and grab the moss GladesTown.BuildHuts: GrenadeJump TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR PauseHover # grapple the right plant to reach the house above conn GladesTown.West: free conn GladesTown.UpperWest: moki, GladesTown.BuildHuts: Bash, Grenade=2, Dash # 1 extra grenade if you hit the Lightcatcher Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump gorlek, GladesTown.BuildHuts: Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Dash kii: GladesTown.BuildHuts, TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Glide unsafe, GladesTown.BuildHuts: GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Dash # Midair Grenade Jump with auto-cancel # dash is much harder SwordSJump=1, Dash TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Sword OR Hammer anchor GladesTown.UpperWest at -357, -4126: # Where Mokk lives refill Checkpoint: unsafe: GladesTown.OnwardsAndUpwards # Enter the house for a checkpoint pickup GladesTown.ArcingShard: moki, GladesTown.ClearThorns: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash # somehow I don't think this path is very relevant TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple gorlek: GladesTown.ClearThorns, Sword OR Hammer kii, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 pickup GladesTown.BraveMokiHutEX: moki: GladesTown.OnwardsAndUpwards, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: GladesTown.OnwardsAndUpwards, SentryJump=1 kii, GladesTown.OnwardsAndUpwards: Bash, Grenade=1 # drop through the floor before throwing your grenade Hammer unsafe, GladesTown.OnwardsAndUpwards: Sword OR Spear=1 # upslash+downslash GrenadeJump pickup GladesTown.UpperLeftEX: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch TuleyShop.StickyGrass, DoubleJump, Grapple gorlek: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free # https://youtu.be/3rxIf0qIUNc #DoubleJump #Sword, Grenade=1 OR Shuriken=2 # pogo #TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple pickup GladesTown.AboveGromHC: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple gorlek: DoubleJump, SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # grenade bash under GladesTown.UpperLeftEX unsafe: DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 Sword, Grenade=1 OR Shuriken=2 # pogo TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple conn GladesTown.MotayHut: # check for redundancies with GladesTown.West moki, GladesTown.BuildHuts: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple gorlek, GladesTown.BuildHuts: Sword OR Hammer # Weapon Float kii, GladesTown.BuildHuts: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn GladesTown.West: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to GladesTown.TwillenHome first moki: Dash OR Glide TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple gorlek: Sword OR Hammer conn GladesTown.TwillenHome: free conn GladesTown.Teleporter: moki: Dash OR Glide TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free anchor GladesTown.AcornMoki at -347, -4182: # At the moki near the cave refill Checkpoint: unsafe: GladesTown.CaveEntrance # Enter the cave for a refill refill Energy=4: moki: GladesTown.CaveEntrance, BreakCrystal quest GladesTown.AcornQI: moki, GladesTown.CaveEntrance: Flash, Water, Glide Flash, Water, DoubleJump, Dash Flash, Bash, Grenade=1 Flash, Launch gorlek, GladesTown.CaveEntrance: Flash: Water, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1 Bow=4: # bow refills light Launch Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 kii, GladesTown.CaveEntrance: Flash: DoubleJump, TripleJump Damage=32, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 #That partcular water only deals 4 damage per tic WaterDash, Damage=16, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Water, Damage=10, Damage=10 Damage=10, Damage=42 WaterDash, Damage=10, Damage=26 Bow=4, DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe, GladesTown.CaveEntrance: Flash: Water # use Flash for mobility as well GrenadeJump Bow=2: Launch Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 GrenadeJump DoubleJump, TripleJump # off the left wall Water, WaterDash, Damage=10 OR DoubleJump OR Glide # Grenade=4 # grenade jumps and light refills, very nasty strat DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grenade=2, Water OR Damage=10 # light refills, NO GRENADE JUMPS, Small Dirty Water Dboost DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grenade=1, Sword, Water OR Damage=10 quest GladesTown.MokiAcornQuest: moki: GladesTown.AcornQI pickup GladesTown.AboveCaveEX: moki: Launch OR DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Damage=10 # can avoid the dboost but just in case gorlek: SentryJump=1, Damage=10 OR GladesTown.ClearThorns Hammer, Dash TuleyShop.SpringPlants kii: Hammer, Glide OR Sword OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Dash pickup GladesTown.CaveBurrowEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Burrow # Burrow Dash out of the sand conn GladesTown.Teleporter: # only useful for GladesDone moki, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Launch OR DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Dash # can't see the exit from the ground so accounting for landing near GladesTown.AboveCaveEX TuleyShop.SpringPlants gorlek, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Bash, Grenade=1 Hammer, Dash SentryJump=1 kii, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Hammer, Glide OR Sword OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, GladesTown.ClearThorns: Dash anchor GladesTown.BelowBountyShard at -247, -4121: # Bridge bellow the bounty shard pickup GladesTown.AboveTpEX: free pickup GladesTown.BountyShard: moki: Launch Bash, Grenade=1 OR TuleyShop.Lightcatchers TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 TuleyShop.StickyGrass, DoubleJump OR Grapple kii: DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: DoubleJump GrenadeJump conn GladesTown.Teleporter: free conn GladesTown.LeftAboveCoals: moki: Glide DoubleJump, Dash TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Sword is possible but TuleyShop.Lightcatchers makes is awkward TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 anchor GladesTown.LeftAboveCoals at -239, -4136: # On the platform hovering to the left above the coals near Opher pickup GladesTown.UpdraftCeilingEX: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Flap, Glide # activate the updraft below TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Glide OR Dash TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Hammer OR SentryJump=1 TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Sword kii: Dash OR Spear=1 # coyote dash or spear under the pickup Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Sentry=2 unsafe: Sword OR GrenadeJump OR GlideJump TuleyShop.SpringPlants, PauseHover conn GladesTown.Teleporter: free conn GladesTown.BelowBountyShard: # check for redundancies with Teleporter moki: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, DoubleJump gorlek: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Glide TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Dash, Sword OR Hammer kii: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash TuleyShop.SpringPlants, WaveDash # https://youtu.be/3PvuIK07M1E haha nice path conn GladesTown.AboveOpher: moki: DoubleJump gorlek: Dash OR Glide kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 anchor GladesTown.AboveOpher at -212, -4133: # On the platform above Opher refill Checkpoint: unsafe: GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads # Enter the house for a checkpoint conn GladesTown.LeftAboveCoals: free conn GladesTown.PlayfulMoki: moki: Launch Flap, Glide # Activate the updraft below TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, Bash TuleyShop.SpringPlants, DoubleJump GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Hammer OR Sword SentryJump=1 kii: Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: SwordJump OR GrenadeJump TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Grenade=1 OR GrenadeCancel # increased height bounce conn TuleyShop: # check for redundancies with Teleporter moki: Glide GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads, Dash gorlek: Dash, Sword OR Hammer # seed paths tbd if ever necessary anchor GladesTown.PlayfulMoki at -210, -4122: # At the Moki who would rather play conn GladesTown.HoleHut: moki: TuleyShop.SpringPlants OR DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Hammer OR SwordSJump=1 TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple unsafe: Sword OR Dash OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR GlideJump conn GladesTown.AboveOpher: free conn TuleyShop: # check for redundancies with AboveOpher and Teleporter moki: GladesTown.TuleySpawned, Dash gorlek: GladesTown.TuleySpawned, Sword OR Hammer # seed paths tbd if ever necessary anchor GladesTown.LupoHouse at -207, -4161: # At the entrance of Lupo's house pickup GladesTown.LupoSoupEX: free pickup LupoShop.HCMapIcon: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup LupoShop.ECMapIcon: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup LupoShop.ShardMapIcon: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup GladesTown.LupoSwimHC: moki: Water, Burrow pickup GladesTown.LupoSwimMiddleEX: # dirty swim only, clean water paths are redundant with going to GladesTown.Teleporter first unsafe: Damage=100 # just wall jump between both walls WaterDash, Damage=40 conn GladesTown.Teleporter: moki: Water OR Burrow unsafe: Damage=180 WaterDash, Damage=60 anchor GladesTown.HoleHut at -214, -4111: # The ledge below Hole Hut pickup GladesTown.BelowHoleHutEX: free pickup GladesTown.UpdraftCeilingEX: gorlek: Dash OR Glide kii: Sword conn GladesTown.HoleHutEntrance: moki, GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads: Bash, Grenade=1 TuleyShop.SpringPlants OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek, GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads: Glide OR Sword OR HammerSJump=1 kii, GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads: Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads: GrenadeJump conn LowerReach.VeralHome: # Sword, Dash, Glide, DoubleJump, Lightcatchers Bash, Grenade, Hammer, Blaze, Shuriken, Sentry, and Flash can all individually get you from branch to reachpath moki: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Can go either to the right wall or through the semisolid branch Launch, Grapple, TuleyShop.BlueMoon OR TuleyShop.StickyGrass TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Launch TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Bash, Grapple TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Bash, Grapple, Glide gorlek: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 # Weapon Float, works from a standing sjump on the ledge TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Glide OR Sword kii: DoubleJump, Hammer TuleyShop.BlueMoon, Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=3 OR Flash=3 OR Sentry=3 TuleyShop.SpringPlants, TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: GrenadeJump TuleyShop.SpringPlants, Hammer # Uphammer Bounce TuleyShop.StickyGrass, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash DoubleJump, Glide conn GladesTown.PlayfulMoki: free anchor GladesTown.HoleHutEntrance at -229, -4094: # At the door of the 2 pickup house refill Checkpoint: unsafe: GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads # Enter the house for a checkpoint pickup GladesTown.HoleHutEX: moki: GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads pickup GladesTown.HoleHutEC: moki: GladesTown.RoofsOverHeads conn GladesTown.HoleHut: free region WestGlades: moki: Danger=20 gorlek: free kii: free unsafe: free anchor WestGlades.PastTown at -545, -4113: # The right edge of the lower pool in WestGlades refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: # paths using energy or health AFTER grabbing the refill would be invalid here because they would misrepresent the resulting health or energy moki, BreakCrystal: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, Bow=1 OR Grenade=1: Water # break the crystal from afar and jump into the water to get the energy Glide # break the crystal from afar and use glide to collect the energy midair DoubleJump, TripleJump # break the crystal from afar and use triple jump to collect the energy midair kii: Bow=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Grenade=1: Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Hammer OR Sword Water OR Glide: Sword Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash state GladesTown.GromsWall: unsafe: Bash, Launch pickup WestGlades.GrappleEX: moki: Grapple OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, DoubleJump, Dash SentryJump=1 kii: Bash, Dash OR DoubleJump OR Sword Bash, Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, WaterDash, Water, Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, WaterDash, Damage=20, Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Hammer unsafe: Dash, Sword # pogo the projectile DoubleJump, Spear=1 GrenadeJump Glide, DoubleJump # GlideJump Bash: GlideJump OR Bow=1 # Glide jump OR Bow to aggro the tentacle (by hitting its mouth) WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 Glide, Water OR Damage=20 pickup WestGlades.AbovePlantEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Dash, Glide Water, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grenade=1 Bash, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 Bash, SentryJump=1, Glide SentryJump=1, Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Water SentryJump=1, Combat=Tentacle, WaterDash, Damage=20 SentryJump=2, Glide, Combat=Tentacle kii: Bash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # reset jumps with sword Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: Bash, GlideJump OR Bow=1 # Glide jump OR Bow to aggro the tentacle (by hitting its mouth) DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the projectile to pass above the tentacle Combat=Tentacle, SwordSJump=1 Combat=Tentacle, GlideJump, DoubleJump Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Spear=2 # extend jumps momentum with spears # DiveLaunch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Flap OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 pickup WestGlades.LowerPoolEX: moki: Water kii: Damage=80 WaterDash, Damage=40 Damage=60, Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Damage=60, Bash, Bow=1 # aggro the tentacule Damage=60, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WestGlades.LowerPool: moki: Water OR Launch Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Damage=10 OR Combat=Tentacle Dash, Damage=10 OR Combat=Tentacle WaterDash, Damage=20, Bash SentryJump=1, Glide, Bash OR Damage=10 OR Combat=Tentacle kii: Damage=80, Damage=40 WaterDash, Damage=20, Combat=Tentacle, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Damage=20, Damage=10, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Bash OR Combat=Tentacle OR Damage=10: Sword OR Hammer Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Glide, Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Reset jumps on first tentacle unsafe: Bash DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the projectile to pass above the tentacle conn WestGlades.Center: # Make sure it's not redundant with PastTown->LowerPool->Center unsafe: SwordSJump=2, Damage=20 # defeating the enemy and sword floating DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Water OR Combat=Tentacle conn GladesTown.West: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=10 SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=10 kii: # dboosts because of friendly spikes Sword, DoubleJump Sword, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Damage=10 Hammer, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash Hammer, Glide, Damage=10, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: HammerSJump=1 DoubleJump, Glide # verified damageless Glide # GlideJump # kii paths without the friendly spikes dboosts Sword, Dash Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Hammer, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor WestGlades.LowerPool at -642, -4112: # The left edge of the lower pool in WestGlades pickup WestGlades.LeftOre: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Grapple, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide, Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash OR Damage=20 # With Bash, use a tentacle projectile DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Damage=30, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, DoubleJump Grapple, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Damage=20 Bash, Glide, SwordSJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Dash OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=10 SentryJump=2 pickup WestGlades.SwimEC: moki: Water kii: Damage=140 WaterDash, Damage=60 pickup WestGlades.LowerPoolEX: # Only dirty swims. Clean Water is solving through the PastTown connection kii: Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Bash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Damage=40 conn WestGlades.Center: moki: Bash, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1, DoubleJump kii: Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash SwordSJump=2, Damage=20 # defeating the enemy and sword floating DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Hammer # Upswing at the end of the glide Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Spear=1 # too hard for kii WaterDash, DoubleJump # I'm so sorry to whoever have to do it in a real seed https://youtu.be/DI62eNkF18Y conn WestGlades.PastTown: moki: Water OR Launch Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash Combat=Tentacle, Sword OR Hammer Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Combat=Tentacle OR Damage=10: Damage=40 OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=20, WaterDash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor WestGlades.Center at -612, -4083: # At the middle room connecting upper and lower Glades refill Checkpoint pickup WestGlades.LeftOre: # be sure it's not redundant with the paths from LowerPool kii: Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump Glide, DoubleJump, Damage=10, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Glide, Damage=10, SwordSJump=1 Glide, DoubleJump, Spear=2, Damage=10 pickup WestGlades.RightOre: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: Bash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Grenade=1 SentryJump=1, Dash kii: Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Combat=Tentacle, Damage=10: DoubleJump, Damage=20, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 DoubleJump, Damage=10, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 Damage=40, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword, Damage=10 SentryJump=1 # pogo on tentacle Bash, Damage=10 pickup WestGlades.LowerPoolEX: # This path is strictly because of energy/health management kii: Damage=60 conn WestGlades.Upper: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Bash SentryJump=1, DoubleJump kii, Combat=Tentacle, Damage=20: DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 DoubleJump, Hammer, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 Dash, Hammer, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 Damage=30, Dash, Sword conn WestGlades.LowerPool: moki: Water OR Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: free conn WestGlades.PastTown: # This connection is strictly because of energy/health management kii: Damage=10 OR Combat=Tentacle: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 anchor WestGlades.Upper at -618, -4054: # At the sign that gives you directions to Wellspring, Reach, and Pools refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 state LowerReach.BearSneezed: moki: Flap pickup WestGlades.UpperPoolEX: moki: Water unsafe: Damage=180 WaterDash, Damage=80 pickup WestGlades.RightOre: # Be carefull it's not redundant with paths from WestGlades.Center moki: Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Glide, Combat=Tentacle, SentryJump=1 kii: Sword OR Dash OR Sentry=6 DoubleJump, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Hammer, Combat=Tentacle, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Bash OR GlideJump Glide, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 # too difficult for kii DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WestGlades.Center: free conn LowerReach.Entry: moki: LowerReach.BearSneezed conn WestGlades.MillApproach: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash OR Launch Water, WaterDash gorlek: Grapple # grapple up to the second hook and drop down DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword WaterDash, Damage=20 SentryJump=1 kii: Dash, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 Dash, Hammer, Shuriken=1 unsafe: GrenadeJump Dash, DoubleJump anchor WestGlades.MillApproach at -705, -4065: # At the ledge of the room opening up to Wellspring. The loading here is not very smart so we place the coordinates a bit left of the autosave refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 pickup OuterWellspring.SwimOre: moki, Water: Grapple OR WaterDash OR Launch gorlek, Water: Bash, Grenade=1 # stand on the spinny wheel and bash-grenade up SentryJump=1 # ooooor use a SentryJump DoubleJump, TripleJump # ooooor just some regular jumps! DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer # oooooooooooor double jump then upslash kii, Water: DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Water, DoubleJump # or just be a madman Water, GlideJump Water, Bash # https://youtu.be/nk874rtFxUo conn WestGlades.ShrineArea: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump Grapple, Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch, DoubleJump OR Grapple gorlek: Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch kii: Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1 # Bash the mortar so you can reach your grenade from higher unsafe: Grapple, BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1 Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1 GrenadeJump, DoubleJump BlazeSwap=3 OR SentrySwap=3 OR FlashSwap conn WestGlades.Upper: moki: # realizing the semisolid not considered for moki Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grenade=1 Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Launch Water, WaterDash gorlek: Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=20 # wall jump through the semisolid Hammer, Bash OR Grapple kii: Bash OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=2 unsafe: GrenadeJump, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Shuriken=1 # GrenadeJump conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki: Launch OR Water DoubleJump, Grapple DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash Damage=20, Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Sword OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=2 SentryJump=2 OR SwordSJump=1 # Air stall with hammer or sword HammerSJump=1, Glide OR Damage=20 kii: Sword Damage=20, Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer OR Sentry=2 Hammer, Glide OR Grapple OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Grapple OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple # requires holding up Sentry=5 # may be kii Glide GrenadeJump, Hammer conn OuterWellspring.RightWallMidpoint: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths from OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor kii: Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 conn PoolsApproach.MillPathCheckpoint: moki, Water: Damage=15, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide # you can make this path harder on yourself by not using the wall, but really the fail case is you taking 15 damage Grapple, WaterDash OR Launch Launch, DoubleJump, Dash Launch, Glide gorlek, Water: # hopefully didn't go too far for gorlek? Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Damage=15 # non-damage variants pretty risky WaterDash OR Bash: DoubleJump, TripleJump Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=15 Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR WaterDash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 kii, Water: WaterDash, Bash WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Bash, DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Launch, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Water, Launch Water, Bash, Hammer OR DoubleJump Water, Grapple, Sword Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump Water, Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Pogo the tentacle's projectile anchor WestGlades.ShrineArea at -664, -4026: refill Checkpoint pickup WestGlades.ShrineHC: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 kii: Bash # Use the enemies from the shrine DoubleJump, TripleJump Grapple, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sword OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump, Shuriken=2 Grapple, Hammer, Dash # upswing after grapple plant, regaining dash when dashing into the corner/ceiling Grapple, Glide, PauseHover GlideJump, PauseHover # Climb the right wall and then glide across. GrenadeJump, DoubleJump GrenadeJump, PauseHover, Dash OR Glide # Grenade Jump from the shrine to maximize height, float left. HammerJump # Upswing then Hammer Jump. DoubleJump, GlideJump # Climb the right wall and then glide across. SentrySwap=2 OR BlazeSwap=2 OR FlashSwap Hammer, DoubleJump, SentrySwap=1 OR BlazeSwap=1 Hammer, DoubleJump, Glide # Climb the right wall and then glide across. conn GladesShrine: free conn WestGlades.MillApproach: free anchor GladesShrine at -635, -4020: nospawn refill Full state WestGlades.CombatShrineCompleted: moki, Regenerate, Combat=2xCrab+Bee+3xEnergyRefill+Hornbug+2xTentacle+3xEnergyRefill+2xSpinCrab+2xBee+3xEnergyRefill+2xMantis+Tentacle+SpinCrab: Damage=65 # the crabs are terrifying! Damage=55, DoubleJump OR Dash # these can help Damage=30, Launch # if you're op, nothing's terrifying unsafe: Combat=2xCrab+Bee+3xEnergyRefill+Hornbug+2xTentacle+3xEnergyRefill+2xSpinCrab+2xBee+3xEnergyRefill+2xMantis+Tentacle+SpinCrab pickup WestGlades.CombatShrine: moki: WestGlades.CombatShrineCompleted region OuterWellspring: moki: Danger=25 gorlek: free kii: free unsafe: free anchor OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor at -856, -4058: # Outside the door where you enter the first room refill Checkpoint refill Health=1: gorlek: Combat=Slug kii: free # barely out of sight, also past an enemy... refill Energy=3: unsafe: BreakCrystal # pretty far to the left # ommited a lot of paths in moki including most bash-related paths because of how complex this place is to navigate (as in, more paths were omitted than were taken into moki...) state OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen: # This state normaly origin from OuterWellspring.Basement. This path is a bit specific because it can break the corruption but can't reach the anchor kii: BreakWall=16, Water, Damage=15, Bow OR Spear OR Shuriken OR Grenade OR Blaze # dboost on the wheel above OuterWellspring.BasementEC and use a ranged weapon to break the corruption state OuterWellspring.FallingWheel: unsafe: BreakWall=16, Bow # Master Sniper state OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken: moki, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump, Bash OR Combat=Slug+Mantis Launch gorlek, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump OR Bash OR Dash OR Combat=Slug+Mantis kii: BreakWall=20 pickup OuterWellspring.EntranceRoofEX: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump Grapple, Dash, Sword OR Hammer # upswing into the pickup Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 # other launch paths are covered from the anchor above kii: Grapple, DoubleJump Grapple, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Grapple, Dash OR Sword Bash, Glide # bash the mantis upwards and buffer glide (over and over and over) Bash, DoubleJump # bash the mantis upwards and djump immediately after (over and over and over) SentryJump=2 GrenadeJump, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR PauseHover # Use the wheel on the left. pickup OuterWellspring.WheelEX: moki: OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen pickup OuterWellspring.BasementEC: moki: OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen # casual strat I guess? gorlek: Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # go around the moss wheel kii: Damage=35 Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: #Damage=15 # either jump into the spikes a bit to the left and hold left+dwon to get back on the moss wheel or walljump off spiked wheel Damage=10 # let the bee hit you and use the iframes to pass through the spikes pickup OuterWellspring.SwimEX: moki: Water unsafe: Damage=180 WaterDash, Damage=80 Bash, Damage=120 conn OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestEntry: moki, OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken: DoubleJump, Bash OR Combat=Slug+Mantis Launch gorlek, OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken: DoubleJump OR Bash OR Dash OR Combat=Slug+Mantis kii: OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken conn InnerWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki: OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen conn OuterWellspring.Basement: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide Grapple, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Grapple, Sword Grapple, Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Hammer Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # different ways to solve using the many bash targets around SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, Damage=15 kii: Dash OR Bash # refresh dash on ceiling after the wheel Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 # full combo to reach the pole, second requirement for the jump from the wheel Hammer, Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Hammer, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 #jump from the wheel, stall in the air then grapple the wheel on the left before hitting the spikes Water, Damage=15, WaterDash OR Hammer # dboost on the wheel above OuterWellspring.BasementEC. You can land on the platform without any skills but there's a weird collision so adding another skill Damage=55, WaterDash Damage=95, Hammer unsafe: Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=5 Grapple, Shuriken=2 Water, Damage=15 # dboost on the wheel above OuterWellspring.BasementEC Damage=95 # dboost on the wheel above OuterWellspring.BasementEC Damage=75, Hammer # dboost on the wheel above OuterWellspring.BasementEC conn OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple # save all the other ways for gorlek... gorlek: Grapple # Grapple up using the right hanging plant Launch # Launch up using left side (possible with either wheel state) SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Sentry Jump up to the wheel on the left side of entrance door, then jump across and use sword or hammer stall to finish Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash # Go up the left side; works for either wheel state Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash # As above but damage boost to get to the pole Bash, Grenade=3, Glide OR Damage=15 # As above but Glide needs an extra bashnade in case the wheel is down kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Use the slime on the way to the basement to reach the slime on the wooden platform. Launch a grenade straught up, bash the slime to reach it. Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Bait the mantis on the wheel, bash it upwards and bash it again to grab the other wheel DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Climb the left wall. Sword to prevent softlock after breaking the wall towards the shard. OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, Bash OR Damage=15: # Damage depends on where you land in the spikes DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Glide, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, DoubleJump, Sword # Reset djump by hitting the bee OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, Dash, Sword # sword hover then dash to pass the spikes OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, Dash, Hammer, Glide OR Shuriken=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # Climb the left wall. Hammer to prevent softlock after breaking the wall towards the shard. You have to upslash before jumpîng Bash # https://youtu.be/IhPJ6NdIu8I #SentryJump=1, Bash, Grenade=1 # Throw the greande, sentry jump to it, then bash off it, on right side (do a small lure on bottom slime to get to platform) SentryJump=1, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide # Slightly different methods needed for hammer vs sentry, hammer is similar to above, sword goes left side SwordSJump=2 HammerSJump=2, Dash OR Glide OR Damage=15 OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, GlideJump, Damage=10 OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, Damage=15, Shuriken=5 OR Sentry=5 OuterWellspring.FallingWheel, Dash, Sword GrenadeJump, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn OuterWellspring.WestDoor: # going directly up the left wall gorlek: Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump Launch kii: Grapple Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Grenade=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword unsafe: DoubleJump, Bash OR OuterWellspring.FallingWheel conn WestGlades.MillApproach: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Water OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=20 Glide, Damage=20 SwordSJump=2 HammerSJump=1, Glide HammerSJump=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=2, Sword OR Damage=20 kii: Damage=20, Bash OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Glide # Bash glide from the slime on the wooden platform unsafe: Dash, Glide Bash # https://youtu.be/oKrKsmUBt54 anchor OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestEntry at -978, -4042: # Checkpoint before the LifeHarvest Shard state OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestLeverPulled: moki: DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash, Dash DoubleJump kii: Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Sentry=2, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 state OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20 unsafe: SentryBreak=20 pickup OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestShard: moki: OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestLeverPulled, DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 # this would be in moki if the camera didn’t put ori right at the top of the screen, making it hard to aim/catch the grenade OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestLeverPulled, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=15 OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestLeverPulled, Bash, Dash # other options are somewhere on the border between difficulties kii: OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestLeverPulled, Bash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestLeverPulled, Bash, Sentry=2, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 unsafe: OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken, Bash # https://youtu.be/Lnv5ggGH69s DoubleJump, TripleJump OR GlideJump SwordJump OR HammerJump OR GlideHammerJump OR FlashSwap OR GrenadeJump # HammerJump w/o DoubleJump possible Sword, Shuriken=2 # Double Shuriken pogo #Sentry=1, Regenerate, Dash # RegenSentryDash conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki, OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken: Launch OR Bash OR Combat=Mantis+Slug gorlek, OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken: DoubleJump OR Dash kii: OuterWellspring.LifeHarvestWallBroken anchor OuterWellspring.Basement at -939, -4114: # Next to the corruption opening the entrance state OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen: moki: BreakWall=16 pickup OuterWellspring.BasementEC: moki: Water gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple kii: Damage=80 Damage=40, WaterDash OR DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Glide Bash, Grapple, Damage=20, Dash OR Sword Dash, Grapple, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grapple, Glide Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple OR Glide OR Dash Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Pogo the second fish Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, Damage=20 Dash, Grapple, Damage=20 Dash, Grapple, DoubleJump, Sword Bash, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki: Launch, OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Grapple OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash, DoubleJump, Grapple OR Glide # Use the wheel above BasementEC OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Water, Grapple, Combat=WeakSlug OR Bash OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Water, WaterDash, Combat=WeakSlug OR Bash gorlek: Launch, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # Pass inside the wheel with the SL container OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # if the bee is near using hammer might get you hit, but then you can also use Bash on the bee OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash, Damage=15, DoubleJump # Can be done without damage by bashing the bee but it can just decide to hit spikes OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash, Damage=15, Dash, Glide SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple OR Bash # redundant with simpler hammer paths HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Grapple OR Bash HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=15, Dash HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=15, Glide, Sword SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 # technically there might be bashgrenade paths here because currently logically one grenade does not break the corruption but I'd rather make one grenade break the corruption logically than write bashgrenade paths here kii: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Combat=2xWeakSlug DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Grapple, Combat=WeakSlug OR DoubleJump OR Dash OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Water, Bash # Bash the fish to grab the wheel above Basement EC OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, WaterDash, Combat=WeakSlug, Water OR Damage=20: Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Hammer unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump, Combat=WeakSlug OR Bash Damage=15, Water, WaterDash OR Bash OR SwordSJump=1 # Use the wheel above BasementEC. walljump after the damage to regrab the wheel and use the iframes to pass the spikes. OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, Bash OR Grapple OuterWellspring.EntranceDoorOpen, SwordSJump=1, Water OR Damage=60 anchor OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor at -837, -4026: # at the crystal above the entrance door refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal pickup OuterWellspring.EntranceRoofEX: moki: DoubleJump, Launch, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Launch pickup OuterWellspring.RightWallEC: # Be carefull it's not redundant with AboveEntranceDoor->EastDoor->RightWallEC gorlek: BreakWall=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 # go above the wheel to the right, damage not mandatory kii: BreakWall=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: # going to the right moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii: # Grapple paths are covered by AboveEntranceDoor->RightWallMidpoint->TrialApproach->EastDoor DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash Bash, Grenade=2 unsafe: Bash, DoubleJump SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide SentryJump=1, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump SentryJump=2, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, Dash conn OuterWellspring.WestDoor: # going to the left moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash Grapple, Glide gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR HammerSJump=1 OR Damage=15 # depending on the spikes you hit, you may take 10 or 15 damage oriShrug Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump # climb the far left wall Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump kii: Grapple, Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump unsafe: Grapple, Shuriken=2 DoubleJump, Bash OR Dash conn OuterWellspring.RightWallMidpoint: moki: Grapple gorlek: DoubleJump, Bash OR Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 # go above the wheel to the right, damage not mandatory DoubleJump, Dash, Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=2, Dash OR Sword SentryJump=2, Glide SwordSJump=2, DoubleJump OR Dash SentryJump=1, Dash, Glide kii: Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Sword OR TripleJump DoubleJump, Hammer, Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Blaze=6 OR Sentry=4 Dash, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Glide Sword, Shuriken=1 # Pogo the energy cristal to grab the wheel conn WestGlades.MillApproach: # check for redundancies with EntranceDoor and RightWallMidpoint gorlek: Glide conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: free anchor OuterWellspring.WestDoor at -892, -3992: # Outside the door where you exit the first room refill Checkpoint # the wheel is only a shortcut, at least in moki doesn't open up anything new state OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree: moki: BreakWall=3, Launch gorlek, BreakWall=3, Bow OR Spear OR Shuriken OR Grenade OR Blaze OR Grapple: # // TODO account for this kind of syntax Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 kii, BreakWall=3: Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple # grapple the plant on the left then tjump to the right to be in range of the plnt inside the corruption unsafe, BreakWall=3: Bow DoubleJump, Grapple # grapple the plant on the left, hold up to make it appear on screen pickup OuterWellspring.HiddenHC: moki, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Dash, Glide Grapple, Launch gorlek: OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=15 Grapple, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Damage=15 Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide Grapple, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Damage=15 Grapple, SentryJump=1, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Launch SentryJump=1, Launch kii: Grapple, Launch # @Validator should probably be moki/gorlek (path from moki require WestDoorBlueMoonFree as well) Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Sword Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree, Sword Grapple, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree, Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Grapple, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree, Damage=15, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump # grapple the plant on the left, hold up to make it appear on screen Grapple, Dash, OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # this tokk disappears after the needle quest conn InnerWellspring.WestDoor: moki: InnerWellspring.MiddleDoorsOpen conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: # Grapple / Launch paths are redundant with WestDoor->AboveEntranceDoor->EastDoor moki: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, Shuriken=2 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR DoubleJump # on the pole, stick to the wheel. You should get a nice curve when jumping, letting you reach the platform with your mobility option conn OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Launch kii: Grapple # Fall from the left Damage=30 # hold right, dboost on the wheel then on the spikes bellow. Should only require Damage=25 but damage depend on where you land in the spikes. unsafe: free # tap right to avoid the dboost on the wheel then grab the pole while falling conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: free anchor OuterWellspring.EastDoor at -814, -3973: # Outside the door leading to the spin puzzle refill Checkpoint state OuterWellspring.WestDoorBlueMoonFree: moki, BreakWall=3, Bow OR Spear OR Grenade: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Grapple gorlek: BreakWall=3 # each weapon has its way of dealing with the spikes below quest OuterWellspring.TheLostCompass: moki: InnerWellspring.NeedleQI pickup OuterWellspring.RightWallEC: moki, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump, Dash Glide OR Launch Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword Grapple, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=2 kii, BreakWall=20: Dash, Damage=15 # Coyote dash then dash again to grab the whell on the right DoubleJump, Bash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # With energy weapon, grab the wheel on the right. Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, BreakWall=20: Dash DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15 conn InnerWellspring.EastDoor: moki: InnerWellspring.MiddleDoorsOpen conn OuterWellspring.AboveWestDoor: moki: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Grapple OR Launch InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Launch gorlek: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen: SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, Damage=10 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple kii: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Grapple unsafe: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=25 InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # These aren't kii because it's easy to get stuck in those spikes Grapple, Damage=15 conn OuterWellspring.WestDoor: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Glide OR Sword OR Hammer unsafe: free conn OuterWellspring.TrialApproach: moki: Grapple OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 # Damage depends on where you land in the spikes, some deal only 10 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 # Damage depends on where you land in the spikes DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=2 # follow up the second sentryjump with a weapon hover Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Damage=15, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 # Coyote dash then dash again to grab the whell on the right DoubleJump, Damage=15, Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # Djump+your other movement option to grab the wheel. Using 2 energy weapons because dependaing on where you land in the spikes, the knockbak might make you fall DoubleJump, Damage=15, Shuriken=1, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Same as above but more energy efficient Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=3 # With sentry, 2 sentries to reach the spikes then 1 to exit the spikes without taking a second dboost Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, Shuriken=1, Sentry=2 # Same as above but more energy efficient Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=30, Sentry=3 # Same as above but take the second dboost Bash, Grenade=2 unsafe: Dash # There's a little friendly spike area on the very edge of the platform GlideJump DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # There's a little friendly spike area on the very edge of the platform Bash, Grenade=1, Sentry=2, Damage=10 conn OuterWellspring.RightWallMidpoint: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Damage=15 conn OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor: free conn WestGlades.MillApproach: # check for redundancies with RightWallMidpoint and AboveEntranceDoor gorlek: Damage=20 anchor OuterWellspring.AboveWestDoor at -866, -3949: # on the platform arcing over west door refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal pickup OuterWellspring.HiddenHC: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Dash, Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=15 Grapple, Damage=15, Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Damage=15 Launch, Sword OR Damage=15 kii: Grapple, Sword Grapple, Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Grapple, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # horizontal sword combo first then tjump then upslash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # wall jump on the small wall at the edge of where the pickup is Launch conn OuterWellspring.TopDoor: moki: Grapple OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Bash OR SentryJump=1 InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, DoubleJump kii: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Dash, Sword OR Hammer InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Spear=1 unsafe: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen, Sword OR Dash # Pogo the energy cristal or dash ramp conn OuterWellspring.WestDoor: moki: Combat=Miner OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: # paths with top door open seem rather pointless? moki: DoubleJump, Dash Glide gorlek: Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump Dash, Sword OR Hammer kii: Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=3 Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 conn OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor: free anchor OuterWellspring.TopDoor at -836, -3927: # Outside the door leading to the teleporter state OuterWellspring.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Grapple, Dash, Glide kii: Grapple, Glide pickup OuterWellspring.UltraGrappleShard: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # generous extra abilities Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword Grapple, Dash, Sword Grapple, Glide kii: Grapple, Dash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Hammer, Sentry=2 unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump, Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Not kii because it's hard to exit the spikes Grapple, DoubleJump, Shuriken=2 # at the end, shuriken then djump then shuriken again SentryJump=1 # use the weapon for movement GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Dash OR PauseHover conn InnerWellspring.Teleporter: moki: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: free conn OuterWellspring.AboveWestDoor: free # checkpoint at -973, -3949 # checkpoint at -969, -3910 # checkpoint at -902, -3895 anchor OuterWellspring.RightWallMidpoint at -746, -4019: # Next to OuterWellspring.RightWallOre pickup OuterWellspring.RightWallOre: free conn WestGlades.MillApproach: moki: Grapple OR Glide # Others are redundant with EntranceDoor gorlek: Sword OR Damage=20 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1 conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki: Water OR Glide OR Launch # Grapple paths are redundant with AboveEntranceDoor gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Damage=20 OR SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1 kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 conn OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: # Launch is redundant with EntranceDoor Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, Glide SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # Weapon hover HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # Weapon hover kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1 # Bash grenade to reach the bee then bash glide from the bee to the platform with a slime conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: # Most paths from this anchor should be redundant with going to AboveEntranceDoor then EastDoor kii: Bash, Grenade=2 # Bash grenade to reach the bee then bash glide from the bee to the platform with a slime conn OuterWellspring.TrialApproach: # no moki path because the camera makes the connection hard to see gorlek: Grapple, Combat=Bee OR Bash # Launch is redundant with EntranceDoor -> AboveEntranceDoor -> EastDoor kii: Grapple Bash, Grenade=3 # Bash grenade to reach the bee then bash glide from the bee to the platform with a slime Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=3 # With sentry, 2 sentries to reach the spikes then 1 to exit the spikes without taking a second dboost Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=15, Shuriken=1, Sentry=2 # Same as above but more energy efficient Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=30, Sentry=3 # Same as above but take the second dboost anchor OuterWellspring.TrialApproach at -727, -3961: # at the ledge going towards the trial room refill Checkpoint pickup OuterWellspring.RightWallEX: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide kii: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer # wall jump on the wall next to the SL container. Without grenade, use the unsafe: Grapple # https://youtu.be/vI511KFMZWI pickup OuterWellspring.RightWallEC: moki, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump, Dash Glide OR Launch Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii, BreakWall=20: Spear=2 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Damage=15, Bash #land in the spikes to jump on the wheel then bash glide of the bee unsafe, BreakWall=20: Bash OR Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 # land on the friendly spikes, at the very edge of the spikes conn OuterWellspring.TrialRoom: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Grapple SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Bash # Bash the beetle DoubleJump, TripleJump conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Grapple OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=15 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Damage=15, Sentry=2 unsafe: DoubleJump conn OuterWellspring.AboveEntranceDoor: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 Damage=15 kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free conn OuterWellspring.RightWallMidpoint: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: free anchor OuterWellspring.TrialRoom at -684, -3947: # checkpoint on the way to trial start refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 refill Energy=1: moki: BreakCrystal conn OuterWellspring.TrialStart: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=3 unsafe: DoubleJump OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 conn OuterWellspring.TrialApproach: free anchor OuterWellspring.TrialStart at -665, -3937: refill Checkpoint pickup OuterWellspring.TrialOre: free pickup OuterWellspring.SpiritTrial: moki: OuterWellspring.TrialActivation, DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple gorlek: OuterWellspring.TrialActivation, Dash, Grapple, Glide kii: OuterWellspring.TrialActivation, Grapple, Glide conn OuterWellspring.TrialRoom: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword Dash, Sword OR Hammer Glide Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Dash OR Sword Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Hammer # @validator probably should be gorlek DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Damage=30 OR DoubleJump region InnerWellspring: moki: Danger=25 gorlek: free kii: free unsafe: free anchor InnerWellspring.EntranceDoor at -1263, -3952: # Inside the door where you enter the first room refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels: moki: BreakWall=3 pickup InnerWellspring.ThreeWheelsEX: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels gorlek: SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump GrenadeJump pickup InnerWellspring.WaterSwitchEX: moki: Water, WaterDash unsafe: WaterDash, Damage=40, Damage=60 conn OuterWellspring.EntranceDoor: free conn InnerWellspring.ThornShardArea: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Grapple, Sword OR Hammer InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1 # sentry jump on right side, then use sword/hammer to reach platform DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Bash grenade up right side, climb on the first wheel to reach yourgrenade (whih isn't gorlek), jump to left side vines, use abilities to reach platform unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # On the left, bash grenade on the first rotating wheel, jump on the second one and reach your grenade from there conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoom: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Grapple InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15 InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Damage=15 kii: Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # possible damageless but InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels makes it way harder InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels conn InnerWellspring.ShortcutLever: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 # bit tricky Grapple, Damage=15 # bit tricky Grapple, Sword OR Hammer kii: Grapple unsafe: InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Damage=30, DoubleJump InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Damage=45, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, Damage=60, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 # checkpoint at -1336, -3943 anchor InnerWellspring.ThornShardArea at -1317, -3933: # on top of the wall at the left of the entrance refill Checkpoint pickup InnerWellspring.ThornShard: free pickup InnerWellspring.ThornEX: # Having Clean Water change the position of the grapplable plant. Make sure it solves with both states? moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide SentryJump=1, Damage=15, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR TripleJump SentryJump=1, Damage=15, Dash, Glide Grapple, Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR DoubleJump OR Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Dash OR DoubleJump # with djump, walljump on the wall above the grappable plant Grapple, Sword, Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 Grapple, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 Dash, Damage=15, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide, Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sentry=2, Damage=15 unsafe: SwordSJump=1, Damage=15 Grapple, Sword Dash, Shuriken=2, Damage=15 conn InnerWellspring.EntranceDoor: free conn InnerWellspring.ShortcutLever: # for fully rspawn. Make sure it's not redundant with paths from EntranceDoor unsafe: Damage=30, DoubleJump Damage=45, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=3 OR Flash=3 OR Sentry=3 Damage=60, Spear=3 anchor InnerWellspring.ShortcutLever at -1264, -3907: # At the lever on top of the entrance door state InnerWellspring.ShortCutWheel: free # InnerWellspring.ShortcutWheelEX paths are redundant with InnerWellspring.WestDoor conn InnerWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki: Grapple OR Launch OR DoubleJump gorlek: free conn InnerWellspring.WestDoor: moki, InnerWellspring.ShortCutWheel: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide Launch gorlek, InnerWellspring.ShortCutWheel: DoubleJump OR Dash # pretty tight Damage=15, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii, InnerWellspring.ShortCutWheel: Sword OR Damage=15 Hammer, Glide OR Sword OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, InnerWellspring.ShortCutWheel: Hammer OR Sentry=2 # friendly spikes when you slide off the wheel Shuriken=2 conn InnerWellspring.ThornShardArea: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to InnerWellspring.EntranceDoor first gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: free # grab the right moss for an easier jump onto the left one the anchor InnerWellspring.DrainRoom at -1167, -3946: # Left of the water you can drain refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel: # @validator I added that state for DrainRoomExit->DrainRoom connection. Previous difficulty didn't deemed pathfinding that state was worth it so I'm not pathfinding it for kii either moki: InnerWellspring.ThreeWheels, BreakWall=16 conn InnerWellspring.EntranceDoor: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: free conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoomCenter: moki: DoubleJump, Glide Grapple OR Launch Glide, Bash, Grenade=2 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, DoubleJump InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 Water, DoubleJump # if you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead Water, WaterDash, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 # if you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead gorlek: # if you have a weapon here, you can break the three wheels free. Redundant paths without the three wheels state were removed. DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword Dash, Glide Glide, Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Glide SentryJump=1, Glide InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel: Dash Damage=15, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1 Water, Dash # if you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead Water, Bash, Grenade=4 # if you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead kii: DoubleJump, Blaze=5 OR Sentry=3 Dash, Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Glide, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=4 OR Sentry=4 Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead Damage=60, Bash, Grenade=3 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can go bellow the wheel instead WaterDash, Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead WaterDash, Damage=40, Bash, Grenade=4 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead InnerWellspring.DrainLever: # @validator confused about why no paths are using this state in gorlek/moki DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=3 # if you have a non-energy weapon here, you can break the three wheels free. Redundant paths without the three wheels state were removed. # Sword, InnerWellspring.DrainLever OR Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sentry=3 # Hammer, InnerWellspring.DrainLever, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump # climb the right wall Glide Sword, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Shuriken=2, Dash OR Hammer Damage=15, Dash OR Sword WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=3, BreakWall=10, Water OR Damage=20 # if you drained the water, you can go through through the drained room instead WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=15, BreakWall=10, Water OR Damage=20 # if you drained the water, you can go through through the drained room instead InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Shuriken=3 OR Blaze=5 OR Flash=3 OR Sentry=3 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Bash, Grenade=2 # not hard, but grenades can vanish on rotating objects sometimes conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaEntrance: moki: InnerWellspring.DrainLever, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide OR Launch gorlek, InnerWellspring.DrainLever: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1 kii: InnerWellspring.DrainLever conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaExit: gorlek, ShurikenBreak=10: # if you have a weapon here, you can break the three wheels free. Redundant paths without the three wheels state were removed. # cross the gap going over Grapple OR Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash InnerWellspring.DrainLever: # use the bottom of the wheel, don't have to free it DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=2 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # DrainRoomBottomWheel state is free enough that alternatives don't seem worth noting Water, DoubleJump OR Dash # if you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead Water, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15 # if you drained the water, you can go through through the drained room instead Water, Bash, Grenade=2 # if you drained the water, you can go through through the drained room instead kii, ShurikenBreak=10: DoubleJump, Blaze=4 OR Sentry=3 Dash, Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead Damage=60, Bash, Grenade=1 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bellow the wheel instead WaterDash, Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead WaterDash, Damage=40, Bash, Grenade=4 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead InnerWellspring.DrainLever: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=45 Bash, Grenade=1 # if you have a non-energy weapon here, you can break the three wheels free. Redundant paths without the three wheels state were removed. # Sword, InnerWellspring.DrainLever OR Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sentry=3 # Hammer, InnerWellspring.DrainLever, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, ShurikenBreak=10: DoubleJump Dash, Damage=15 # cross the gap going over InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Bash, Grenade=2 # not hard, but grenades can vanish on rotating objects sometimes anchor InnerWellspring.DrainAreaEntrance at -1128, -3968: # On the wall after dropping through the gate draining the water pickup InnerWellspring.DrainHC: moki: Water OR DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Launch # bit of a weird pickup Bash, Grenade=1 # seems fine gorlek: Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Damage=20 kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaEX: moki: # the skeetos just want to be bashed here DoubleJump, Water OR Bash Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 Water, Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple OR Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Water OR TripleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Bash, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Water OR Dash OR Damage=20 Bash, SentryJump=1, Water OR Damage=20 Water, WaterDash, Dash, Sword OR Hammer # @validator Added path. Gorlek might want some variation of this. kii: Dash, Hammer OR Sword Dash, Bash, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # use energy weapon to reach the wall at the left of the lever Dash, Water, Combat=2xWeakSlug, WaterDash OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Damage=20, Combat=2xWeakSlug, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Damage=20, Damage=20, Combat=2xWeakSlug, WaterDash DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Sword unsafe: Dash, Combat=2xWeakSlug Water, WaterDash, GlideJump # glide jump from the wheel to the sl container Bash, Grenade=1, Shuriken=1 anchor InnerWellspring.DrainAreaEX at -1064, -3961: # At DrainEX pickup InnerWellspring.DrainEX: free pickup InnerWellspring.DrainHC: moki: Water OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Sword Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash # luring the skeetos with other abilities seems tricky kii: Damage=40, Bash OR Damage=20 Damage=20, Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # use energy weapon the two floating logs Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 WaterDash, Damage=20, Bash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Dash, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump WaterDash, Damage=20 conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaExit: moki, BreakWall=10: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, BreakWall=10: Glide OR Sword kii, BreakWall=10: Bash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 # no flash here because you can't diasble flash while holding the pole unsafe, BreakWall=10: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor InnerWellspring.DrainAreaExit at -1093, -3950: # At the checkpoint in the breakable wall. # This anchor assumes that the wall is already broken. nospawn refill Checkpoint conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaEX: free conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoomCenter: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=2 gorlek: Dash Glide, Grapple OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=15 Sword, Grapple OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=15 SentryJump=1, Grapple OR Damage=15 SentryJump=2 kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=3 OR Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=3 # No flash path because you can't cancel it while on the pole Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Bait the skeeto unsafe: Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Bash # Bait the skeeto conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoom: # Make sure it's not redundant with DrainAreaExit->DrainRoomCenter->DrainRoom moki: Dash, Glide, Water # @validator I removed most moki paths because they were redundant with DrainAreaExit->DrainRoomCenter->DrainRoom but there might have some paths using DrainRoomBottomWheel/DrainLever to find here... gorlek: Glide, Water OR Damage=20 Water, Sword Water, Dash, Damage=15 Water, Grapple, Damage=15, Hammer kii: InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Sentry=4 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Bash, Grenade=2 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 # dboost in dirty water. If you drained the water, dboost in spikes instead. InnerWellspring.DrainLever: Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=80 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can dboost in the spikes instead WaterDash, Damage=40, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, dboost in spikes instead WaterDash, Damage=40, Bash, Grenade=4 # dboost in dirty water water. If you drained the water, you can use the bottom of the wheel instead unsafe: InnerWellspring.DrainLever, Damage=15, Grapple OR Blaze=2 # Grapple is awkward if the wheel is spinning snce you need to jump blindly and you might have jumped before the wheel can be grappled # checkpoint at the anchor below, just hard to reach anchor InnerWellspring.DrainRoomCenter at -1116, -3924: # Standing on the wheel in the center of the room state InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTopWheel: # breaking the top wheel free; has a state because it can be used to connect from top right to top left moki: BreakWall=16, Bow OR Grenade OR Spear Launch, BreakWall=16 gorlek: BreakWall=16 conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoom: moki: DoubleJump, Dash Grapple OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Hammer, Damage=20 # dboost in water Hammer, Water, Damage=15 kii: Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=40 # dboost in Water. Can dboost in spikes if water is drained Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost in Water. Can dboost in spikes if water is drained Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.DrainLever, Damage=15 # grab the pole on the right to reach the bottom of the spinning wheel InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Damage=20 # grab the pole on the right to reach the spinning wheel. dboost in water InnerWellspring.DrainLever, InnerWellspring.DrainRoomBottomWheel, Shuriken=1 # grab the pole on the right to reach the spinning wheel. unsafe: Damage=20 # dboost in water conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaEntrance: moki: InnerWellspring.DrainLever conn InnerWellspring.DrainAreaExit: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=10 conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTop: moki: InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTopWheel OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTop at -1086, -3908: # At the right ledge on top of the drain room refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 pickup InnerWellspring.LaserOre: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide, Combat=Miner OR Bash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Glide, Combat=Miner OR Bash kii: Combat=Miner, Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=3 unsafe: Glide OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 # bait the gorlek into falling on the left so you don't have to fight it Bash, Grenade=1 # there's a safe spot on the left of the laser, where you can charge your grenade safely conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoomCenter: free conn InnerWellspring.BelowDrainLever: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTopWheel, Grapple Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Grapple, SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple SwordSJump=1, Glide InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTopWheel, Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTopWheel, SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Grapple Bash, Grenade=1 anchor InnerWellspring.BelowDrainLever at -1153, -3895: # In the first room below the drain lever refill Checkpoint state InnerWellspring.DrainLever: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 # not softlockable: UpperCorruption solves this InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption OR SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 unsafe: GrenadeJump pickup InnerWellspring.LeverEC: moki: Bash, Grenade=2 # not softlockable: UpperCorruption solves this Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # not softlockable: UpperCorruption solves this InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption, DoubleJump, Grapple Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption OR SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple SentryJump=2 SentryJump=1, Grapple InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption, Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption, Grapple OR SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 unsafe: GrenadeJump conn InnerWellspring.AbovePole: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Damage=15 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sword OR Hammer unsafe: free # lovely friendly spikes conn InnerWellspring.WestDoor: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1 SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Glide SentryJump=2 unsafe: Grenade=2 SentryJump=1, Damage=15 DoubleJump, Damage=30 conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoomTop: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: free conn InnerWellspring.DrainRoomCenter: free anchor InnerWellspring.AbovePole at -1164, -3874: # Under InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption state InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption: # the fourth corruption you see on your way moki: BreakWall=16 pickup InnerWellspring.LupoEX: free conn InnerWellspring.BelowDrainLever: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: free anchor InnerWellspring.WestDoor at -1216, -3897: # Inside the door where you exit the first room refill Checkpoint refill Health=2 refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state InnerWellspring.MiddleDoorsOpen: moki: Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # solvable through wraparound if you don't sjump well Launch kii: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # bait the mantis. Need to bash it when used its third jump. Bash, Grenade=1 # bait the mantis, bash it in order to bash your grenade from higher up unsafe: Hammer, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 pickup InnerWellspring.ShortcutWheelEX: moki: InnerWellspring.ShortCutWheel pickup InnerWellspring.LupoMap: moki, SpiritLight=150: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash # bash the skeeto InnerWellspring.UpperCorruption gorlek, SpiritLight=150: Grapple SwordSJump=1 # hammer locking your movement makes this awkward kii, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the skeeto DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump # kind of easy pickup InnerWellspring.GrappleTreeEX: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer SentryJump=1 Grapple, Dash kii: Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 DoubleJump, Sword unsafe: Grapple, Sentry=2 Grenade=1 pickup InnerWellspring.GrappleTree: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 # jumper would be a lure gorlek: Bash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: free conn OuterWellspring.WestDoor: moki: InnerWellspring.MiddleDoorsOpen conn InnerWellspring.BelowDrainLever: free anchor InnerWellspring.EastDoor at -1190, -3733: # Inside the door leading to the spin puzzle refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal state InnerWellspring.SpinArena: # finishing the arena moki: Combat=2xLizard+3xMantis+Miner, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Combat=2xLizard+3xMantis+Miner # different ways to solve # technically opening the spinning room clears this fight automatically as well, but that doesn't lead to anything logically state InnerWellspring.SpinningRoomOpen: # Breaking the corruption which opens the spinning room moki: InnerWellspring.SpinArena, BreakWall=16, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: InnerWellspring.SpinArena, BreakWall=16 # It's possible to solve InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen from there with ChargedBlaze but logic doesn't have any keyword for it quest InnerWellspring.HandToHandHerbs: moki: GladesTown.HandToHandPouch pickup InnerWellspring.AboveSpinArenaEX: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: Grapple, Sword OR HammerSJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, SentryJump=1 OR Damage=15 ShurikenBreak=10, Combat=Tentacle OR Bash kii: Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: DoubleJump conn OuterWellspring.EastDoor: free conn InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzle: moki: InnerWellspring.SpinningRoomOpen conn InnerWellspring.TopSecondRoom: moki, InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Launch Launch, DoubleJump gorlek, InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen: Bash, Grenade=1 Grapple OR Launch kii, InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe, InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzle at -1193, -3806: # After the door blocking the spin puzzle # Having water changes the lasers in the spin puzzle room to the right. Using this is only logically expected in kii and above refill Checkpoint state InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Dash OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Water, Bash, Grenade=1 Water, Damage=15, Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: Grapple Water, Spear=1 OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=15 pickup InnerWellspring.RotateRoomEX: # after pulling two of the three levers, this pickup is blocked off. Due to that, fully solving the puzzle is the only non-softlockable solution for this pickup moki: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved pickup InnerWellspring.RotateRoomOre: # blocked off until you fully solve the puzzle moki: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved conn InnerWellspring.PastSpinPuzzle: # while there are abilitysets to get through the spinning room regardless of state, they are more expensive than just solving the puzzle moki: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved, Grapple OR Launch gorlek: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved, Water # gorlek is fun kii: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=15 unsafe: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved, Dash, Damage=15 conn InnerWellspring.EastDoor: moki, InnerWellspring.SpinningRoomOpen: Grapple OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, InnerWellspring.SpinningRoomOpen: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # wall jump on the arena wall in order to reach the pole SentryJump=1 kii, InnerWellspring.SpinningRoomOpen: DoubleJump Dash, Hammer # wall jump on the arena wall in order to reach the pole unsafe: InnerWellspring.SpinningRoomOpen # precise wall jump to get on the pole anchor InnerWellspring.PastSpinPuzzle at -1101, -3778: # Right after exiting the spin puzzle room # Having water changes the lasers in the spin puzzle room to the left. Using this is only logically expected in kii and above refill Checkpoint state InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved: kii, Water: # Water is required because lasers are blocking your way if you pulled at least one lever and return to the anchor before solving the puzzle Grapple OR Launch DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=1 Damage=15, Sword unsafe: Water, Spear=1 OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=15 conn InnerWellspring.GrappleThroughZigZagSpikes: # the miner on the way is in an unusually rude position, so just using Combat=Miner might not always represent the difficulty of killing him moki: Launch Grapple, Combat=Miner, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Grapple, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Grapple, Combat=Miner OR Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump, SentryJump=1, Bash DoubleJump, SentryJump=2, Bash SentryJump=3, Bash kii: Grapple, Damage=10 DoubleJump, Damage=15, Combat=Miner OR Bash OR Damage=10 # wjump of the right wall to grab the first wheel then dboost at the first laser unsafe: # You can bait the Miner to make them fall into spikes DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Sword, Sentry=1 conn InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzle: moki, InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved: DoubleJump OR Glide OR Launch Grapple, Dash gorlek, InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved: Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 kii: # Water # This was in kii which doesn't seem right to me but rn I'm just validating moki and gorlek so I'll leave it to someone else to figure out what should be here InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: InnerWellspring.SpinPuzzleSolved OR Water # yep, water works for all four states of the room. Cool, huh? anchor InnerWellspring.GrappleThroughZigZagSpikes at -1088, -3725: # after the two rotating wheel on the way to the top of the room. Not at the respawning point itself because it has load issues # dealing with the miner is represented in the connections from both directions to this anchor. When spawning on this anchor, the miner is not an issue refill Checkpoint conn InnerWellspring.TopSecondRoom: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Dash, Glide Grapple, Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Water, Grapple, Damage=15 Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch, Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Water, WaterDash, Launch, DoubleJump kii: Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 WaterDash, Launch, Water OR Damage=20 unsafe: Launch # https://youtu.be/wbz2cLfuFOk conn InnerWellspring.PastSpinPuzzle: # Camera doesn't show the lower wheel when you are on the top one, making it difficult to rely on them in lower difficulties moki: Glide, Combat=2xSlug, DoubleJump OR Launch Glide, Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Glide, DoubleJump OR Launch kii: Grapple OR Damage=35 # Possible without any damage but this account for the worst case scenario of dbosting on both the laser and the spikes unsafe: free anchor InnerWellspring.TopSecondRoom at -1141, -3698: # Next to the corruption which oppen the third room state InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen: moki: BreakWall=16 quest InnerWellspring.NeedleQI: moki: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen conn InnerWellspring.EastDoor: moki: InnerWellspring.TopDoorOpen conn InnerWellspring.GrappleThroughZigZagSpikes: moki: Combat=Miner OR Bash: Glide, Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Launch Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash Launch, Water gorlek: Combat=Miner OR Bash: Glide Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Grapple, Dash, Sword OR Damage=20 Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Water, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Damage=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword Launch, Grapple OR Damage=20 Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer kii: Glide, Damage=10 Water, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Damage=75, Combat=Miner OR Bash Damage=85 Water, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1: Combat=Miner OR Bash OR Damage=10 Damage=60, Combat=Miner, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=60, Bash, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=70, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor InnerWellspring.Teleporter at -1308, -3675: # At the teleporter refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free quest InnerWellspring.BlueMoonSeed: moki: DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1 kii: Dash, Hammer DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # double jump can solve it by itself but the branch you are jumping from can be a bit janky unsafe: Dash OR DoubleJump OR FlashSwap pickup InnerWellspring.LibraryEX: free pickup InnerWellspring.AboveTpEX: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump # Can be done with just double jump but the first jump is precise SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Sword OR Sentry=3 Dash, Sword OR Sentry=2 unsafe: DoubleJump, Hammer # uses the wall to the left of tp Dash, Hammer # path from the right, tight combos to reach the platform Shuriken=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide FlashSwap pickup InnerWellspring.SwimOre: moki: Water unsafe: # Enemies aren't here if you don't have Clean Water Damage=160 WaterDash, Damage=60 conn Teleporters: free conn OuterWellspring.TopDoor: free conn OpherShop: free conn InnerWellspring.EscapeSequence: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=2 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Grapple SentryJump=2 kii: DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Hammer, Grapple unsafe: Dash OR DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 FlashSwap OR BlazeSwap=2 OR SentrySwap=2 # Jump from the top of the stairs and climb the left wall. BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1: Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Spear=1 OR Glide OR Flash=1 OR PauseHover # Yep, difficult Blaze/Sentry swap and then Flash hop. Why not. GrenadeJump # checkpoint at -1249, -3641 anchor InnerWellspring.EscapeSequence at -1240, -3642: nospawn refill Full quest InnerWellspring.WaterEscape: moki: Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grapple, Dash, Glide Grapple, Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash # bit spicy Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch, Dash OR Glide OR Damage=15 # Assumes at least one damage is taken in the final grapple section, probably possible without kii: Launch, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # condition for the final grapple section Grapple, Dash OR Glide # final wheel is pretty hard, you need to avoid touching it as much as possible (which could be viewed as area specific knowledge?) Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # condition for before and after the falling wheel. 1 blaze before and 2 after the wheel. Grapple, Bash, Sword Grapple, Bash, WaterDash: Water, Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 # two sentries to avoid the spikes before the falling wheel Damage=95 Damage=60, Sentry=2 # two sentries before the falling wheel # condition for energy management, since flash and shuriken cost less enegy than sentry Damage=40, Sentry=2, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 # same as above + either one at the 2nd jump or between the two rotating wheels Damage=20, Sentry=2, Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 # same as above but use both options Sentry=4, Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 # same as above but use 2 sentries to make the first jump unsafe: Launch Grapple, Bash, WaterDash, Damage=80 Grapple, Bash, Hammer Grapple, DoubleJump FlashSwap pickup InnerWellspring.EscapeRevisitEX: moki: InnerWellspring.WaterEscape region WoodsEntry: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor WoodsEntry.ShriekMeet at 391, -4198: # The ledge after swimming through the Hollow connection refill Checkpoint pickup WoodsEntry.LedgeOre: gorlek: Launch kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer conn WoodsEntry.FirstMud: moki: Combat=Balloon, Combat=Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Combat=Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch OR Damage=10 conn EastHollow.Kwolok: gorlek: Water, Bash, Damage=10 # bit hard but important for random spawn kii: Water, Spear=1 unsafe: Water, Bash # walljump to cancel bash momentum https://youtu.be/cj7xfa6M8Bc Water, Sword, Deflector Water, GrenadeRedirect=1 OR SentryRedirect=1 # https://youtu.be/AIHaUnHRTF0 anchor WoodsEntry.FirstMud at 478, -4205: # In front of the first instant death mud refill Checkpoint pickup WoodsEntry.MudPitEX: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=2 gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 kii: free conn WoodsEntry.BelowTeleporter: moki: Combat=Balloon, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Combat=Balloon, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # getting hit by the balloon doesn't matter since you get autosaved and respawn kii: Sword OR Shuriken=3 # Careful with sword because it can break bubbles Bash, Hammer OR Sentry=2 # Use the tentacle at the end unsafe: Hammer conn WoodsEntry.ShriekMeet: moki: Combat=Balloon, Combat=Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Combat=Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch OR Damage=10 conn WoodsEntry.Teleporter: # Paths that go up directly and aren't redundant with BelowTeleporter unsafe: Bash # Use the tentacle # checkpoint at 525, -4205 anchor WoodsEntry.BelowTeleporter at 591, -4198: # Read the name refill Checkpoint conn WoodsEntry.FirstMud: # check for redundancies with Teleporter moki: Combat=Balloon, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # If you struggle with the tentacle and die, it'll despawn kii: DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # You can use a dash refresh on the ceiling for more lenience. Or instead of grabbing the hanging log you can go below and aim for the bubble. unsafe: Glide, Sword OR Hammer # Jump on the first bubble, glide then up slash near the 2nd bubble (not too close, you can pop the bubble with an upslash) conn WoodsEntry.Teleporter: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Grapple, Sword Grapple, Hammer, Bash, Damage=15 # Bash because the plant can be a bit awkward Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Damage=15 SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, Bash, Damage=15 # again mildly awkward kii: Grapple, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=15 Grapple, Sentry=2, Damage=15 Grapple, Sentry=4 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 # Use the tentacle, note that it despawns if you die and respawn on this anchor unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash DoubleJump, Hammer # Double jump to the right wall, upslash to start climbing it (?) conn WoodsEntry.TwoKeystoneRoom: moki: Combat=2xBalloon, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Combat=2xBalloon, Sword OR Hammer kii: Combat=2xBalloon, Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=3 OR Spear=3 Combat=2xBalloon, Bash, Grenade=1, Flash=2 Combat=2xBalloon, Bash, Grenade=2, Spear=1 Damage=20, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Glide # tank the balloons Launch # by refreshing on the ceiling you can maneuver around the balloons unsafe: Sentry=2 OR Blaze=2 anchor WoodsEntry.Teleporter at 611, -4162: # At the West Woods Teleporter refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free quest WoodsEntry.LastTreeBranch: free quest WoodsEntry.DollQI: moki: GladesTown.FamilyReunionKey quest WoodsEntry.TreeSeed: moki: TuleyShop.LastTreeBranchRejected pickup WoodsEntry.TpEX: free pickup WoodsEntry.LeafPileEX: moki: Flap pickup WoodsEntry.LedgeOre: moki: Glide, DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash, Launch gorlek: Glide, Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash # Dash after the apex of the sjump then sword's full combo + up slash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Dash # launch paths from gorlek onwards are redundant with walking below it and launching up kii: Glide, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Dash, Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Glide # No Glide jump, just start from the higher ground DoubleJump, Sword conn Teleporters: free conn WoodsEntry.ShriekMeet: gorlek: free conn WoodsEntry.FirstMud: free conn WoodsEntry.BelowTeleporter: free anchor WoodsEntry.TwoKeystoneRoom at 672, -4183: # In front of the keystone door refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor, BreakCrystal state WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 pickup WoodsEntry.LowerKS: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Launch is awful gorlek: Launch OR Sword OR Hammer # different ways to solve kii: free # It's possible to get back to safety but also you can just teleport out pickup WoodsEntry.UpperKS: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Hammer, Dash Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: Sword OR Hammer conn WoodsMain.AfterKuMeet: moki: WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor, Combat=2xSkeeto+Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor, Damage=10 conn WoodsEntry.BelowTeleporter: moki: Combat=2xBalloon, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii: Launch OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 # If you struggle and die, the first balloon will despawm unsafe: Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 region WoodsMain: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor WoodsMain.AfterKuMeet at 856, -4192: # At the upper ledge opening up to the room after finding Ku refill Checkpoint state WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2, Combat=2xSkeeto+Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Keystone=2, Damage=10 pickup WoodsMain.LowerKS: kii: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide # using Tentacle's projectiles (stalling with glide) Launch unsafe: Sword, Deflector, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide # pogo/slash the projectiles DoubleJump, Bash # Using the Skeeto from the left conn WoodsMain.BelowFourKeystoneRoom: moki: DoubleJump, Dash Bash OR Glide OR Launch # bash uses the enemy gorlek: DoubleJump, Sword # many others work, but this lines up so beautifully oriGlow Dash, Sword OR Hammer SwordSJump=1 # sjump then full sword combo Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Dash # coyote dash Sentry=3 Sword, Damage=10 # Sword hover->pogo->upslash. Damage can de avoided but you'll most likely get hit. Combat=Tentacle, Sword Combat=Tentacle, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Hammer Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Sword # Pogo the projectiles Hammer, DoubleJump # upslash to protect yourself from projectiles then double jump Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 conn WoodsEntry.TwoKeystoneRoom: moki: WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor, Combat=2xSkeeto+Tentacle OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: WoodsEntry.KeystoneDoor, Damage=10 conn WoodsMain.FourKeystoneRoom: kii, WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: Bash, Damage=15, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide # using Tentacle's projectiles (stalling with glide) Launch, Damage=15 OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Dash unsafe, WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: Sword, Deflector, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide # pogo/slash the projectiles DoubleJump, Bash, Damage=15 # Using the Skeeto from the left anchor WoodsMain.BelowFourKeystoneRoom at 951, -4210: # At the first leaf pile after meeting Ku pickup WoodsMain.LowerLeafPileEX: moki: Flap pickup WoodsMain.BehindWallOre: gorlek: Flap, Glide # Lure the balloon conn WoodsMain.FourKeystoneRoom: moki: Combat=2xBalloon, Flap, Glide gorlek: Flap, Glide # Flap kills these conn WoodsMain.WallOreLedge: moki, Combat=2xBalloon: Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump # different ways to solve Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide # different ways to solve Launch gorlek: Combat=2xBalloon, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Combat=Balloon, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, Bash # bash the plant above and sword hover Damage=20, Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Damage=20, Launch kii: DoubleJump, Sword, Combat=Balloon OR Damage=20 # Pogo the first balloon DoubleJump, Combat=2xBalloon, Damage=15, Glide OR Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Damage=35, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the first balloon, avoid the second one and kill it with a pogo DoubleJump, HammerSJump=1 # DoubleJump + full sword combo + up slash from the breakable wall to reach the left platform DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=2xBalloon OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Dash Launch # use launch invincibility to avoid dboost from balloons conn WoodsMain.AfterKuMeet: moki: Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=10 # uses the enemy Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash # uses the enemy Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide # bash uses the enemy gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1 OR SentryJump=1 Launch, Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump, Bash DoubleJump, Sword # Keep hitting the tentacle with sword to reset your double jump Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=1 Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=2 anchor WoodsMain.WallOreLedge at 982, -4175: # Next to hidden ore, without the wall being broken - paths would be complicated otherwise pickup WoodsMain.BehindWallOre: moki: BreakWall=20 pickup WoodsMain.BelowKeystonesEX: # Paths that can get to the pickup but can't go to FourKeystoneRoom moki: Glide, DoubleJump Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Glide, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # for the weapons, glide below and use the up attack kii: Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: # BreakWall=20, Dash # Breakwall so you have more space for a coyote dash. Reset dash on the left wall Dash # Coyote dash. Reset dash on the left wall pickup WoodsMain.LowerKS: # All paths that aren't breaking the yellow wall gorlek: Launch # launch on the wall near WoodsMain.BelowKeystonesEX then launch again Glide, Bash # glide above the tentacle and bash its projectiles to reach the floating platform Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump # glide and triple jump to reach the floating platform Glide, Dash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer # glide, dash when just bellow the pickup, double jump and up slash to reach the floating platform kii: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # glide under the pickup then djump-> upslash -> energy to get on the floasting platform (with sentry or flash you can get onto the ks platform instead) conn WoodsMain.BelowFourKeystoneRoom: free conn WoodsMain.FourKeystoneRoom: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Dash # Shoot a grenade from the breakable wall. Dash to reach the grenade and bash it to get on the left platform kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 # with sword, breaking the wall makes it way easier than jumping from the small ledge. unsafe: DoubleJump, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WoodsMain.AfterKuMeet: # paths gliding to the left, either from above or below gorlek: Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump Glide, SentryJump=1 # checkpoint at 906, -4136 anchor WoodsMain.FourKeystoneRoom at 944, -4137: # In front of the four keystone door refill Checkpoint state WoodsMain.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 state WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: # Flap being the casual way of breaking the yellow barrier moki: # getting assisting abilities to deal with Skeetos and positioning of Balloon Combat=3xSkeeto, Flap, DoubleJump OR Glide Bash, Flap, DoubleJump OR Glide gorlek: Flap, Combat=3xSkeeto OR Bash kii: Flap OR Combat=Balloon OR Damage=20 # killing balloon at the right time or letting it explode inside of you unsafe: free # master balloon baiter pickup WoodsMain.MiddleLeafPileEX: moki: Flap pickup WoodsMain.RightKS: moki: Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Bash # so many skeeto friends oriGlow SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: DoubleJump, Sword # bait a skeeto and pogo it (is one way of doing it) unsafe: DoubleJump # Climb the left wall to get on the right wall, let ori slide slowly then double jump and quickly turn around to catch the other side of the wall pickup WoodsMain.UpperKS: moki, BreakWall=3: Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Flap, Glide # lure the balloon BreakWall=3, DoubleJump, TripleJump BreakWall=3, Combat=3xSkeeto, SwordSJump=1 BreakWall=3, Combat=3xSkeeto, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash BreakWall=3, Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash kii: BreakWall=3, DoubleJump OR Bash BreakWall=3, Sword, Dash # Pogo the skeetos Combat=Balloon, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Bash # kill the balloon near the bulb Damage=20, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Bash # lure the balloon unsafe: Hammer, Combat=Balloon # seems like there is a micro ledge on the wall bellow the pickup which reset your upslash BreakWall=3, SentryJump=1 # start your double jump from the higher floor near the spikes / bash the mosquitos / sjump from the platform next to the door to reach the platformtform above the door, sjump from there and sword combo + up slash pickup WoodsMain.LeftKS: moki: Combat=Balloon, Glide gorlek, Combat=Balloon: Damage=15, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Launch kii: DoubleJump, Combat=Balloon, Damage=15 DoubleJump, Damage=20 Bash, Dash, Combat=Balloon # bait the skeetos unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump # tjump on the wall above pickup WoodsMain.LowerKS: # All path reaching that pickup without breaking the yellow wall are from WallOreLedge moki, WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek, WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Hammer, Bash kii, WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: Bash # baiting 1 or 2 Skeetos Spear=3 OR Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=3 OR Blaze=4 OR Flash=3 OR Sentry=3 Damage=15, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=25, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, WoodsMain.KSRoomYellowBarrierBroken: # Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 # was in kii but only Bash is kii aswell Spear=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # fiendly spikes and slide from the ceiling to the platform Shuriken=1 OR Damage=15 pickup WoodsMain.BelowKeystonesEX: # Make sure it's not redundant with WallOreLedge->BelowKeystonesEX gorlek: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash kii: Bash DoubleJump, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword, Damage=15 # Pogo the plant Dash # reset dash on the wall unsafe: DoubleJump # get a wall jump after dropping down conn WoodsMain.GiantSkull: moki: WoodsMain.KeystoneDoor conn WoodsMain.WallOreLedge: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash OR Grenade=1 OR Bow=1 conn WoodsMain.BelowFourKeystoneRoom: free anchor WoodsMain.GiantSkull at 957, -4138: # Behind the four keystone room door refill Checkpoint state WoodsMain.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 pickup WoodsMain.UpperLeafPileEX: moki: Flap pickup WoodsMain.BehindDoorRoofEX: moki, Combat=Balloon: Bash OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash, Glide gorlek, Combat=Balloon: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Glide, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii: # Moki/gorlek paths ignoring the balloon Bash OR Launch Glide, DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer # New paths DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Pogo the balloon Glide, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Dash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Glide, Dash, Sword # pogo the plant unsafe: Glide, DoubleJump # need a really precise vertical boost from the wind Glide, Dash, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 conn WoodsMain.BalloonLure: moki: Combat=Balloon, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # bash for the rude placement of the tentacle gorlek, Combat=Balloon: Bash, Sword Bash, HammerSJump=1 kii: # Moki/gorlek paths ignoring the balloon Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # new paths Bash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Damage=15 Launch OR Glide Combat=Tentacle, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Bash Combat=Tentacle, Damage=15 conn WoodsMain.FourKeystoneRoom: moki: WoodsMain.KeystoneDoor anchor WoodsMain.BalloonLure at 1056, -4144: # At the bottom of the shaft you lure a balloon through to break a yellow wall - mostly exists for the lure specifically since paths for it would otherwise be awkward refill Checkpoint state WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed: moki: BreakWall=3, Glide gorlek: BreakWall=3, Launch kii: Combat=Balloon, Glide OR Launch Damage=20, Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, BreakWall=3 DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash unsafe: DoubleJump, Combat=Balloon, Dash OR TripleJump Launch # Use launch invulnerability to protect you from balloon's explosions state WoodsMain.BalloonLureYellowBarrierBroken: moki: WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed, Flap, Glide gorlek: WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed, Flap, Launch kii, WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed: Combat=Balloon, Glide OR Launch Damage=20, Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Flap OR Damage=20 OR Combat=Balloon unsafe, WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed: Launch # Use launch invulnerability to protect you from balloon's explosions DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 # Bait the enemy by jumping and imediately dashing against the left wall, double wall off the wall to get to the edge near the spikes and bash grenade. Launch the grenade near the right edge and bash it to get to the left edge. If you are too slow, the enemy will die from the explosion after your bash # WoodsMain.YellowWallEX now accessible with conn BelowHiddenOre: pickup WoodsMain.YellowWallEX conn WoodsMain.BelowHiddenOre: moki: WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed, Glide gorlek: WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed, Launch kii, WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=Balloon OR Damage=20 # Don't need the balloon for anything but he's really annoying to avoid DoubleJump, Dash, Sword # pogo the balloon unsafe, WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed: DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the balloon DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 # land on the ledge near the spikes bellow the breakable wall DoubleJump, SentryJump=1 # land on the ledge near the spikes bellow the breakable wall Dash, Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, Grenade=3 # bash grenade to get on the skull, bash a tentacle projectile and the bashable plant to get to the blowing enemy level, 2nd bash grenade to get near the spikes and last one to reach the connection SentryJump=3 # jump + sword combo to reach the skull, sword combo to reach the tentacle. use your sjumps to get to the connection conn WoodsMain.GiantSkull: moki: Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Dash DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Damage=15 Bash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Grenade=1, Bash anchor WoodsMain.BelowHiddenOre at 1038, -4101: # Below and to the right of the hidden ore, close to the yellow wall state WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed: moki: Sword OR Hammer BreakWall=3, Grenade OR Blaze unsafe: ShurikenBreak=3 OR Sentry=1 pickup WoodsMain.HiddenOre: moki: Flap, Glide gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=15 # can either use the plant or the skeeto kii: DoubleJump, Bash, Damage=15 # bash the plant and the skeeto, wall jump on the right wall, Damage for slower reaction times to tp anywhere/just jumping back to safety Launch # Launch straight up from the right side of the fire pit to touch the ceiling, go a bit to the left, launch again on the right wall, wall jump and launch to the pickup. Launch again to return to safety unsafe: SwordSJump=1 # Sjump onto the wall, use the sword for movement. It looks possible with Hammer, but I can't get it to work. HammerSJump=2 # Sword sjump paths are redundant with the above HammerSJump=1, Shuriken=1 OR BlazeSwap=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=15 OR PauseHover # Sjump from a micro ledge at very edge of the fire pit. The damage path requires jumping onto the left wall and climbing up. This is doable with sjump+sentry, but why would you do that when you could just sjump twice? SwordJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 # Double jump onto the wall, then double sword jump into the spikes. DoubleJump, GrenadeJump # Micro ledge at the right edge of the fire pit, micro ledge at the right edge of the spikes. Use both. Bash # The skeeto is uncooperative, but it's doable. BlazeSwap=6 OR FlashSwap # Probably room for improvement, I'm not good at swaps HammerJump # This can be done without Triple Jump, but it's really difficult: # 1. Jump to the right from the micro ledge on the fire pit, and do an extended hammer jump. You need to reach the small climable wall on the ceiling, next to the spikes above the corruption. # 2. Wall jump to the left, and do an extended hammer jump onto the micro ledge next to the spikes in the hidden area. Do the hammer jump late so that you don't hit the ceiling. # 3. Hammer jump onto the wall, and hammer jump again to reach the ore. Teleport out. # 4. Take a vacation in Luma Pools. You deserve it. pickup WoodsMain.YellowWallEX: moki: WoodsMain.BalloonLureYellowBarrierBroken conn WoodsMain.PetrifiedHowl: moki: Glide gorlek: Launch # launch on the wall just bellow the ceiling's spikes, wall jump and lauch again to get to the right wall after the ceiling's spikes kii: DoubleJump, Damage=45 DoubleJump, Damage=15, TripleJump OR Bash # With bash, bait the skeeto unsafe: DoubleJump, Damage=30 DoubleJump, Damage=15, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 conn WoodsMain.BalloonLure: moki: WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed, Combat=Tentacle OR Bash unsafe: WoodsMain.BalloonLureBlobDestroyed anchor WoodsMain.PetrifiedHowl at 910, -4071: # At silenced Howl refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 pickup WoodsMain.PetrifiedHowlEX: free conn WoodsMain.AboveHowl: moki: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide # if you don't think of going straight up, these can also carry you through the way around gorlek: Launch Bash, Grenade=1 # it's a checkpoint, you have retries to figure it out SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash kii: DoubleJump, Bash # Bash the tentacle projectile unsafe: Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump conn WoodsMain.BrokenOwl: # Be carefull that it's not redundant with the AboveHowl connection moki: BreakWall=3, Bash, Glide gorlek: BreakWall=3, Glide, Damage=10 # just easy to catch a projectile BreakWall=3, DoubleJump, Bash, Damage=15 # different ways to solve Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10 # just easy to catch a projectile kii: BreakWall=3, Glide DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the tentacles Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn WoodsMain.BelowHiddenOre: moki: Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch # just holding right works so nicely kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 Blaze=3, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=15, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=15, Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free # Friendly spikes truly are the best friends of rando players # checkpoint at 824, -4068 anchor WoodsMain.BrokenOwl at 848, -4058: # At the collapsing petrified Owl refill Checkpoint conn WoodsMain.AboveHowl: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=2 gorlek: Dash, Damage=15 Bash OR SentryJump=1 kii: Damage=15, Hammer OR Sword unsafe: Dash OR Sword OR Damage=15 # With sword, pogo the skeeto conn WoodsMain.TrialStart: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Bash OR Hammer OR SwordSJump=1 kii: Sword # Pogo a skeeto unsafe: free # just die/reload anchor WoodsMain.TrialStart at 820, -4047: # At the start of the trial refill Checkpoint: # refill by starting the trial unsafe: WoodsMain.TrialActivation pickup WoodsMain.SpiritTrial: moki: WoodsMain.TrialActivation, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grapple, Burrow conn WoodsMain.BrokenOwl: free conn WoodsMain.MidwayTrial: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Launch, Grapple, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple kii: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple OR Damage=15 unsafe: Hammer, DoubleJump, Grapple # either djump+upslash to get a walljump just under the checkpoint or upslash+one slash to land on the branch Sword, DoubleJump, Grapple # upslash+downslash to pass through the semi solid branch at the checkpoint conn WoodsMain.AboveHowl: # make sure it's not redundant with ->BrokenOwl->AboveHowl gorlek: Grapple, Glide kii: Grapple, Sentry=3 OR Blaze=5 unsafe: Grapple, Shuriken=3 anchor WoodsMain.MidwayTrial at 873, -3980: # At the checkpoint under the first sand bag # This anchor is purely to make WoodsMain.TrialStart->WoodsMain.OverflowShard less painful to pathfind refill Checkpoint conn WoodsMain.TrialEnd: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Burrow, Dash OR Glide Launch, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide Launch, Damage=15, Sword OR Hammer OR Burrow DoubleJump, Bash, Burrow, TripleJump OR Sword DoubleJump, Bash, Burrow, Hammer, Damage=15 DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=15, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # You can either damage boost at the first sand ball or grenade bash from below kii: Launch DoubleJump, Bash, Burrow OR Grenade=2 DoubleJump, Burrow, Damage=45 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 conn WoodsMain.BeforeLog: # check for redundancies with AboveHowl gorlek: Glide # Jump and hold right while gliding kii: Dash # coyote + normal dash unsafe: Burrow, Damage=15 conn WoodsMain.OrangeTree: gorlek: Burrow, Glide # Burrow and hold right while gliding Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump # get to the most right sandball, burrow through it and go right kii: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash # get to the most right sandball, burrow through it and go right conn WoodsMain.AboveHowl: gorlek: free # Jump and hold right conn WoodsMain.TrialStart: # check for redundancies with AboveHowl -> BrokenOwl gorlek: Dash OR Glide kii: free anchor WoodsMain.TrialEnd at 868, -3952: # Below the trial end pedestal refill Checkpoint state WoodsMain.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: DoubleJump, Dash kii: DoubleJump, Glide pickup WoodsMain.OverflowShard: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii: Sentry=2 Sword, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Hammer, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 conn WoodsMain.MidwayTrial: gorlek: Glide conn WoodsMain.AboveHowl: gorlek: DoubleJump OR Bash OR Sword OR Hammer conn WoodsMain.BeforeLog: # check for redundancies with AboveHowl and MidwayTrial moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek: Dash kii: Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=1 conn WoodsMain.OrangeTree: # make sure it's not redundant with ->BeforeLog->OrangeTree gorlek: Glide Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sentry=5 unsafe: Burrow, Shuriken=4 # not in kii cause you use 2 shurikens in a row Burrow, Sword anchor WoodsMain.AboveHowl at 916, -4046: # At the semisolid above silenced Howl pickup WoodsMain.HiddenEX: free conn WoodsMain.PetrifiedHowl: free conn WoodsMain.BrokenOwl: free conn WoodsMain.BeforeLog: moki: Combat=Balloon, DoubleJump Combat=Balloon, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Dash OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Damage=20 SentryJump=1, Combat=Balloon OR Dash OR Damage=20 kii: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash Hammer, Glide OR Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: SentryJump=1 Sword # pogo the skeeto twice (enemy behaviour not easily readable, therefore not kii) Hammer, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 anchor WoodsMain.BeforeLog at 967, -4008: # where you go inside of the log (where shriek chases you and ku) refill Checkpoint: # at 980, -4015 moki: Combat=Balloon gorlek: Dash OR Damage=20 kii: free state WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed: moki: Combat=Balloon, BreakWall=3 gorlek: BreakWall=3 kii: Combat=Balloon OR Damage=20 unsafe: free # tp anywhere while blob wants to explode inside of you conn WoodsMain.Teleporter: moki: WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed, Combat=3xBalloon gorlek: WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed, Combat=Balloon OR Damage=20 kii: WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed conn WoodsMain.AboveHowl: free conn WoodsMain.OrangeTree: gorlek: Launch DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, SentryJump=2 # one extra to let the player figure out where to sjump unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # too precise SentryJump=1 anchor WoodsMain.Teleporter at 1083, -4052: # At the East Woods Teleporter refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free state WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed: # these can break the corruption from behind gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Grenade=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: ShurikenBreak=3 DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=20 # use the balloon conn Teleporters: free conn WoodsMain.AbovePit: # So far, this also cover the OrangeTree connection moki: Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Launch # :) gorlek: Launch, Damage=15 kii: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=30 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=45 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=15 DoubleJump, Damage=45, Dash OR Shuriken=2 DoubleJump, Damage=15, TripleJump OR Bash conn WoodsMain.BeforeLog: # moki paths are solved with the Teleporter->AbovePit->OrangeTree connection. Make sure this isn't redundant with Teleporter->OrangeTree->BeforeLog gorlek, WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed: DoubleJump, Combat=2xBalloon, Hammer OR Sword OR TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash SentryJump=1, Combat=2xBalloon OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Combat=2xBalloon OR Dash Launch kii, WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed: Combat=Balloon, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR TripleJump OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # only need to kill the first balloon Damage=20, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR TripleJump OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost on the first balloon to kill it unsafe, WoodsMain.LogBlobDestroyed: DoubleJump anchor WoodsMain.OrangeTree at 1030, -4010: # At the right of the tree above the teleporter conn WoodsMain.AbovePit: moki: Bash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump Dash kii: Sword # Pogo the plant unsafe: Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WoodsMain.BeforeLog: moki: Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Bash conn WoodsMain.Teleporter: # make sure it's not redundant with ->AbovePit->Teleporter and also make sure that it is necessary, since you can only get to BeforeLog or AbovePit with this, which both already have their respective connections from this anchor kii: Sentry=3 Damage=15, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 # checkpoint at the anchor below, could split another anchor off for the crystal and move it over anchor WoodsMain.AbovePit at 1234, -3985: # To the left of the pit before feeding grounds refill Energy=3: # the crystal in the pit unsafe: BreakCrystal, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # technically just Bash conn WoodsMain.Teleporter: # a dead end in moki gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Damage=15 kii: Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=4 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=15 Bash, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WoodsMain.OrangeTree: moki: Bash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump OR Damage=15 Dash, Damage=15 kii: Damage=45 Sword # Pogo the plant Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash unsafe: Damage=30 conn WoodsMain.FeedingGrounds: moki: DoubleJump, Dash OR Bash Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Bash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Sword OR Hammer kii: Dash OR DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WoodsShrine: # Make sure this isn't redundant with AbovePit->FeedingGrounds->WoodsShrine gorlek: Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free anchor WoodsMain.FeedingGrounds at 1292, -3993: # At the left entrance to feeding grounds refill Checkpoint # having the initial escape completed is a negative, not a positive. The paths going through it are the connections to Wastes. # if you complete the initial escape, rocks fall and block most of the connection paths to WestTP. This is equally true for the base game though and solved by the fact that if you complete the escape, you unlock the teleporter, making these paths not softlockable conn WoodsShrine: moki: Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Damage=15, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Damage=15, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free conn LowerWastes.WestTP: # every path needs to be possible while having Seir moki: Grapple, Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch # this solves with Seir as well WindtornRuins.Seir: # these wouldn't solve without Seir DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple Grapple, Glide Burrow Launch gorlek: Launch Burrow # If doing cat and mouse, burrow below first to reset shriek aggression then burrow to the TP Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump Glide, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump WindtornRuins.Seir: # these wouldn't solve without Seir SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # tjump+up slash to reach the grappable surface Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple Bash, Grenade=2, Dash # Dash to get in bash range on the 2nd grenade to get on the grappable surface Glide, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash # ^ but it's only one grenade because of glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Glide, Dash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Hammer, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # if you are doing the escape, use the hiding spot. if you have seir, use a bashnade WindtornRuins.Seir: # these wouldn't solve without Seir Glide, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 # damage for when you get seir DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 # not in kii because it is very easy to knock away your safe spot with the shuriken Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 # not in kii because it is very easy to knock away your safe spot with the shuriken DoubleJump, GrenadeJump conn WoodsMain.AbovePit: moki: DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii: Bash, Grenade=1 Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=1 # too precise for kii DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # too precise for kii DoubleJump # fall then good old glide skip anchor WoodsShrine at 1361, -4068: nospawn refill Full state WoodsMain.CombatShrineCompleted: moki, Regenerate, Combat=Hornbug+Lizard+3xSkeeto+4xEnergyRefill+2xCrystalMiner+Bat+4xEnergyRefill+9xBalloon+4xEnergyRefill+4xMantis+Bat: # this one has it all -_- Damage=80 Damage=65, DoubleJump OR Dash Damage=50, Launch unsafe: Combat=Hornbug+Lizard+3xSkeeto+4xEnergyRefill+2xCrystalMiner+Bat+4xEnergyRefill+9xBalloon+4xEnergyRefill+4xMantis+Bat pickup WoodsMain.ShrineEX: free pickup WoodsMain.CombatShrine: moki: WoodsMain.CombatShrineCompleted region LowerReach: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor LowerReach.Entry at -390, -4025: # Behind Baur refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 state LowerReach.BearSneezed: moki: Flap state LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace: moki, LowerReach.BearSneezed, LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken: Bash, Flap Grenade=1 state LowerReach.FreezeBaurFurnace: moki: LowerReach.BearSneezed, LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken, Flap pickup LowerReach.BelowBaurEX: moki, LowerReach.BearSneezed, LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Flap Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek, LowerReach.BearSneezed, LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash SentryJump=1 kii, LowerReach.BearSneezed, LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken: Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Sword OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer unsafe, LowerReach.BearSneezed, LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 GrenadeJump conn LowerReach.AboveEntry: moki: DoubleJump, Launch # Can't rely on the sleeping bear to be there Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch OR Grenade=1 gorlek: Bash, Dash Launch # a little tight but totally doable. Jump up before launching. Bash, Glide, Damage=20 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Bash kii: Bash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 unsafe: SentryJump=1 Bash # can be done damageless, but damage is likely. Keep jumping at the right wall until you go over it and bash the first latern at just the right angle to reach the second DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sentry=3, Damage=20 # https://streamable.com/1rus0h except you can use some friendly spikes to avoid the first dboost DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword HammerJump, Damage=20 conn LowerReach.Icefall: unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # climb the left wall. Yes this is horrible after doing the escape conn WestGlades.Upper: moki: LowerReach.BearSneezed anchor LowerReach.AboveEntry at -401, -4000: # On the platform above Baur inside the tree trunk refill Checkpoint state LowerReach.Lever: moki: Launch LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, DoubleJump gorlek: LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Dash kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Sword OR Sentry=2 LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: # LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Glide, Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Hammer OR Glide OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Spear=2 # Use the plant as a platform SentryJump=1 # you actually want a weaker jump to land on top of the plant, a strong one will send you sailing over it. Weapon stalls from there Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # be careful the slightly moving spike platform isn't at the top when going over DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer # you first need to get on the plant on the left Dash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Hammer OR Sword # djump+upslash+ dash in the spikes, grab the plant then djump + upslash to reach the left wall. Sword much harder, need to get a ramp pickup LowerReach.AboveBaurLowerEX: moki: Launch LowerReach.FreezeBaurFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 # seemed a bit hectic without cooling the furnace DoubleJump, Bash, LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace OR Grenade=1 # use a grenadebash if you can't use the tongue plant gorlek: LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Bash, Dash OR DoubleJump OR Glide # have fun with the snaptraps Bash, Grenade=1 OR SentryJump=1 SentryJump=2 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump # Climbing frozen tongue with TripleJump, tjump from the left wall into the xp LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, DoubleJump, Dash, Sword # Either use the left wall or pogo the mortar unsafe: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump # sjump, climb the left wall then djump + up slash + weapon stall to reach the xp Bash # jump repeatedly under the left side of the snaptrap to aggro the spitter. yes, really. DoubleJump, Dash # From the left of the frozen tongue, dash ramp+doublejump+dash. Jump off the tongue asap, djump+dash. Climb the left wall then djump + dash LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Sword, Hammer, Sentry=2, Damage=20 # pogo the mortar, climb the left wall then sentry+hammer upslash (you'll get a dboost there). Land on the ledge then jump, hammer upslash, sword hover+sentry at the end LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, Dash, Sword, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # pogo the mortar once to go to the left wall and a second time to climb the wall. upslash+dash+energy from there pickup LowerReach.AboveBaurUpperEX: moki, LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace: Launch DoubleJump, Dash, Bash gorlek: Launch LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace, DoubleJump, Bash kii, LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace: DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Sword # Either use the left wall or pogo the mortar unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump # I hope you'll hate that path as much as I do so it can stay in unsafe for ever LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace: DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=2, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 # First jump into the spikes near the shooter, can use lower jump to snaptrap - wall - weapon stall to spikes, then sentry up from spikes to the tongue plant SwordSJump=2 # Pogo the shooter to make it to the left wall, move a bit away from it then sjump+upslash to reach the tongue SentryJump=1, Dash # up slash + dash to reach the left wall. Move a bit away from it, sjump to reach the tongue Bash # Look up below and to the left of the snap plant. Then, bash the mortar -> its projectile in succession to get up Dash, Sword, Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # pogo the mortar once to go to the left wall and a second time to climb the wall. upslash+dash+energy from there conn LowerReach.Icefall: moki: LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace OR DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Dash kii: Bash, Grenade=1 Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 # with hammer/sword: upslash before grabing the frozen tongue, jump out of it then weapon stall unsafe: Bash # jump to aggro the spitter and catch high up on the frozen tongue, then jump off quickly conn LowerReach.CentralEnemyPaths: moki, LowerReach.Lever: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, LowerReach.Lever: Bash, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide Dash, Glide kii, LowerReach.Lever: Bash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 Dash, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Glide, Hammer OR Damage=20 Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 Hammer, Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, LowerReach.Lever: Bash, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Hammer, Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Spear=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 # Dash on the small wall from the branch where the lantern is attached, dash again then stall with sentry/shuriken conn LowerReach.Entry: free anchor LowerReach.Icefall at -448, -3999: # Where you drop the rock on Baur's nose refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state LowerReach.BearBridgeBroken: moki: LowerReach.BearSneezed # the bear blocks the rock state LowerReach.LeftFurnace: moki: Grenade=1, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Grenade=1, Combat=Nest, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Grenade=1, Launch, Combat=Nest OR Bash gorlek: Grenade=1, Bash Grenade=1, Combat=Nest, Grapple, Glide OR Sword Grenade=1, Damage=10, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # Grapple past the enemies, might get hit Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Grenade=1, Combat=Nest, SentryJump=1 Grenade=1, Launch kii: Grenade=1, Damage=20, Combat=Nest OR DoubleJump # Damage boost on the spikes on the frozen waterfall Grenade=1, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Grenade=1, DoubleJump Grenade=1, Grapple, Spear=1 pickup LowerReach.IcefallOre: moki, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # bash the enemies Bash, Launch Combat=Nest, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide Combat=Nest, Grapple, Glide OR Sword Damage=10, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Water, Launch kii, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: Bash OR Launch Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Hammer Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Using the skeetos is by far the easiest way, but not mandatory Combat=Nest, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 # go from the second snaptrap Combat=Nest, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Water OR Damage=20 Combat=Nest, Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Combat=Nest, Damage=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Combat=Nest, Hammer, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # Upswing for lenience unsafe, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: # DoubleJump, Glide, Sword # pogo the fish, land on the snaptrap. from the second snaptrap, glide+djump+upslash DoubleJump, Sword # reset your djump by hitting the nest with sword DoubleJump, Dash, Combat=Nest, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=40 # bait the second snaptrap, dash ramp on the snaptrap then dash+djump. DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=Nest, GlideJump OR Water OR Damage=20 Combat=Nest, SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # running sjump +tjump+upslash Combat=Nest, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash pickup LowerReach.IcefallEX: moki, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: DoubleJump, Bash # bash the enemies DoubleJump, Water, WaterDash # swim past the enemies DoubleJump, Combat=Nest, Grapple # kill the enemies Launch, Combat=Nest OR Bash Launch, Water, WaterDash gorlek, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Water OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Combat=Nest DoubleJump, WaterDash, Damage=20 DoubleJump, Grapple, Damage=10 # Grapple past the enemies, might get hit Launch kii, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: DoubleJump, Grapple DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=Nest, Hammer DoubleJump, Combat=Nest, Dash, Hammer DoubleJump, Sword, TripleJump OR Dash # Pogo a fish or use the skeetos DoubleJump, Damage=40 # dboost in poisonous water and spikes to reach snaptrap DoubleJump, Water, Damage=20 # dboost in spikes to reach the snaptraps Hammer, Bash Hammer, Grapple, Combat=Nest OR Dash Hammer, WaterDash, Damage=20 OR Water unsafe, LowerReach.LeftFurnace: Combat=Nest, SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Combat=Nest, SentryJump=1, Glide, Dash OR DoubleJump Combat=Nest, SentryJump=1, Dash, DoubleJump Grapple, Damage=20, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # dboost to get the pickup Grapple, Spear=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # Spear to reach the pickup Grapple, Spear=3 Grapple, Dash OR Glide: Blaze=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # bait the snaptrap, jump of it so it returns to its highest point then jump again+energy to reach the pickup Bash Grapple, Sword Sword, Water OR Dash OR Damage=20 # Pogo a fish Water, WaterDash, Damage=20 OR Hammer WaterDash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Damage=20 Water, WaterDash, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Damage=20, Hammer OR Spear=1 # dboost in poisonous water, djump+upslash/spear to walljump of the left side of the snaptrap conn LowerReach.AboveEntry: moki: LowerReach.ThawBaurFurnace OR DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Dash kii: Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 # From the same height as the water unsafe: Bash # Bait a skeeto conn LowerReach.Entry: free anchor LowerReach.CentralEnemyPaths at -335, -4009: # Enemy path counterpart for LowerReach.Central nospawn # these are exclusively non-redundant paths relying on the slug enemy that despawns if you spawn on this anchor # since checkpoint-despawning enemies are generally not gorlek, paths are only kii and upwards refill Checkpoint pickup LowerReach.AboveDoorEX: kii: Bash DoubleJump, Sword pickup LowerReach.LupoMap: kii: SpiritLight=150, Bash conn LowerReach.Central: free # connection to non-enemy reliant paths conn LowerReach.OutsideTPRoom: kii: Bash, Hammer OR Spear=1 Sword, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1 Sword, DoubleJump, Hammer LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 conn LowerReach.Entry: unsafe: LowerReach.Lever, Bash # bash the slime near the spikes then bash glide to the lantern anchor LowerReach.Central at -335, -4009: # After the lever door # the slug despawns if you spawn on this anchor, paths using it have to be in the LowerReach.CentralEnemyPaths counterpart # check paths for redundancies with going to a neighbouring anchor and then to the EnemyPaths counterpart, in particular with SecondSoup pickup LowerReach.AboveDoorEX: # check for redundancies with OutsideTPRoom moki: Launch LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Glide, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Glide, Spear=1, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Glide, Spear=2 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Sentry=2, Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Dash, Hammer unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump Sword, Hammer, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 Grenade=1 # GrenadeJump=1 Dash, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 # Dash ramp from the ramp near the spikes otw to Lupo LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Sword, Dash, Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Sword, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # hammer upslash+sword full combo+energy weapon pickup LowerReach.LupoMap: moki, SpiritLight=150: Launch DoubleJump, Dash LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 # from the snaptrap LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 # just land on the little wall first kii, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, Sentry=2 Dash, Hammer LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, Glide, Hammer OR Spear=1 # from LowerReach.AboveDoorEX unsafe, SpiritLight=150: Dash, Sword Grenade=1 # GrenadeJump=1 DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 pickup LowerReach.TPLeftEX: # Check for redundancies with OutsideTPRoom moki: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Bash, Grenade=2, Spear=1 LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 # finish with an upswing SwordSJump=2, Spear=1 HammerSJump=3 kii: LowerReach.Lever, Hammer, DoubleJump, Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 LowerReach.Lever, Spear=1, DoubleJump, Dash LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Sentry=5 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, Spear=2 # from LowerReach.AboveDoorEX unsafe: LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 # Pogo the mortar projectile once it hit the snaptrap Grenade=2, Hammer OR Spear=1 # GrenadeJump=2, Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Dash, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, Glide conn LowerReach.SecondSoup: free conn LowerReach.BelowLupo: kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Damage=10, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 conn LowerReach.OutsideTPRoom: moki: Launch LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Hammer OR Spear=1: # go up through the breakable ceiling Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=2 LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash SwordSJump=3, Spear=1 SwordSJump=4, Hammer HammerSJump=3 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash kii: Hammer OR Spear=1: # go up through the breakable ceiling DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=1 LowerReach.Lever, Hammer, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash LowerReach.Lever, Spear=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Glide, Shuriken=2 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Dash, Bash, Hammer unsafe: Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 # GrenadeJump=2, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, SentryJump=2 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Dash, Sword # coyote dash->up slash->dash->weapon stall to grab the tongue. pass through the tongue ennemy from the right with downslashes LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Dash, Hammer # Stand on the tongue plant conn LowerReach.Entry: moki, LowerReach.Lever: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, LowerReach.Lever: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 kii, LowerReach.Lever: Hammer OR Shuriken=1 Glide, Sword unsafe, LowerReach.Lever: Sword Glide, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn LowerReach.AboveEntry: # check for redundancies with LowerReach.Entry gorlek: LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Sword kii: LowerReach.Lever, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword anchor LowerReach.OutsideTPRoom at -311, -3970: # To the left of the teleporter room refill Checkpoint refill Full: # use the teleporter moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryBurn=1 refill Health=1 refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal pickup LowerReach.AboveDoorEX: moki: Bash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: SentryRedirect=1 OR GrenadeRedirect=1 pickup LowerReach.LupoMap: moki: SpiritLight=150, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: SpiritLight=150 # not too hard to do damageless, slide down the tongue plant and land on the little wall pickup LowerReach.TPLeftEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Glide OR SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1 # can be done from the ledge next to breakable floor unsafe: PauseHover GrenadeJump Bash OR Sentry=2 pickup LowerReach.HiddenOre: moki: Launch LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Grenade=1 gorlek: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Bash OR SentryJump=1 kii: Sword, DoubleJump, TripleJump # pogo the mortar LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 # bash the mortar so you can reach your grenade from higher LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # stand near to the mortar, bash it then its projectile to reach the snaptrap. Use your option once it opens again. unsafe: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # jump on the tongue, let ori slide down then double jump again and go for the right wall; difficulty varies depending on the method of limiting framerate DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Sword # jump onto the spikes then up to the snaptrap. Jump on the tongue, let ori slide down then double jump again and go for the right wall SentryJump=1 Bash, Glide # bash mortar and stack 2 projectiles, bash one upwards and bash both for enough height DoubleJump, TripleJump # Jump from the snap traps on the way to tokk HammerJump GlideHammerJump # between tokk and this anchor, store your glidejump and use it to the left of the tongue # or do 2 GlideHammerJumps directly underneath the pickup (one form teh ground and one from the snaptrap) # LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash, Blaze=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Bash # stand beside the spitter, bash off it once it shoots, then again off the projectile conn LowerReach.SecondSoup: free conn LowerReach.CentralEnemyPaths: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Launch OR Hammer OR Spear=1 gorlek: free conn LowerReach.Teleporter: moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryBurn=1 conn LowerReach.BelowTokk: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash OR SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace, SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace, Bash, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump # Jump from the higher ground Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace, Bash, Sword OR Hammer unsafe: DoubleJump, Damage=40 # Bash, Grenade=1 Bash # !!!never tested for this connection, moved from 'conn UpperReach.KeystoneRoom'!!! # SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace # djump+dash from the frozen snaptrap / bait the last snaptrap and double jump + use weapon to stall in the air # HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Glide # double jump+upslash from the plant to get near the burrow section, climb it then glide to the right anchor LowerReach.BelowTokk at -296, -3944: refill Checkpoint conn LowerReach.OutsideTPRoom: free conn UpperReach.KeystoneRoom: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash # bash the mantis DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # bash the mantis SentryJump=1, DoubleJump SentryJump=2 kii: Sword # Pogo the mantis Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Hammer OR Sentry=2 # Bash the mantis, use the other things to get to the mantis Combat=Mantis, DoubleJump, Sentry=2 Combat=Mantis, DoubleJump, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Combat=Mantis, DoubleJump, Glide, Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Combat=Mantis, Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # coyote dash from the snaptrap unsafe: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Combat=Mantis, Dash, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 conn UpperReach.BurrowArea: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash # bash the mantis Burrow, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Burrow, Launch gorlek: Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # bash the mantis Burrow, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump Burrow, SentryJump=2 kii: Burrow, Sword # Pogo the mantis Burrow, Bash, Hammer OR Sentry=2 Burrow, LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump, Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Burrow, LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Dash, Hammer unsafe: Burrow, DoubleJump, Hammer # Hammer early to avoid the fake autotarget near the wall Burrow, DoubleJump, Damage=20 Burrow, LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Combat=Mantis, Dash, Spear=1 anchor LowerReach.Teleporter at -259, -3962: refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free conn Teleporters: free conn LowerReach.OutsideTPRoom: moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryBurn=1 conn LowerReach.EastEnemyPaths: moki: LowerReach.TPLantern # checkpoint at -296, -3944 anchor LowerReach.SecondSoup at -316, -4037: # Next to the soup below the teleporter state LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace: moki: Flap, Bash, Combat=ShieldMiner, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Flap, Bash, Combat=ShieldMiner unsafe: Flap, Bash state LowerReach.WindLantern: unsafe: Flap, Bash, Dash OR Launch pickup LowerReach.MeltIceEX: moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: Bash, Flap SentryBurn=1 pickup LowerReach.BurrowEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Burrow # TP out pickup LowerReach.BelowLupoEX: unsafe: Flap, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=20 conn LowerReach.CentralEnemyPaths: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Flap OR Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Burrow Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump Dash, Bash, Flap OR Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Bash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Burrow, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # Bash the Shield Miner before bashing your grenade Bash, Flap, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: Dash, Sword # Pogo the ShieldMiner Burrow, Dash Burrow, Sentry=4 # 1 sentry to reach the left wall + 2 to reach the snaptrap + 1 to reach the checkpoint Bash, Flap OR Grenade=1 # Bash the ShieldMiner before bashing your grenade or soup's projectile DoubleJump conn LowerReach.BelowLupo: moki: Combat=ShieldMiner OR Bash OR Burrow OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=10 Dash, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Dash, Glide, Damage=10 unsafe: free # jump over the ShieldMiner from the soup anchor LowerReach.BelowLupo at -278, -4031: # On the platform left of the central furnace state LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace: moki: Grenade=1 state LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace: moki: Flap # this path can assume that the furnace is heated, requiring less skills than the connection pickup LowerReach.BelowLupoEX: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 # sjump from the frozen plant LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Sword OR Damage=20 kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Glide OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 # sjump from the frozen plant then upslash conn LowerReach.SecondSoup: moki: Combat=ShieldMiner OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 kii: Dash unsafe: Damage=10 conn LowerReach.CentralFurnacePedestal: moki: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: free anchor LowerReach.CentralFurnacePedestal at -256, -4035: # The furnace left of the wind channel connecting to east reach refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal, Bash OR Launch Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Combat=ShieldMiner, Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash Combat=ShieldMiner, Bow=1 gorlek: Combat=ShieldMiner, Grenade=1 OR Shuriken=1 state LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace: moki: Grenade=1 state LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace: moki: Flap conn LowerReach.BelowLupo: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: free conn LowerReach.WindChannel: moki: Combat=ShieldMiner OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Glide OR SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 unsafe: free anchor LowerReach.WindChannel at -223, -4043: # At the lantern opening the wind channel refill Checkpoint state LowerReach.WindLantern: moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryBurn=1, Launch OR SentryJump=1 # may require a little luck to get the sentry close enough unsafe: SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump OR Bash OR Hammer pickup LowerReach.BreakWallEX: moki: BreakWall=20 pickup LowerReach.WindBottomEX: moki: LowerReach.WindLantern, Glide gorlek: LowerReach.WindLantern, DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: LowerReach.WindLantern, Dash OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: LowerReach.WindLantern pickup LowerReach.WindHiddenEX: moki: LowerReach.WindLantern, Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Launch, Damage=20, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60, Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch, Dash OR Damage=40 Launch, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: Launch # TP out DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Bash # tjump + upslash/bash the gorlek to climb the right wall, tjump to the left spiky wall, iframe to wjump and tjump again to wjump from the wall just above and tjump again to the ice wall< SentryJump=1, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR PauseHover # sjump onto the spikes under the safe wall, sword combo + ability to reach the pickup, tp out SentryJump=1, Damage=20, Damage=20 # None of the spikes deal damage after you've already landed in them, so they are all valid points for Regenerate. HammerJump # Smooth right wall -> microwall under left ledge 2 -> side of left ledge 2 -> smooth left wall -> xp -> TP out GrenadeJump, DoubleJump GrenadeJump, Damage=20, Damage=20 # Damage boost on left ledge 1, wall jump on left ledge 2, damage boost on right ledge 3. Be careful not to get yeeted on that last one. None of the spikes deal damage after you've already landed in them, so they are all valid points for Regenerate. conn LowerReach.CentralFurnacePedestal: moki: Combat=ShieldMiner OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump conn LowerReach.SoupMoki: moki: LowerReach.WindLantern, Glide # grenade to light the lantern gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 kii: Launch, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Sword OR Hammer OR Bash SentryJump=2, Damage=20 HammerJump # Take the path used for the xp, and end with a really tight extended hammer jump around the spikes onto the ledge where the moki is. GrenadeJump, DoubleJump # Like the HammerJump path, but harder. Go right at the top. GrenadeJump, Damage=20, Damage=20, Damage=20 # Smooth right wall -> left ledge 1 -> side of left ledge 2 -> right ledge 2 -> left ledge 3. None of the spikes deal damage after you've already landed in them, so they are all valid points for Regenerate. anchor LowerReach.SoupMoki at -240, -3989: # Below the reach teleporter, where you hand delicious marshclam soup to a moki (or alternatively extuingish his fireplace...) refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1 kii: BreakCrystal, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=20 quest LowerReach.HandToHandHat: moki: LowerReach.HandToHandSoup pickup LowerReach.WindHiddenEX: gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Glide, Dash OR Launch OR Damage=20 Damage=20, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Launch Launch, Dash kii: Glide OR Launch OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: Sword OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 Bash, Grenade=1 conn LowerReach.WindChannel: moki: Glide gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: free conn LowerReach.EastEnemyPaths: moki: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash SentryJump=1, Damage=20, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword kii: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Bash, Dash, Sword OR Hammer LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace, Bash, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: SentryJump=1 Bash, Hammer, Spear=1 Bash, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # climb the wall near the moki, dash then triple jump to the wall to reset your jumps and dash + triple jump to reach the plant. SwordJump, TripleJump # pogo the fire, triple jump + upslash to reach the wall to reset your jumps then sword jump to the plant conn LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths: # check for redundancies with LowerReach.East kii: LowerReach.FreezeCentralFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 anchor LowerReach.EastEnemyPaths at -223, -3967: # Enemy path counterpart for LowerReach.East nospawn # these are exclusively non-redundant paths relying on the slug enemy that despawns if you spawn on this anchor # since checkpoint-despawning enemies are generally not gorlek, paths are only kii and upwards refill Full: # use the teleporter moki: LowerReach.TPLantern conn LowerReach.East: free conn LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths: kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash anchor LowerReach.East at -223, -3966: # To the right side outside the teleporter # the slug despawns if you spawn on this anchor, paths using it have to be in the LowerReach.EastEnemyPaths counterpart state LowerReach.TPLantern: # Most paths redundant with Snowball kii: Grenade=1 # Climb up from the closed door conn LowerReach.Teleporter: moki: LowerReach.TPLantern conn LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths: moki: Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide # The first Grenade may hit the enemy Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 # drop the slime for leniency SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 # drop the slime for leniency kii: Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=WeakSlug, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump conn LowerReach.SoupMoki: free anchor LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths at -182, -3968: # Enemy path counterpart for LowerReach.Snowball nospawn # these are exclusively non-redundant paths relying on the slug enemy that despawns if you spawn on this anchor # since checkpoint-despawning enemies are generally not gorlek, paths are only kii and upwards refill Checkpoint state LowerReach.TPLantern: kii: SentryBurn=1, Bash conn LowerReach.Snowball: free conn LowerReach.EastEnemyPaths: kii: Bash anchor LowerReach.Snowball at -182, -3968: # At the ledge above the snowball ice wall # the slug despawns if you spawn on this anchor, paths using it have to be in the LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths counterpart state LowerReach.TPLantern: moki: Grenade=1, Combat=WeakSlug OR Bash gorlek: Grenade=1 SentryBurn=1, SentryJump=1 SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryBurn=1, Launch kii: SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump, Hammer # djump+upslash+sentry unsafe: SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump, Sword # The slime won't respawn if you activated the checkpoint state LowerReach.RolledSnowball: moki: Grenade=1, Combat=Mantis OR Bash gorlek: # Sentry to melt the ice SentryBurn=1, Launch SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide kii: SentryBurn=1, Bash, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Hammer SentryBurn=1, Bash, Dash, Damage=20 kii: SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 # Jump from the branch above the ice, triple jump to get close enough, sentry to melt the ice then return to safety unsafe: SentryBurn=1, Damage=20, SentryJump=1 # Jump in the spikes (won't damage Ori afterwards), sjump then sentry to melt the ice + sword combo to return to safety SentryBurn=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 pickup LowerReach.SnowballHC: moki: LowerReach.RolledSnowball, Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Damage=20 gorlek: LowerReach.RolledSnowball, Burrow # Dash in the snow before exiting the burrow section to get momentum conn LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths: # respawn the enemy if needed by leaving the area kii: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace OR DoubleJump conn LowerReach.EastEnemyPaths: moki: Combat=WeakSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn LowerReach.SoupMoki: free conn LowerReach.PastSnowball: moki, LowerReach.RolledSnowball: DoubleJump OR Glide OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1, Dash Bash, Grenade=2 gorlek: LowerReach.RolledSnowball, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # Bash the running ennemy to avoid the damage boost kii: LowerReach.RolledSnowball, Bash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: LowerReach.RolledSnowball anchor LowerReach.PastSnowball at -99, -3982: # At the bashnade pedestal after rolling the snowball refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: # fast respawning crystal moki: BreakCrystal pickup LowerReach.RoofLeftEX: # Have to solve after LowerReach.RolledSnowball moki: # intended path omitted in moki Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Launch gorlek: LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide # intended path? Launch, DoubleJump # Easier from under the snaptrap kii: Launch Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Glide OR TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash SentryJump=2 GrenadeJump, DoubleJump # grenade wall jump off of the microwall under the spikes HammerJump BlazeSwap=6 OR FlashSwap # might be doable with less somehow, blaze swaps are hard conn LowerReach.IceCavern: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 conn LowerReach.EastFurnace: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20 conn LowerReach.SnowballEnemyPaths: moki, LowerReach.RolledSnowball: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace, Combat=Lizard OR Bash Launch gorlek, LowerReach.RolledSnowball: DoubleJump kii, LowerReach.RolledSnowball: LowerReach.ThawCentralFurnace Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe, LowerReach.RolledSnowball: Hammer Bash # use the lizard anchor LowerReach.IceCavern at -85, -3966: # On the snaptrap facing upwards at the entrance to the spiky ice cavern after the snowball pickup LowerReach.RoofRightEX: moki: Launch gorlek: SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash unsafe: HammerJump conn LowerReach.PastSnowball: free conn LowerReach.HalfwayIceCavern: moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=20 SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash SwordSJump=2 LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=2 LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, HammerSJump=2 kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, Blaze=1, Damage=20 LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Dash, Glide OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 unsafe: DoubleJump, Damage=20 Dash, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace # Need to walljump on the wall above the 2nd plant then dash, get a reset by touching the ceilin and dash a second time anchor LowerReach.HalfwayIceCavern at -44, -3955: # On the snaptrap halfway through the spiky ice cavern # Going through that ice cavern in order to activate LowerReach.EastDoorLantern or going to LowerReach.SwimmingPool is horrible to find paths for, especially when using sjumps/bashnades # That anchor is just so pathfinder have an easier time patfinding the horrible paths through that icy cavern. state LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: moki: Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Grenade=1, Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Dash OR TripleJump SwordSJump=1, Grenade=1 SentryBurn=1, Launch OR DoubleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=3 Bash, Grenade=2, Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer unsafe: Bash, Grenade=2 SentryJump=2, Grenade=1, Dash # Need to use up slashes SentryBurn=1, SwordSJump=2 conn LowerReach.SwimmingPool: moki: Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn LowerReach.IceCavern: moki: Launch DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump SwordSJump=1 LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, HammerSJump=1 # use weapon to hover as well kii: Hammer OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1 Glide, Dash OR Sword LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Sword OR GlideJump Dash # if frozen, dash ramp from the left of the snaptrap anchor LowerReach.SwimmingPool at -44, -4001: # At the platform in the freezable water refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal, LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace OR Water pickup LowerReach.FractureShard: moki: LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Water conn LowerReach.ArenaArea: moki, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch, LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: Launch # Launch into the ceiling then into the wall near the energy cristal and again to the platform SentryJump=1, LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace SwordSJump=1, Water SwordSJump=2, DoubleJump, Glide LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, WaterDash, Water, DoubleJump # Wall jump from the right wall kii, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=40 # bash the fish and worm to go faster and avoid taking one more dboost Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, WaterDash OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash # pogo the worm Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, TripleJump OR Glide OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=2, Dash OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Bash, Water # bash the fish under the door LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Bash, WaterDash, Damage=20, Damage=40 LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, WaterDash, Water, Hammer OR Spear=1 # Wall jump from the right wall LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, WaterDash, Damage=20, Damage=20, Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Water OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 # tjump+ hammer upslash from the closed snaptrap to walljump on the left wall LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1, Water OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=3 OR Damage=20 # tjump+spear from the closed snaptrap to walljump on the left wall unsafe, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # double jump from the platform, refill dash/jumps by slashing the energy cristal then sjump on the plant SwordSJump=2, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Dash HammerJump conn LowerReach.EastFurnace: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump # Climb the right wall then jump to the left wall before double jumping again to the platform SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, Dash OR DoubleJump OR LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Water, Sword OR Hammer LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer kii: DoubleJump # Precise wall jump on the right wall then wjump on the left wall LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Bash, Water OR Damage=100 # Bash the fish LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, Bash, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=40 conn LowerReach.HalfwayIceCavern: kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Pogo the worm to reach the right wall LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, TripleJump, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 unsafe: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # https://youtu.be/V_Gzv4W34nU LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace, DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the worm then slash the crystal to climb the wall SwordJump # https://youtu.be/v-ICBnUhDuQ anchor LowerReach.EastFurnace at -61, -3987: # At the furnace above the swimming pool refill Checkpoint state LowerReach.ThawEastFurnace: moki: Grenade=1 state LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace: moki: Flap conn LowerReach.PastSnowball: moki: BreakWall=20 conn LowerReach.SwimmingPool: free anchor LowerReach.ArenaArea at 44, -3992: # To the left of the combat arena refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 refill Energy=3: moki, BreakCrystal: DoubleJump, Dash Launch state LowerReach.ArenaBeaten: moki: Regenerate, Damage=40, Combat=3xShieldMiner+Hornbug+2xBee unsafe: Combat=3xShieldMiner+Hornbug+2xBee conn LowerReach.TrialStart: moki: LowerReach.ArenaBeaten conn LowerReach.WindSpinners: moki, LowerReach.ArenaBeaten: Glide gorlek, LowerReach.ArenaBeaten: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 kii, LowerReach.ArenaBeaten: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe, LowerReach.ArenaBeaten: FlashSwap conn LowerReach.SwimmingPool: moki, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: LowerReach.FreezeEastFurnace OR Water Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide DoubleJump, Dash, Glide, Sword Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # Swim in dirty water WaterDash, Damage=20, Hammer Launch # refresh on wall above crystal unsafe, LowerReach.EastDoorLantern: Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Pogo something in the water DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # checkpoint at just kidding, placed this mark because the refill logic below kind of sucks anchor LowerReach.WindSpinners at 73,-3929: # midway through the wind column above the combat arena # This anchor is just so ArenaArea->WispsPath is easier to pathfind for conn LowerReach.WispPathCheckpoint: moki: Glide, Grapple OR Launch Glide, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Glide, SentryJump=1 Glide, Bash, Grenade=1 Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 # Pass under the first spinner to reach the right wall, climb it and launch to the energy cristal kii: Launch, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # Pass under the first spinner and launch to the wall above it Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60 # 2 dboosts to reach the right wall, climb it, pass between the two spinners to reach the left wall, climb it and take a third dboost DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # pass under the 1st spinner by using tjump, dboost, tjump again and use your other mobility option to reach the right wall, climb it, pass between the two spinners to reach the left wall, climb it and take a third dboost unsafe: Glide, Dash, Hammer Launch, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 # Pass under the first spinner and launch to the wall above it DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Precise grenade throw above the first spinner, pass under the spinner to catch the grenade and bash glide to the right wall FlashSwap Launch # There are multiple ways to do this, and all of them look awesome. conn LowerReach.ArenaArea: moki: Glide, LowerReach.ArenaBeaten gorlek: LowerReach.ArenaBeaten anchor LowerReach.WispPathCheckpoint at 83, -3874: # At the checkpoint just after the grappable plant refill Checkpoint refill Health=1: # Requirements are here so you can return to the checkpoint afterwards # paths using energy or health AFTER grabbing the refill would be invalid here because they would misrepresent the resulting health or energy moki: Grapple OR Launch # Bash, Grenade=1 # wasted energy... gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Hammer # DoubleJump, Damage=20 unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Hammer refill Energy=4: # Requirements are here so you can return to the checkpoint afterwards # paths using energy or health AFTER grabbing the refill would be invalid here because they would misrepresent the resulting health or energy moki: DoubleJump, Grapple # DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 # wasted energy... # Dash, Damage=20, Grapple # Dash, Damage=20, Bash, Grenade=1 # wasted energy... Launch gorlek: Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword # SentryJump=1 # Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash kii: Hammer, DoubleJump OR Grapple # Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # DoubleJump, Damage=20 unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword Dash, Hammer conn LowerReach.BridgeWispPath: # The gorlek isn't here if you respawn at the chekpoint moki: Bash, Grenade=3 OR Launch gorlek: Launch, Bash OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=20 kii: Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 Bash, SwordSJump=1 Bash, HammerSJump=1, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash FlashSwap LaunchSwap conn LowerReach.WindSpinners: moki: Glide gorlek: Launch, Damage=20 kii: Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 unsafe: free # checkpoint at 80, -3805 anchor LowerReach.BridgeWispPath at 67, -3808: # At the bridge checkpoint, next to the wind column refill Checkpoint conn LowerReach.SnowEscape: moki: Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, DoubleJump OR Grapple Glide, Launch gorlek: Launch Glide, SentryJump=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump # SentryJump to get on the right wall, use sword to air stall 2nd wind column. Bash, SwordSJump=2, Grapple # SentryJump to get on the right wall at the 1st wind column Bash, Grenade=1, Glide kii: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple OR Sword OR Hammer # Climb the left wall then go to the right one. You can kill the slimes with weapons. DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sentry=2, Combat=2xWeakSlug # Climb the left wall then go to the right one DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sentry=2, Damage=10, Damage=10 # Climb the left wall then go to the right one. dboost through the slimes. unsafe: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=2 FlashSwap Launch conn LowerReach.WispPathCheckpoint: moki: Bash Combat=WeakSlug, Combat=Miner gorlek: free anchor LowerReach.SnowEscape at 79, -3733: nospawn refill Full quest LowerReach.ForestsMemory: # currently based on the requirements of getting here to simplify moki: Dash, Bash, Grapple, Glide, Water OR DoubleJump Bash, Glide, Launch gorlek: Launch, Water OR Glide OR Damage=20 Dash, Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=20 Dash, Glide, Grapple kii: Launch Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide DoubleJump, Glide, Bash Glide, Grapple, Bash, Water, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Grapple, Bash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Glide, Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Glide Dash, Glide, Damage=20 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash, TripleJump # Same path than above but the sjump ease it SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, Dash # 1st sjump on a friendly spike and 2nd one on the branch to pass the 1st wind column SentryJump=3, Dash, Grapple OR Damage=20 Dash, SentryJump=4 FlashSwap # Dodging the water is scary but totally doable. state LowerReach.BearSneezed: # Same paths as LowerReach.ForestsMemory (when finishing the escape, Baur isn't blocking the Reach entrance anymore) moki: Dash, Bash, Grapple, Glide, Water OR DoubleJump Bash, Glide, Launch gorlek: Launch, Water OR Glide OR Damage=20 Dash, Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=20 Dash, Glide, Grapple kii: Launch Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide DoubleJump, Glide, Bash Glide, Grapple, Bash, Water, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Grapple, Bash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Glide, Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Glide Dash, Glide, Damage=20 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash, TripleJump # Same path than above but the sjump ease it SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, Dash # 1st sjump on a friendly spike and 2nd one on the branch to pass the 1st wind column SentryJump=3, Dash, Grapple OR Damage=20 Dash, SentryJump=4 FlashSwap # Dodging the water is scary but totally doable. pickup LowerReach.EscapeRevisitEX: moki: LowerReach.ForestsMemory anchor LowerReach.VeralHome at -140, -4096: # At the soup refill Checkpoint quest LowerReach.HandToHandSoup: moki: InnerWellspring.HandToHandHerbs pickup GladesTown.LeafPileEX: moki: Flap pickup LowerReach.CatalystShard: moki: Water, Bash, Flap # seems to be a casual strat the game suggests you to do Water, Grenade=1 kii: Damage=80, Grenade=1 Damage=80, Bash, Flap WaterDash, Damage=60, Grenade=1 WaterDash, Damage=60, Bash, Flap unsafe: WaterDash, Damage=40, Grenade=1 WaterDash, Damage=40, Bash, Flap #Water, Flap, Sentry=2 # theoretical double redirect, still in testing conn GladesTown.HoleHut: moki: Dash OR Glide # check for redundancies with PlayfulMoki gorlek: free # free if you know the whole branch is semisolid, but you probably don't as a moki player conn GladesTown.PlayfulMoki: free conn TuleyShop: moki: GladesTown.TuleySpawned conn LowerReach.TownEntry: moki: Bash, Flap OR Grenade=1 # may need to juggle the soupgrenade once Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Sword SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump # climb the wall above the gorlek unsafe: GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide, Sword # Needs a ramp on the left side corner of the platform near the cauldron DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # Jump on the floating platform next to the soup then wall jump from the wall above it anchor LowerReach.TownEntry at -35, -4077: # Where the wind starts conn LowerReach.VeralHome: free conn LowerReach.TrialStart: moki: Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump, Damage=20 Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 kii: Launch, Damage=40 Launch, Damage=20, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Hammer, Damage=20 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Hammer OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1, Damage=20 # extend your bash with spear Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump Launch, Damage=20 # Launch on the wall at the start of the wind cave anchor LowerReach.TrialStart at 64, -4045: # At trial start refill Checkpoint state LowerReach.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 state LowerReach.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: LowerReach.KeystoneDoor pickup LowerReach.SpiritTrial: moki: LowerReach.TrialActivation, Dash, Glide unsafe: LowerReach.TrialActivation, Glide pickup LowerReach.RightKS: moki: Glide DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 gorlek: Launch SentryJump=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump kii: Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 pickup LowerReach.UpperLeftKS: moki: Glide kii: # TP out after taking the pickup Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 # dboost in the spikes+ dboost on the slime next to the keystone DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=BombSlug, Damage=80 unsafe: Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # Launch against the walls. When on the wall above LowerReach.VeralHome, first use triple jump then lauch, triple jump again to take a damage boost to refresh launch then launch and triple jump again to take the pickup and tp out pickup LowerReach.MiddleLeftKS: moki: Glide kii: # TP out after taking the pickup DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60 Launch, Damage=40 Launch, DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash unsafe: Launch, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash # Launch against the walls. When on the wall above LowerReach.VeralHome, first use djump/dash then lauch, reuse your mobility option, take a damage boost to refresh launch, take the pickup and TP out pickup LowerReach.BottomLeftKS: moki: Glide kii: # TP out after taking the pickup Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 OR Damage=20 # sentry where the two bomb slug are, walljump launch, 2 senties DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=BombSlug, Sword OR Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 unsafe: Launch, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # shuriken/flash/sentry before using launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 # dboost on the flying spikes, which only deal 10 damages pickup LowerReach.TrialEX: moki: Glide kii: Launch, Damage=40 # Pass under the two falling slimes Launch, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: GrenadeJump, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 HammerJump, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 FlashSwap # TODO: calculate blaze swaps conn LowerReach.TownEntry: moki: Glide gorlek: Damage=20, Sword OR Dash OR DoubleJump OR Launch # sword or hammer for weapon stalling Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Dash OR DoubleJump OR Launch Launch, Sword OR Hammer OR Dash OR DoubleJump DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Dash OR TripleJump Dash, Sword OR Hammer SwordSJump=1 kii: Damage=20, Damage=40 Hammer, Damage=30 # dboost on the falling slime Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=3 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Damage=20, Hammer Damage=10, Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=1, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=10 conn LowerReach.ArenaArea: moki: LowerReach.ArenaBeaten, Glide unsafe, LowerReach.ArenaBeaten: Launch # Launch Swap FlashSwap region UpperReach: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor UpperReach.BurrowArea at -369, -3917: # left of the entrance sand wall # unsafe paths may be incorrect after moving the anchor pickup UpperReach.LifeForceEX: moki: Burrow, Launch, Bash gorlek: Launch Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide kii: Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Burrow, Bash, Sword Burrow, Bash, Sentry=5 # One sentry in order to reach the second crumbling platfom then 2 to reach the lantern and another 2 to get to the EX platform Burrow, Sword, Dash, DoubleJump # "Precise" burrow angle bellow UpperReach.LifeForceEX then full sword combo + movement options Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer # precise angle underneath UpperReach.LifeForceEX then land next to the pickup Burrow, DoubleJump, Damage=20 # dboost in the spikes under the pickup Burrow, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # precise angle underneath UpperReach.LifeForceEX then land next to the pickup Burrow, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 # grenade from under the pickup, burrow to reach it then land near the pickup. Damage because of the 2nd sand platform Burrow, Dash, Glide # go to UpperReach.LifeForceShard first unsafe: Burrow, SwordSJump=2 # Running sjump from under LifeForceEX Burrow, SentryJump=1, Glide OR Damage=20 # sjump to enter the burrow section. There is a small safespot in the right spikes below the sand after the bashable plant. Use weapon to stall in the air. Burrow, SwordSJump=1, Dash # Need a precise angle to exit the burrow section under LifeForceEX. Use sword for air stalling. Burrow, HammerSJump=1, Dash, Damage=20 # Need a precise angle to exit the burrow section under LifeForceEX. Use sword for air stalling. Burrow, Bash, Damage=20, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 Burrow, Sword, Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 # Pogo the mantis, before the lantern get a good burrow angle then sentry->sword hover->up slash->sentry to reach the crumbling platform. Same with flash but you have to disable flash during your sword hover so you get a second hop. Burrow, DoubleJump, Damage=20 # dboost in the spikes near the mantis to reach the burrow section then precise angle from under UpperReach.LifeForceEX Burrow, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 # Precise djump from the frozen muncher. Can make it easier by standing on the right of the muncher first so the left side is a bit higher. Burrow, Sword, Damage=20 # Pogo the mantis, precise angle to land into the spikes under UpperReach.LifeForceEX, precise walljump into upslash to land next to the pickup. Blame Wolf who made me realize it was possible pickup UpperReach.LifeForceShard: moki: Burrow, Launch, Bash gorlek: Launch Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide kii: Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Burrow, Bash, Sentry=3 # One sentry in order to reach the second crumbling platfom then 2 to reach the lantern Burrow, Sword, Dash, DoubleJump # "Precise" burrow angle bellow UpperReach.LifeForceEX then full sword combo + movement option Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer # precise angle underneath UpperReach.LifeForceEX then land next to the pickup, then go to shard Burrow, DoubleJump, Damage=20 # dboost in the spikes under the EX pickup, then jump to the Shard Burrow, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # precise angle underneath UpperReach.LifeForceEX then land next to the EX pickup, then go to shard Burrow, Dash, Glide unsafe: Burrow, SwordSJump=2 # Running sjump from under LifeForceEX Burrow, SentryJump=1, Glide OR Damage=20 # sjump to enter the burrow section. There is a small safespot in the right spikes below the sand after the bashable plant. Use weapon to stall in the air. Burrow, SwordSJump=1, Dash # Need a precise angle to exit the burrow section under LifeForceEX. Use sword for air stalling. Burrow, HammerSJump=1, Dash, Damage=20 # Need a precise angle to exit the burrow section under LifeForceEX. Use sword for air stalling. Burrow, Bash, Damage=20, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 Burrow, Sword, Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 # Pogo the mantis, before the lantern get a good burrow angle then sentry->sword hover->up slash->sentry to reach the crumbling platform. Same with flash but you have to disable flash during your sword hover so you get a second hop. Burrow, DoubleJump, Damage=20 # dboost in the spikes near the mantis to reach the burrow section then precise angle from under UpperReach.LifeForceEX Burrow, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 # Precise djump from the frozen muncher. Can make it easier by standing on the right of the muncher first so the left side is a bit higher. Burrow, Sword, Damage=20 # Pogo the mantis, precise angle to land into the spikes under UpperReach.LifeForceEX, precise walljump into upslash to land next to the pickup. Blame Wolf who made me realize it was possible conn LowerReach.BelowTokk: moki: Burrow anchor UpperReach.KeystoneRoom at -256, -3914: # At the furnace in the four keystone room before Grenade tree refill Checkpoint # This entire room can be in two mutually exclusive states: Frozen or Thawed. # Additionally, you can only change the state if you have access to the furnace. # This is important, because you have to avoid writing logic that requires a frozen furnace on its first half and a thawed furnace on its second half. # To account for this, anchors in this room have up to three different variants: # - Main Variant ("UpperReach.[name]"): # Paths to this anchor have to work with both furnace states! Outgoing connections can use either furnace state. # - Frozen Variant ("UpperReach.[name]Frozen): # Paths to this anchor have to use the frozen furnace state! Outgoing connections cannot use the thawed furnace state. # Outgoing anchor connections may only connect to frozen variants, unless they light the furnace, in which case they may connect to thawed variants. # - Thawed Variant ("UpperReach.[name]Thawed): # Paths to this anchor have to use the thawed furnace state! Outgoing connections cannot use the frozen furnace state. # Outgoing anchor connections may only connect to thawed variants # This would however create countless redundancies, which is why additionally there's a counterpart for each variant: # These counterparts may not connect to any other anchors that have variants dependant on the same furnace, unless explicitely to connect into another furnace state. # - Main Paths ("UpperReach.[name]Paths"): # All three variants connect to this anchor. Outgoing connections have to work with both furnace states. # - Frozen Paths ("UpperReach.[name]FrozenPaths"): # The Main and Frozen variants connect to this anchor. Outgoing connections have to use the frozen furnace state. # - Thawed Paths ("UpperReach.[name]ThawedPaths"): # The Main and Thawed variants connect to this anchor. Outgoing connections have to use the thawed furnace state. state UpperReach.ThawFurnace: # mirror of the paths to UpperSoupFrozen, but without the freeze furnace state since that is guaranteed when trying to thaw it moki: Grenade=1 # this makes grenadebash paths meaningless Flap, Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Flap, Bash, Sword OR Hammer kii: Flap, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Flap, Bash, Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 state UpperReach.FreezeFurnace: # refreezing the waterfall can be valuable moki: Flap pickup UpperReach.LowerKS: moki: UpperReach.ThawFurnace, DoubleJump UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Bash, Grenade=1 UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Water, WaterDash Launch gorlek: UpperReach.ThawFurnace, WaterDash, Damage=20 UpperReach.ThawFurnace, SentryJump=1 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 # bash the gorlek UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Hammer OR Sword # with sword, pogo the gorlek unsafe: UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Spear=1 UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 SentryJump=1 # need a decently high one pickup UpperReach.SwimEX: # dirty water paths using the damage advantage over starting from the right kii, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Damage=80, WaterDash Damage=120 unsafe, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Damage=40, WaterDash Damage=100 conn Tokk: free conn UpperReach.UpperSoup: # check for redundancies with OutsideTreeRoom and KeystoneSnapPlant moki: # these paths go through the hidden area below the soup Combat=ShieldMiner, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Launch # these paths work with both furnace states (even though sometimes through different routes) # paths that go to the right if the furnace is lit Water, DoubleJump, Grapple Water, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Dash, Glide, Grapple # paths that go above if the furnace is lit DoubleJump, Bash, Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple, Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide gorlek: # these paths go through the hidden area below the soup Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump # these paths work with both furnace states (even though sometimes through different routes) # paths that go to the right if the furnace is lit DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Grapple DoubleJump, Dash, Water OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Dash, Grapple, Glide, Combat=ShieldMiner, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Grapple, Glide, Bash, Grenade=1 OR Sword OR Hammer Water, Dash, Grapple, Combat=ShieldMiner, Sword OR Hammer Water, Dash, Grapple, Bash, Sword OR Hammer Water, WaterDash, Dash, Grapple, Sword # go up to get over the enemy Water, WaterDash, Dash, Grapple, Glide, Hammer # go up to get over the enemy Damage=20, Dash, Grapple, Combat=ShieldMiner, Sword OR Hammer Damage=20, Dash, Grapple, Bash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Water OR Damage=20 Water, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # paths that go above if the furnace is lit Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Water, WaterDash, Glide, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Water, WaterDash, Grapple, Sword Bash, Damage=20, WaterDash, Glide, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Damage=20, WaterDash, Grapple, Sword Bash, SentryJump=1, Glide Bash, SwordSJump=1, Grapple Bash, HammerSJump=1, Grapple, Dash Bash, HammerSJump=1, Grapple, Damage=20, Sword kii: # these paths go through the hidden area below the soup Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Bash, Grenade=2 # these paths work with both furnace states (even though sometimes through different routes) # paths that go to the right if the furnace is lit DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=4 Grapple, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Glide, Sentry=4 Grapple, Glide, Sentry=3, Damage=20 Grapple, Sentry=6 Water, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Damage=20, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Grapple, Sentry=4, Water OR Damage=20 Grapple, Sentry=3, Damage=20, Water OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Water OR Damage=20 # paths that go above if the furnace is lit Bash, Glide Bash, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 OR Damage=20 Bash, WaterDash, Grapple, Shuriken=2, Damage=20, Water OR Damage=20 Bash, Grapple, Sentry=5 Bash, Grapple, Damage=20, Shuriken=3 Bash, Grapple, Damage=40, Shuriken=2 unsafe: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer # Pogo the gorlek, wall jump under the hidden passage and djump+hammer upslash. You need to not use any forwards slashes with sword in order to have your hammer upslash available conn UpperReach.UpperSoupFrozen: moki, UpperReach.FreezeFurnace: DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: UpperReach.FreezeFurnace, Sword OR Hammer kii: UpperReach.FreezeFurnace, Dash OR Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: UpperReach.FreezeFurnace, Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 conn UpperReach.UpperSoupThawed: unsafe, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: WaterDash, Sword, Water OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Hammer, Water OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Dash, Water OR Damage=20 # dive launch conn UpperReach.OutsideTreeRoom: # when changing or adding paths, keep in mind that there are derived paths to UpperSoup # The floating platform in the water only spawns if you reload from menu nearby. moki, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Water, Combat=ShieldMiner OR DoubleJump OR Bash DoubleJump, Dash, Glide gorlek, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Water, WaterDash, Glide OR Sword # go up to get over the enemy Damage=20, WaterDash, Combat=ShieldMiner OR DoubleJump OR Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Combat=ShieldMiner, Damage=20, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Damage=20, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Grapple, DoubleJump Grapple, Dash, Glide, Combat=ShieldMiner OR Bash Grapple, Damage=20, Combat=ShieldMiner OR Bash kii, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Water OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 Dash, Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 unsafe, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Grapple OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 # QTM near the waterfall to make a floating platform appear conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlant: # when changing or adding paths, keep in mind that there are derived paths to UpperSoup gorlek: Launch kii: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantThawed: moki, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Bash, DoubleJump, Grapple OR Glide Bash, Water, WaterDash, Dash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide Bash, Launch gorlek, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Bash, DoubleJump Bash, WaterDash, Glide, Water OR Damage=20 Bash, Water, WaterDash, Grapple, Dash OR Sword OR Damage=20 Bash, Damage=20, WaterDash, Grapple, Dash OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Dash OR Sword OR Damage=20 Bash, SentryJump=1, Glide Bash, SwordSJump=1, Grapple Bash, HammerSJump=1, Grapple, Dash OR Damage=20 kii, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Bash, Glide # Bash the gorlek to reach the plant Bash, WaterDash, Grapple, Water OR Damage=20 Bash, Grapple, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Flash=2 Bash, Grapple, Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 unsafe, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Sword, Damage=20 conn LowerReach.BelowTokk: free # checkpoint at -369, -3917 # checkpoint at -216, -3895 anchor UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlant at -231, -3865: # At the snap plant with MiddleLeftKS in its mouth conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantPaths: free conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantThawedPaths: moki: UpperReach.ThawFurnace conn UpperReach.UpperSoup: # mirrored in thawed variant moki: Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Dash, Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=20 Sentry=3 Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Damage=40 anchor UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantThawed at -231, -3865: nospawn conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantPaths: free conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantThawedPaths: free conn UpperReach.UpperSoupThawed: # mirrored in main variant moki: Glide OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Dash, Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=20 Sentry=3 Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Damage=40 anchor UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantPaths at -231, -3865: nospawn pickup UpperReach.MiddleLeftKS: free pickup UpperReach.LowerKS: gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: DoubleJump unsafe: Sword conn UpperReach.KeystoneRoom: # check for redundancies with UpperSoup moki: DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 anchor UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlantThawedPaths at -231, -3865: nospawn pickup UpperReach.LowerKS: moki: Glide gorlek: Sword Dash, Bash OR Grapple OR Damage=10 Hammer, Bash OR Grapple OR Damage=10 Dash, Hammer Damage=20, Grapple kii: Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Damage=20 unsafe: free anchor UpperReach.UpperSoup at -215, -3877: # At the soup conn UpperReach.UpperSoupPaths: free conn UpperReach.UpperSoupFrozenPaths: moki: UpperReach.FreezeFurnace conn UpperReach.UpperSoupThawedPaths: moki: UpperReach.ThawFurnace anchor UpperReach.UpperSoupFrozen at -215, -3877: nospawn conn UpperReach.UpperSoupPaths: free conn UpperReach.UpperSoupFrozenPaths: free anchor UpperReach.UpperSoupThawed at -215, -3877: nospawn conn UpperReach.UpperSoupPaths: free conn UpperReach.UpperSoupThawedPaths: free anchor UpperReach.UpperSoupPaths at -215, -3877: nospawn refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 pickup UpperReach.SoupOre: free pickup UpperReach.LowerKS: # check for redundancies with KeystoneSnapPlant gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump Flap, Bash # Use the soup projectile. Bash the gorlek first so you get enough height from it. Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, Dash OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 Sword, Damage=20, Damage=20 # go through the mortar room pickup UpperReach.UpperKS: moki: DoubleJump, Bash Launch gorlek: Bash unsafe: SwordSJump=1, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Hammer # dboost in the spike at the right of the enemy and sjump from here pickup UpperReach.SwingPoleEX: moki: DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Bash OR Hammer SentryJump=1 kii: Spear=1 unsafe: # Since the cooled state solves by itself, all paths can use the heated state implicitely without any risk of softlocking Sword Damage=20 # Dash, Sword, Damage=10 # upslash+dash in the icy part of the pole conn UpperReach.KeystoneRoom: free conn UpperReach.KeystoneSnapPlant: moki: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Damage=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Damage=20, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash Dash, Hammer, Damage=20 Dash, Sword, Damage=40 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Damage=20, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 SwordSJump=1, Damage=20 # start at the soup, need to weapon stall to land further left on the spikes Damage=20, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # GrenadeJump=1 start at the soup, need to land further left on the spikes anchor UpperReach.UpperSoupFrozenPaths at -215, -3877: nospawn refill Checkpoint pickup UpperReach.UpperKS: unsafe: SwordSJump=1, Damage=20 # dboost in the spike at the right of the enemy and sjump from here pickup UpperReach.SwingPoleEX: kii: Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 unsafe: free conn UpperReach.UpperSoupThawedPaths: # light the furnace without dropping down unsafe: Grenade=1 Flap, Bash anchor UpperReach.UpperSoupThawedPaths at -215, -3877: nospawn refill Checkpoint pickup UpperReach.LowerKS: moki: Glide gorlek: Sword Dash, Hammer kii: Dash OR Sentry=2 OR Blaze=4 unsafe: Damage=20, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 pickup UpperReach.MiddleRightKS: moki: DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Bash OR Hammer SentryJump=1 kii: Spear=1 unsafe: Sword Damage=20 # Dash, Sword, Damage=10 # upslash+dash in the icy part of the pole conn UpperReach.OutsideTreeRoom: free anchor UpperReach.OutsideTreeRoom at -169, -3911: # In front of the keystone door refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki, UpperReach.ThawFurnace, BreakCrystal: Water, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: BreakCrystal, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash BreakCrystal, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Water, BreakCrystal, Bow OR Spear Water, Grapple, BreakCrystal, Sword OR Hammer kii, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Water, BreakCrystal, Grenade state UpperReach.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 pickup UpperReach.SwimEX: moki: UpperReach.ThawFurnace, Water conn UpperReach.UpperSoupThawed: moki, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Grapple, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump gorlek, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: Grapple, Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii, UpperReach.ThawFurnace: DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=4 Grapple, Sentry=3, Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=20 unsafe: UpperReach.ThawFurnace, DoubleJump, Glide conn UpperReach.TreeRoomLedge: moki: UpperReach.KeystoneDoor # backwards connection can't get through the Icefall anchor UpperReach.TreeRoomLedge at -136, -3911: # On the ledge to the left and above the tree state UpperReach.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 pickup UpperReach.TreeOre: moki: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Launch, Sword OR Hammer Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Sword OR Sentry=3 Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch conn UpperReach.TreeRoom: free # backwards connection can't get through the Icefall anchor UpperReach.TreeRoom at -107, -3933: # At the tree refill Checkpoint: # the hut door saves unsafe: free refill Energy=4: # fast respawning crystal moki: BreakCrystal quest UpperReach.SpringSeed: moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryBurn=1 # Use sentry to light the lantern pickup UpperReach.LightBurstTree: free pickup UpperReach.WellEX: free pickup UpperReach.HiddenEX: moki: Grenade=1 gorlek: SentryBurn=1 # Use sentry to melt the ice pickup UpperReach.TreeOre: gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 # Climb the right wall conn UpperReach.TreeRoomLedge: moki: Bash, Grenade=3 Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1, Grenade=2 SentryJump=2, SentryBurn=2 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump # go up to the ore Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword # go up to the ore Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 # go up to the ore region UpperDepths: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor UpperDepths.Entry at 161, -4340: # The little standable ground below the entrance pickup UpperDepths.EntrySpikesEX: moki: Glide gorlek: Damage=10 unsafe: free conn UpperDepths.FirstFirefly: moki: Glide, Combat=2xBombSlug+2xBat+SneezeSlug Glide, Combat=2xBombSlug, Bash gorlek: Glide, Combat=Bat OR Bash Combat=2xBombSlug, Damage=30, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash # Lots of possibilities here but Bash is the most reliable way to avoid too much damage kii: Dash, Damage=40 Glide Damage=40, Shuriken=4 OR Blaze=2 Damage=70, Sentry=4 OR Sword OR Flash=4 conn EastHollow.AboveDepths: moki: EastHollow.DepthsOpen, Glide gorlek, EastHollow.DepthsOpen: Launch, DoubleJump OR Damage=10 SentryJump=1, Launch kii, EastHollow.DepthsOpen: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grenade=1, Damage=30 unsafe, EastHollow.DepthsOpen: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump # wall jump on the right wall, go to the safe spot in the spikes, grenade bash again from here SentryJump=2, DoubleJump # same as above # checkpoint at 147, -4392 anchor UpperDepths.FirstFirefly at 211, -4391: # Where the Voice dialogue plays refill Checkpoint pickup UpperDepths.EntryRoofEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide SentryJump=1, Combat=Bat, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 Bash, Damage=30, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe: Bash SentryJump=1, Combat=Bat, Glide, Damage=30 pickup UpperDepths.EntryOre: moki: Combat=Bat, Grapple, DoubleJump Bash, DoubleJump OR Grapple Launch gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump Bash OR SentryJump=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump Hammer, DoubleJump Grenade=1 DoubleJump, Shuriken, Sword, Deflector pickup UpperDepths.LeftEntryKS: # paths breaking the firefly egg; others can go from the anchor below moki: BreakWall=1, Combat=Spiderling, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide BreakWall=1, Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide BreakWall=1, Launch Bow=1, Combat=Spiderling OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch Spear=1, Combat=Spiderling OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: BreakWall=1, Grapple BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Glide happens to automatically line up with the safe spot, Sword doesn't Bow=1 OR Spear=1 # break the firefly egg from a distance SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Go as close to spikes as possible, do SentryJup and the Sword hower + the skill you have kii: Sword, DoubleJump, Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash # make friends with the spiderling # a higher difficulty can put paths directly to swimec using the firefly egg here conn UpperDepths.Entry: moki: Glide, Combat=2xBombSlug+2xBat+SneezeSlug Glide, Combat=2xBombSlug, Bash gorlek: Glide, Bash, Combat=BombSlug OR Damage=10 Glide, Combat=BombSlug+Bat Glide, Combat=Bat, Damage=10 Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Bash, Damage=30 kii: Glide unsafe: Glide conn UpperDepths.FirstKSRoom: free anchor UpperDepths.FirstKSRoom at 223, -4420: # Below the first firefly egg refill Checkpoint: # this checkpoint is easy to walk past unsafe: free refill Energy=3: # this crystal is in the darkness unsafe: BreakCrystal pickup UpperDepths.LeftEntryKS: moki: DepthsLight, Combat=Spiderling OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: DepthsLight kii: Bash, Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash # Kite spider to left with bash and then bashglide pickup UpperDepths.SwimEC: moki: Flash=1, Water, Combat=Spiderling OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch UpperDepths.ForestsEyes, Water, Combat=Spiderling OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: Water, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash=1 DepthsLight, ShurikenBreak=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 conn UpperDepths.FirstFirefly: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump, Combat=Spiderling+WeakSlug OR Bash Launch, DoubleJump OR Grapple gorlek: Grapple, Combat=WeakSlug, DoubleJump OR Damage=30 Grapple, Bash, DoubleJump OR Damage=30 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=30, Combat=2xSpiderling OR Bash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=30 # Possible without dmg if you go and jump from the left wall for additional height Launch conn UpperDepths.KeydoorLedge: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple Launch gorlek: Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1 SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple kii: Grapple, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash conn UpperDepths.RightKeystonePath: # check for redundancies with KeydoorLedge gorlek: Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # checkpoint at 136, -4425 # checkpoint at 297, -4376 anchor UpperDepths.KeydoorLedge at 281, -4408: # In front of the entry keystone door refill Checkpoint: moki: UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor state UpperDepths.LightPuzzle: # breaking the corruption blocking the light moki, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor, BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16: DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple Bash, Launch gorlek, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor, BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16: DoubleJump, Grapple, Combat=Spiderling+SneezeSlug Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, DoubleJump, Damage=30, Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=2, Combat=Spiderling+SneezeSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor, BreakWall=16, BreakWall=16: Launch, Damage=30 state UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 conn UpperDepths.FirstKSRoom: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 unsafe: free conn UpperDepths.RightKeystonePath: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Glide OR Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # With Hammer first do howering, then press DoubleJump Grapple, Sword kii: Dash OR Sword Grapple, Hammer OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Sentry=2 OR Shuriken conn UpperDepths.BelowHive: # LightPuzzle spawns another bat above the spikes moki, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: UpperDepths.LightPuzzle, Bash, Glide UpperDepths.LightPuzzle OR DepthsLight: Launch Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Combat=2xBat, DoubleJump OR Dash # Combat=Bat expects a ranged weapon gorlek, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: UpperDepths.LightPuzzle, Bash UpperDepths.LightPuzzle OR DepthsLight: Damage=30 Combat=Bat, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # Combat=Bat expects a ranged weapon kii, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor, UpperDepths.LightPuzzle OR DepthsLight: Combat=Bat, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: Bash # https://youtu.be/6lg7Yl-ehX8 Damage=10, UpperDepths.LightPuzzle OR DepthsLight # dboost on a bat's projectile anchor UpperDepths.RightKeystonePath at 305, -4426: # at the ledge below the entry keydoor, going towards the keystone refill Checkpoint pickup UpperDepths.RightEntryKS: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: Grapple DoubleJump, TripleJump DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # use the poles hanging from the ceiling DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1 DepthsLight, SentryJump=1 kii: Bash DepthsLight, Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Sword conn UpperDepths.FirstKSRoom: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Grapple, Dash OR Damage=30 Grapple, SentryJump=1 Launch kii: Dash, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sword OR Hammer anchor UpperDepths.BelowHive at 422, -4402: # Below the Hive, on top of the tunnel leading downwards refill Checkpoint refill Full: # use the teleporter (mirror of connecting to the teleporter and then back here) moki: BreakWall=1, Grapple, Bow OR Spear BreakWall=1, Launch DepthsLight, Grapple OR Launch DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Grapple, BreakWall=1, Bow OR Spear OR Shuriken OR Grenade DoubleJump, TripleJump, BreakWall=1, Bow OR Spear OR Shuriken OR Grenade SentryJump=1, Grapple # use the weapon to break the firefly egg SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump # use the weapon to break the firefly egg DepthsLight, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash DepthsLight, SentryJump=1 refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal, DoubleJump OR Launch state UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: # mirror of connections to keydoor ledge moki: Keystone=2, DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek, Keystone=2: DepthsLight, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Dash, Launch kii, Keystone=2: DepthsLight: Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Damage=30 Flash=1 # if flash is your lightsource as well you need to turn it off and then turn it on again during your jump quest UpperDepths.LightcatcherSeed: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20, DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii: ShurikenBreak=20, DepthsLight, Sword OR Sentry=2 pickup UpperDepths.HiveEX: moki: Bash OR Launch # bash makes paths destroying the hive redundant in moki gorlek: Combat=Nest, Grapple, DoubleJump # use sword or hammer from combat to hover Combat=Nest, SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Sword # use sword with double jump to gain height from mosquitos conn UpperDepths.KeydoorLedge: # solving the light puzzle can't meaningfully softlock this since it means you can already access the other side moki: UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor, DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: DepthsLight, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Dash, Launch kii, UpperDepths.EntryKeystoneDoor: DepthsLight: Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Damage=30 Flash=1 # if flash is your lightsource as well you need to turn it off and then turn it on again during your jump conn UpperDepths.Teleporter: moki: Grapple OR Launch DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump DepthsLight, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash DepthsLight, SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump conn UpperDepths.Central: # paths using the firefly have to go from the teleporter moki: DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # a bit scary... gorlek: DepthsLight conn UpperDepths.LowerConnection: moki: DepthsLight # a bit scary... # so far, all connections to morapath going past the seed would be redundant with going to the teleporter first # checkpoint at 529, -4399 anchor UpperDepths.Teleporter at 513, -4361: # The spirit well refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup UpperDepths.TeleporterEX: free # just a few steps away in the darkness conn Teleporters: free conn UpperDepths.BelowHive: moki: BreakWall=1, Bow OR Spear BreakWall=1, Launch DepthsLight gorlek: BreakWall=1, Shuriken OR Grenade SentryJump=1 # use the weapon to break the firefly egg Dash, Damage=30 OR Launch # spam and land in the spikes or catch with launch kii: Dash OR Launch conn UpperDepths.Central: # paths using depthslight already solve connection through the midway anchor moki: BreakWall=1, Bow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # a bit scary... BreakWall=1, Spear, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch # a bit scary... BreakWall=1, Launch gorlek: BreakWall=1, Bow OR Spear OR Shuriken OR Grenade SentryJump=1 # use the weapon to break the firefly egg kii: BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, Damage=30 conn UpperDepths.OutsideMoraFight: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20 anchor UpperDepths.Central at 464, -4484: # The firefly egg to the right of the second keystone door refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: # in the dark above unsafe: BreakCrystal, Launch state UpperDepths.CentralKeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 conn UpperDepths.SecondKSRoom: moki: Combat=2xSpiderling, BreakWall=1 # combat will provide a weapon, depthslight would be redundant here Bash, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 gorlek: free # don't look behind oriLurk conn UpperDepths.LowerConnection: moki: UpperDepths.CentralKeystoneDoor conn UpperDepths.BelowHive: moki: DepthsLight, Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=10 DepthsLight, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=10 kii: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump anchor UpperDepths.SecondKSRoom at 542, -4466: # The egg of the firefly circling through the keystone room refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal # a great number of energy crystals on the way through the dark have not been considered (they would probably even out since more anchors would also increase the flash cost) pickup UpperDepths.RightHealthKS: moki: BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight gorlek: free pickup UpperDepths.LeftHealthKS: moki: BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight Dash, Glide, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash # break the firefly egg and hover DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1 DepthsLight, SentryJump=1 Launch kii: DoubleJump, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight Dash Sword, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight pickup UpperDepths.KeystoneHC: moki: BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight gorlek: BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump Dash, Launch kii: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Shuriken=1 pickup UpperDepths.BossPathEX: # saved for later to know redundancies with the new anchor moki: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 DepthsLight, Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump Launch kii: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword # go around to the right and then jump to the left unsafe: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Sword conn UpperDepths.Central: moki: Combat=Spiderling, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 Bash, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 gorlek: DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=10 # with DoubleJump it's still quite easy to take damage kii: free # might just wanna stick to damage 10 but I think it's doable conn UpperDepths.MoraPath: moki: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Grapple, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, DoubleJump DepthsLight, Dash, Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=30, Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=2 kii: DepthsLight, Damage=60, Sentry=4 OR Sword OR Shuriken=4 OR Hammer conn LowerDepths.East: gorlek, ShurikenBreak=20: DepthsLight, Combat=Spiderling, Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Sword OR Hammer kii, ShurikenBreak=20: DepthsLight, Combat=Spiderling # jump from the very edge of the platform above the spikes unsafe: ShurikenBreak=20 # Avoid the spiderling and use it as a lightsource anchor UpperDepths.MoraPath at 572, -4431: # At the safe light during the dark path towards Mora refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal quest UpperDepths.LightcatcherSeed: moki: DepthsLight, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash DepthsLight, Combat=2xSpiderling, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 # clear the floor to bashgrenade DepthsLight, Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Combat=3xSpiderling, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, SwordSJump=1 # kill the spiderlings with the weapon DepthsLight, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=30 # kill the spiderlings with the weapon DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grapple Launch kii: DepthsLight, Grapple, Damage=30 OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=1 DepthsLight, DoubleJump conn UpperDepths.OutsideMoraFight: moki: DepthsLight, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, Grapple, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 DepthsLight, Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, Grapple, Dash, Damage=30, Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump DepthsLight, Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=3 DepthsLight, Grapple, SwordSJump=1 DepthsLight, Grapple, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, SwordSJump=2 DepthsLight, HammerSJump=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, SentryJump=3 Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii: DepthsLight, Grapple, Damage=30, Dash OR Sword OR DoubleJump OR Glide DepthsLight, Bash, Damage=30, Sword OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide conn UpperDepths.SecondKSRoom: moki: DepthsLight conn UpperDepths.BelowHive: # many paths would be redundant with going to the teleporter gorlek, BreakWall=20: DepthsLight, Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, SwordSJump=1 DepthsLight, Bash, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Combat=3xSpiderling, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, SentryJump=1, Grapple, Glide OR Damage=30 # kill the spiderlings with the weapon DepthsLight, SentryJump=2, Glide OR Damage=30 # kill the spiderlings with the weapon kii, BreakWall=20: DepthsLight, DoubleJump DepthsLight, Grapple, Damage=40 OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=3 OR Shuriken=2 # going to the keydoor should always be easier through the bottom path (keystone room) than going past the seed anchor UpperDepths.OutsideMoraFight at 595, -4376: # Directly left of Mora's lair refill Checkpoint conn MoraFirstPhase: free conn UpperDepths.Teleporter: moki, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: BreakWall=20, Dash OR Sword OR HammerSJump=1 kii, BreakWall=20: Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 # sentry one is pretty precise so might need to be removed unsafe: BreakWall=20, Glide conn UpperDepths.MoraPath: moki: DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: free anchor MoraFirstPhase at 674, -4385: nospawn refill Full conn MoraEscape: moki: SkipMora1 # Impossible state used to logically support skipping Mora through headers Boss=165, Regenerate, Damage=50, Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch kii: Boss=165, Regenerate, Damage=50, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch unsafe: Boss=165 anchor MoraEscape at 712, -4482: nospawn refill Checkpoint conn MoraSecondPhase: # Abilities needed for the escape part moki: Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Grapple, Dash Bash, Launch Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Grapple kii: Bash, Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 Launch, DoubleJump # Multiple solutions: refresh your launch on the right ceiling, jump when the ground is moving up or use the right platform before the rock starts falling on it unsafe: Bash, Grapple Launch FlashSwap # Yes, it works on hard mode. anchor MoraSecondPhase at 690, -4386: nospawn refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal quest UpperDepths.ForestsEyes: moki: SkipMora2 # Impossible state used to logically support skipping Mora through headers Boss=165, Regenerate, Damage=60, Bash, Flash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch kii: Boss=165, Regenerate, Damage=60, DepthsLight, Launch Boss=165, Regenerate, Damage=60, DepthsLight, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash unsafe: Boss=165 anchor UpperDepths.LowerConnection at 423, -4475: # The firefly egg to the left of the second keystone door refill Checkpoint # energy crystal on the way to the trial not considered state UpperDepths.CentralKeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=2 pickup LowerDepths.BelowDoorOre: moki: DepthsLight # It's hidden in a dark area, not hard to reach. gorlek: free # the ore is a light source, lots of time to teleport out pickup LowerDepths.LeftEX: moki: Glide, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight Launch, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight DoubleJump, Dash, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight gorlek: Sword # break the firefly egg and hover Hammer, DoubleJump OR Damage=30 # break the firefly egg and hover Dash, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight BreakWall=1, DoubleJump OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Damage=30 kii: Sentry=2, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 Blaze=3 OR Shuriken=3 # break the firefly egg and hover conn UpperDepths.BelowHive: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight Launch, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump gorlek: DepthsLight, Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=10 DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=10, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=3, Damage=10 DepthsLight, Grapple, SentryJump=1, Damage=10 DepthsLight, SentryJump=2, DoubleJump DepthsLight, SentryJump=2, Damage=10, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, SentryJump=3, Damage=10 BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump BreakWall=1, SentryJump=4 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 kii: DepthsLight, Grapple, Sentry=3 OR Shuriken=3 OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn UpperDepths.Central: moki: UpperDepths.CentralKeystoneDoor conn LowerDepths.West: moki: BreakWall=1, Dash, DoubleJump OR Glide DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash DepthsLight, Glide Launch, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight gorlek: Sword # break the firefly egg and hover Dash, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight DoubleJump, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 Damage=30, DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 kii: Shuriken=3 Sentry=2, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight conn LowerDepths.Central: moki: # the paths in the dark are a bit treacherous... BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash BreakWall=1, Launch, DoubleJump OR Glide DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash OR Glide DepthsLight, Bash, Glide DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek: BreakWall=1, Dash, Glide # take the shortcut through the darkness BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, Dash, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 BreakWall=1, Launch, Dash OR Bash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Glide DepthsLight, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer DepthsLight, Dash, Sword DepthsLight, Launch, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: DepthsLight, Bash, Sentry=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Spear=1 DepthsLight, Sword, Sentry=2 DepthsLight, Damage=30, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 region LowerDepths: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor LowerDepths.West at 322, -4510: # At the Moki needing a Lantern refill Checkpoint refill Health=1: # to the left gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Dash, Glide OR Sword Bash OR Launch Water, WaterDash kii: Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Glide, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Water DoubleJump, Damage=20, Damage=20 # Either you swim decently fast or you remember that you can double jump to delay entering the water. WaterDash, Damage=20, Damage=20 # the second damage is so that you can get back unsafe: Glide OR PauseHover Shuriken=2, DoubleJump OR Dash # catch the shuriken HammerJump Sword, Water # lure a fish to pogo Sword, Damage=140, Damage=20 SentrySwap=2 OR BlazeSwap=2 OR FlashSwap refill Energy=3: # to the left gorlek, BreakCrystal: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Dash, Glide OR Sword Bash OR Launch Water, WaterDash kii, BreakCrystal: Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Glide, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Water DoubleJump, Damage=20, Damage=20 # Either you swim decently fast or you remember that you can double jump to delay entering the water. WaterDash, Damage=20, Damage=20 # the second damage is so that you can get back unsafe, BreakCrystal: Glide OR PauseHover Shuriken=2, DoubleJump OR Dash # catch the shuriken HammerJump Sword, Water # lure a fish to pogo Sword, Damage=140, Damage=20 SentrySwap=2 OR BlazeSwap=2 OR FlashSwap # energy crystal on the way not considered quest LowerDepths.HandToHandSilk: moki: GladesTown.HandToHandLantern pickup LowerDepths.SwimEC: moki: Water, Bash, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash gorlek: Water, Damage=10, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash kii: Water, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash WaterDash, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes, Damage=150 # Adding some damage for lenience. No Flash because you can't really see where you're going while water dashing. unsafe: WaterDash, Water OR Damage=120 # probably involves too much blind water dashing to be kii pickup LowerDepths.LeftEX: moki: DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide BreakWall=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: DepthsLight, Sword OR Hammer BreakWall=1, Sword OR Hammer kii: DepthsLight OR BreakWall=1 # A little tricky, but you can see where you're jumping pretty well thanks to the pickup light. unsafe: Dash OR Launch conn DepthsShrine: moki: Water, DoubleJump, Bash, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash Water, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash Water, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash Water, Launch, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Dash, Glide OR Sword Bash OR Launch WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 Water, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash: DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=2 Bash, Dash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: ShurikenBreak=20: Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Glide, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Water DoubleJump, Damage=20 # Either you swim decently fast or you remember that you can double jump to delay entering the water. WaterDash, Damage=20 Bash, Water, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes # Using Flash makes it too easy to accidentally kill the slime you need to bash off of; the jump can be done without the slime, but it's probably too precise. unsafe: ShurikenBreak=20: Glide OR PauseHover Shuriken=2, DoubleJump OR Dash # catch the shuriken HammerJump Sword, Water # lure a fish to pogo Sword, Damage=140 SentrySwap=1 OR BlazeSwap=1 OR FlashSwap Water, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash: DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer # djump + upslash + dash to the reach the wall before the shrine GlideJump, DoubleJump OR Dash OR PauseHover HammerJump SentryJump=1 FlashSwap # TODO: calculate blaze / sentry swaps Bash, Water, Flash conn UpperDepths.LowerConnection: moki: DepthsLight, Launch gorlek: # Can make it easier by adding BreakWall=1 and using the firefly DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Damage=10, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii: DepthsLight, Damage=20, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword # probably fine unsafe: DepthsLight, Damage=20, Dash DepthsLight, Damage=10, DoubleJump BreakWall=1, Launch # use the slime for light LaunchSwap # squishy platform before the drop -> platform under the slime -> straight up past the slime conn LowerDepths.Central: moki, BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight: DoubleJump, Bash, Dash # combatting the bat would need bash anyway in moki Launch, DoubleJump OR Glide gorlek: BreakWall=1, DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer BreakWall=1, Combat=Bat, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide BreakWall=1, SentryJump=1, Damage=10, Bash, Dash DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, Combat=Bat, DoubleJump, Glide DepthsLight, Combat=Bat, DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=30, Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, SentryJump=1, Damage=10, Bash, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=10, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # 4 arrows with sword, 5 arrows with hammer kii: BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight: # The bat is kinda scary, but fighting it while also tracking a firefly and planning the jump over the spikes is equally scary. Sword, DoubleJump, Damage=10 Hammer, DoubleJump, Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch unsafe: BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight: Dash, SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Sword SentryJump=1, Damage=10, PauseHover OR Glide SentryJump=1, GlideJump HammerJump Launch # Extremely Precise. Use the bat and the crystal for light. anchor DepthsShrine at 213, -4515: nospawn refill Full state LowerDepths.CombatShrineCompleted: moki, Regenerate, Combat=3xBat+4xEnergyRefill+2xSneezeSlug+2xTentacle+4xEnergyRefill+2xBat+2xTentacle+4xEnergyRefill+Bat+SneezeSlug: Damage=65 Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash Damage=50, Launch unsafe: Combat=3xBat+4xEnergyRefill+2xSneezeSlug+2xTentacle+4xEnergyRefill+2xBat+2xTentacle+4xEnergyRefill+Bat+SneezeSlug pickup LowerDepths.CombatShrine: moki: LowerDepths.CombatShrineCompleted anchor LowerDepths.Central at 482, -4536: # Below where the trial starts refill Checkpoint pickup LowerDepths.RaceStartHC: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple, Dash OR DepthsLight Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # easiest from the platform right of the jump pad DepthsLight, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Climb the right wall. kii: DepthsLight, DoubleJump # Might be easy enough for gorlek. DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 DepthsLight, Grapple, Dash OR Glide # so... # - The first jump is extremely weird, it's just barely free but super awkward. # - Failing the jump doesn't really cause any problems for the player at all, you just drop back to where you started and try again. # - Any vertical movement boost at all makes it very easy. # - Grappling the light provides the necessary vertical height, but kii might not know that. # Going with the assumption that the player either knows the Grapple strat or notices that the free path is possible, but not both. Flash OR UpperDepths.ForestsEyes: # Not enough time for bow light. Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # Use the grapple plant for light. unsafe: DepthsLight, Grapple, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR PauseHover DepthsLight, GrenadeJump # Grenade Jump from the platform right of the jump pad, Grenade Wall Jump for extra distance. SentryJump=1 # Sentry Jump from the platform right of the jump pad. Grapple, DoubleJump OR Bow=1 OR Dash # Use the ledge above the grapple plant. The Bow shot provides both light and movement. HammerJump # Hammer Jump to the wall above the grapple plant, Hammer Jump around the ledge. DoubleJump, TripleJump, GlideJump # Reach the grapple plant to refresh light, glide across. pickup LowerDepths.SpiritTrial: moki: LowerDepths.TrialActivation, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grapple kii, LowerDepths.TrialActivation: Dash, Bash, Grapple, Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple # Tight on timing, but it's mostly just holding forward + decent grapple skills. Might be too hard for kii, possibly could use Glide as a failsafe. unsafe, LowerDepths.TrialActivation: Dash, Bash, Grapple # Swing the first firefly. It could be kii if you damage boost instead, but that damage boost looks like it qualifies as friendly spikes. DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Glide # Swing the last firefly. conn LowerDepths.East: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Dash, Glide OR Sword Launch, Damage=30 DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Glide kii: Flash=1 OR UpperDepths.ForestsEyes: # Midair bow shot if bow is the light source. DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer Bash, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 # Flash Boost. Bash, Glide Launch # You need to reset Launch on the wall left of the last two fireflies. Going with kii because the reset is easy (some of the wall is safe for wall jumping) and there's plenty of light to use. unsafe: # There's a safe platform in the spikes below the lanterns. DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Flash=1, DoubleJump # Activate Flash late for a boost. Bash, DoubleJump, Blaze=1 Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=30 OR PauseHover Bash, Spear=1 OR GrenadeCancel # Grenade/Spear Zoom off of the first firefly to reach the second. HammerJump # Extended Hammer Jump from the first firefly to the second, land on the platform in the spikes. conn UpperDepths.LowerConnection: moki: DepthsLight, Launch, Bash DepthsLight, Bash, DoubleJump gorlek: DepthsLight, Launch DepthsLight, Combat=WeakSlug, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 # need 6 arrows kii: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=30 Sword OR Hammer OR DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Grenade=1: # These are to get to the trial platform, see RaceStartHC for more info. DepthsLight, Bash, Dash OR Glide Flash=1 OR UpperDepths.ForestsEyes: # Bow path requires a midair bow shot. Bash, Hammer OR Sword unsafe: DepthsLight, Bash, Hammer OR Sword DepthsLight, Bash, Dash OR Glide DepthsLight, PauseHover DepthsLight, GlideJump # Glide Jump to reach the wall next to the firefly. DepthsLight, HammerJump LaunchSwap # wall left of firefly -> wall under BelowDoorOre -> wall next to slime # checkpoint at 478, -4517 anchor LowerDepths.East at 570, -4550: # The lit up room on the trial path # hey so in case you think "I don't like the anchor layout in this area and wow this anchor is gigantic" yeah I think so too but I failed to come up with a better solution so just a heads that maybe there is a better set of anchors possible here but also maybe you're just putting yourself through useless pain for trying. refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal refill Energy=3: moki, BreakCrystal: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, BreakCrystal: Bash OR SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword kii, BreakCrystal: Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash Hammer, DoubleJump OR Dash Glide unsafe, BreakCrystal: DoubleJump, Hammer GrenadeJump OR PauseHover Grapple, UltraGrapple Sword # Pogo a skeeto. pickup LowerDepths.SpiritSurgeShard: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump, Grapple Launch, Sword DepthsLight, Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=30 kii: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide # The Glide path might be too hard due to time. Grapple, Sword OR Dash OR Glide # The Glide path might be too hard due to grapple plant physics. Launch unsafe: # There's a safe spot in the middle of the spikes. DepthsLight, DoubleJump, GlideJump DepthsLight, HammerJump DepthsLight, GrenadeJump, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump Grapple, Damage=30, Damage=30 # Jump to the safe spot, grapple the plant for light, use Regenerate, grapple the plant again, jump to the bottom left platform, grapple the other plant and jump to it. Very hard. PauseHover, DoubleJump OR Grapple OR GlideJump FlashSwap Grapple, Hammer OR Sentry=2 # Probably too precise for kii, especially given that the grapple plants have physics. Shuriken=4, DoubleJump, Flash=1 # Flash Boost, catch the shuriken twice. Last shuriken is to reach the wall next to the grapple plant. Bash, Grapple, GrenadeCancel, GrenadeJump # Grenade Zoom off of a skeeto, Grenade Jump onto the grapple plant. pickup LowerDepths.LupoMap: moki, SpiritLight=150: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump, Dash Launch, Glide DepthsLight, Glide DepthsLight, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek, SpiritLight=150: Grapple, Sword Launch DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer DepthsLight, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Sword OR Hammer kii, SpiritLight=150: DepthsLight, Damage=60 DepthsLight, Damage=30, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 # Might need an extra shuriken for the second jump, depending on how good kii is at iframe abuse. DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 # Possible with just Double Jump + Dash, but that looks a little bit too hard. DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide # Triple Jump path uses the wall left of the first grapple plant. Grapple unsafe, SpiritLight=150: # There's two safe spots in the spikes. The first one's kinda useless. DoubleJump, Dash # Reset Dash on the ceiling a couple times. Flash=1, Damage=30 # Flash Boost for distance and light. PauseHover, DepthsLight OR DoubleJump Bash, GrenadeCancel # Grenade Zoom. DoubleJump, GrenadeJump GlideJump WaveDash # The slope on the platform is Wave-Dash-safe for some reason. DepthsLight, Shuriken=3 # Double shuriken catch. DepthsLight, Damage=30, Damage=30 DepthsLight, Damage=30, Blaze=1 OR Sentry=1 DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash conn UpperDepths.SecondKSRoom: moki, BreakWall=20: DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple DepthsLight, Launch gorlek, BreakWall=20: DepthsLight, Bash, Grapple, Dash DepthsLight, Bash, Grapple, Damage=30, Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, Bash, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash DepthsLight, Bash, SwordSJump=1, Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, SentryJump=1, Glide, Damage=30 DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=30, Glide OR Sword DepthsLight, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, SwordSJump=1 # sjump before the lanterns, tjump+weapon stall to reach the breakable wall. Climb the right wall with tjump to reach the jumpad DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, HammerSJump=1, Dash OR Glide # sjump before the lanterns, tjump+weapon stall to reach the breakable wall. Climb the right wall with tjump to reach the jumpad kii, BreakWall=20: DepthsLight, Bash, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Glide DepthsLight, Bash, Grenade=1 # Wall Jump to catch up to the grenade. Flash=1 OR UpperDepths.ForestsEyes: DoubleJump, TripleJump # The climb up to the breakable wall is kinda weird, and Bow for light would make it a lot scarier. unsafe, BreakWall=20: # Dark runs can't work because there's no way to know how quickly you can break the wall. DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump DepthsLight, Bash, SentryJump=1 DepthsLight, Bash, DoubleJump OR Glide OR PauseHover # Use the spiderling. DepthsLight, Bash, Grapple # Use Grapple for a boost at the top of the shaft. DepthsLight, Bash, HammerSJump=1 DepthsLight, HammerJump conn LowerDepths.BeforeTree: moki: Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, Bash OR Grapple gorlek: BreakWall=1 OR DepthsLight: # go above Launch, Grapple Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Sword OR Damage=30 Launch, Dash, Glide OR Bash OR Sword OR Damage=30 Launch, Glide, Bash OR Damage=30 Launch, Damage=30, Bash OR Sword Bash, Grapple, Glide OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Damage=30 kii: Launch, Damage=30 # Top path Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 UpperDepths.ForestsEyes, Launch # Using extra light to make sure that the player can see the path. Flash=1 OR UpperDepths.ForestsEyes: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple OR Damage=50 unsafe: Launch Bash, Grapple, Hammer Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR PauseHover # Swing the second firefly a lot. DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple OR Damage=20 conn LowerDepths.TreeArea: # Paths that go up to the firefly egg and then across with it. gorlek, BreakWall=1: Launch, Grapple Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Sword OR Damage=30 Launch, Dash, Glide OR Bash OR Sword OR Damage=30 Launch, Glide, Bash OR Damage=30 Launch, Damage=30, Bash OR Sword kii, BreakWall=1: Launch, Damage=30 Launch, Bash, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 conn LowerDepths.Central: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch DepthsLight, Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, Dash Launch DepthsLight, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide, Damage=30 kii: UpperDepths.ForestsEyes, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Obscure path needs lots of light. If this is too hard, there's a lot of skills that would make it easier. Bash, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 DepthsLight, Bash, Hammer unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash # make the last lantern swing to the left DepthsLight, DoubleJump, Damage=60 anchor LowerDepths.BeforeTree at 693, -4515: # The last glowshroom patch before the flash tree refill Checkpoint state LowerDepths.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple, Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple kii: Dash, Bash, Grapple unsafe: DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Glide conn LowerDepths.East: moki: Glide DoubleJump, Bash OR Grapple Dash, Bash OR Grapple Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Grapple gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Sword, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Sword OR Damage=30 Bash, Grapple, Hammer Launch UpperDepths.ForestsEyes OR Flash=1: # these seemed a bit unintuitive with the darkness, or stressful with the timer Sword, Grapple Hammer, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword kii: Sword, Dash OR Grapple OR Damage=30 # A little fast. DepthsLight, Hammer, Bash OR Grapple Bash, Grapple Dash, Sentry=3 OR Damage=30 DoubleJump, Sentry=3 OR TripleJump OR Dash OR Flash=2 OR Damage=30 # If you don't know the path, you'll see it on your way down. Is that too much trial and error? unsafe: Damage=10, Sword OR DoubleJump OR Bash # Some spikes deal a lot less damage than others. Dash # Funky dash reset on the tip of the bottleneck. Hammer, Bash OR Grapple DepthsLight, Hammer, Damage=10 # DoubleJump, Shuriken=2 Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 # >:] Flash=2, Damage=30 # That is two Flash *hops* GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 BlazeSwap=1, DoubleJump OR Damage=10 BlazeSwap=2 PauseHover conn LowerDepths.TreeArea: moki: DepthsLight BreakWall=1: DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Launch, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash Launch, Bash, Glide Launch, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek, BreakWall=1: Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump Bash, Grapple, Dash, Glide OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii, BreakWall=1: Launch, Sword OR DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Glide Launch, Bash, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=4 OR Dash Launch, Damage=30, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=30 Bash, Grapple, Sword OR Sentry=7 OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grapple, Damage=30, Shuriken=4 OR Sentry=5 # Also possible with 4 Flash Boosts. Currently, that's redundant with the DepthsLight path, but it might not be in the future. Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 OR Blaze=5 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 # Also possible with a Flash Boost. unsafe: LaunchSwap # Launch Swap to the ceiling over the drop, fall straight down, Launch Swap after hitting the floor. BreakWall=1: Launch Bash, Grapple, Hammer OR Sentry=5 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Shuriken=3 OR Dash # Reset Dash on the ceiling a few times. Bash, DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=30 Bash, PauseHover, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide Bash, Damage=30, Damage=30 # checkpoint at 621, -4579 anchor LowerDepths.TreeArea at 776, -4542: # The flash tree refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal pickup LowerDepths.FlashTree: free pickup LowerDepths.RightEX: moki: DepthsLight OR Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: SentryJump=1 conn LowerDepths.BeforeTree: moki: DepthsLight, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: DepthsLight, Glide OR Sword kii: DepthsLight, Sentry=1 unsafe: DepthsLight OR LaunchSwap # Launch Swap: right side of first cocoon -> left side of second cocoon -> all the way across. region PoolsApproach: moki: Danger=25, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor PoolsApproach.MillPathCheckpoint at -826, -4130: # The checkpoint halfway between Mill Approach and Mill Path (added mostly because the paths through here reached ridiculous complexity otherwise) refill Checkpoint conn WestGlades.MillApproach: moki, Water: Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple OR Glide # go up the left wall gorlek, Water: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Damage=15 Grapple, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=15 Grapple, Glide, Sword OR Damage=15 Grapple, Sword, Damage=15 Bash, Grenade=1, Launch Launch, Sword OR Damage=15 kii, Water: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Grapple, Glide, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 # wall jump from the right wall and use your energy weapon to reah the left wall Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Grapple, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=15 Grapple, Sentry=4 # wall jump from the right wall and use 2 sentries to reach the left wall Grapple, Sentry=2, Damage=15 # dboost in the first spikes then use two sentries to reach the water Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Sentry=2 Grapple, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=15, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=15 unsafe: Water, Grapple, Glide OR Damage=45 # grapple the plant then let you fall under it and regrapple it from bellow to have more height Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump # walljumps on the wall in the ceiling Water, SwordJump, Damage=15 Water, DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=15 Water, HammerJump conn PoolsApproach.MillPath: moki, Damage=20: # severe enemy spam Combat=Crab+2xSmallSkeeto, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash # go through the gap from above, you can use Grapple to reset if you fall Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash # go through the gap from above, you can use Grapple to reset if you fall Launch, DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Bash gorlek: Combat=2xSmallSkeeto, Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Grenade=1 Combat=2xSmallSkeeto, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump kii: Combat=2xSmallSkeeto, Grapple, Shuriken=1 Bash, Grapple OR Grenade=1 Launch, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Launch OR Bash # Bash the ennemies but they don't really like being on the right position for you to bash them Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, HammerJump, Dash OR TripleJump DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # Reset your jumps by hitting/pogoing the ennemies anchor PoolsApproach.MillPath at -873, -4146: # above the water where the three paths merge refill Checkpoint state PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: moki: Water # bashing to break the wall on the way is much harder than just swimming at it and letting it happen, so didn't make Bash a requirement. kii: # need enough health in order to exit the water so you can tp out Damage=180 WaterDash, Damage=160 unsafe: Bash, Damage=160 WaterDash, Bash, Damage=140 pickup PoolsApproach.MillPathEX: moki: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Combat=SpinCrab+CorruptSlug, DoubleJump, Dash Combat=SpinCrab+CorruptSlug, DoubleJump, Grapple, Glide # solvable either through the right grapple point or using the wrap-around taught at glades shrine Launch gorlek: Bash, Water OR Glide # there's a variety of solutions for this with the enemies around DoubleJump, TripleJump # gives some room to maneuver around the corrupted slug Combat=SpinCrab+CorruptSlug, DoubleJump, Grapple OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Bash DoubleJump, Sword # either pogo the crab or djump toward the left wall and upslash to make the slime fall (which reset your djump) Combat=SpinCrab+CorruptSlug, DoubleJump Combat=SpinCrab+CorruptSlug, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Combat=CorruptSlug, Grapple, Glide, Dash OR DoubleJump unsafe: SwordSJump=1 Sword, Damage=5 OR Combat=CorruptSlug Combat=SpinCrab+CorruptSlug, Dash # Dash ramp Combat=CorruptSlug, Dash, Grapple # grapple the right plant, and spam dash to reach the wall where the slime is pickup PoolsApproach.MillPathEC: moki: Water # again not really a reason to even use Bash kii: Damage=120 WaterDash, Damage=60 pickup PoolsApproach.MillPathHC: # Paths using clean water originate from PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel. Make sure it's not redundant with going to PoolsApproach.MillPathCheckpoint first kii: Damage=220, WaterDash conn PoolsApproach.MillPathCheckpoint: moki, Damage=20: # severe enemy spam Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide # bash errything Combat=Crab+2xSmallSkeeto, Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # clear the space to bashnade Combat=Crab+2xSmallSkeeto, Bash, Grenade=2, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # clear the space to bashnade Combat=Crab+2xSmallSkeeto, DoubleJump, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=2, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # Using Sword or Hammer it's hard to work with the bomb slugs without them doing the kaboom thing Combat=Crab+SmallSkeeto, Grapple, DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 Combat=2xSmallSkeeto, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=CorruptSlug OR SentryJump=1 # climb the wall bellow the checkpoint Launch kii: Grapple, Sword OR Hammer Combat=Crab+SmallSkeeto, Grapple, Dash Combat=Crab+SmallSkeeto, Grapple, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Combat=Crab+SmallSkeeto, Grapple, Spear=1, Blaze=1 # More energy efficient than 2 spears Combat=Crab+SmallSkeeto+CorruptSlug, Grapple, Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # kill the first corrupted slime so you can climb the wall in order to have th grappable plant in range Combat=Crab+SmallSkeeto, Grapple, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword # Use Sword to kill everything. Pogo on the last corrupted slime. Bash, Grenade=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 # bash glide a grenade where the crab is or dboost in the spikes or use energy weapon to avoid the dboost (possible with just Bash but require some specific enemies positions) unsafe: Bash DoubleJump, Hammer DoubleJump, Glide, Combat=CorruptSlug # kill the first CorruptSlug then wall jump to the left wall. Climbing that wall is a bit precise. Can make it easier with a glide jump, which means killing the second CorruptSlug GrenadeJump, Grapple, Combat=Crab, Sword OR Hammer OR Glide OR Damage=20 # Grenade jump from conn PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel: moki, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, Water: Launch Grapple, Combat=SpinCrab OR DoubleJump OR Bash PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, Combat=SpinCrab OR DoubleJump OR Bash gorlek, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, Water: PoolsApproach.WheelFreed OR DoubleJump OR Grapple OR SentryJump=1 kii, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Water, Hammer WaterDash, Damage=100, Launch OR Grapple OR DoubleJump OR Hammer OR SentryJump=1 OR PoolsApproach.WheelFreed unsafe, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Damage=240 # Require more health than possible in kii. Possible by upgrading resilience and vitality. Bash, Damage=200 WaterDash, Damage=100 conn PoolsApproach.MarshBreakableWall: # For dirty water paths. Paths using clean water originate from PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel kii, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Launch, Damage=120: # Take 6 dboost in dirty water Grapple OR Glide DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Hammer, Sentry=2 Launch, Damage=140 # Take 6 dboosts in dirty water + one dboost in the spikes WaterDash, Damage=60: # Take 3 dboost in dirty water Launch, Grapple OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Launch, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Hammer, Sentry=2 Grapple, Glide Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Dash, Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Hammer, Sentry=2 WaterDash, Damage=80: # Take 3 dboost in dirty water + one dboost in the spikes Launch Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # with sword/flash, land in the dirty water before the breakable wall instead of the spikes DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer DoubleJump, Glide, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, Damage=100: # 3 dboost in dirty water + 2 dboost in spikes DoubleJump Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # jumping in the water can be easier than taking a second dboost in the spikes Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Sword, Glide OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 WaterDash, Damage=120, Grapple OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # 3 dboost in dirty water + 3 dboost in spikes WaterDash, Damage=180 unsafe, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Damage=120: Launch DoubleJump, Hammer, Grapple OR Glide Damage=140: DoubleJump, Hammer, Dash OR TripleJump WaterDash, Damage=60: Launch Grapple, Sentry=3 # Nedd to grapple the plant multiple time so you get a better angle WaterDash, Damage=80, Grapple, Blaze=3 WaterDash, Damage=100, Sword OR Blaze=1 Bash, Damage=200, Grapple, DoubleJump anchor PoolsApproach.MarshBreakableWall at -820, -4185: # At the breakable wall on the way to MarshPastOpher # This anchor helps with pathfinding for PoolsApproach.MillPathHC, especially in kii and above because of dirty swims, spikes dboosts and regen state PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: # Only for dirty swims, clean water one originate from OnTopOfWheel kii: Spear=1, Damage=20: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Spear=1, Damage=40: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer Spear=1, Damage=80, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer Spear=1, Damage=100, Sword Spear=1, Damage=120 Bash, Damage=180: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Damage=200: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer unsafe: Spear=1: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Spear=1, Damage=20: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer Spear=1, Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer Spear=1, Damage=80, Sword Spear=1, Damage=100 pickup PoolsApproach.MillPathHC: moki, Water: DoubleJump, Dash, WaterDash, Damage=20 DoubleJump, Launch gorlek, Water: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump WaterDash, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # Analog swimming can avoid the damage boost but its hard to do with keyboard swimming Bash, Damage=20, DoubleJump Launch kii: Bash, DoubleJump, Water OR Damage=180 Bash, Water OR Damage=200 WaterDash, Dash, Water OR Damage=60 Water, WaterDash, Damage=20 # Analog swimming can avoid the damage boost but its hard to do with keyboard swimming WaterDash, Damage=80 Damage=100, Launch unsafe: WaterDash, Water OR Damage=40 Bash, Water OR Damage=100 Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sticky conn MarshPastOpher.PoolsPathWest: moki: BreakWall=20 conn PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel: moki, Water: Grapple, Launch Launch, Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek, Water: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Grapple, Damage=20, Glide OR Sword Damage=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Damage=20 Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Grapple, WaterDash, Hammer, Damage=20 kii: Water OR Damage=180: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water: DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer, Damage=20 Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Hammer Damage=60, Dash, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed Damage=80, Sword, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed Damage=100, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed WaterDash, Damage=80: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, Damage=100: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer WaterDash, Damage=140: DoubleJump OR Hammer Dash, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed WaterDash, Damage=160, Sword, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed WaterDash, Damage=180, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed Damage=180, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Damage=200, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer, Damage=200 unsafe: Water, BreakWall=20, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Water, DoubleJump, Damage=40 Water, Launch Water, Damage=80, Sword Water, Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=140, Dash WaterDash, Damage=160, Sword WaterDash, Damage=180 conn PoolsApproach.MillPath: # dirty swims only. Clean water paths originate from OnTopOfWheel kii, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Damage=60, WaterDash, Launch OR Bash OR DoubleJump: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 Damage=80, WaterDash: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer Damage=120, Bash, Launch: Grenade=1 OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=130, Launch: # same as above but take a dboost on the tentacle Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=140, Bash, Launch: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Sword, Hammer Damage=160, Bash, Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Damage=180, WaterDash, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Hammer Damage=190, WaterDash, DoubleJump Damage=200, WaterDash, Bash, Sword anchor PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel at -971, -4164: # Highest point on the wheel refill Checkpoint: # Need skills to get back to the anchor coordinates moki, Water: Launch OR Grapple OR PoolsApproach.WheelFreed DoubleJump, Dash gorlek, Water: DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 kii: Water, Hammer Damage=20, Launch OR Grapple OR DoubleJump OR Hammer OR SentryJump=1 OR PoolsApproach.WheelFreed unsafe: Water OR Damage=20 state PoolsApproach.WheelFreed: moki: Water, Bash unsafe: Spear=1 OR Grenade=2 state PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: moki: Water, Bash kii: Spear=1, Water OR Damage=180 Damage=80, WaterDash, Spear=1 Damage=220, Bash Damage=160, WaterDash, Bash unsafe: Damage=180, Bash Damage=160, Spear=1 Flap, Water OR Damage=220 Flap, WaterDash, Damage=100 GrenadeRedirect=1, Water OR Damage=180 # grenade redirect pickup PoolsApproach.AboveWheelEX: moki: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash # solve when the wheel is spinning by using the path bellow PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: DoubleJump, Hammer, Dash # djump + upswing then dash to the wall DoubleJump, TripleJump OR SentryJump=1 OR PoolsApproach.WheelFreed Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump # If the wheel is spinning, this is solved by just using double jump PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, DoubleJump kii: DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Hammer # if the wheel is spinning, it's solving with the path on the next line PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, Dash, Hammer unsafe: GlideJump, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 SwordJump OR HammerJump GrenadeJump, GrenadeCancel # gjump to reach the platform then cancel second one to the pickup, cancel it and grenade float (which you also need to cancel so you can wjump) SentryJump=1 pickup PoolsApproach.CurrentEX: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: Damage=100, WaterDash pickup PoolsApproach.MillPathEC: moki, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Water, Bash, Damage=10 gorlek, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Water, Bash OR Damage=10 # dboost on the tentacle kii, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: WaterDash, Water OR Damage=180 unsafe: PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, Water PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, Bash, Damage=300 PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, WaterDash, Damage=140 pickup PoolsApproach.MillPathHC: moki, Water: DoubleJump, Dash, WaterDash, Grapple DoubleJump, Grapple, Launch gorlek, Water: WaterDash, Grapple, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash # Analog swimming can avoid the damage boost but its hard to do with keyboard swimming Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 OR Grapple Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Sword Launch, DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Glide Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Launch, Damage=20, WaterDash OR Bash kii: # Be carefull it's not redundant with going to MarshBreakableWall first Water, WaterDash: Damage=20, Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost in the muncher bellow the pickup. Possible to avoid the dboost but it's hard on keyboard swimming. Damage=40, Grapple Damage=60, Glide # 2 dboost in spikes + 1 in munchers Damage=100 Damage=80, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # same as above but avoid a dboost with one energy weapon Water, Bash: Grapple, DoubleJump Damage=20, Grapple, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost in the muncher bellow the pickup Damage=20, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost in the spikes Damage=40, Grapple Damage=60, Glide Damage=100 Damage=80, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # same as above but avoid a dboost with one energy weapon Damage=220, WaterDash unsafe: Water, WaterDash, Damage=60, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 Water, DoubleJump, Bash, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer # the air stalling to skip grapple is quite hard + need an upslash and a precise shot to get to the HC but you can't refill your upsash anywhere Water, DoubleJump, Bash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer # the air stalling to skip grapple is quite hard + need an upslash and a precise shot to get to the HC but you can't refill your upsash anywhere Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Grapple # the waterdash to get to the hc is really hard with keyboard swimming Water, DoubleJump, HammerJump, Damage=20, Dash OR TripleJump Water, DoubleJump, HammerJump, Grapple OR Glide Water, Bash, Damage=20, Hammer, Sword conn PoolsApproach.MarshBreakableWall: moki, Water: WaterDash, DoubleJump, Grapple # maybe not obvious? Grapple, Launch gorlek, Water: WaterDash, Grapple, Damage=20, Dash OR Glide # damage not mandatory WaterDash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, Grapple, Damage=20, Dash, Sword Bash, Grapple, Damage=20, Glide Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump, Hammer, Damage=20 Bash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Dash, Glide OR Sword Launch, DoubleJump OR Grapple OR Glide Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Launch, Damage=20, WaterDash OR Bash kii: # OK look I'm sorry, I probably hate this connection as much as you do Water, Launch, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 Water, WaterDash: Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Damage=20, Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost in the spikes after grappling the plant then wdash+energy weapon to reach the wall Damage=20, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Damage=20, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=20, Hammer, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=40, Hammer, Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # @validator Not sure if this should be Damage=40/add more one more energy weapon or not because you need to know how to reset your upslash underwater in order to reach the breakable wall Damage=40, Dash OR DoubleJump OR Sword Damage=40, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # land in the water after 2 dboosts in spikes and use waterdash+energy weapon to reach the breakable wall Damage=60, Glide OR Hammer Damage=100 # 4 dboost ion the spikes bellow the grappable plant then land in the water and another dboost next to the breakable wall Damage=80, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # land in the water after 4 dboosts in spikes and use waterdash+energy weapon to reach the breakable wall Damage=60, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # same as above but avoid a dboost with one energy weapon Damage=60, Spear=1, Blaze=1 # Same as above but more energy efficient. Use Blaze to avoid a dboost and Spear to reach the wall. Damage=40, Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=4 # same as above but avoid even more dboosts. With sentry: dboost->1 sentry->dboost->2 sentris->water->1 sentry Water, Bash: Grapple, Glide Grapple, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=20 Grapple, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Hammer, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 Damage=20, Grapple, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 # dboost in the spikes before the water. Also works with flash but the cd make it weird Damage=20, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Damage=20, Hammer, Dash Damage=40, DoubleJump Damage=40, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=40, Sword, Glide Damage=40, Hammer, Glide OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=60, Grapple OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Damage=80, Glide Damage=80, WaterDash: # 4 dboosts in dirty water Launch, Grapple OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Launch, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Hammer, Sentry=2 Grapple, Glide Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Dash, Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Hammer, Shuriken=1 Damage=100, WaterDash: # Take 4 dboost in dirty water + one dboost in the spikes Launch Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # with sword/flash, land in the dirty water before the breakable wall instead of the spikes DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer DoubleJump, Glide, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=120, WaterDash: # 4 dboost in dirty water + 2 dboost in spikes DoubleJump Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # jumping in the water can be easier than taking a second dboost in the spikes Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Sword, Glide OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 Damage=140, WaterDash, Grapple OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # 4 dboost in dirty water + 3 dboost in spikes Damage=200, WaterDash Damage=200, Bash: # 10 dboost before the spikes, regen near the breakable wall then 8 dbosts in the water + 1 in the muncher. The muncher one is avoidable with some skills but since you are on a clock, it's better to acount for an extra dboost. Grapple, Glide Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Dash, Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Hammer, Shuriken=1 Damage=220, Bash: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer DoubleJump, Glide, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=160, Launch: Grapple OR Glide # 8 in dirty water Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 Launch, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, Hammer, Sentry=2 Damage=180, Launch # same as above but take an additional dboost in the spieks to reach the breakable wall unsafe: Water, WaterDash, Grapple, Hammer Water, WaterDash, Hammer, Damage=20, Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, WaterDash, Sword, Glide, Damage=20 Water, Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump Water, Bash, Grapple, Flash=2, Damage=20 Water, Bash, Dash, Damage=40 Water, Bash, Damage=100 Water, Launch # reset launch with ceiling Water, DoubleJump, Damage=20, WaterDash OR Bash Water, Grapple, WaterDash, Sword OR Hammer # Need an upslash but you can't refill it anywhere near Water, Grapple, Bash, Sword OR Hammer # Need an upslash but you can't refill it anywhere near Water, DoubleJump, HammerJump, Damage=20, Dash OR TripleJump Water, DoubleJump, HammerJump, Grapple OR Glide Damage=60, WaterDash, Launch Damage=80, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=4 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # walljump of the wall bellow the spikes at the end Damage=100, WaterDash, Dash, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Damage=100, WaterDash, Sword, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=160, Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Sword Damage=180, Bash, Grapple, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Damage=160, Launch conn EastPools.LeverRoom: moki: Launch, Glide OR Water Bash, Grenade=1, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Dash, Launch, Damage=20 PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, DoubleJump, Glide gorlek: Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer, Dash # djump + upswing then dash to the wall Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump Glide, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Sword # refresh your double jump with launch, equivalently for all paths below Launch, Hammer, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, Dash, Sword PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, Glide, Dash PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, Glide, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer # weapon not necessary, but you can use an upswing to make the jump off the wheel easier Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Damage=20, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # touch the dirty water Launch, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # use the weapons to float over the spikes at the end Launch, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR WaterDash # touch the dirty water kii: Launch, Sword OR Blaze=9 OR Damage=20 # dboost in dirty water Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch, Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 Launch, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Glide PoolsApproach.WheelFreed, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Hammer, Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Hammer, Damage=20, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Grenade=1 OR PoolsApproach.WheelFreed: DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Damage=20, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, TripleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 Water, WaterDash, Hammer, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Hammer # water dash straight up, double jump, upslash WaterDash, Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Hammer # 2 dboost in dirty water WaterDash, DoubleJump, Damage=40, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword WaterDash, Hammer, Dash, Damage=40 # 1 dboost in dirty water unsafe: Launch # https://youtu.be/uWfkQOtjX5Y DoubleJump, Sword # please don't put this in a supported difficulty thank you Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer # water dash straight up, double jump, upslash, dash WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 # :3 Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, HammerJump conn PoolsApproach.MillPath: moki, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Water, Bash, Damage=10, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Water, Bash, WaterDash Water, Bash, Damage=10, Launch gorlek, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Water, Bash # Bash the projectile and use it to bash the crab thing to reach the connection Water, Damage=10, Launch Water, WaterDash, Launch OR DoubleJump OR Combat=SpinCrab # pass over the crab. No dboost because it can knock you back into the water kii, PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken: Damage=120, WaterDash, Launch OR DoubleJump OR Bash Water, Grapple, Damage=10, Combat=SpinCrab, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Water, Grapple, Damage=10, Combat=SpinCrab, Dash unsafe: PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, Damage=100, WaterDash PoolsApproach.UnderwaterWallBroken, Water, Grapple, Dash conn MarshSpawn.PoolsPath: moki: Water, WaterDash # <3 unsafe: WaterDash, Damage=180 # 'u' region EastPools: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor EastPools.LeverRoom at -1160, -4152: # At the amulet Moki refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 state EastPools.EntryLever: moki: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Dash, Glide Launch gorlek: Combat=CorruptSlug, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # wait for another bubble when on the right upper wall Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, Damage=10, Sword OR Hammer # tank the explosion damage from the slug Dash, Damage=20, Combat=CorruptSlug OR Bash kii: Combat=CorruptSlug OR Bash OR Damage=10: # with damage: touch the slime to start the explosion countdown then fall and wait for the explosion Dash DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Sword Bash, Damage=20, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash # Bash the skeeto, bash the slime twice. Could be kii but the slime explode when you bash it if you touched it too soon ater the bash on the moskito Sword # https://youtu.be/i5HqEsRt5SI DoubleJump #jump on the ledge above where the right slime is to avoid the combat requirement #SentryJump=1, DoubleJump # wait for another bubble when on the right upper wall. Use weapon stall state EastPools.BelowEntryLeverBubble: moki: Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: Sword, Flap # You'll love this, I swear https://youtu.be/i5HqEsRt5SI state PoolsApproach.WheelFreed: moki: Water, Bash unsafe: Damage=60, Spear=1 WaterDash, Damage=40, Spear=1 quest EastPools.KwolokAmuletQI: free pickup EastPools.TwoCrushersEX: moki: Water, WaterDash kii, WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe: Water OR Damage=200 WaterDash, Damage=60 pickup EastPools.RightOre: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple, Flap, Combat=CorruptSlug, Dash OR Glide # Need to flap from the green spot so the bubble don't go too far to the right Launch, Grapple gorlek: Launch # Jump on the bubble before using launch DoubleJump, Grapple, Flap, Combat=CorruptSlug, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # Need to flap from the green spot so the bubble don't go too far to the right kii: DoubleJump, Grapple, Flap, TripleJump OR Damage=30 # avoid the slime or one dboost in the spikes + one the the slime DoubleJump, Grapple, Flap, Bash, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # @validator not sure why those aren't in gorlek DoubleJump, Grapple, Flap, Damage=10, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Grapple, Flap, Combat=CorruptSlug, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Not adding the energy options to the bash/dboost variant because autoaim can screw you pretty hard because of the slime explosion Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # can jump on the bubble but not mandatory unsafe: Grapple, Flap, Dash OR DoubleJump # precise jump from the right wall to barely reach the left wall without taking damage. Then wait for the slime to be in a position where you can avoid it Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump # jump on the bubble to reach your grenade pickup EastPools.CurrentEX: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, Water OR Damage=140 # https://youtu.be/JAhGlvPAFj8 WaterDash, Damage=60 pickup EastPools.BelowLeverEX: moki: # kinda dangerous with the spikes? but damage seemed mostly avoidable DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 EastPools.BelowEntryLeverBubble, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: EastPools.BelowEntryLeverBubble Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash # Bait the skeeto, bash it when it's under the hole unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Combat=CorruptSlug # kill the slug on the left wall, tjump from this wall into the spikes under the pickup SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 # The tree is swinging a bit. sjump from the left (Ori should almost fall) when the tree is swinging to the left pickup PoolsApproach.CurrentEX: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, Water OR Damage=140 # https://youtu.be/JAhGlvPAFj8 conn EastPools.BehindEntryDoor: moki: EastPools.EntryLever conn PoolsApproach.OnTopOfWheel: # make sure it's possible with both states of the wheel moki: Water, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed OR DoubleJump OR Launch Water, Bash, Grenade=1 # if the wheel is rotating, this solve with the line above Bash, Grenade=2, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, DoubleJump Glide, Launch DoubleJump, Dash, Launch Bash, Grenade=1, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Water, Hammer OR SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Launch Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, DoubleJump Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Damage=20, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, Damage=20, Dash, DoubleJump SentryJump=1, Launch # Use weapon to stall before and after the launch kii: Water, Sword, Dash Water, Spear=1 WaterDash, Damage=100, PoolsApproach.WheelFreed OR DoubleJump OR Hammer DoubleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=5 OR Sentry=3 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Dash, Hammer # hammer for the static wheel, damage for the rotatin wheel Glide, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Damage=20 Glide, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=3 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=3 # climb the left wall unsafe: Water # Precise wall jump where the tentacle is grabbing the wheel Damage=240 # Only require 60 damage if the wheel isn't spinning but has to also work when the wheel is spinning Launch # climb the left wall then ceiling boost conn MarshSpawn.PoolsPath: moki: Water, WaterDash # <3 unsafe: WaterDash, Damage=160 # 'u' anchor EastPools.BehindEntryDoor at -1239, -4162: # behind the door opened by EastPools.EntryLever refill Checkpoint state EastPools.BelowEntryLeverBubble: moki, EastPools.EntryLever: Hammer OR Spear=1 pickup EastPools.AboveDoorOre: moki: Launch Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Grapple EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Grapple, Flap, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: SentryJump=2, Damage=20 # damage if you sjump into the spikes SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Grapple EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Grapple, Flap, Sword OR Hammer kii: EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Grapple, Flap, Combat=Crab OR Bash OR Damage=10 unsafe: Sword, Bash, Hammer OR Grapple OR Dash # hammer upswing + sword upswing + sword pogo to get below slime. With dash, either dash ramp if the door is opened or wall jump off the door. Hit the slime off the ceiling with sword and then bash it (hammer kill the slime with both ancestral light in easy). DoubleJump, Bash # Bash the slug when its at the right of the ceiling conn EastPools.TokkBubble: moki: Launch OR Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Bash OR Combat=Crab gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: free conn EastPools.TPArea: moki: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=2, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 SentryJump=1, Grapple OR DoubleJump SentryJump=2, Damage=20 # weapon stall under the slug, damage is if you sjump into the spikes Bash, Grenade=2, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=3 # bash grenade from under AboveDoorOre and bash the slime to reach the left ledge Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Glide # Possible with just bash/tjump but there is a small colider at the left that make it hard when the slug is right next to it kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Possible with just bash/tjump but there is a small colider at the left that make it hard when the slug is right next to it DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # tjump, hit the slime then tjump+upslash #unsafe: # Unsafe can just do puzzle skip in order to reach that anchor from the TP # Grapple, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 # Dash # either dash ramp if the door is opened or wall jump off the door conn EastPools.LeverRoom: moki, EastPools.EntryLever: Combat=Crab OR Bash OR Launch OR EastPools.BelowEntryLeverBubble gorlek, EastPools.EntryLever: Water, Damage=10 # dboost on the crab then wait for the bubble in the water unsafe: EastPools.EntryLever #anchor EastPools.BelowTokk at -1278, -4158: # at the checkpoint where you do puzzle skip, between Tokk and the slime # # Anchor is now obsolete because of EastPools.TokkBubble. Keeping it commentated in case we want to add it back one day # # refill Checkpoint # # state EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree: # Be sure it's not redundant with going to EastPools.BehindEntryDoor first # moki: Water, Bash OR WaterDash # unsafe: EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 # state EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall: # Be sure it's not redundant with going to EastPools.BehindEntryDoor first # moki: Water, Bash # kii: # Water OR Damage=160 # WaterDash, Damage=120 # unsafe: # Combat=Crab, Damage=125 # dboost on the slug's projectile before dropping into the water # Damage=130 # dboost on the crab before dropping in the water # state EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: # Puzzle skip # unsafe: free # Take the checkpoint bellow and die in the right water pound. If you have clean water, you can bait a torpedo instead https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/942484861569105990/1045401688229560381/2022-11-24_19-10-22.mp4 # # pickup EastPools.AboveDoorOre: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths comming from EastPools.BehindEntryDoor # gorlek: # Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 # SentryJump=1, Damage=20 # # conn EastPools.BehindEntryDoor: # moki: # Launch OR Grapple # with grapple, go below # Bash, Grenade=1 # either go below or bash the slime after bashing your grenade if going above # DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide # gorlek: DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=20 # sjump from below. Use your weapon to kill the crab # kii: # Bash # Go below # Combat=CorruptSlug, Hammer # if you hit the slug it gets weird because you can hit it again which makes it explodes so it's better to kill it before going over the spikes # conn EastPools.TPArea: # moki: # Launch # Bash, Grenade=1 # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Combat=Crab, Grapple, Flap, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Bash, Grapple, Flap, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # gorlek: # SentryJump=1 # Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Glide # Possible with just bash/tjump but there is a small colider at the left that make it hard when the slug is right next to it # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Flap, Combat=Crab, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Flap, Bash, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 # kii: # Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Possible with just bash/tjump but there is a small colider at the left that make it hard when the slug is right next to it # DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # tjump, hit the slime then tjump+upslash # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Flap, Combat=Crab, Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Flap, Bash, Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # #unsafe: # Unsafe can just do puzzle skip in order to reach that anchor from the TP # # EastPools.BelowTokkBubbleFree, EastPools.BelowTokkPurpleWall, Grapple, Bash OR Combat=Crab: # Push the bubble by jumping on it rather than using flap # # DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 # # Bash, DoubleJump # Bash the slug to the left of the spike, bash it again to reach tokk # # DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # tjump in the spikes under Tokk to reset your tjump. Make sure to use your tjump before eating the spikes # conn EastPools.Teleporter: # unsafe: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained # Do puzzle skip then reload or die to respawn on the teleporter. This doesn't soflock: even if you already drained the water you can die redo the same manipulation to activate the checkpoint (you won't have the cutscene) then QTM/die to respawn on the teleporter anchor EastPools.TokkBubble at -1276, -4175: # Left of the bubble spawner used to reach Tokk in a casual playthrough refill Checkpoint state EastPools.TokkBubbleFree: moki: Water, Bash Water, WaterDash, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall OR Combat=Crab kii: Bash, Damage=120 Combat=Crab, WaterDash, Damage=80 EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, WaterDash, Damage=60 unsafe: Bash, Damage=65 # dboost on the slug's projectile EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, WaterDash, Damage=40 EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 state EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall: moki: Water, Bash kii: Combat=Crab, Water OR Damage=160 # bait the torpedo into touching the wall Combat=Crab, WaterDash, Damage=120 Bash, Damage=140 # snipe the wall so you can waterdash earlier WaterDash, Bash, Damage=100 # snipe the wall so you can waterdash earlier unsafe: Bash # bash the corrupted slime to blow the wall Combat=Crab, Damage=125 # dboost on the slug's projectile before dropping into the water Damage=130 # dboost on the crab before dropping in the water state EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: # Puzzle skip unsafe: free # Die in the right water pound. If you have clean water, you can bait a torpedo instead https://youtu.be/rnRBUmY2NN4 pickup EastPools.AboveDoorOre: # Paths using the bubble spawner or that aren't redundant with going to either BehindEntryDoor or TPArea first moki: EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Grapple, Flap, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Grapple, Flap, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=20 kii: EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Grapple, Flap conn EastPools.TPArea: moki: EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Flap, Combat=Crab, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Flap, Bash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, Grenade=2 EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Flap, Combat=Crab, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Flap, Bash, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Flap, Combat=Crab, Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 EastPools.TokkBubbleFree, EastPools.TokkBubblePurpleWall, Flap, Bash, Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 #unsafe can just do puzzle skip for free conn EastPools.BehindEntryDoor: moki: Launch Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Combat=CorruptSlug+Crab # Possible with just grapple but added some airstall because the plant can be a bit hard to see from that anchor Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump # either bash your grenade or bash the crab+ djump gorlek: Grapple OR SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Combat=CorruptSlug+Crab, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # Climb the right wall kii: Bash DoubleJump, Sword OR TripleJump OR Combat=CorruptSlug+Crab # Pogo the crab or tjump on the wall on the left of the grapple plant or just kill everything and climb the right wall #unsafe paths can do puzzle skip and reach BehindEntryDoor from TpArea conn EastPools.Teleporter: unsafe: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained # Do puzzle skip then reload or die to respawn on the teleporter. This doesn't soflock: even if you already drained the water you can die redo the same manipulation to activate the checkpoint (you won't have the cutscene) then QTM/die to respawn on the teleporter anchor EastPools.TPArea at -1297, -4143: # Where Tokk stands refill Checkpoint refill Full: # use the teleporter moki: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained state EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: moki: Water, WaterBreath gorlek: Water kii: WaterDash, Damage=120 unsafe: # Puzzle Skip. Dirty water swim is redundant with doing puzzle skip which need way less health Glide OR Sword OR Bash OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 # Even if you want to die to do this, it's important to have non-damage paths because 20 damages does 40 in hard, which can kill you if you only have 30 HP Blaze=1, Damage=10 # hit the slime with blaze and get hit by the explosion to make it across Spear=1, Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 # hitting the slime while hovering can make it explode so kill with Spear beforehand Grenade=1, Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 # hitting the slime while hovering can make it explode so kill with Grenade beforehand pickup EastPools.AboveDoorOre: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths from EastPools.BehindEntryDoor and EastPools.BelowTokk moki: Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=2, Sword OR Hammer # Weapon stall above the spikes after killing the slug SentryJump=1, Spear=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Damage=20 # Weapon stall above the spikes after killing the slug or just dboost in the spikes unsafe: Sword, Bash # Hit slug with sword to make it fall off the ceiling and then bash it # this Tokk disappears after Kwolok's death conn EastPools.Teleporter: moki: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained conn EastPools.FishingPool: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # climb the left wall, dash then tjump to reach the wall above the grapple plant kii: Bash, Grenade=1 Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # climb the left wall, tjump to get under the wall above the grapple plant and energy weapon to get the extra mobility needed DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer unsafe: Grapple, Damage=40 DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=1 conn EastPools.WaterdashArena: moki, EastPools.ArenaWall: Water kii, EastPools.ArenaWall: # Requires an header which remove the wall blocking the arena but doesn't drain the water Damage=60 WaterDash, Damage=40 conn EastPools.NextToLupoOre: moki: Water kii: Damage=140 WaterDash, Damage=60 conn EastPools.BehindEntryDoor: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to TokkBubble first moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 # Land on the groung bellow the slime, bash grenade then bash the slime gorlek: Damage=20 Spear=1, Sword OR Hammer # hitting the slime while hovering can make it explode so kill with Spear beforehand Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer # hitting the slime while hovering can make it explode so kill with Grenade beforehand kii: Spear=1, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # hitting the slime while hovering can make it explode so kill with Spear beforehand Grenade=1, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # hitting the slime while hovering can make it explode so kill with Grenade beforehand Combat=CorruptSlug, Hammer # Land on the groung bellow the slime. If you hit the slug it gets weird because you can hit it again which makes it explodes so it's better to kill it before going over the spikes conn EastPools.TokkBubble: moki: Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: free anchor EastPools.Teleporter at -1316, -4153: # At the teleporter after draining the water refill Full state EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: free # the randomizer drains the water if you aquire the teleporter, and for non-teleporter connections this anchor is strictly locked behind already having the state state NonGladesTeleporter: free state EastPools.ArenaWall: moki, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, Bash kii, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, Damage=20 unsafe, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, Launch OR Dash Bash, Damage=300 pickup EastPools.UltraBashShard: moki, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, WaterBreath, Bash gorlek, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, Bash kii, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water # move a bit on the side when the torpedo is getting close to the wall WaterDash, Damage=180 WaterDash, Bash, Damage=140 # snipe the wall so you can start swimming earlier unsafe, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=240 Bash, Damage=220 conn Teleporters: moki: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained conn EastPools.TPArea: moki: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained OR Water conn EastPools.WaterdashArena: moki, EastPools.ArenaWall, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek, EastPools.ArenaWall, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Sword OR Damage=20 kii, EastPools.ArenaWall, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe, EastPools.ArenaWall: EastPools.LowerWaterDrained # jump on the bubble to avoid a dboost in dirty water conn EastPools.NextToLupoOre: kii, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 anchor EastPools.FishingPool at -1278, -4124: # At the fisher moki quest EastPools.HandToHandSpyglass: moki: LowerDepths.HandToHandSilk conn EastPools.AboveFishingPool: moki: Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash, Combat=CorruptSlug OR Bash Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Glide, Combat=CorruptSlug OR Bash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: WaterDash, DoubleJump, Water OR Damage=20 WaterDash, Dash, Sword, Water OR Damage=20 # upslash makes it easier to reach the wall above the water Bash, Grenade=1, Dash SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, Water, Sword WaterDash, Water, Hammer, Glide OR Shuriken=2 # Would be possible with 2 sentries/flash but this makes the slime explodes which knock you back down WaterDash, Water, Glide, Shuriken=2 # Would be possible with 2 sentries/flash but this makes the slime explodes which knock you back down unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 WaterDash, Hammer, Water OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump # ceiling jump on the wall above the fishing pond SentryJump=1 conn EastPools.TPArea: free anchor EastPools.AboveFishingPool at -1300, -4102: # Above the fishing Moki pickup EastPools.AboveTpEX: # this needs water to not softlock when the player drains the upper water moki: Water kii: # dirty swim Damage=80 WaterDash, Damage=40 pickup EastPools.PurpleWallHC: # paths using the slime to break the purple wall unsafe: Bash, Launch OR SentryJump=1 OR Grenade=1 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer # dboost to climb the left wall conn EastPools.FishingPool: free conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleExit: moki, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump gorlek, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Bash, Grenade=2 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump kii, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, DoubleJump # Bash the slime Bash, Grenade=1, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 unsafe, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # climb the left wall anchor EastPools.NextToLupoOre at -1373, -4166: # Checkpoint between Lupo and the ore refill Checkpoint pickup EastPools.LupoOre: free pickup EastPools.UltraBashShard: moki, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, WaterBreath, Bash gorlek, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, Bash kii, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water # move a bit on the side when the torpedo is getting close to the wall WaterDash, Bash, Damage=140 # snipe the wall so you can start swimming earlier unsafe, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=240 WaterDash, Damage=180 Bash, Damage=220 conn EastPools.LupoArea: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20 conn EastPools.Teleporter: moki, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water kii, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 unsafe, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 EastPools.ArenaWall, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=60 conn EastPools.TPArea: moki: Water kii: Damage=160 WaterDash, Damage=60 unsafe: Damage=120, Launch OR Grapple OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 conn EastPools.WaterdashArena: kii, EastPools.ArenaWall: Damage=120 WaterDash, Damage=60 EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 unsafe, EastPools.ArenaWall: Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 EastPools.LowerWaterDrained, Damage=80 anchor EastPools.LupoArea at -1409, -4163: # Checkpoint to the left of Lupo refill Checkpoint state EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: unsafe, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Water, Bash, Dash pickup EastPools.LupoEX: moki: Launch OR DoubleJump EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor, Water, WaterDash gorlek: Hammer OR SentryJump=1 EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor, WaterDash, Damage=20 kii: free pickup EastPools.LupoMap: moki: SpiritLight=150 pickup EastPools.BehindCrusherEX: kii, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Damage=160 WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Damage=140 WaterDash, Damage=60 conn EastPools.NextToLupoOre: moki: BreakWall=20 conn EastPools.MissilePuzzle: moki, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Water kii, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Damage=180 conn EastPools.CentralRoom: kii, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: WaterDash, Damage=100 unsafe, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: Damage=240 anchor EastPools.WaterdashArena at -1348, -4139: # Checkpoint at the right of the pools arena refill Checkpoint # There are two Arenas here: you get one if you enter without WaterDash and another if you enter with it. # This path is assuming the worse case of getting the strictly harder WaterDash arena, but doesn't list WaterDash explicitly because you don't need it unless you have it. # And any other way would lock basically all of Pools behind WaterDash. So it makes sense, right? state EastPools.FightArenas: moki: Regenerate, Damage=20, Water, WaterBreath, Combat=4xCrab+Tentacle+2xSkeeto, Bash gorlek: Regenerate, Damage=20, Water, Combat=4xCrab+Tentacle+2xSkeeto, Bash unsafe: Water, Combat=4xCrab+Tentacle+2xSkeeto, Launch OR Dash OR Damage=20 # Land on the left then jump under the purple wall to correct the torpedo angle. launch in order to avoid the blast damage pickup EastPools.FightRoomHC: # The HC only gets unlocked if you finish the alternate WaterDash arena; FightArenas doesn't have WaterDash as requirement included for reasons explained above, so it's needed here moki, EastPools.FightArenas, WaterDash: DoubleJump, Dash OR Grapple Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek, EastPools.FightArenas, WaterDash: Water OR Damage=20 # WaterDash on the bubble kii, EastPools.FightArenas, WaterDash: DoubleJump #@validator that might be gorlek? gorlek for sure with tjump unsafe, EastPools.FightArenas, WaterDash: Hammer #Jump on the bubble then stall until a new one spawn Dash OR Glide OR Sword # jump on the bubble, wait on the left wall by wall jumping then go back to jump on a new bubble conn EastPools.TPArea: moki, EastPools.ArenaWall: Water kii, EastPools.ArenaWall: Damage=80 WaterDash, Damage=40 conn EastPools.Teleporter: moki, EastPools.ArenaWall, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Glide gorlek, EastPools.ArenaWall, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii, EastPools.ArenaWall, EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1 conn EastPools.NextToLupoOre: kii, EastPools.ArenaWall: Damage=120 WaterDash, Damage=60 EastPools.LowerWaterDrained: Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 unsafe, EastPools.ArenaWall: Damage=100 WaterDash, Damage=40 EastPools.LowerWaterDrained, Damage=100 conn EastPools.MissilePuzzle: moki, EastPools.FightArenas: Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek, EastPools.FightArenas: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: EastPools.FightArenas unsafe: Water # Water to avoid the fighting room altogether. Can QTM if the door is here. anchor EastPools.MissilePuzzle at -1425, -4144: # Below where the trial starts refill Checkpoint state EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: moki: Water, WaterBreath, Bash gorlek: Water, Bash kii: Water unsafe: Damage=200, Bash Damage=140, Bash, WaterDash state EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: moki: Water, WaterBreath, Bash gorlek: Water, Bash kii: Water unsafe: Damage=300, Bash Damage=200, Bash, WaterDash pickup EastPools.EnergyHarvestShard: moki: Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump Water, Bash, DoubleJump OR WaterDash # Use the torpedo SentryJump=1 kii: WaterDash, Hammer, Water OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # tjump + upslash from the left wall unsafe: WaterDash, Sword, Water OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # tjump + upslash from the left wall Bash, Water OR Damage=220 # Bash the torpedo out of the water (near the floor so you don't get too much speed), go out of the water and bash it again pickup EastPools.BehindCrusherEX: moki: Water, WaterBreath gorlek: Water kii: EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor, Damage=200 # Go back to safety at lupo instead of the the original anchor EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor, WaterDash, Damage=120 # Go back to safety at lupo instead of the the original anchor WaterDash, Damage=140 unsafe: Damage=220 WaterDash, Damage=100 pickup EastPools.SpiritTrial: moki: UpperPools.TrialActivation, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall, Water, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide, Grapple, WaterDash kii: UpperPools.TrialActivation, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall, Water, Grapple, WaterDash, DoubleJump UpperPools.TrialActivation, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall, Water, Grapple, WaterDash, Glide, Dash unsafe: UpperPools.TrialActivation, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall, Water, Grapple, WaterDash, Glide OR Dash conn EastPools.CentralRoom: moki, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: Water kii, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: Damage=180 WaterDash, Damage=80 conn EastPools.WaterdashArena: moki: EastPools.FightArenas, Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: EastPools.FightArenas unsafe: # die to open the door if it's closed Water OR Damage=60 WaterDash, Damage=20 conn EastPools.LupoArea: moki, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Water kii, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Damage=100 Damage=40, WaterDash unsafe, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Damage=80 anchor EastPools.CentralRoom at -1485, -4148: # The room where you meet Kwolok when he's still fine refill Checkpoint state EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: # @Validator Could had moki/gorlek paths if knowing that a tentacle projectile can break the wall isn't too heavy of the knowledge side kii: Water OR Damage=180 # no waterdash path because the tentacle is not shooting a projectile if you water dash into it state EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree: moki: Water, Bash OR WaterDash kii: Damage=160, Bash Damage=80, WaterDash unsafe: Water, Deflector, Sword Water, Bow=1 Water, Grenade=1, Fracture quest EastPools.GrassSeed: moki: Water, WaterDash EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: WaterDash, Damage=20 Water, Bash # Use the tentacle's projectile Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer Bash, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword Bash, Dash, Glide OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide kii: EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Water OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 # possible with blaze but the aoe breaking the bubble is annoying Damage=100, Bash # Use the tentacle's projectile Bash, Grenade=1, EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # possible with as little as 1 blaze but might be too precise for kii? Bash, DoubleJump OR Glide # Bashglide from the lantern Bash, Dash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Hammer, Sentry=3 # bashglide from the lantern then one hammer swing and 3 sentries DoubleJump, Glide, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree Bash, Grenade=1, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Bash, Sword # hover to reach the lantern, extend bash glide with upslash then hover again DoubleJump, Glide SentryJump=1 conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance: moki: EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, Launch gorlek: EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # sjump from EastPools.GrassSeed Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree kii: Launch EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, DoubleJump, TripleJump # from the seed, jump on a bubble to reach the wall near the lantern and wait for another bubble from there EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # with sword/hammer, hover before jumping to avoid touching the bubble EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, Grenade=1, Grenade=1 OR Water OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=20 # bashnade from the seed to jump on the bubble then wait another bubble unsafe: EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, DoubleJump, Blaze=1 EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, Bash, Grenade=1 # bashnade from the seed to jump on the bubble then wait another bubble EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, SentryJump=1 # sjump from GrassSeed EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, GrenadeJump, DoubleJump OR Glide # grenade jump on the bubble, use the other ability to stall, repeat until at the top EastPools.CentralRoomBubbleFree, PauseHover # Pause float spam is just barely enough stall to gain height. This is just as much fun as it sounds. SentryJump=2 # sjump to GrassSeed, sjump from GrassSeed conn WestPools.Teleporter: moki: Water, WaterBreath, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: WaterDash, Water, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, Damage=160, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, Damage=180 unsafe: Water, WaterBreath, Launch Water, WaterBreath, DoubleJump, GrenadeJump OR HammerJump # With grenade jumps, start a grenade jump while in the water then use your doublejump Water, WaterBreath, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 Water, WaterBreath, SwordJump, Damage=20 # sword jump in the left munchers, walljump then sword jump+ uplash on the right wall conn EastPools.MissilePuzzle: moki, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: Water kii, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall: Damage=180 WaterDash, Damage=80 conn EastPools.LupoArea: kii, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe, EastPools.CentralRoomPurpleWall, EastPools.LupoPurpleFloor: Damage=200 region UpperPools: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free # checkpoint at -1425, -4144 anchor UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance at -1535, -4115: # At the bottom entrance to the keystone room refill Checkpoint state UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: kii: Combat=SpinCrab, Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 Bash, Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 quest EastPools.GrassSeed: moki: Combat=SpinCrab OR Bash OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Dash OR Glide OR Damage=10 kii: free pickup UpperPools.LowerKS: moki: Water, DoubleJump, Bash Water, WaterDash OR Launch gorlek: Water, Bash, Hammer kii: Damage=60, WaterDash Damage=120, Launch Damage=160, Bash, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 Bash, Water OR Damage=180 # wall jump on the left wall above the spikes unsafe: Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 Damage=120, DoubleJump, TripleJump Damage=40, WaterDash Damage=100, Launch Damage=140, Bash conn EastPools.CentralRoom: moki: Combat=SpinCrab OR Bash OR Launch DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Dash OR Glide OR Damage=10 kii: free conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleSpawner: moki: Water OR Launch DoubleJump, Glide gorlek: Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree Dash, Glide OR Sword OR UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # bashes interfere with weapons weirdly; it can easily happen in this scenario kii: Bash Sword # pogo the crab DoubleJump, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Hammer, Sentry=2 UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Dash OR GlideJump DoubleJump, Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoom: kii: Bash # bash the crab conn WestPools.Teleporter: unsafe: # Glitch the crushers so you don't need Water Breath Water, Launch Water, DoubleJump, GrenadeJump OR HammerJump # With grenade jumps, start a grenade jump while in the water then use your doublejump Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 Water, SwordJump, Damage=20 # sword jump in the left munchers, walljump then sword jump+ uplash on the right wall conn WestPools.RightKwolokPlatform: unsafe: Water, ShurikenBreak=20, Damage=20, Damage=20, Damage=20 # https://youtu.be/MVD8IxJuysQ anchor UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleSpawner at -1566, -4115: # Between the bubble spawner and the bounce pad refill Checkpoint state UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: moki: Water, WaterDash OR Bash kii: Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 OR Bow=1 Shuriken=1, Water OR Damage=20 Sentry=1, Water OR Damage=20 #unsafe: ChargeBlaze=1 pickup UpperPools.UpperLeftKS: # connections using the bubble have to start from here, others use the higher anchor moki: UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree, Flap, DoubleJump gorlek: UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree, Flap, Dash OR Glide kii: UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree, Flap, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree, Damage=20 # pretty cute pickup UpperPools.LowerKS: # Dirty water only. Paths with clean water originate from UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance kii: Damage=60, WaterDash Damage=120, Launch Damage=160, Bash, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 Damage=180, Bash # wall jump on the left wall above the spikes unsafe: Damage=120, DoubleJump, TripleJump Damage=40, WaterDash Damage=100, Launch Damage=140, Bash conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoom: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1, Dash gorlek: Dash OR Glide Water, WaterDash, Bash # use the missile kii: # No dirty water path for the bash+torpedo path because using the crab from UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleSpawner is just way less damage Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree, WaterDash, Flap, Water OR Damage=20 conn UpperPools.BeforeKeystoneDoor: # connections using the bubble have to start from here, others originate from UpperPools.KeystoneRoom gorlek, UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: Flap, DoubleJump, TripleJump # guide the bubble to UpperPools.KeystoneRoom then jump on it unsafe, UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: Flap, SwordSJump=1 conn UpperPools.RightBubbleSpamRoom: # connections using the bubble have to start from here, others originate from BeforeKeystoneDoor moki, UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: Flap, DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple # seems to be the intended strat gorlek, UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: Flap, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash unsafe, UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree: Dash # I'm so sorry Flap, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=3 # flap from the far left of the platform after the bouncepad so the bubble get slowed down by the ceiling conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance: moki: # with at least Double Jump it's easier to go over the top Water Dash, Glide gorlek: # almost always easier to go over the top Damage=20, Bash OR Sword OR Hammer # the enemy likes to get in the way kii: Damage=30 Damage=20, Combat=SpinCrab unsafe: UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleFree anchor UpperPools.KeystoneRoom at -1540, -4095: # Autosave below the two upper left keystones refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal pickup UpperPools.UpperLeftKS: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # Can either reach the left or right wall; for the right wall you can even do it starting from a grounded upswing WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Water OR Damage=20 kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, DoubleJump, Water, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 WaterDash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: WaterDash, DoubleJump, Water OR Damage=20 pickup UpperPools.UpperMidKS: # the majority of paths will go through connections around the top gorlek: DoubleJump, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 # wdash to reach the right wall Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Damage=20 kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 WaterDash, Water, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # wdash+upslash/energy weapon to reach the left wall, wjump in the spikes to get the key WaterDash, Damage=40, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # wdash+upslash/energy weapon to reach the left wall, wjump in the spikes to get the key pickup UpperPools.UpperRightKS: moki: Bash, Grenade=1, Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Damage=20 # sword/damage boost to reach the platform below the pickup WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 Grapple, Sword Grapple, Hammer, Water OR Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Bash # Bash the crab enemy kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Grenade=1 OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 # also possile with sentry but that's redundant with a second grenade Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # djump+energy weapon from where the crabs are unsafe: Grapple, Water OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 # grapple the plant to make it swing. When the plant is swinging at the left, grapple it with a good angle to grab the keystone conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance: free conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoomBubbleSpawner: free conn UpperPools.BeforeKeystoneDoor: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Water, Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Water, WaterDash Bash, Grenade=2, Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=3 Launch gorlek: Grapple, Damage=20 OR Sword OR Water Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # wjump from UpperRightKS Bash, DoubleJump # bash the crab enemy Bash, Grenade=1, WaterDash, Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=2, Sword OR Damage=20 SentryJump=1, Combat=Crab+SpinCrab, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 SentryJump=1, Bash, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=20 SwordSJump=2, Bash OR Damage=10 HammerSJump=2, Bash, Water OR Dash OR Glide OR Damage=20 kii: WaterDash, Bash, Water OR Damage=20 # bash the crab upward then jump and bash it again to reach the wooden platform or the door directly. Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Grenade=1 OR Water OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Damage=20 # bash the crab upward then jump and bash it again to reach the wooden platform or the door directly. Possible with sentry as well but 1 grenade+1 sentry is redundant with 2 grenade DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer # wjump from UpperRightKS DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the crab. Have to jump from the small edge under the spikes to get enough height. unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # https://youtu.be/LJNUBDzZ_oU WaterDash, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Similar to the bashnade path WaterDash, Water, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Similar to the bashnade path Dash, Hammer, Bash anchor UpperPools.BeforeKeystoneDoor at -1506, -4068: # In front of the door blocking waterdash tree refill Checkpoint refill Health=1: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: free state UpperPools.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 state UpperPools.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: Grapple gorlek: DoubleJump unsafe: Dash pickup UpperPools.UpperMidKS: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: Bash, Grenade=1 Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: free pickup UpperPools.UpperLeftKS: gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword unsafe: DoubleJump, Hammer OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn UpperPools.TreeRoomEntrance: moki: UpperPools.KeystoneDoor conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoom: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: free conn UpperPools.RightBubbleSpamRoom: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer, Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide # you can come from the trial start and complete this path with just triple jump, the extra abilities allow alternatives to make it more likely that the player finds this path kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=1, Spear=1, Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # From the trial's activation unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # Bash grenade to reach the slime, bash glide from it HammerSJump=1 Grapple, UltraGrapple, Sword OR Hammer OR BlazeSwap=1 OR Sentry=1 OR SpearJump=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide OR FlashSwap OR PauseHover # Use the slime. GrenadeJump, Hammer OR BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR FlashSwap OR Damage=20 # Grenade Wall Jump from under the spikes. Might be possible with very precise pause floats. HammerJump DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide # hardcore parkour anchor UpperPools.TreeRoomEntrance at -1467, -4075: # The ledge to the left of Waterdash tree refill Checkpoint state UpperPools.KeystoneDoor: moki: Keystone=4 state UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree: unsafe: Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 pickup UpperPools.RoofEX: # only for paths using the bubble all the way unsafe: UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree, Dash conn UpperPools.BeforeKeystoneDoor: moki: UpperPools.KeystoneDoor conn UpperPools.TreeRoom: moki: Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: free conn UpperPools.AboveTree: # paths using the bubbles originate from here moki, UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree: Flap, DoubleJump Launch gorlek, UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree: Flap, Dash Flap, Glide, Damage=20 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Damage=20 # free the bubble, jump on it and tjump to the wall above the tree kii, UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree: Flap, Hammer Flap, Glide, Shuriken=1 Bash, Grenade=1 # Throw a grenade and jump on the bubble to reach your grenade DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # jump on the bubble and dboost in the spikes above unsafe, UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree: Flap # https://youtu.be/qKgm-Cyus-g Dash # https://youtu.be/rpaRDaJj8sY anchor UpperPools.TreeRoom at -1429, -4081: # At Waterdash tree state UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=40 Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 Shuriken=1, Water OR Damage=20 # also possible with sentry but it can target the ennemy instead unsafe: Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 # tp before hitting the water WaterDash, Damage=20 state UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Spear=1 WaterDash, Damage=40 Shuriken, Water OR Damage=20 # also possible with sentry but it usually target the fish instead unsafe: Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 # tp before hitting the water WaterDash, Damage=20 state UpperPools.ButtonDoorAboveTree: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe: WaterDash, Damage=60 pickup UpperPools.SwimDashTree: free pickup UpperPools.CurrentEX: moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=60 conn UpperPools.AboveTree: # paths using the bubbles originate from UpperPools.TreeRoomEntrance gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Damage=20 # bash grenade to reach the wall above the tree SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Damage=20 # same path as above, replace bash grenade by sentry jump Launch # use the small bubbles for a launch reset or use the wall above the tree kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # bash grenade to reach the wall above the tree conn UpperPools.TreeRoomEntrance: moki: Launch Water, WaterDash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: SwordSJump=1 # Weapon hover as well HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 WaterDash, Damage=20 # dboost in water UpperPools.TreeRoomLeftBubbleFree kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleEntrance: moki, UpperPools.ButtonDoorAboveTree: UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree, Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree, Launch gorlek, UpperPools.ButtonDoorAboveTree: Launch UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree, Water, WaterDash, Sword OR Hammer UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree, Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii, UpperPools.ButtonDoorAboveTree: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 UpperPools.TreeRoomRightBubbleFree # let one bubble go out of the water, jump on the next one and use it to land on the first bubble unsafe, UpperPools.ButtonDoorAboveTree: HammerSJump=1 anchor UpperPools.AboveTree at -1450, -4053: # Paths to simplify the xp pickup above swimdash tree pickup UpperPools.RoofEX: moki: Launch Water, WaterDash Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Damage=20, WaterDash SentryJump=1 kii: DoubleJump, Combat=CorruptSlug, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, Combat=CorruptSlug, Sword conn UpperPools.TreeRoom: free conn UpperPools.TreeRoomEntrance: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor UpperPools.DrainPuzzleEntrance at -1386, -4062: # At the right of the door opened by the water dash button in the tree room refill Checkpoint # Be careful because solving that puzzle room is a huuuge negative that has to be taken into account state UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: moki: Water, WaterDash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Water, WaterDash, Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Water, Launch, Grapple gorlek: Water, WaterDash, Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Water, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump Water, Launch, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Water, WaterDash, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Damage=20 kii: Water, WaterDash, Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Water, Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 # with dash, land on the left platform after triggering the first anemone and dash+djump to the wall. Use Hammer/Spear to reach the wall from the water. Water, Launch, WaterDash OR Damage=20 Damage=120, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 Damage=140, Launch Damage=80, WaterDash, Launch Damage=80, WaterDash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Water, Grapple, DoubleJump, Sentry=1 Water, Launch, Dash Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 Water, DoubleJump, Sword, Damage=20 Damage=100, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=100, Launch, Dash Damage=120, Launch Damage=60, WaterDash, Launch Damage=60, WaterDash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Damage=100, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump pickup UpperPools.WaterfallEC: # have to solve with and without the water drained so it doesn't softlock moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Glide Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Grapple, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Dash OR Sword SentryJump=1, Grapple, Dash OR Glide SwordSJump=1, Grapple kii: Grapple, DoubleJump Grapple, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Hammer, Sword OR Shuriken=1 # With sword, use both upslashes in order to reach the wall Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple # Bash the slime after grappling the plant unsafe: Grapple, Hammer Grapple, Dash, Spear=1 Bash, Grenade=2 SwordSJump=1 HammerSJump=1, HammerSJump=1 OR Grapple conn UpperPools.TreeRoom: moki: UpperPools.ButtonDoorAboveTree conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleRight: # have to solve with and without the water drained so it doesn't softlock moki: DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Launch Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple OR UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek: DoubleJump, Grapple, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=20, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, Grapple SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Glide, Damage=20 Launch UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Grapple, DoubleJump Grapple, Dash, Hammer Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=120 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Damage=60 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump OR Dash UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Hammer, Water OR UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Damage=20: # If the water is drained, you can walljump. Otherwise, you'll land in the water Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Hammer, Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Grapple, Hammer # just need to upslash to be in range for grappling the plant Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=80 Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=20 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Sword OR GlideJump UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained, Bash, Grenade=2 # micro ledge on the left of the muncher after the breakable wall conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleExit: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to UpperPools.DrainPuzzleRight first moki, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Dash, Glide UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Water, Bash, Grenade=1 # Fall at the puddle at the end of the waterfall gorlek, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Water OR Damage=20 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR HammerSJump=1 kii, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Hammer UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Bash, Grenade=1, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=40 unsafe, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20 anchor UpperPools.DrainPuzzleRight at -1324, -4060: # On the ground next to the energy cristal refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal refill Health=1 state UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall: moki: Bash, Water, WaterDash OR Launch gorlek: Water, Bash UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained, Bash, Launch, Damage=20 kii: Damage=100, Bash WaterDash, Damage=80, Bash unsafe: Water, Launch state UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: gorlek: Water, Launch, UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall # Break the purple wall, do the right side then the left side kii: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Water OR Damage=60 unsafe: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=1, Water, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR GlideJump UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, WaterDash, Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=60, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR GlideJump conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleExit: moki, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Water OR Glide OR DoubleJump OR Launch OR Dash gorlek: UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleEntrance: moki: Launch, Grapple OR UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch, Dash, Glide Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Glide UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: Launch, Glide OR Damage=20 Launch, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Launch, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=20, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump, TripleJump UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Water OR UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Damage=20: # If the water is drained, you can walljump. Otherwise, you'll land in the water DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Dash, Glide OR Sword kii: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=3 # wall jump on the wall after the spikes Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # with energy weapons, wall jump on the wall after the spikes UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Dash, Sword OR Hammer UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Water OR UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Damage=20: # If the water is drained, you can walljump. Otherwise, you'll land in the water Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Launch, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # wall jump from the wall above the energy cristal then launch, use you energy weapon and wall jump of the wall under the spikes Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR GlideJump UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # wall jump on the wall after the spikes anchor UpperPools.DrainPuzzleExit at -1318, -4081: # After solving the Drain Puzzle, on the ledge before dropping down refill Checkpoint # This is inside a rock, but you can just walk out of it so it's not a problem # Keep in mind that for all paths involving the puzzle room you have to consider both states of the water being drained or not state UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to UpperPools.DrainPuzzleRight first moki: Bash, Water, WaterDash gorlek: Water, Bash kii: Damage=100, Bash WaterDash, Damage=80, Bash pickup EastPools.PurpleWallHC: moki, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Water, Bash, Glide OR Launch Water, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Water, Bash, Dash OR Sword OR Grenade=1 Water, Bash, DoubleJump, Hammer kii, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: Damage=60, Bash, Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Grenade=1 OR Sentry=2 Damage=60, Damage=60, Bash # bash a torpedo to break the wall then bash glide another one to reach the pickup Water, Bash # bash a torpedo to break the wall then bash glide another one to reach the pickup unsafe, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: # You can manipulate the torpedo enemy in a way that it hits the purple wall without needing any skills Water, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Bash OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 Damage=20, Damage=20, Bash # bash a torpedo to break the wall then bash glide another one to reach the pickup conn EastPools.AboveFishingPool: free conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleRight: # have to solve with and without the water drained so it doesn't softlock moki: Water, Launch Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Water: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Water, Bash, DoubleJump, WaterDash OR TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Launch, Damage=60 # UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Water OR Damage=60 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=60 # UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Water OR Damage=60 Bash, DoubleJump, Water OR Damage=60 # Possible with only 40 damage but it also need to solve for before darining the water Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained OR Water OR Damage=60 Bash, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=60 conn UpperPools.DrainPuzzleEntrance: # Make sure it's not redundant with going to UpperPools.DrainPuzzleRight first gorlek: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Water OR UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: # If you haven't drained the water, you need clean water to avoid the damage Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide OR Sword kii: UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Water OR UpperPools.UpperWaterDrained: # If the water is drained, you can walljump. Otherwise, you'll land in the water Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 UpperPools.DrainRoomPurpleWall, Damage=60, Damage=20, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 anchor UpperPools.RightBubbleSpamRoom at -1586, -4052: # To the right of where all the bubbles rise refill Checkpoint state UpperPools.BubbleSpamLever: moki: Combat=Bee+Skeeto, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch OR Bash Combat=Bee+Skeeto, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=20 kii: Combat=Bee+Skeeto, DoubleJump OR Dash unsafe: Sword OR Hammer OR BlazeSwap=1 OR SentrySwap=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=1 OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR GrenadeJump OR FlashSwap OR PauseHover Grapple, UltraGrapple # wait for the bee to go up and then grapple to it pickup UpperPools.FishPoolEX: moki: Water, Bash OR WaterDash OR Damage=10 # just in case someone's troubled by the fish gorlek: Water kii: Damage=40 WaterDash, Damage=20 unsafe: Damage=25 # dboost on a fish to avoid one water dboost Bash # You can bash the fishes before entering the water pickup UpperPools.FishPoolOre: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, Bash, TripleJump OR Sword kii: Bash # Juggle the exploding enemy unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, GlideJump OR PauseHover # you can glide jump after bouncing on a bubble DoubleJump, GlideJump, PauseHover SentrySwap=2 OR BlazeSwap=2 OR FlashSwap GrenadeJump HammerJump # extended hammer jump Dash # walljump on the bubbles by dashing into them pickup UpperPools.RightBubblesEX: # paths using the torpedo originate from LeftBubbleSpamRoom moki: Water, WaterDash kii: WaterDash, Damage=100 unsafe: Grenade=1, Water OR Damage=140 WaterDash, Damage=80 pickup UpperPools.BubblesEC: moki: UpperPools.BubbleSpamLever, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: UpperPools.BubbleSpamLever conn UpperPools.BeforeKeystoneDoor: free conn UpperPools.LeftBubbleSpamRoom: moki: Water # Don't actually need anything, Water is just in case you missed a bubble gorlek: free anchor UpperPools.LeftBubbleSpamRoom at -1634, -4052: # At the checkpoint on top of the torpedo refill Checkpoint pickup UpperPools.LeftBubblesEX: # beautiful autosave placement right there moki: Water kii: Damage=140 WaterDash, Damage=60 pickup UpperPools.RightBubblesEX: # These paths use the torpedo to break the wall. Paths using another solution for the wall originate from UpperPools.RightBubbleSpamRoom moki: Water, Bash, WaterBreath, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Water, Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump OR Launch kii: # bait the torpedo into the wall. No dirty swim path because you can't afford to stay in the water Water, Launch Water, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Climb the anemone wall once it's closed again unsafe: Water, Bash # bait the torpedo, return to the checkpoint and jump from there to catch the porpedo and activating the anemone Bash, Damage=120, Damage=140, Launch OR SwordSJump=1 # bash the torpedo when it spawns then regen and use the bubbles to return safely to the other side Water, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer # Climb the anemone wall once it's closed again conn UpperPools.RightBubbleSpamRoom: moki: Water, Bash, WaterBreath, DoubleJump OR Launch Water, Bash, WaterDash gorlek: Water, Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump OR Launch kii: Launch, Water OR Damage=80 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Water OR Damage=80 Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 Damage=60, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 unsafe: WaterDash, Sword, Water OR Damage=120 # Pogo the torpedo Water, Launch OR SwordSJump=1 Damage=60, Launch OR SwordSJump=1 # checkpoint at -1386, -4062 region WestPools: moki: Danger=40, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor WestPools.Teleporter at -1656, -4171: # the west Pools TP refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup WestPools.TpEX: moki: Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash # hard on keyboard, but I guess this is intended, and no other ability would even help Launch gorlek: Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump kii: # note that only one wheel ability should be used since you can only use the 3rd ability Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 Damage=20, WaterDash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 # jump from the right wall (no climbing it since it is too obscure) unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # Stand on the left of the TP, launch the grenade with a curve so it won't touch the ceiling and bash it when it falls down WaterDash, Dash, Hammer, Water OR Damage=20 # Already hard with analog swimming but it's a nightmare on keyboard DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # wall jump from the right wall. With weapons, climb the right wall then djump+ upslash. pickup WestPools.BurrowEX: moki: Water, Burrow kii: Damage=40, Burrow pickup WestPools.BurrowOre: # intended path omitted in moki gorlek: WestPools.ForestsStrength, Water, WaterDash, Burrow kii: WestPools.ForestsStrength, Damage=100, Damage=60, Damage=80, WaterDash, Burrow unsafe: WestPools.ForestsStrength, Water, Burrow conn Teleporters: free conn WestPools.LeftKwolokPlatform: # WaterDash/Bash to deal with the fishes and crabs which spawns after you defeated Kwolok moki: Water, WaterBreath, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch Water, WaterBreath, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Water, WaterDash Water, Combat=SpinCrab, Bash OR Damage=3 kii: Water, Bash Damage=100, WaterDash Damage=220, Bash # 220 health if the mobs haven't spawned yet. Bashing them on your way will result in less damage unsafe: Water WestPools.ForestsStrength, Bash, Damage=160 Damage=200, Burrow, Blaze=1, DoubleJump OR Launch conn EastPools.CentralRoom: moki: Water, WaterBreath, WaterDash gorlek: Water, WaterDash kii: Damage=160, WaterDash unsafe: Water, WaterBreath anchor WestPools.LeftKwolokPlatform at -1668, -4127: # Left side of the platform where the Kwolok's escape starts tprestriction: moki: WestPools.ForestsStrength refill Checkpoint: # Checkpoint only appears after you defeated Kwolok moki: WestPools.ForestsStrength conn KwolokEscape: free # Doesn't need any requirement since the enemies will only spawn after Kwolok is defeated conn WestPools.Teleporter: # WaterDash/Bash to deal with the fishes and crabs which spawns after you defeated Kwolok moki: Water, WaterBreath, Bash OR WaterDash gorlek: Water, Bash OR WaterDash OR Damage=3 kii: Damage=100, WaterDash Damage=220, Bash # 220 health if the mobs haven't spawned yet. Bashing them on your way will result in less damage unsafe: Water conn WestPools.RightKwolokPlatform: moki: WestPools.ForestsStrength, Bash OR Launch OR Combat=Crab+SpinCrab gorlek: WestPools.ForestsStrength, DoubleJump OR Damage=10 unsafe: WestPools.ForestsStrength #pass over the Kwolok's escape trigger Launch DoubleJump, HammerJump DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # https://youtu.be/ZpMyu0vLan0 anchor WestPools.RightKwolokPlatform at -1637, -4127: # Right side of the platform where the Kwolok's escape starts tprestriction: moki: WestPools.ForestsStrength refill Checkpoint: moki: WestPools.ForestsStrength # Checkpoint only appears after you defeated Kwolok pickup WestPools.EscapeRevisitEX: moki: Water kii: Damage=140 WaterDash, Damage=80 unsafe: Damage=80 WaterDash, Damage=40 pickup UpperPools.LowerKS: # Only dirty water paths. Solves through the UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance connection with clean water kii: WaterDash, Damage=80 conn KwolokEscape: free # Doesn't need any requirement since the enemies will only spawn after Kwolok is defeated conn WestPools.LeftKwolokPlatform: moki: WestPools.ForestsStrength, Bash OR Launch OR Combat=Crab+SpinCrab gorlek: WestPools.ForestsStrength, DoubleJump OR Damage=10 unsafe: WestPools.ForestsStrength #pass over the Kwolok's escape trigger Launch, Water OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=20 # Additional skill because the slow zone prevents you from jumping https://youtu.be/GxZYdw0JC7s DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, HammerJump conn UpperPools.KeystoneRoomEntrance: moki: Water, WaterBreath, WaterDash gorlek: Water, WaterDash kii: Damage=120, WaterDash unsafe: Water, BreakWall=20, Shuriken OR Grenade OR Bow # Also possible with Spear and Sentry but it will targets the ennemies which spawn after you defeated Kwolok first anchor KwolokEscape at -1650, -4125: nospawn refill Full conn KwolokFight: # Abilities needed for the escape part moki: Water, WaterDash, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Launch Water, WaterDash, Dash, Launch gorlek: Water, WaterDash, Dash, Bash Water, WaterDash, Launch Water, Launch, Dash, Bash kii: Launch, Water Launch, Bash, Damage=180 # Bash the fish at the end of the escape. You don't need to abuse bash iframes Launch, WaterDash, Damage=100 Dash, WaterDash, Water OR Damage=120 # water dash to reach the wall at the start unsafe: Launch, Damage=160 Dash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Water OR Damage=160 WaterDash, Bash, DoubleJump, Grenade=1, Water OR Damage=100 anchor KwolokFight at -1978, -4135: nospawn refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal quest WestPools.ForestsStrength: moki: SkipKwolok # Impossible state used to logically support skipping Kwolok's fight through headers Boss=250, Regenerate, Damage=85, Water, WaterDash, Bash, DoubleJump, Launch OR Dash gorlek: Boss=250, Regenerate, Damage=85, Water, WaterDash, Bash, DoubleJump OR Launch OR Dash kii: Boss=250, Regenerate, Damage=85, Water, WaterDash, DoubleJump OR Launch OR Dash unsafe: Boss=250 region LowerWastes: moki: Danger=50, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor LowerWastes.WestTP at 1456, -3997: # At the Western Wastes TP refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup LowerWastes.WestTPOre: moki: Burrow pickup WoodsMain.FeedingGroundsEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Burrow conn Teleporters: free conn LowerWastes.SunsetView: moki: DoubleJump, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Burrow Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=30 DoubleJump, TripleJump Grapple, Dash # done by jumping off the muncher Grapple, Sword, Damage=30 SentryJump=1, Damage=30 OR DoubleJump OR Dash SwordSJump=2 HammerSJump=2, Glide kii: DoubleJump, Hammer OR Sword # djump+upslash to climb the wall Burrow, Dash OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 Burrow, Damage=30, Sword OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Burrow, Glide, Sword OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Burrow, Sword, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # upslash then energy weapon to pass over the spikes Grapple, Hammer Grapple, Sentry=2, Shuriken=1 OR Damage=30 Grapple, Glide, Sword OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Glide, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Sword, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # upslash then energy weapon to pass over the spikes unsafe: DoubleJump # precise....? This is another rough path. Can turn it to triple jump to make it freeTM, or can add weapons Burrow, Damage=30 # This is a pretty rough path. Might be too tricky. Sticky makes it a bit easier though? Burrow, Sword OR Sentry=3 Grapple, Glide, Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 Grapple, Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=4 conn WoodsMain.FeedingGrounds: moki: WindtornRuins.Seir, Burrow # Seir to make it a safe path gorlek: Burrow conn WeepingRidge.Bottom: # These paths need to be solvable after cat and mouse, since there is less platforms at that point and you can't pass above the teleporter moki, Burrow, WindtornRuins.Seir: # Seir to make it a safe path DoubleJump, Glide, Grapple DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple Launch gorlek, Burrow, WindtornRuins.Seir: # these are paths that rely on the wind, which you don't have if you remove the killplane Grapple, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Glide gorlek, Burrow, RemoveKillPlane OR WindtornRuins.Seir: # these paths work no matter whether you actually have Seir or just removed the killplane SentryJump=1, Grapple SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=2, Dash kii, Burrow, WindtornRuins.Seir: # these are paths that rely on the wind, which you don't have if you remove the killplane Glide, Dash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Glide, DoubleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Glide, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump kii, Burrow, RemoveKillPlane OR WindtornRuins.Seir: # these paths work no matter whether you actually have Seir or just removed the killplane Launch # @validator this should probably be gorlek Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump unsafe, WindtornRuins.Seir: Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump # deemed too precise Burrow, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer # Pretty tight Burrow, SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # moving SentryJump Burrow, SentryJump=2, Dash OR Glide # moving SentryJump # checkpoint at 1509, -3987 anchor LowerWastes.SunsetView at 1552, -3984: # At the Sunset View checkpoint refill Checkpoint pickup LowerWastes.SunsetViewEX: free pickup LowerWastes.PurpleWallEX: moki: Burrow, Bash unsafe: Burrow # didn't want to be mean pickup LowerWastes.SpiritTrial: moki: LowerWastes.TrialActivation, Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash, Grapple gorlek: LowerWastes.TrialActivation, Burrow, Dash, Grapple conn LowerWastes.WestTP: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Damage=30 OR Sword OR Hammer # Multiple side slashes, not difficult kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # deemed too obscure Blaze=1 # This is a little tight conn LowerWastes.Shovel: moki: # I think this is fine without Combat? Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash Launch # Pretty free. Only difficulty is wall jumping pre-Launch to go over the grapples. gorlek: Grapple # Hope that the camera likes you Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Damage=30 HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1 # can either bash off the gorlek, then the grenade - or climb the wall to get additional height out of the bashgrenade Bash, DoubleJump # Bash the gorlek's projectile unsafe: SentryJump=1 # sentry jumps are OP Bash # bash the gorlek then its projectile GrenadeJump, DoubleJump anchor LowerWastes.Shovel at 1634, -3981: # On the ground to the left of the Sand Bridge refill Energy=3: moki, BreakCrystal: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 kii: BreakCrystal quest LowerWastes.EerieGemQI: moki: Burrow pickup LowerWastes.SandBridgeOre: free conn LowerWastes.SunsetView: moki: Combat=MaceMiner OR Bash OR Grapple OR Launch gorlek: Glide kii: DoubleJump OR Dash unsafe: free conn LowerWastes.SkeetoHive: moki: Burrow conn LowerWastes.MuncherTunnel: free anchor LowerWastes.MuncherTunnel at 1681, -4002: # Above the sand/muncher tunnel refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal pickup LowerWastes.MuncherTunnelEC: moki: Burrow conn LowerWastes.Shovel: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Damage=30 OR Dash OR SentryJump=1 Bash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # lure the mantis kii: Bash OR Hammer OR Sword # with sword, bait the mantis and pogo conn LowerWastes.SandPot: moki: Combat=Mantis+ShieldSlug Combat=Mantis, DoubleJump OR Burrow OR Hammer Bash, DoubleJump OR Burrow OR Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Burrow OR Sword # slash the enemy off the wall kii: Combat=ShieldSlug OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash # use the mantis unsafe: Blaze=1 anchor LowerWastes.SandPot at 1726, -3990: # To the left of the sand pot refill Checkpoint pickup LowerWastes.SandPotHC: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: Burrow # mostly just hold left SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer # just something to help kii: DoubleJump Bash, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Grenade=1 # Break the slime's shell in order to bash it pickup LowerWastes.SandPotEX: moki, Burrow: Dash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek, Burrow: DoubleJump, TripleJump # either evade the coal damage or burrow on top of the sand pot Dash, DoubleJump OR Grapple Damage=30, DoubleJump Damage=30, Grapple, Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1 kii, Burrow: DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Glide OR Blaze=3 unsafe: Burrow conn LowerWastes.MuncherTunnel: moki: Combat=Mantis OR Bash OR Launch gorlek: free conn LowerWastes.WoodenBridge: moki: Dash, DoubleJump OR Grapple Dash, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Glide Launch gorlek: Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump # either evade the coal damage or burrow on top of the sand pot DoubleJump, Damage=30, TripleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # take damage in the coals Grapple, Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Damage=30, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer SentryJump=1, Glide # glide from the sand pot SwordSJump=1, Damage=30 # hover from the sand pot SentryJump=1, Grapple # grapple from the sand pot, use the weapon to hover Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Sword, Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=2, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: Sword Hammer, Glide OR Dash OR DoubleJump OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=30 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Grapple OR Damage=30 Grapple, DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Hammer OR Spear=2 # break the slime's shell and bash it Dash, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Dash, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Hammer, Spear=1 Bash, Spear=1 # break the slime's shell and bash it Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=30 Dash, Burrow # burrow in the sand pot so you can dash into the ceiling to reset your dash Glide # climb on the sand pot from the right then hover anchor LowerWastes.WoodenBridge at 1796, -3977: # Directly above MuncherPitEX refill Checkpoint pickup LowerWastes.SandPotEX: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths doing WoodenBridge->SandPot->SandPotEX. Kii and above make going from one side of the pot to the other free so it doesn't need any paths moki, Burrow: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Glide Grapple, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek, Burrow: # @validator this need validation as well DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Grapple, Sword OR Hammer pickup LowerWastes.MuncherPitEX: moki: DoubleJump OR Launch # Slightly precise to land on the sand sphere. Burrow, Glide gorlek: Burrow OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 Glide, Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Could add Grapple so you can retry more easily or Damage=30 so the gliding section is less precise unsafe: Sword OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Make the sphere swing by wall jumping on it Dash # Dash when falling conn LowerWastes.SandPot: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Dash Dash, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, Grapple Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Glide Launch gorlek: Grapple, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Glide Damage=30, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # extra abilities just for convenience kii: Damage=60 Damage=30, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Damage=30 # SentryJump=1, Damage=30 # Maybe too dumb. Gotta do a sentry jump in the spikes, and even then it can be close conn LowerWastes.LeverArea: moki: DoubleJump OR Burrow OR Launch gorlek: Dash OR SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1 # either find a place where you can throw a grenade or do the bash-only path kii: Sword OR Hammer # With sword, pogo the gorlek Bash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Can add another use of energy weapons if the jump into the bridge feels too awkward unsafe: GlideJump conn LowerWastes.BeforeMinesEntrance: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20, Combat=MaceMiner OR DoubleJump OR Bash OR Launch anchor LowerWastes.BeforeMinesEntrance at 1849, -3986: # To the right of the breakable wall leading to the Wooden Bridge pickup LowerWastes.BottomRightHC: free conn LowerWastes.MinesEntranceEnemyPaths: moki: Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Grapple Launch gorlek: Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Bash, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 conn LowerWastes.WoodenBridge: moki, BreakWall=20: Combat=MaceMiner OR Bash OR Launch gorlek, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump kii: BreakWall=20 conn LowerWastes.LeverArea: # make sure it's not redundant with BeforeMinesEntrance->WoodenBridge->LeverArea and that it still solves if the wall is broken gorlek: DoubleJump # if the wall is broken, go through WoodenBridge Launch kii: Bash, Grenade=1 # if the wall is broken, go through WoodenBridge anchor LowerWastes.MinesEntranceEnemyPaths at 1921, -4001: # Enemy path counterpart for LowerWastes.MinesEntrance nospawn # these are exclusively non-redundant paths relying on the mantis enemy that despawns if you spawn on this anchor # since checkpoint-despawning enemies are generally not gorlek, paths are only kii and upwards pickup LowerWastes.BottomRightEX: # Make sure it solves even after destroying the breakable wall kii: Bash # Bash the gorlek to reach the mantis when it jumps conn LowerWastes.MinesEntrance: free # connection to non-enemy reliant paths anchor LowerWastes.MinesEntrance at 1921, -4001: # To the left of the ruins breakable wall pickup LowerWastes.BottomRightEX: # Make sure it solves even after destroying the breakable wall moki: Grapple, Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis OR Bash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash # Very much not a mandatory grenade... This is only important if the Ruins Wall is broken, and then only if you don't use the enemies Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer SentryJump=1 # can either jump good or use the right wall and weapon float Bash, Grenade=1 OR DoubleJump OR Glide Bash, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer # the Miner enemy here doesn't despawn, even if this is your spawn anchor kii: Grapple Sword, DoubleJump # pogo Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump # https://youtu.be/tuMG8O-Mifc pickup LowerWastes.BottomRightHC: # Make sure it's not redundant with conn LowerWastes.BeforeMinesEntrance moki: Grapple, Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis OR Bash # Use both Grapple points Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek: Damage=30, Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis OR Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii: Grapple # Grapple the wheel to avoid combat requirement. @validator Could be gorlek Damage=40 # dboost in the spikes and the gorlek DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Combat=MaceMiner, Bash # bash glide from the mantis conn LowerWastes.BeforeMinesEntrance: # Make sure it solves with and without the Ruins wall moki: Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis, DoubleJump, Grapple Bash, DoubleJump, Grapple Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Grapple gorlek: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash Grapple, Dash, Combat=MaceMiner+Mantis OR Bash # Pretty straightforward. Rest of these paths you're able to avoid enemies so Combat isnt included. Launch kii: Grapple, Dash OR DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer Grapple, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # Bash glide from the gorlek's projectile unsafe: Grapple, Glide, Spear=1 conn WindtornRuins.LowerRuins: gorlek: ShurikenBreak=20, Burrow anchor LowerWastes.LeverArea at 1833, -3959: # At the arrow sign below the lever refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever: moki: DoubleJump OR Burrow OR Launch # Requires a vertical burrow through a vertical sand platform Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash gorlek: Dash SentryJump=2 SentryJump=1, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Glide kii: Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: free # wall jump on the right wall so you can jump on top of the first crumbling sand wall # Sword # Pogo the energy crystal # Sentry=3 conn LowerWastes.WoodenBridge: free conn LowerWastes.BeforeMinesEntrance: free conn LowerWastes.EastTP: moki: Burrow conn LowerWastes.MuncherClimb: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Burrow # If the double jump is too tight this makes it free LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Dash, Burrow gorlek: SentryJump=1 LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, DoubleJump LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Burrow, Glide OR Sword unsafe: LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Dash conn LowerWastes.LastStandArea: # Every solutions which needs to land on th left edge should originate from MuncherClimb moki: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump gorlek: # some amount of puzzle knowledge is assumed SentryJump=1, DoubleJump LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever: Burrow, Glide OR Sword Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Burrow OR Hammer kii: Bash, Grenade=1, LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever OR Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Burrow, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1 # Aggro the mantis with a bashnade then bash it when it jumps. Path isn't from MuncherClimb because the mantis doesn't spawn if you respawn at that checkpoint. SentryJump=1 # might have been gorlek LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Burrow # burrow through the sand below to get a boost anchor LowerWastes.MuncherClimb at 1791, -3953: # Checkpoint before the munchers on the way to the tree refill Checkpoint pickup LowerWastes.MuncherClimbEX: moki: Grapple, Launch OR DoubleJump gorlek: Grapple, Dash Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch, Damage=30 kii: Launch Grapple, Hammer OR Sentry=2 # With sentry, easier from a wall jump instead of jumping from the muncher Grapple, Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, Glide, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Grapple, Sword # Upslash->Downslash to get the pickup Grapple, Glide, Spear=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 # really precise wall jump toa void getting one more dboost conn LowerWastes.LeverArea: free conn LowerWastes.LastStandArea: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths from LeverArea moki: Launch LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, DoubleJump gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Dash kii: DoubleJump LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Hammer OR Spear=1 LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever, Burrow # Way harder on keyboard conn LowerWastes.SkeetoHive: moki: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Launch Grapple, Dash, Glide # This path is fun. Glide is just to make it moki-safe gorlek: Grapple, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Can do it with just double jump but the timing is tight kii: Grapple, Sword OR Sentry=3 OR Damage=90 # With sword, you have to delay a bit your sword hover after the last muncher or you'll target the sand platform Grapple, Damage=30, Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=3 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # energy between the 3rd and 4th muncher Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=30 unsafe: Launch Grapple, Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=30 # There's friendly spikes on the ground between the 3rd and 4th muncher. Grab the 4th muncher from there. Grapple, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 # really precise wall jump toa void getting one more dboost anchor LowerWastes.LastStandArea at 1794, -3938: # next to the projectile spawner above the wooden bridge pickup LowerWastes.LastStandShard: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Burrow # for the puzzle, it is considered solvable in moki with one of doublejump, dash or burrow. gorlek: Launch OR Glide # some amount of puzzle knowledge is assumed kii: free # just wall jump on the purple wall until the shot arrives pickup LowerWastes.LastStandEX: moki: Burrow, Launch OR DoubleJump gorlek: Burrow, Glide Burrow, Damage=30, Dash OR Sword kii: Burrow, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=30 unsafe: Burrow # friendly spikes conn LowerWastes.LeverArea: free conn LowerWastes.MuncherClimb: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths fromLeverArea moki: Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR LowerWastes.SandPlatformLever gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: free anchor LowerWastes.SkeetoHive at 1715, -3936: # The ledge right of SkeetoHive on the way to the tree refill Checkpoint pickup LowerWastes.SkeetoHiveEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Burrow conn LowerWastes.ThirstyGorlek: moki: DoubleJump OR Burrow OR Launch Bash, Grenade=2 # literally never going to get used but you can do it gorlek: SentryJump=2 SentryJump=1, Bash OR Grapple Bash, Grapple OR Grenade=1 kii: Bash Sword, Grapple # Pogo a skeeto unsafe: Sword, Damage=30 # Pogo a skeeto, wait for another one to reach the sand bag level and pogo it as well Hammer, Damage=30 # wall jumping of the sand restore your upslash for some reason conn LowerWastes.Shovel: moki: Burrow conn LowerWastes.UpperPath: moki, Burrow: DoubleJump OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 # literally never going to get used but you can do it gorlek, Burrow: Bash Grapple, Dash SentryJump=1 kii, Burrow: Hammer OR Spear=1 Sword # pogo a skeeto. Skeeto can be kinda hard to manipulate, adding dash makes it easier if necessary Grapple, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Burrow # "daulphin jump" from the ground to reach the floating sand platform # Burrow, Glide OR Dash OR Grapple conn LowerWastes.MuncherClimb: moki: Grapple, Launch Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash # still sort of tight gorlek: Grapple, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 kii: Launch Bash, Damage=60, DoubleJump OR Dash # bash glide a skeeto DoubleJump, Damage=30, Dash OR TripleJump OR Sword DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=30, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Grapple, Sword OR Hammer # Land on the friendly spikes between the 1st and 2nd muncher. Upslash + grapple from there Grapple, Damage=30, Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 Grapple, Damage=60, Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, GlideJump, Damage=30 anchor LowerWastes.ThirstyGorlek at 1681, -3923: # next to the Gorlek on the way to the tree refill Checkpoint state LowerWastes.TrialActivation: # Since you have to reach this place again in a race to get an advantage, only paths possible during a trial are meaningful moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide quest LowerWastes.HandToHandMapstone: moki: GladesTown.HandToHandCanteen pickup LowerWastes.BurrowTree: free pickup LowerWastes.BurrowTreeEX: moki: Burrow pickup LowerWastes.LupoMap: moki, SpiritLight=150: Burrow OR Launch Bash, Grenade=2 # literally never going to get used but you can do it gorlek, SpiritLight=150: SentryJump=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer kii, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword, Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=2 unsafe, SpiritLight=150: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # land on the wood structure on the left of the sand bag. Make the sand bag swing to reach the wood structure with just tjump. SentryJump=1 GrenadeJump conn LowerWastes.SkeetoHive: moki: Burrow kii: Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer # upslash from the ground anchor LowerWastes.UpperPath at 1761, -3898: # on the left side of the path connecting tree and east teleporter refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal pickup LowerWastes.UpperPathEC: moki: Burrow pickup LowerWastes.UpperPathEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Burrow, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: Burrow # you can reenter the sand right after taking the pickup or just tp out pickup LowerWastes.UpperPathHiddenEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch kii: Burrow, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Shuriken=1 # extra ability so you don't have to do the wall jump on th hidden wall unsafe: Burrow # precise maneuver conn LowerWastes.SkeetoHive: moki: Burrow conn LowerWastes.EastTP: moki: Burrow # checkpoint at no actually just bad refill situation below. Could be solved easily. anchor LowerWastes.EastTP at 1992, -3902: # Location of the east teleporter refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free pickup LowerWastes.EastTPOre: moki, BreakWall=20: Burrow OR Launch DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=3 # it had to be done gorlek, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer unsafe, BreakWall=20: Dash, Damage=60, Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, Damage=30, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 pickup LowerWastes.UpperPathHC: moki: Burrow conn Teleporters: free conn Tokk: moki: DoubleJump OR Burrow OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn LowerWastes.LeverArea: moki: Burrow conn LowerWastes.UpperPath: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Burrow, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: Burrow conn UpperWastes.KeystoneRoom: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Burrow, Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 kii: Burrow region UpperWastes: moki: Danger=50, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor UpperWastes.KeystoneRoom at 1900, -3831: # Autosave underneath keystone door refill Checkpoint state UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor: moki, Keystone=2: Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Burrow, Combat=ShieldSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, Keystone=2: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # can either avoid or deal with the shield slug SentryJump=2 kii, Keystone=2: Burrow, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Burrow # @validator probably gorlek, could be moki with some Combat requirementz Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 # Bash the gorlek's projectile to reach the sand bag. tjump + upslash/spear from here unsafe, Keystone=2: Burrow # Burrow, Bash # Break the slug shell with gorlek's projectile DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 # tjump+upslash from right wall, tjump+dboost from left wall Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # bash the gorlek projectile then stupid wall jump you won't see how to do without debug renderer Bash, SentryJump=1 # Remove the shell of the ShieldSlug and bash it twice to reach the pickup Bash, DoubleJump, SentryJump=1 # Bash the gorlek's projectile DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 # you can refresh your tjump on the ^ mark in the ceiling above the sandbag pickup UpperWastes.LowerKS: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Burrow OR Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Damage=30 unsafe: free # TP out after getting the pickup pickup UpperWastes.UpperKS: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Burrow # land on the right platform, burrow the sandbag from there pickup UpperWastes.TurmoilShard: moki, Burrow: Bash, Launch # intended path omitted in moki gorlek, Burrow: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR TripleJump Launch, DoubleJump Launch, Damage=30, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii, Burrow: Launch, Damage=30 # refresh launch on ceiling at the first turret DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=120 unsafe, Burrow: Launch Bash, Dash OR DoubleJump DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=36 # dboost between 1st and 2nd turrets then precise wall jump and take a dboost on the projectile to reach the sand platform DoubleJump, Bash, SentryJump=1, Damage=30 # sjump in the spikes below the 3rd projectile DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Damage=6, Hammer OR Sword # tjump + upslash, immediatly dash and start air combo. Precise tjump to get a walljump, dboost on the projectile in order to walk in the spikes above. pickup UpperWastes.KSDoorEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Burrow, Sword OR Hammer Combat=ShieldSlug, Bash, Grenade=1 SentryJump=1 kii: Burrow, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1 OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 # either bash grenade or break the slug's shell in order to bash it Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Bash the gorlek's projectile DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 unsafe: Bash # Break slug's shell with a gorlek's projectile Burrow DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Sword # tjump+upslash+dash to climb the right wall SwordJump, TripleJump conn LowerWastes.EastTP: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch gorlek: Burrow, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 kii: Burrow conn UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleLeft: moki, UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor, Burrow: Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Combat=ShieldSlug, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor, Burrow: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii, UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor, Burrow: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1 # @validator probably gorlek, could be moki with some Combat requirementz unsafe, UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor: Burrow anchor UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleLeft at 1937, -3794: # Immediately to the right of the sand after the keystone door refill Checkpoint state UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor: moki, Keystone=2: Burrow pickup UpperWastes.LedgeEC: moki: Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek: Burrow, Bash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Combat=MaceMiner, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1 # use the miner as well DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # tjump->pogo->tjump->upslash Burrow, Bash Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 Burrow, DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the torpedo unsafe: SentryJump=1 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # Lure the miner on higher ground to the left pickup UpperWastes.MissileSpawnEX: moki: Burrow pickup UpperWastes.KSDoorEX: moki: UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor, Burrow conn UpperWastes.KeystoneRoom: moki: UpperWastes.KeystoneDoor, Burrow conn UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleMiddle: moki: Burrow anchor UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleMiddle at 2005, -3802: # On top of the sand beneath the lever refill Checkpoint: gorlek: Burrow, Bash OR Damage=14 unsafe: Burrow, Dash OR Launch state UpperWastes.LeverDoor: moki: Burrow, Bash gorlek: Burrow, Damage=14 # take the hit unsafe: Burrow, Dash OR Launch # Dash/Launch to avoid the explosion. pickup UpperWastes.PurpleWallEX: moki: Combat=MaceMiner, Burrow unsafe: Burrow # hug the right wall before impact conn UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleLeft: # for better random spawn gorlek: Burrow, Bash kii: Burrow conn UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleRight: moki: UpperWastes.LeverDoor, Burrow anchor UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleRight at 2058, -3813: # On top of sand to the right of lever gate, underneath a laser. pickup UpperWastes.PurpleWallHC: moki: Burrow conn UpperWastes.RuinsApproach: # this covers all connections to the pickups in the spinning lasers. moki, Burrow: Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide # dash or glide to make the lasers better DoubleJump, Dash # you can retry the burrow with DoubleJump, so I think this is fine Launch gorlek, Burrow: Dash, Bash OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=30 # Dash gets the player past the lasers pretty well; for sentryjump the tools to kill the slime are there Glide, DoubleJump OR Bash OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=30 # same as above DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii, Burrow: Dash OR DoubleJump OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=60 Damage=30, Bash OR Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Blaze=1 unsafe: Burrow conn UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleMiddle: # for better random spawn moki: UpperWastes.LeverDoor, Burrow # checkpoint at 2037, -3751 # Should there be an anchor here? anchor UpperWastes.RuinsApproach at 2002, -3698: # checkpoint after the laser spinner refill Checkpoint pickup UpperWastes.SpinLasersRightEX: moki: Burrow pickup UpperWastes.SpinLasersMiddleEX: moki: Burrow pickup UpperWastes.SpinLasersLowerEX: moki: Burrow pickup UpperWastes.RoofEX: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Burrow, Launch gorlek: Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash # Bash the Mantis Burrow, Bash, Damage=30, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # Bash the Mantis Burrow, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=30 # Kill the Mantis kii: Burrow, Dash Burrow, Bash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Burrow, DoubleJump, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Burrow, Glide, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 Burrow, Sword, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Burrow, Bash # Bash the Mantis to reach the wall under the pickup, then get a weird boost on the wall after abashing the mantis a second time Burrow, Sword OR Shuriken=3 Burrow, SentryJump=1 conn UpperWastes.NorthTP: moki: Burrow conn UpperWastes.MissilePuzzleRight: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Launch gorlek: Burrow, SwordSJump=1 Burrow, HammerSJump=1, Dash OR Glide Burrow, Dash, Damage=30 kii: Burrow, Bash OR Glide OR Dash OR Hammer Burrow, Sword, Shuriken=1 unsafe: Burrow # friendly spikes between the lasers # Burrow, Sword # pogo the mantis # Burrow, Damage=10 # Damage boost of the Mantis shockwave rather than the spikes anchor UpperWastes.NorthTP at 2044, -3679: # Left of the teleporter, on top of the sand refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free quest UpperWastes.FlowersSeed: # most paths here would be redundant with the connection upwards gorlek: Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash Burrow, Bash, Dash, Grenade=1 OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=30 # Dash wasn't considered gorlek to climb the last part up to ruins Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30, Dash OR SentryJump=1 Burrow, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash Burrow, SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch, SentryJump=1 # weapon + launch allows you to kill the enemies kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump unsafe: SentryJump=1, Damage=30, DoubleJump # dboost in the spikes and sjump to the seed (use djump+upslash as well), sjump again to reach the lantern, djump on the sand ball, djump on the wall above and djump + use weapon to air stall to the pickup Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Shuriken=1 pickup UpperWastes.WallOre: # Most paths here would be redundant with the connection upwards. Paths to WallOre which can't reach the ruins not considered for moki/gorlek kii: # Use a bashnade to reach the sand bag above the sand pot. All the following paths are combination of different variations in order to optimize energy and health. Key parts are: # 1.a Take a dboost in the spikes on the way to the sand pot # 1.b Avoid the spikes on the way to the sand pot # 2.a Reach the bashable lantern, take a dboost in the spikes under the 2nd sand bag in order to reach it # 2.b Use a bashnade in order to land on the ledge above the sand bag and simply djump to the 2nd sand bag # Then Bashnade + djump to reach the ore Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Damage=30, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # 1.a + 2.a Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # 1.b (with glide) + 2.a Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Sentry=3, Damage=30 # 1.b (2 sentries) + 2.a Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, Damage=30 # 1.a + 2.b Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sentry=2 # 1.b + 2.b Bash, Grenade=4, DoubleJump # 1.b (bashnade near the spikes) + 2.b conn UpperWastes.OutsideRuins: moki: Bash, Launch Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Burrow, Bash, Dash, Glide # Slightly tight getting across to the sand pit but pretty easily doable. Semi precise angle on the burrow but with glide its easy to reattempt Burrow, Launch, DoubleJump OR Glide # djump or glide lets you reattempt gorlek: Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, Dash, Sword Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, Grenade=1 OR SentryJump=1 OR Damage=30 Burrow, Bash, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump Launch, DoubleJump, Combat=MaceMiner Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # go from the ledge above the teleporter Launch, Bash OR Burrow kii: Launch # climb the left wall Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=30 Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=30 Burrow, Bash, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=30 # Use a bashnade to reach the sand bag above the sand pot. All the following paths are combination of different variations in order to optimize energy and health. Key parts are: # 1.a Take a dboost in the spikes on the way to the sand pot # 1.b Avoid the spikes on the way to the sand pot # 2.a Reach the bashable lantern, take a dboost in the spikes under the 2nd sand bag in order to reach it # 2.b Use a bashnade in order to land on the ledge above the sand bag and simply djump to the 2nd sand bag # 3.a Reach the second lantern and reach OutsideRuins from there # 3.b Use a bashnade to land in the spikes above the sand bag and djump from there to OutsideRuins Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Burrow OR TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer # 1.b + 2.a (but you can avoid the dboost) + 3.a Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=30, Damage=30, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # 1.a + 2.a + 3.a Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=30, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # 1.b (with glide) + 2.a + 3.a Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Sword, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # 1.b (with sword) + 2.a (energy to reach the lantern, avoid the dboost with an upslash) + 3.a (upslash to reach the lantern) Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Sentry=4, Damage=30 # 1.b (2 sentries) + 2.a + 3.a Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Damage=30, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # 1.a + 2.b + 3.a Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Sword # 1.b + 2.b + 3.a Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # 1.b + 2.b + 3.a Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Sentry=3 # 1.b (2 sentries) + 2.b + 3.a Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # 1.b (bashnade near the spikes) + 2.b + 3.a Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, Damage=30, Damage=30 # 1.a + 2.b + 3.b Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, Glide # 1.b + 2.b + 3.b (but you can avoid the dboost with glide) Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, Sentry=2, Damage=30 # 1.b (2 sentries) + 2.b + 3.b Bash, Grenade=4, DoubleJump, Damage=30 # 1.b (bashnade near the spikes) + 2.b + 3.b unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Glide OR Sword OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=30 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 Bash, SentryJump=2, Damage=30, DoubleJump # dboost in the spikes and sjump to the seed (use djump+upslash as well), sjump again to reach the lantern, djump on the sand ball, djump on the wall above and djump + use weapon to air stall to the pickup Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump # bash the mantis when it does its third jump Burrow, Bash, Sword OR Hammer # Bash the gorlek when the Mantis is jumping above it. Bash it as well, air stall using weapons Burrow, Dash, Damage=30 Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=30 Burrow, Bash, DoubleJump # bash the lantern then a gorlek's projectile Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer conn UpperWastes.RuinsApproach: moki: Burrow anchor UpperWastes.OutsideRuins at 2014, -3609: # Just outside the door refill Checkpoint quest UpperWastes.FlowersSeed: free pickup UpperWastes.WallOre: moki: Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Burrow, Dash, Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Burrow gorlek: Burrow, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Burrow, Glide DoubleJump, TripleJump # triple jump can spam climb the left wall DoubleJump, Glide Damage=30, Dash OR Glide OR Sword # a suboptimal double jump gets stuck in the spikes Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # can either Bashglide or use the sand ball as ground SentryJump=1, Glide Launch kii: Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Burrow Bash, Grenade=2 Burrow, DoubleJump OR Sentry=3 Damage=30, DoubleJump conn WindtornRuins.UpperRuinsDoor: moki: EastHollow.ForestsVoice, LowerReach.ForestsMemory, UpperDepths.ForestsEyes, WestPools.ForestsStrength conn UpperWastes.NorthTP: moki: Burrow OR Launch OR Bash gorlek: Glide Combat=Mantis+MaceMiner, SentryJump=1 Combat=Mantis+MaceMiner, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Combat=Mantis Dash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Just dash might be fit for kii tbh unsafe: free # Precise wall jumping required. Lure the mantis onto the platform to get it out of the way. # Connecting to RuinsApproach would be redundant because it needs Burrow anchor WindtornRuins.UpperRuinsDoor at 2163, -3835: # Just inside the door. refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state WindtornRuins.RuinsLever: moki: Burrow, BreakWall=6, BreakWall=6 unsafe: Burrow, Sentry=2 OR Grenade=1 OR Blaze=1 conn UpperWastes.OutsideRuins: free conn WindtornRuins.BrokenMural: moki, WindtornRuins.RuinsLever: Burrow anchor WindtornRuins.BrokenMural at 2108, -3959: # At the broken mural above the teleporter refill Checkpoint conn WindtornRuins.UpperRuinsDoor: moki, WindtornRuins.RuinsLever: Burrow conn WindtornRuins.FallenPillar: free conn WindtornRuins.RuinsTP: # check for redundancies with FallenPillar gorlek: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword # Just hold right. Or if you drop down, some can recover jumping from the right wall and burrowing through the sand platform WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, Glide OR Dash WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword OR Hammer kii: WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, Hammer OR Sword OR Sentry=2 Burrow, Hammer OR Sword Burrow, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # burrow the crumbing platform unsafe: Burrow # at the pilar, hold up+right and burrow through the crumbing platform anchor WindtornRuins.FallenPillar at 2090, -4012: # After dropping down from the Broken Mural state WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: # Most of these paths go to the teleporter and break the corruption heart. But they can't be used as connection to the teleporter anchor because after you broke the heart, you can't go to the teleporter again by using those paths. # While breaking the heart always teleport you near the teleporter afterwards (even when using Shuriken/Sentry breaks, which means you'll be able to teleport there whenever you want), the edgecase of using an header to break this corruption from the start makes those paths not viable as connections to the teleporter. moki, BreakWall=16: Burrow, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Launch Burrow, Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek: Burrow, BreakWall=16 unsafe: ShurikenBreak=16 OR SentryBreak=16 conn WindtornRuins.RuinsTP: # this accounts for both situations of having broken the heart or not moki: Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Burrow, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide Launch, Burrow OR WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier gorlek: Burrow, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 Burrow, SentryJump=1 kii: Burrow, Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: Burrow # at the pilar, hold up+right and burrow through the crumbing platform conn WindtornRuins.Escape: # this connection doesn't have to account for the gap in the floor because it only exists after you finished the escape moki: WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier conn WindtornRuins.LowerRuins: # connection after the escape is finished # if you completed the escape, there's a gap in the floor that you have to cross, but Burrow alone is enough to do so # Since Burrow solves this connection, it accounts for all paths to the escape revisit pickup moki, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Burrow OR Launch Bash, Grenade=1 gorlek, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir: Sword OR Hammer kii, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir conn WindtornRuins.BrokenMural: # If the HeartBarrier is not broken, this connection is free, so it is sufficient to test these paths with the HeartBarrier broken moki, Burrow OR WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: # these account for both situations of having broken the heart or not Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch gorlek, Burrow OR WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: SentryJump=1 Bash, Grenade=1 anchor WindtornRuins.RuinsTP at 2130, -3984: # Windtorn Ruins teleporter. refill Full state WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: # Barrier next to the teleporter that stops you from getting the Heart. moki: BreakWall=16 state NonGladesTeleporter: free conn Teleporters: free conn WindtornRuins.FallenPillar: moki: WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier OR Burrow conn WindtornRuins.BrokenMural: # check for redundancies with FallenPillar # Each path which isn't including WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier is done with this state resolved and is burrowing through the crumbling platform. But since these are also possible with only Burrow before breaking the heart, you don't actually need WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier at all. moki, Burrow OR WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: # these account for both situations of having broken the heart or not Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek, Burrow OR WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: Glide Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer kii: WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, Dash, Hammer OR Sentry=2 WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Hammer WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, Hammer, Sentry=2 Burrow, Sword OR Sentry=3 # jump on the left side of the crumbing platform and burrow it from underneath. You can slow yourself down with slashes Burrow, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Hammer OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 Burrow, Dash, Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # burrow the crumbing platform from the left side Burrow, Hammer, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Burrow OR WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: Sword, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 Burrow, DoubleJump # right side of the crumbing platform, touch it just before burrowing into it so you get a lot more speed Burrow, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Blaze=1 anchor WindtornRuins.Escape at 2021, -4026: nospawn refill Full # After you complete the escape, there's a gap in the floor to its right, making the location unreachable with skillsets # that would have reached it before completing the escape. That's why this has no outside connections; the paths to here # can softlock after achieving the EscapeComplete state, so this anchor is only safe as long as it does nothing else than handling that state. quest WindtornRuins.Seir: moki, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: Burrow, Dash, Grapple, DoubleJump OR Glide Burrow, DoubleJump, Glide, Grapple Burrow, DoubleJump, Launch, Dash OR Glide Burrow, Grapple, Launch, Glide gorlek, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: Burrow, Grapple, DoubleJump, Damage=40, Sword OR Hammer Burrow, Grapple, Dash, Damage=40, Sword OR Hammer Burrow, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 kii, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: Burrow, Launch Burrow, Grapple, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Burrow, Grapple, Sentry=5 OR Shuriken=5 # Same path, different energy weapon Burrow, Grapple, Damage=30, Sentry=3 OR Shuriken=3 # Sentry=5 / Shuriken=5 path but saving 2 uses by dboosting in the section where you fall down Burrow, Grapple, Damage=70, Sentry=2 OR Shuriken=2 # Sentry=5 / Shuriken=5 path but saving the first 3 uses by dboosting Burrow, Dash, DoubleJump OR Hammer # djump/upslash at the end of the second sandball+grapple section before dashing in order to avoid the spikes unsafe, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier: Burrow, Grapple, Damage=10 # You are allowed to hate me if this is forced progression https://youtu.be/H3UIH4FyU4Q Burrow, Grapple, Blaze=5 OR Flash=5 Burrow, Dash, Damage=40, Sentry=1 OR Flash=1 Burrow, FlashSwap anchor WindtornRuins.LowerRuins at 1969, -4024: # At the ancient map pedestal # requires escape to be done quest WindtornRuins.HandToHandComplete: moki: LowerWastes.HandToHandMapstone pickup WindtornRuins.EscapeRevisitEC: moki: WindtornRuins.Seir, Burrow conn WindtornRuins.Escape: free # walk over the invisible sandworm conn WindtornRuins.FallenPillar: moki, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir: DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword SentryJump=1 kii, WindtornRuins.HeartBarrier, WindtornRuins.Seir: Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash Dash, Glide conn LowerWastes.MinesEntranceEnemyPaths: moki: Burrow, BreakWall=20 region WeepingRidge: moki: Danger=60, Regenerate gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor WeepingRidge.Bottom at 1210, -3830: # After crossing the portal to weeping ridge refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal state WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: moki, Combat=2xCrystalMiner+2xShieldCrystalMiner: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: Combat=2xCrystalMiner+2xShieldCrystalMiner, DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 kii: Combat=2xCrystalMiner+2xShieldCrystalMiner, Dash OR Hammer Combat=2xCrystalMiner+2xShieldCrystalMiner, Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Combat=2xCrystalMiner+2xShieldCrystalMiner, Sword # upslash+downslash Combat=2xCrystalMiner+2xShieldCrystalMiner, Glide, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WeepingRidge.LaunchArea: moki, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: DoubleJump OR SentryJump=1 kii, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Dash OR Hammer Sword, Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted, Glide OR Sword conn LowerWastes.WestTP: # covers connections into woods moki: WindtornRuins.Seir, Burrow # Seir to make it a safe path gorlek: Burrow # won't softlock if you did the cat and mouse because you'll have unlocked the teleporter anchor WeepingRidge.LaunchArea at 1189, -3716: # After the portal at the top of the elevator refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 pickup WeepingRidge.Ore: moki: Launch, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide Launch, Sword, Damage=20 kii: # launch path is redundant with AboveTree->Ore Bash, Dash Bash, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # Damage is for weird laser patterns DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword unsafe: SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, Bow=1, Damage=40 SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide # Use weapon stall to reach the edge below the portal Bash, Glide # wait on the left wall until the elemental gives you a shot to bash DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Sword, Damage=40, Bow=1 # Reset your jump by slashing the elemental, pogo him to reach the wall above the portal, djump + upslash from under the Mine to reach the spikes Bash, DoubleJump conn WeepingRidge.AboveTree: moki: Glide Launch, Bash OR DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Launch, Bow=1 Bash, Dash, Bow=1 DoubleJump, Bow=1, Damage=40 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, DoubleJump, Bow=1, Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Dash kii: Launch Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Dash Bash, DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash # Use sword on elemental to reset your djump/dash (don't use portal with dash) DoubleJump, Dash, Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Damage=40, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Hammer OR DoubleJump # Dash against the ceiling to refresh your dash Bash, DoubleJump, Blaze=1 conn WillowsEnd.Entry: moki, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Launch, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide gorlek, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash kii, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Launch, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=2 OR Sentry=3 Launch, Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, TripleJump unsafe, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Launch SentryJump=3, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump conn WeepingRidge.Bottom: moki, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Glide gorlek, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: SwordSJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Glide OR Dash OR DoubleJump Sword OR Hammer Sentry=5 Bash, Grenade=2 unsafe, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Shuriken=3 OR Sentry=3 anchor WeepingRidge.AboveTree at 1344, -3791: # The ledge above Launch tree refill Checkpoint pickup WeepingRidge.LaunchTree: free pickup WeepingRidge.PortalEX: moki: Launch unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 # take a dboost in the left spikes SwordSJump=2, Damage=40 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Damage=80 pickup WeepingRidge.SpikeClimbEX: moki: Launch, DoubleJump, Bow=2 gorlek: Launch, Bow=1 OR Spear=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Damage=20 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 kii: Launch Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: # may be inaccurate after moving paths to this anchor Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump SentryJump=3, DoubleJump, Bash OR Sword OR Damage=40 SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # Dash from the wall above the tree + tjump + weapon combo to reach the right platform DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword, Dash OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # pogo the mine near the tree | wasn't consistent enough for kii pickup WeepingRidge.Ore: moki: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash OR Glide gorlek: Launch kii: Bash, Grenade=2, Damage=20, DoubleJump OR Dash # Damage for wonky lasers Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60 # 20 of the damage for wonky lasers unsafe: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # pogo the mines DoubleJump, TripleJump, Hammer, Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 conn WeepingRidge.LaunchArea: moki: Launch, Bash, Glide # Glide is the only ability that really helps you outwait the laser attack gorlek: Launch, Bash Launch, DoubleJump, Dash # this gives you good mobility to avoid the enemies kii: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Damage=20 # dboost on the mine inbetween the two elementals unsafe: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword, Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 region WillowsEnd: moki: Danger=60, Regenerate # need more than 6 health and Regen to do ANYTHING in willow gorlek: Regenerate kii: Regenerate unsafe: free anchor WillowsEnd.Entry at 495, -3951: # At the lower door refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal, Launch Bow=1 # a lot of energy crystals not considered, mostly because they are on the way to hearts which aren't currently tracked # the paths are kind of inaccurate because the platform above the door has no anchor of its own state WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: unsafe: ShurikenBreak=30, Launch pickup WillowsEnd.EntryEX: # Be carefull it's not redundant with Entry->BoulderHeartPath->EntryEX moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=2 Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=2, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump SentryJump=2, Damage=20 # Get hit by the offscreen mine SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=2, Bow=1 OR Grenade=1 # kill the mine with either bow or grenade (bow is more energy efficient) and jump from the left wall to the right one unsafe: Bash, Grenade=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # dboost an the mine so you can stand on the lava thingy and jump from it to the floating platform SwordJump, TripleJump, Dash # land on floating platform otw to GrappleHeart then sword jumps + upslash->dash towards the floating platform at the entrance conn WillowsEnd.InnerTP: moki: Launch, Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide # mine in the way, but I think it's managable Launch, WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut gorlek: Launch, Bash, Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 OR WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut # Bash the elemental, tjump, bash its projectiles Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Launch, Sword OR Damage=40 # refresh your launch on the wall under Lupo. With sword, hit the elemental to refresh your launch. Dboost in the spikes otherwise Launch, Bash, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grenade=1 OR Dash OR WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut OR Damage=40 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20, WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut # dboost on the mine so you can stand on the lava thingy and jump from it to the floating platform DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=20, Dash OR Grenade=1 OR Damage=40 conn WillowsEnd.BoulderHeartPath: moki: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Dash Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=40, Glide OR Sword SentryJump=1, DoubleJump # float with the weapon SentryJump=1, Damage=40, Dash OR Glide # float with the weapon if needed kii: Bash, Grenade=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer conn WillowsEnd.GrappleHeartMidPoint: moki: Grapple, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Launch, Grapple, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # use energy weapon before to touch the wall before the first portal Launch, Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # same as above but one more energy weapon in order to touch the wall before the last wheel Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple # bashnade to reach the floating platform at the entrance, tjump to the second floating platform and bashnade towards the portals Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 # same as above but condition instead of second bashnade. Possible with more energy weapons but these are the only which cost less energy than grenade unsafe: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Damage=20 # land on the floating platform, glide, climb the wall after the first wheel to pass the laser without taking damage. At the wheel next to the chakpoint, wjump on the wall next to the laser. Take a damage boost in the double laser. SentryJump=1, Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Damage=20 # Same as above conn WillowsEnd.GrappleHeart: moki, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Glide Launch gorlek, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: SwordSJump=2, DoubleJump # weapon air stall (Hammer too hard for gorlek) Bash, Grenade=2, Sword, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grenade=3, DoubleJump OR Dash kii, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 Bash, Grenade=3 # bash glide unsafe, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: SwordSJump=2, Dash # weapon air stall SentryJump=2, DoubleJump # weapon air stall (compatible with hammer) SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump # djump, pogo the mine, djump+upslash to reach the floating platform Sword, DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1 # djump, pogo the mine, djump+upslash to reach the floating platform SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, Damage=20 # use the iframes from the mine to use the lava thingy as a platform then djump+weapon combo to the left floating platform Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer # use the iframes from the mine to use the lava thingy as a platform then djump+weapon combo to the left floating platform conn WeepingRidge.LaunchArea: # Could be just the elevator state but adding more requirement in lower difficulties because not all lasers are visible at once gorlek, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: Glide OR Damage=20 kii, WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted: # land on top of the second laser Launch OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Blaze=4 OR Sentry=2 DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: WeepingRidge.ElevatorFightCompleted anchor WillowsEnd.GrappleHeartMidPoint at 335, -3887: # Checkpoint on the way to the lower left heart refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 conn WillowsEnd.GrappleHeart: moki: Grapple, Launch, DoubleJump, Dash Grapple, Launch, Glide gorlek: Launch, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump, Sword OR Damage=40 Launch, Sword, Damage=40 kii: Launch, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Damage=20 # wjump on the wall next to the laser. Take a damage boost in the double laser. DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=60, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=3 OR Sentry=2 # dboost in the double laser (20) then in the spikes underneath (40) DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=100 # dboost in the spikes next to the double laser (40) + dboost in the spikes in between the double laser (40) + dboost in the last laser (20) unsafe: Launch DoubleJump, HammerJump # https://youtu.be/nWob6QqkKpM DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash OR GrenadeJump # https://youtu.be/DRJrr9v-6xg conn WillowsEnd.Entry: # Be sure it's not redundant with going to WillowsEnd.GrappleHeart first kii: Launch, Glide Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump # tjump in more for stalling than for movement itself. Use it in order to await the end of lasers and slow yourself down unsafe: Launch DoubleJump, GrenadeJump DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash #https://youtu.be/kEzMDyc-G1k anchor WillowsEnd.GrappleHeart at 399, -3928: # right next to the grapple wheels heart refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal, Launch Bow=1 gorlek: SentryJump=1 OR Grenade=1 kii: BreakCrystal, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=1 refill Health=1 state WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: moki: BreakWall=30 pickup WillowsEnd.PoisonfallHC: moki: Launch WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, DoubleJump, Dash gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=4 WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, DoubleJump OR Dash WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, Bash, Grenade=1 kii: DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=4 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # bash grenade above the heart to avoid a dboost WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, Sword OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, Blaze=1, Spear=1 # Blaze for the first jump, spear for the second. More energy efficient than 2 spears WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, Hammer, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 unsafe: DoubleJump WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart, Hammer conn WillowsEnd.Entry: # going backwards without breaking the heart has many weird spots, saving it for later difficulties moki, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: Glide, DoubleJump OR Dash Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch, Sword OR Hammer kii, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Bash, Grenade=1, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Dash, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Sentry=2 unsafe, WillowsEnd.GrappleWheelsHeart: Glide # Not hard but need to jump on the right lava thingy cycle without seeing them Bash, Grenade=1 Dash, Damage=40 # Dash on the lava thingy and use it as an elevator anchor WillowsEnd.BoulderHeartPath at 555, -3939: # below the shortcut back from boulder heart refill Checkpoint refill Energy=3: moki: BreakCrystal # state WillowsEnd.BoulderHeart: # moki: BreakWall=30, Launch, DoubleJump, Dash pickup WillowsEnd.SpikesOre: moki: Launch, Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide SentryJump=1, Damage=40, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide # damage because the maneuver is a bit tricky Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=40, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide # damage because the maneuver is a bit tricky kii: Launch # launch on the wall bellow the spikes in order to reach the second wheel Grapple, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=40 #condition in order to reach the portal then land on the ledge when you exit the portal and coyote dash->dash->djump Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # land on the ledge when exiting the portal Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # same as above but land on the wheel to reach the portal Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 OR Damage=40 #condition in order to reach the portal then land on the ledge when you exit the portal and coyote dash->dash->djump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 # land on the ledge when exiting the portal Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # same as above but land on the wheel to reach the portal unsafe: # paths may not make sense after moving them from entry Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Dash, Damage=40 # dboost on the wheel to reach the portal Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 SentryJump=1, Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # land on the small floor after the portal then tjump+upslash SwordSJump=1, Grapple, DoubleJump, Glide # land on the small floor after the portal then tjump+upslash SentryJump=2, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Dash # land on the small floor after the portal then tjump+upslash SwordSJump=2, DoubleJump, Glide # land on the small floor after the portal then tjump+upslash HammerSJump=3, DoubleJump, Glide # land on the small floor after the portal then tjump+upslash pickup WillowsEnd.EntryEX: # Make sure it's not redundant with paths from WillowsEnd.Entry gorlek: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Glide # use the right wheels then glide to the floating platform DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Dash, Sword OR Hammer # use the right wheels then glide to the floating platform kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump, Glide, Damage=40 # dboost on the first wheel DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Damage=40, Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost on the first wheel Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 # jump from the wall on the left and not the wheel directly unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 conn WillowsEnd.Entry: moki: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch gorlek: Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=2 kii: Spear=2 OR Shuriken=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=2 OR Sentry=2 OR Damage=80 Bash, Grenade=1, Damage=40 conn WillowsEnd.InnerTP: kii: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Grenade=1, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=40, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Sentry=2 unsafe: Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut, Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Grenade=1, Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=40, Spear=2 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 Grapple, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Glide OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer anchor WillowsEnd.InnerTP at 422, -3864: # The teleporter inside refill Full state NonGladesTeleporter: free state WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut: moki, BreakWall=20: DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Bow=1 gorlek: BreakWall=20 pickup WillowsEnd.LupoMap: moki: SpiritLight=50, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Bow=1 gorlek: SpiritLight=50 # jump to trigger the mine, back off to avoid taking damages conn Teleporters: free conn WillowsEnd.Entry: moki: WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Launch OR Bow=1 # open the portal shortcut DoubleJump, Dash Glide OR Launch gorlek: # No paths using Sword/Hammer because they solve PortalShortcut WillowsEnd.PortalShortcut # jump to trigger the mine, back off to avoid taking damages Bash, Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 kii: Dash # Reset dash on ceiling DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # touch the wall bellow Lupo Bash, DoubleJump OR Damage=40 unsafe: Bash OR DoubleJump conn WillowsEnd.AboveInnerTP: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Launch, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, BreakWall=20, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer OR Damage=40 Bash, Grenade=1, Dash, Damage=40 SentryJump=1, Combat=CrystalMiner, DoubleJump, Dash OR Glide # you can break the wall with the weapon SentryJump=1, Combat=CrystalMiner, Damage=40, DoubleJump OR Dash # you can break the wall with the weapon kii: Launch # wjump on the shortcut's breakable wall or launch from the the ground next to the portal if the barrier is broken Bash, Grenade=1 # wjump on the shortcut's breakable wall or bashnade from the ground next to the portal if the barrier is broken unsafe: SwordSJump=1, Damage=40 #DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash, Damage=40, Combat=CrystalMiner #I don't think this work anymore? # if the shortcut is open, tjump + dash in the spikes anchor WillowsEnd.AboveInnerTP at 530, -3844: # at the lava pit before bash puzzle refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal, Launch Bow=1, Combat=CrystalMiner OR Bash kii: Spear=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Sentry=1 Shuriken=1, DoubleJump OR Sword OR Hammer DoubleJump, Blaze=1, TripleJump OR Hammer conn WillowsEnd.InnerTP: moki: Combat=CrystalMiner OR Bash OR Launch kii: Damage=10 # @validaotr should probably be gorlek. Dboost on the gorlek. unsafe: free # reload to despawn the gorlek conn WillowsEnd.East: moki: DoubleJump, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash gorlek: Launch, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, DoubleJump, Dash, Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Bash, DoubleJump, Glide, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer # weapon stall leaves you vulnerable to the projectiles Bash, SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump OR Dash Bash, HammerSJump=1, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, SentryJump=1, Glide kii: Launch # Reset your launch on the walls Bash, Grenade=1 Bash, DoubleJump OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer # Bash glide from the gorlek to the elemental Bash, Dash, Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword, Dash # slash the element to reset your jumps, pogo it then tjump+upslash to reach the wall above it unsafe: Bash, Dash # Bash glide from the gorlek to the elemental DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword # slash the element to reset your jumps, pogo it then tjump + up slash to reach the left wall # So far, connection towards RedirectHeartPath are handled by going to East first anchor WillowsEnd.East at 547, -3805: # To the left of the redirect puzzle conn WillowsEnd.AboveInnerTP: moki: Glide Bash, DoubleJump, Dash Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Bash gorlek: Launch Bash, DoubleJump DoubleJump, Dash DoubleJump, TripleJump, Sword OR Hammer # Sword/Hammer/Djump so don't need to add combat requirement unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword Dash, Bash OR Sword conn WillowsEnd.RedirectHeartPath: moki: Launch Bash, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Damage=20, Glide OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer OR Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # dboost through the laser unsafe: DoubleJump conn WillowsEnd.Upper: moki: Bash, Launch # some other paths would be possible, but with how far back the last checkpoint is... gorlek: Launch Bash, DoubleJump unsafe: Bash SwordSJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # sjump+ tjump to rech the right wall. dboost in the laser. tjump+ sword combo to reach the right wall. Pogo the elemental+tjump anchor WillowsEnd.RedirectHeartPath at 584, -3814: # on the edge near the energy refill on the way to the redirect heart refill Health=1 refill Energy=4: # these paths need to be able to return to the starting point # paths using energy or health AFTER grabbing the refill would be invalid here because they would misrepresent the resulting health or energy moki: BreakCrystal, Launch OR DoubleJump OR Glide Bow=1, Dash unsafe: BreakCrystal conn WillowsEnd.East: moki: Launch OR DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Bash OR Sword OR Hammer kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # to slow yourself don before entering the portal unsafe: PauseHover conn WillowsEnd.RedirectHeartPuzzle: free # most likely there will be non-redundant paths to WillowsEnd.AboveInnerTP here in the future, just right now there aren't any anchor WillowsEnd.RedirectHeartPuzzle at 614, -3836: # standing in front of the first portal used for the puzzle refill Checkpoint # state WillowsEnd.RedirectHeart: # moki: BreakWall=10, BreakWall=30, DoubleJump, Bash, Launch pickup WillowsEnd.RedirectEX: moki: BreakWall=10, Bash, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash, Grenade=1, Launch gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer Glide, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Bash, Damage=20, Sword OR Hammer # redirect the projectile so it pass under the pickup, dboost in the double lasser at the left so you can re-entre the top portal. Glide under the pickup then bash. Upslash can help if needed kii: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump # redirect the projectile so it pass under the pickup Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, BreakWall=10, Glide OR Sword OR Damage=40 Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump, BreakWall=10, Dash, Hammer OR Sentry=2 OR Blaze=4 Bash, Grenade=1, Glide, BreakWall=10 # use a second projectile so you can land on the edge above the double laser then throw a grenade and bash from the 1st projectile in order to reach your grenade unsafe: Launch Bash, Grenade=1, BreakWall=10, Damage=160 conn WillowsEnd.RedirectHeartPath: moki: Bash, Grenade=1 Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40 kii: DoubleJump, Damage=40 unsafe: DoubleJump, Sword # pogo the mine anchor WillowsEnd.Upper at 499, -3748: # At the upper door refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: # on the way to burrow heart gorlek, BreakCrystal: Bash OR Launch Combat=CrystalMiner, SentryJump=1 Combat=CrystalMiner, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii, BreakCrystal: DoubleJump, Sword OR Hammer Dash, Sword # Pogo the gorlek Combat=CrystalMiner, DoubleJump, Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Flash=1 OR Sentry=1 # state WillowsEnd.BurrowHeart: # moki, BreakWall=30: # Burrow, DoubleJump, Dash, Bash, Grapple, Glide # Burrow, Bash, Grapple, Launch, DoubleJump OR Glide # conn MiniBossFight: # moki: # Launch, DoubleJump # Launch, Dash, Glide conn WillowsEnd.East: moki: Combat=CrystalMiner, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Bash OR Launch gorlek: Damage=10, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide kii: Combat=CrystalMiner, Sword OR Hammer OR Shuriken=1 OR Blaze=2 OR Sentry=2 conn WillowsEnd.West: moki: Launch gorlek: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 # damage because the lasers are hard Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump, Damage=20 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=20 kii: Damage=90, Combat=CrystalMiner Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: SwordJump, TripleJump # From the left on the laser, sword jumps in order to reset your jump on a small wall then sword jumps+upslash to reach the portal DoubleJump, TripleJump, Dash # Dash ramp from the left side + tjump in order to touch a small wall in the ceilling. Then tjump+dash toward the portal Damage=90 # That checkpoint box is really big so you don't have to bother with the CrystalMiner conn WillowsEnd.UpperHeartPath: moki: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump, Bow=1 Bash, Grenade=2, DoubleJump Launch gorlek: SentryJump=1, DoubleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump kii: Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: SentryJump=1 DoubleJump, TripleJump # tjump on the left wall to start climbing it anchor WillowsEnd.West at 437, -3840: # To the left of the one-way above Lupo refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal # state WillowsEnd.SpinLasersHeart: # moki: BreakWall=30, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide conn WillowsEnd.InnerTP: moki: BreakWall=20, Combat=MaceMiner OR Bash OR Launch conn WillowsEnd.Upper: # this works because the portal wheel drops if you step below moki, BreakWall=10: Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide Launch gorlek, BreakWall=10: Bash, DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump # the portal here is glitchy in patch 3 Bash, Grenade=2 Bash, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump Bash, SentryJump=2 SentryJump=1, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii, BreakWall=10: Bash, Grenade=1 OR Damage=40 # bashnade to aovid dboost on the falling wheel Bash, DoubleJump, Hammer # djump+upslash to avoid dboost on the falling wheel DoubleJump, Sword # Pogo the Crystal Miner then djump+upslash to avoid dboost on the falling wheel unsafe: BreakWall=10: Combat=MaceMiner, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Damage=40 # get a wjump on the energy crystal SentryJump=2 Launch conn WillowsEnd.GlideHeartPath: moki: Launch gorlek: DoubleJump, Dash, Glide Damage=20 kii: free anchor WillowsEnd.GlideHeartPath at 374, -3824: # one room before the first wind refill Checkpoint refill Health=1 conn WillowsEnd.GlideRooms: moki: DoubleJump, Launch gorlek: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump Combat=Mantis, SentryJump=1, DoubleJump OR Damage=20 kii: DoubleJump, Hammer # djump+upslash to land on the platform in the wheel unsafe: free # https://youtu.be/rWO35ruudfw # Bash # stun-lock the mantis by bashing it so it doesn't jump on the wheel conn WillowsEnd.West: free # :D anchor WillowsEnd.GlideRooms at 360, -3861: # At the first wind refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal, Launch OR Glide Bow=1 kii: Spear=1 OR Shuriken=1 OR Grenade=1 OR Sentry=1 # state WillowsEnd.GlideHeart: # moki: BreakWall=30, DoubleJump, Glide, Launch pickup WillowsEnd.WindSpinOre: moki: Glide kii: Launch, DoubleJump, Damage=40, Damage=80 # dboost on the first wheel, dboost twice on the second one unsafe: Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump conn WillowsEnd.GlideHeartPath: free # :D # checkpoint at 315, -3862 # checkpoint at 487, -3780 # anchor LaserRockFight: # refill Full # state WillowsEnd.ElementalDefeated: # moki: Combat=smth anchor WillowsEnd.UpperHeartPath at 506, -3711: # Right above the exit blocked by vines refill Checkpoint refill Energy=4: moki: BreakCrystal, Launch Bow=1 pickup WillowsEnd.UpperLeftEX: moki: Grapple, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Glide gorlek: Launch, Grapple Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Launch, DoubleJump, Glide, Bash kii: Launch, Damage=80 Launch, Damage=40, Bash OR Sword # bash/pogo the elemental, dboost in the spike bellow UpperLeftEX DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Damage=60 # dboost on the laser at the second room then dboost on the wheel next to the pickup WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Launch, Bash # bash the first elemental then bash one of its projectile in order to reach the 2nd elemental unsafe: Launch DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Bash # using the last portal without taking damage is hard, bash glide from the elemental after that conn WillowsEnd.Upper: free conn WillowsEnd.UpperHeartCheckpoint: moki: Bash, Grapple, Launch, DoubleJump, Dash Bash, Grapple, Launch, Glide gorlek: Launch, Grapple, Bash Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump, Damage=40, Grapple OR Bash OR Glide WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Launch, Bash, DoubleJump WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Launch, Bash, Grenade=1, Dash OR Glide OR Sword OR Hammer WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump kii: Launch, Damage=160 # one dboost at the first elemental, a second one under UpperLeftEX then two dboost on the way to the last portal Launch, Damage=120, DoubleJump OR Dash # one dboost at the first elemental, a second one under UpperLeftEX, another one before the last portal Launch, Damage=80: Glide # one dboost at the first elemental, a second one under UpperLeftEX Grapple # dboost twice in the spikes before the last portal Launch, Damage=40: Bash OR Sword # dboost in the spikes bellow UpperLeftEX DoubleJump, Glide OR Dash # dboost in the spikes bellow UpperLeftEX Launch, Grapple, Sword # reset your launch by hitting elemental with your sword Launch, DoubleJump, TripleJump OR Sword DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Bash, Damage=100 # dboost on the laser before the 2nd wheel (20) then on spikes before the last portal (40). Since it's hard to avoid taking a dboost on the wheel when entering the portal under UpperLeftEX, adding an extra dboost (40) WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Launch, DoubleJump OR Dash OR Sword OR Hammer WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart, Bash, Grenade=1, DoubleJump unsafe: Launch, DoubleJump OR Damage=40 DoubleJump, TripleJump, Grapple, Bash # using the last portal without taking damage is hard anchor WillowsEnd.UpperHeartCheckpoint at 514, -3638: # Checkpoint next to the upper heart refill Checkpoint state WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart: moki: BreakWall=30 pickup WillowsEnd.UpperRightEX: moki: Launch kii: DoubleJump, TripleJump Bash, Grenade=1 unsafe: DoubleJump pickup WillowsEnd.UpperLeftEX: # So far, paths using WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart are the same as going to UpperHeartPath first gorlek: Launch, DoubleJump, Glide, Bash kii: Launch, Bash conn WillowsEnd.UpperHeartPath: moki: WillowsEnd.SpinPortalsHeart # backward connection without this state has some weird spot, saving it for higher difficulties anchor Tokk: # Tokk's talks quest GladesTown.HandToHandPouch: moki: EastHollow.HandToHandMap anchor TwillenShop: quest GladesTown.TwillenGemQuest: moki: LowerWastes.EerieGemQI pickup TwillenShop.Overcharge: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.Wingclip: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.Swap: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.Vitality: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.Energy: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.Finesse: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.TripleJump: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup TwillenShop.LightHarvest: moki: SpiritLight=1200 anchor OpherShop: # Opher's offers pickup OpherShop.Spike: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.SpiritSmash: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.SpiritStar: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.Blaze: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.Sentry: # used for keystones if necessary; filtered by gen moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.Teleport: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.ShockSmash: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.StaticStar: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.ExplodingSpike: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.RapidSentry: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.ChargeBlaze: moki: SpiritLight=1200 pickup OpherShop.WaterBreath: moki: InnerWellspring.WaterEscape, SpiritLight=1200 anchor TuleyShop at -173, -4139: nospawn quest GladesTown.RegrowTheGlades: moki: TuleyShop.SelaFlowers, TuleyShop.StickyGrass, TuleyShop.Lightcatchers, TuleyShop.BlueMoon, TuleyShop.SpringPlants, TuleyShop.LastTree state TuleyShop.LastTreeBranchRejected: # written out the steps in case they give pickups moki: WoodsEntry.LastTreeBranch state TuleyShop.SelaFlowers: moki: UpperWastes.FlowersSeed state TuleyShop.StickyGrass: moki: EastPools.GrassSeed state TuleyShop.Lightcatchers: moki: UpperDepths.LightcatcherSeed state TuleyShop.BlueMoon: moki: InnerWellspring.BlueMoonSeed state TuleyShop.SpringPlants: moki: UpperReach.SpringSeed state TuleyShop.LastTree: moki: WoodsEntry.TreeSeed