const webpack = require("webpack"); const { join } = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const WEBPACK_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "worker.js"; const WEBPACK_OUTPUT_SOURCEMAPFILENAME = WEBPACK_OUTPUT_FILENAME + ".map"; function error(msg) { console.error("Error: " + msg); process.exit(1); return new Error("error"); } function warn(...msg) { console.warn("Warning: " + msg.join(" ")); } function filterByExtension(ext) { return (v) => new RegExp(`\\.${ext}$`).test(v); } (async function () { const rawArgs = process.argv.slice(2); const args = rawArgs.reduce((obj, e) => { if (e.indexOf("--") === -1 && e.indexOf("=") === -1) { throw error("malformed arguments"); } const [name, value] = e.split("="); const normalizedName = name.replace("--", ""); obj[normalizedName] = value; return obj; }, {}); let config; if (args["no-webpack-config"] === "1") { config = { entry: args["use-entry"] }; } else { config = require(join(process.cwd(), args["webpack-config"])); } // Check if the config is a function and await it either way in // case the result is a Promise config = await (typeof config === "function" ? config({}) : config); if (Array.isArray(config)) { throw error( "Multiple webpack configurations are not supported. You can specify a different path for your webpack configuration file in wrangler.toml with the `webpack_config` field\n" + "Please make sure that your webpack configuration exports an Object, Promise of an Object, Function that returns an object, or a Function that returns a Promise of an Object" ); } if ( !== undefined && !== "webworker") { throw error( "Building a Cloudflare Worker with target " + JSON.stringify( + " is not supported. Wrangler will set webworker by default, please remove " + "the `target` key in your webpack configuration." ); } = "webworker"; // The worker runtime will set the name of the script to `worker.js`, // regardless of what's specified in the sourcemap. // We can tell webpack to name the generated worker by configuring the output. // It's also safe to force that configuration because it mirrors what the // runtime does. // if (config.output === undefined) { config.output = {}; } if ( config.output.filename !== undefined && config.output.filename !== WEBPACK_OUTPUT_FILENAME ) { warn( "webpack's output filename is being renamed to", WEBPACK_OUTPUT_FILENAME, "because of requirements from the Workers runtime" ); } if ( config.output.sourceMapFilename !== undefined && config.output.sourceMapFilename !== WEBPACK_OUTPUT_SOURCEMAPFILENAME ) { warn( "webpack's output sourcemap filename is being renamed to", WEBPACK_OUTPUT_SOURCEMAPFILENAME, "because of requirements from the Workers runtime" ); } config.output.filename = WEBPACK_OUTPUT_FILENAME; config.output.sourceMapFilename = WEBPACK_OUTPUT_SOURCEMAPFILENAME; const compiler = webpack(config); const fullConfig = compiler.options; let lastHash = ""; const compilerCallback = (err, stats) => { if (err) { throw err; } if (stats.hash !== lastHash) { const assets = stats.compilation.assets; const jsonStats = stats.toJson(); const bundle = { wasm: null, script: "", errors: jsonStats.errors, }; const wasmModuleAsset = Object.keys(assets).find( filterByExtension("wasm") ); const jsAssets = Object.keys(assets).filter(filterByExtension("js")); const hasWasmModule = wasmModuleAsset !== undefined; bundle.script = jsAssets.reduce((acc, k) => { const asset = assets[k]; return acc + asset.source(); }, ""); if (hasWasmModule === true) { bundle.wasm = Buffer.from(assets[wasmModuleAsset].source()).toString( "base64" ); } fs.writeFileSync(args["output-file"], JSON.stringify(bundle)); } lastHash = stats.hash; }; if (args["watch"] === "1") {, compilerCallback); } else {; } })();