^title Classes Every value in Wren is an object, and every object is an instance of a class. Even `true` and `false` are full-featured objects—instances of the [Bool][] class. [bool]: modules/core/bool.html Classes define an objects *behavior* and *state*. Behavior is defined by [*methods*][method calls] which live in the class. Every object of the same class supports the same methods. State is defined in *fields*, whose values are stored in each instance. [method calls]: method-calls.html ## Defining a class Classes are created using the `class` keyword, unsurprisingly: :::wren class Unicorn {} This creates a class named `Unicorn` with no methods or fields. ## Methods To let our unicorn do stuff, we need to give it methods. :::wren class Unicorn { prance() { System.print("The unicorn prances in a fancy manner!") } } This defines a `prance()` method that takes no arguments. To add parameters, put their names inside the parentheses: :::wren class Unicorn { prance(where, when) { System.print("The unicorn prances in " + where + " at " + when) } } Since the number of parameters is part of a method's [signature][] a class can define multiple methods with the same name: [signature]: method-calls.html#signature :::wren class Unicorn { prance() { System.print("The unicorn prances in a fancy manner!") } prance(where) { System.print("The unicorn prances in " + where) } prance(where, when) { System.print("The unicorn prances in " + where + " at " + when) } } It's often natural to have the same conceptual operation work with different sets of arguments. In other languages, you'd define a single method for the operation and have to check for missing optional arguments. In Wren, they are different methods that you implement separately. In addition to named methods with parameter lists, Wren has a bunch of other different syntaxes for methods. Your classes can define all of them. ### Getters A getter leaves off the parameter list and the parentheses: :::wren class Unicorn { isFancy { true } // Unicorns are always fancy. } ### Setters A setter has `=` after the name, followed by a single parenthesized parameter: :::wren class Unicorn { rider=(value) { System.print("I am being ridden by " + value) } } By convention, the parameter is usually named `value` but you can call it whatever makes your heart flutter. ### Operators Prefix operators, like getters, have no parameter list: :::wren class Unicorn { - { System.print("Negating a unicorn is weird") } } Infix operators, like setters, have a single parenthesized parameter for the right-hand operand: :::wren class Unicorn { -(other) { System.print("Subtracting " + other + " from a unicorn is weird") } } A subscript operator puts the parameters inside square brackets and can have more than one: :::wren class Unicorn { [index] { System.print("Unicorns are not lists!") } [x, y] { System.print("Unicorns are not matrices either!") } } Unlike with named methods, you can't define a subscript operator with an empty parameter list. As the name implies, a subscript setter looks like a combination of a subscript operator and a setter: :::wren class Unicorn { [index]=(value) { System.print("You can't stuff " + value + " into me at " + index) } } ## Method Scope Up to this point, "[scope][]" has been used to talk exclusively about [variables][]. In a procedural language like C, or a functional one like Scheme, that's the only kind of scope there is. But object-oriented languages like Wren introduce another kind of scope: *object scope*. It contains the methods that are available on an object. When you write: [scope]: variables.html#scope [variables]: variables.html :::wren unicorn.isFancy You're saying "look up the method `isFancy` in the scope of the object `unicorn`". In this case, the fact that you want to look up a *method* `isFancy` and not a *variable* `isFancy` is explicit. That's what `.` does and the object to the left of the period is the object you want to look up the method on. ### `this` Things get more interesting when you're inside the body of a method. When the method is called on some object and the body is being executed, you often need to access that object itself. You can do that using `this`. :::wren class Unicorn { name { "Francis" } printName() { System.print(this.name) //> Francis } } The `this` keyword works sort of like a variable, but has special behavior. It always refers to the instance whose method is currently being executed. This lets you invoke methods on "yourself". It's an error to refer to `this` outside of a method. However, it's perfectly fine to use it inside a [function][] contained in a method. When you do, `this` still refers to the instance whose *method* is being called. [function]: functions.html This is unlike Lua and JavaScript which can "forget" `this` when you create a callback inside a method. Wren does what you want here and retains the reference to the original object. (In technical terms, a function's closure includes `this`. Wren can do this because it makes a distinction between methods and functions.) ### Implicit `this` Using `this.` every time you want to call a method on yourself works, but it's tedious and verbose, which is why some languages don't require it. You can do a "self send" by calling a method (or getter or setter) without any explicit receiver: :::wren class Unicorn { name { "Francis" } printName() { System.print(name) //> Francis } } Code like this gets tricky when there is also a variable outside of the class with the same name. Consider: :::wren var name = "variable" class Unicorn { name { "Francis" } printName() { System.print(name) // ??? } } Should `printName()` print "variable" or "Francis"? A method body has a foot in each of two worlds. It is surrounded by the lexical scope where it's defined in the program, but it also has the object scope of the methods on `this`. Which scope wins? Every language has to decide how to handle this and there is a surprising plethora of approaches. Wren's approach to resolving a name inside a method works like this: 1. If there is a local variable inside the method with that name, that wins. 2. Else, if the name starts with a lowercase letter, treat it like a method on `this`. 3. Otherwise, look for a variable with that name in the surrounding scope. So, in the above example, we hit case #2 and it prints "Francis". Distinguishing self sends from outer variables based on the *case* of the first letter in the name probably seems crazy but it works surprisingly well. Method names are lowercase in Wren. Class names are capitalized. Most of the time, when you're in a method and want to access a name from outside of the class, it's usually the name of some other class. This rule makes that work. Here's an example that shows all three cases: :::wren var shadowed = "surrounding" var lowercase = "surrounding" var Capitalized = "surrounding" class Scope { shadowed { "object" } lowercase { "object" } Capitalized { "object" } test() { var shadowed = "local" System.print(shadowed) //> local System.print(lowercase) //> object System.print(Capitalized) //> surrounding } } It's a bit of a strange rule, but Ruby works more or less the same way. ## Constructors We've seen how to define kinds of objects and how to declare methods on them. Our unicorns can prance around, but we don't actually *have* any unicorns to do it. To create *instances* of a class, we need a *constructor*. You define one like so: :::wren class Unicorn { construct new(name, color) { System.print("My name is " + name + " and I am " + color + ".") } } The `construct` keyword says we're defining a constructor, and `new` is its name. In Wren, all constructors have names. The word "new" isn't special to Wren, it's just a common constructor name. To make a unicorn now, we call the constructor method on the class itself: :::wren var fred = Unicorn.new("Fred", "palomino") Giving constructors names is handy because it means you can have more than one, and each can clarify how it creates the instance: :::wren class Unicorn { construct brown(name) { System.print("My name is " + name + " and I am brown.") } } var dave = Unicorn.brown("Dave") Note that we have to declare a constructor because, unlike some other languages, Wren doesn't give you a default one. This is useful because some classes aren't designed to be constructed. If you have an abstract base class that just contains methods to be inherited by other classes, it doesn't need and won't have a constructor. Like other methods, constructors can obviously have arguments, and can be overloaded by [arity](#signature). A constructor *must* be a named method with a (possibly empty) argument list. Operators, getters, and setters cannot be constructors. A constructor is actually a pair of methods. You get a method on the class: :::wren Unicorn.brown("Dave") That creates the new instance, then it invokes the *initializer* on that instance. This is where the constructor body you defined gets run. This distinction is important because it means inside the body of the constructor, you can access `this`, assign [fields](#fields), call superclass constructors, etc. ## Fields All state stored in instances is stored in *fields*. Each field has a name that starts with an underscore. :::wren class Rectangle { area { _width * _height } // Other stuff... } Here, `_width` and `_height` in the `area` [getter](classes.html#methods) refer to fields on the rectangle instance. You can think of them like `this.width` and `this.height` in other languages. When a field name appears, Wren looks for the nearest enclosing class and looks up the field on the instance of that class. Field names cannot be used outside of an instance method. They *can* be used inside a [function](functions.html) in a method. Wren will look outside any nested functions until it finds an enclosing method. Unlike [variables](variables.html), fields are implicitly declared by simply assigning to them. If you access a field before it has been initialized, its value is `null`. ### Encapsulation All fields are *private* in Wren—an object's fields can only be directly accessed from within methods defined on the object's class. You cannot even access fields on another instance of your own class, unlike C++ and Java. If you want to make a property of an object visible, you need to define a getter to expose it: :::wren class Rectangle { width { _width } height { _height } // ... } To allow outside code to modify the field, you'll also need to provide setters: :::wren class Rectangle { width=(value) { _width = value } height=(value) { _height = value } } One thing we've learned in the past forty years of software engineering is that encapsulating state tends to make code easier to maintain, so Wren defaults to keeping your object's state pretty tightly bundled up. Don't feel that you have to or even should define getters or setters for most of your object's fields. ## Metaclasses and static members **TODO** ### Static fields A name that starts with *two* underscores is a *static* field. They work similar to [fields](#fields) except the data is stored on the class itself, and not the instance. They can be used in *both* instance and static methods. :::wren class Foo { construct new() {} static setFromStatic(a) { __a = a } setFromInstance(a) { __a = a } static printFromStatic() { System.print(__a) } printFromInstance() { System.print(__a) } } Just like instance fields, static fields are initially `null`: :::wren Foo.printFromStatic() //> null They can be used from static methods: :::wren Foo.setFromStatic("first") Foo.bar.printFromStatic() //> first And also instance methods. When you do so, there is still only one static field shared among all instances of the class: :::wren var foo1 = Foo.new() var foo2 = Foo.new() foo1.setFromInstance("second") foo2.printFromInstance() //> second ## Inheritance A class can inherit from a "parent" or *superclass*. When you invoke a method on an object of some class, if it can't be found, it walks up the chain of superclasses looking for it there. By default, any new class inherits from `Object`, which is the superclass from which all other classes ultimately descend. You can specify a different parent class using `is` when you declare the class: :::wren class Pegasus is Unicorn {} This declares a new class `Pegasus` that inherits from `Unicorn`. Note that you should not create classes that inherit from the built-in types (Bool, Num, String, Range, List). The built-in types expect their internal bit representation to be very specific and get horribly confused when you invoke one of the inherited built-in methods on the derived type. The metaclass hierarchy does *not* parallel the regular class hierarchy. So, if `Pegasus` inherits from `Unicorn`, `Pegasus`'s metaclass will not inherit from `Unicorn`'s metaclass. In more prosaic terms, this means that static methods are not inherited. :::wren class Unicorn { // Unicorns cannot fly. :( static canFly { false } } class Pegasus is Unicorn {} Pegasus.canFly //! Static methods are not inherited. This also means constructors are not inherited: :::wren class Unicorn { construct new(name) { System.print("My name is " + name + ".") } } class Pegasus is Unicorn {} Pegasus.new("Fred") //! Pegasus does not define new(). Each class gets to control how it may be constructed independently of its base classes. However, constructor *initializers* are inherited since those are instance methods on the new object. This means you can do `super` calls inside a constructor: :::wren class Unicorn { construct new(name) { System.print("My name is " + name + ".") } } class Pegasus is Unicorn { construct new(name) { super(name) } } Pegasus.new("Fred") //> My name is Fred ## Super **TODO: Integrate better into page. Should explain this before mentioning super above.** Sometimes you want to invoke a method on yourself, but using methods defined in one of your [superclasses](classes.html#inheritance). You typically do this in an overridden method when you want to access the original method being overridden. To do that, you can use the special `super` keyword as the receiver in a method call: :::wren class Base { method() { System.print("base method") } } class Derived is Base { method() { super.method() //> base method } } You can also use `super` without a method name inside a constructor to invoke a base class constructor: :::wren class Base { construct new(arg) { System.print("base got " + arg) } } class Derived is Base { construct new() { super("value") //> base got value } } Concurrency → ← Functions