^title Num Class ## Static Methods ### Num.**fromString**(value) Attempts to parse `value` as a decimal literal and return it as an instance of `Num`. If the number cannot be parsed `null` will be returned. It is a runtime error if `value` is not a string. ### Num.**pi** The value of π. ### Num.**largest** The largest representable numeric value. ### Num.**smallest** The smallest positive representable numeric value. ## Methods ### **abs** The absolute value of the number. :::wren System.print( (-123).abs ) //> 123 ### **acos** The arc cosine of the number. ### **asin** The arc sine of the number. ### **atan** The arc tangent of the number. ### **atan**(x) The arc tangent of the number when divided by `x`, using the signs of the two numbers to determine the quadrant of the result. ### **ceil** Rounds the number up to the nearest integer. :::wren System.print(1.5.ceil) //> 2 System.print((-3.2).ceil) //> -3 ### **cos** The cosine of the number. ### **floor** Rounds the number down to the nearest integer. :::wren System.print(1.5.floor) //> 1 System.print((-3.2).floor) //> -4 ### **isInfinity** Whether the number is positive or negative infinity or not. :::wren System.print(99999.isInfinity) //> false System.print((1/0).isInfinity) //> true ### **isInteger** Whether the number is an integer or has some fractional component. :::wren System.print(2.isInteger) //> true System.print(2.3.isInteger) //> false ### **isNan** Whether the number is [not a number](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN). This is `false` for normal number values and infinities, and `true` for the result of `0/0`, the square root of a negative number, etc. ### **log** The natural logarithm of the number. ### **pow**(power) Raises this number (the base) to `power`. Returns `nan` if the base is negative. ### **sin** The sine of the number. ### **sqrt** The square root of the number. Returns `nan` if the number is negative. ### **tan** The tangent of the number. ### **-** operator Negates the number. :::wren var a = 123 System.print(-a) //> -123 ### **-**(other), **+**(other), **/**(other), **\***(other) operators The usual arithmetic operators you know and love. All of them do 64-bit floating point arithmetic. It is a runtime error if the right-hand operand is not a number. Wren doesn't roll with implicit conversions. ### **%**(denominator) operator The floating-point remainder of this number divided by `denominator`. It is a runtime error if `denominator` is not a number. ### **<**(other), **>**(other), **<=**(other), **>=**(other) operators Compares this and `other`, returning `true` or `false` based on how the numbers are ordered. It is a runtime error if `other` is not a number. ### **~** operator Performs *bitwise* negation on the number. The number is first converted to a 32-bit unsigned value, which will truncate any floating point value. The bits of the result of that are then negated, yielding the result. ### **&**(other) operator Performs bitwise and on the number. Both numbers are first converted to 32-bit unsigned values. The result is then a 32-bit unsigned number where each bit is `true` only where the corresponding bits of both inputs were `true`. It is a runtime error if `other` is not a number. ### **|**(other) operator Performs bitwise or on the number. Both numbers are first converted to 32-bit unsigned values. The result is then a 32-bit unsigned number where each bit is `true` only where the corresponding bits of one or both inputs were `true`. It is a runtime error if `other` is not a number. ### **..**(other) operator Creates a [Range](range.html) representing a consecutive range of numbers from the beginning number to the ending number. :::wren var range = 1.2..3.4 System.print(range.min) //> 1.2 System.print(range.max) //> 3.4 System.print(range.isInclusive) //> true ### **...**(other) operator Creates a [Range](range.html) representing a consecutive range of numbers from the beginning number to the ending number not including the ending number. :::wren var range = 1.2...3.4 System.print(range.min) //> 1.2 System.print(range.max) //> 3.4 System.print(range.isInclusive) //> false