^title Values Values are the built-in atomic object types that all other objects are composed of. They can be created through *literals*, expressions that evaluate to a value. All values are *immutable*—once created, they do not change. The number `3` is always the number `3`. The string `"frozen"` can never have its character array modified in place. ## Booleans A boolean value represents truth or falsehood. There are two boolean literals, `true` and `false`. Their class is [Bool][]. [bool]: modules/core/bool.html ## Numbers Like other scripting languages, Wren has a single numeric type: double-precision floating point. Number literals look like you expect coming from other languages: :::wren 0 1234 -5678 3.14159 1.0 -12.34 Numbers are instances of the [Num][] class. [num]: modules/core/num.html ## Strings A string is an array of bytes. Typically, they store characters encoded in UTF-8, but you can put any byte values in there, even zero or invalid UTF-8 sequences. (You might have some trouble *printing* the latter to your terminal, though.) String literals are surrounded in double quotes: :::wren "hi there" A handful of escape characters are supported: :::wren "\0" // The NUL byte: 0. "\"" // A double quote character. "\\" // A backslash. "\%" // A percent sign. "\a" // Alarm beep. (Who uses this?) "\b" // Backspace. "\f" // Formfeed. "\n" // Newline. "\r" // Carriage return. "\t" // Tab. "\v" // Vertical tab. A `\u` followed by four hex digits can be used to specify a Unicode code point: :::wren System.print("\u0041\u0b83\u00DE") //> AஃÞ A capital `\U` followed by *eight* hex digits allows Unicode code points outside of the basic multilingual plane, like all-important emoji: :::wren System.print("\U0001F64A\U0001F680") //> 🙊🚀 A `\x` followed by two hex digits specifies a single unencoded byte: :::wren System.print("\x48\x69\x2e") //> Hi. Strings are instances of class [String][]. [string]: modules/core/string.html ### Interpolation String literals also allow *interpolation*. If you have a percent sign (`%`) followed by a parenthesized expression, the expression is evaluated. The resulting object's `toString` method is called and the result is inserted in the string: :::wren System.print("Math %(3 + 4 * 5) is fun!") //> Math 23 is fun! Arbitrarily complex expressions are allowed inside the parentheses: :::wren System.print("wow %((1..3).map {|n| n * n}.join())") //> wow 149 An interpolated expression can even contain a string literal which in turn has its own nested interpolations, but doing that gets unreadable pretty quickly. ## Ranges A range is a little object that represents a consecutive range of numbers. They don't have their own dedicated literal syntax. Instead, the number class implements the `..` and `...` [operators][] to create them: [operators]: method-calls.html#operators :::wren 3..8 This creates a range from three to eight, including eight itself. If you want a half-inclusive range, use `...`: :::wren 4...6 This creates a range from four to six *not* including six itself. Ranges are commonly used for [iterating](control-flow.html#for-statements) over a sequences of numbers, but are useful in other places too. You can pass them to a [list](lists.html)'s subscript operator to return a subset of the list, for example: :::wren var list = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] var slice = list[1..3] System.print(slice) //> [b, c, d] Their class is [Range][]. [range]: modules/core/range.html ## Null Wren has a special value `null`, which is the only instance of the class [Null][]. (Note the difference in case.) It functions a bit like `void` in some languages: it indicates the absence of a value. If you call a method that doesn't return anything and get its returned value, you get `null` back. [null]: modules/core/null.html Lists → ← Syntax