-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game -- http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ -- contributed by Mike Pall local function fannkuch(n) local p, q, s, sign, maxflips, sum = {}, {}, {}, 1, 0, 0 for i=1,n do p[i] = i; q[i] = i; s[i] = i end repeat -- Copy and flip. local q1 = p[1] -- Cache 1st element. if q1 ~= 1 then for i=2,n do q[i] = p[i] end -- Work on a copy. local flips = 1 repeat local qq = q[q1] if qq == 1 then -- ... until 1st element is 1. sum = sum + sign*flips if flips > maxflips then maxflips = flips end -- New maximum? break end q[q1] = q1 if q1 >= 4 then local i, j = 2, q1 - 1 repeat q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]; i = i + 1; j = j - 1; until i >= j end q1 = qq; flips = flips + 1 until false end -- Permute. if sign == 1 then p[2], p[1] = p[1], p[2]; sign = -1 -- Rotate 1<-2. else p[2], p[3] = p[3], p[2]; sign = 1 -- Rotate 1<-2 and 1<-2<-3. for i=3,n do local sx = s[i] if sx ~= 1 then s[i] = sx-1; break end if i == n then return sum, maxflips end -- Out of permutations. s[i] = i -- Rotate 1<-...<-i+1. local t = p[1]; for j=1,i do p[j] = p[j+1] end; p[i+1] = t end end until false end local n = 9 local sum, flips = fannkuch(n) io.write(sum, "\nPfannkuchen(", n, ") = ", flips, "\n")